
I'm a nobody

If there was one thing that Sehun hated more than school, it was people. Hated them. Except from his grandmother... throw Baekhyun in there whilst we're at it. 

It's true though, Sehun just hated people, he hated socialising and having to work with people who he would never speak to on a daily basis or who, in the past, threw taunts at him because of the way he is. The school was suppose to create a brotherhood between the students. Sehun was trying his hardest to stay out of this brotherhood. 


"I just don't see how you could have passed the test, it was near impossible!" Baekhyun exclaimed, he and Sehun walking out of class and down the hall 
"It was easy" Sehun replied with a shrug of his shoulders whilst Baekhyun stared at him wide eyed 
"Easy? Easy? The majority of the class failed, you were the only one to get a decent grade" he said and it was true. When it mostly came to exams and coursework, Sehun was a boss at it! Even though he never studied for anything, he always ended up getting better grades than those who studied their asses of... which frustrated Baekhyun a lot!

"Watch it" a guy said, deliberately walking into Baekhyun and nearly pushed him on the floor as he and his friend walked past laughing 
"You alright?" Sehun asked, catching Baekhyun to stop him falling on the floor and glared at the guy who had bumped into him 
"Yeah I'm fine... let's go before we're late" Baekhyun replied and dragged Sehun down the hall before he could do anything. 

Like Sehun has his problems. Baekhyun has his own. When he first arrived at the school, he tried to talk to people but nobody would speak to him, they all just avoided him or told him to go away. Unlike Sehun, Baekhyun joined a year earlier and so spent his first year at the school as a loner and had to put up with other students bullying him. Others pitied him but he didn't want that; he just wanted one friend. 

When Sehun came along the next year, Baekhyun was at first hesitant to go speak to him. What if he already had friends? What if he told Baekhyun to go away and leave him alone? It took a few days for Baekhyun to gather up enough courage and to see Sehun constantly sitting by himself before he finally went over to speak to him. Like I said; Baekhyun is a stubborn and determined person. He was set out to make Sehun his friend and wouldn't take no for an answer!!


The one negative of having to take science was that every so often the teachers were to set mini projects and divide their students into pairs or groups, this meant for Sehun that at some point he was going to be put with someone who was not Baekhyun and he was expected to... socialise...

"Right class, it's come to the time whereby I set you of to complete yet another project" the teacher announced and was met with groans from the class, Baekhyun turning around to face Sehun and give him a look as if to say "Please let us be together". Alas though, it was not to be. To Baekhyun's dismay, and Sehun's surprisingly, he was put with some guy who Baekhyun swore had tried to lock him in a locker last year. As for Sehun? He had to wait towards the end to find out who he was working with.

"Sehun will be with... Luhan" the teacher said and carried on with his pairings. On the outside, Sehun didn't do so much as to raise an eyebrow. On the inside though he was not impressed. Seriously? Luhan? Why couldn't he have been paired with someone else? Anyone apart from that guy? Looking over, Sehun could see Luhan staring at him and when the two made eye contact Luhan smiled but all Sehun did was glare at him before turning his attenton back to the front. This action made Luhan frown... did he do something to make Sehun angry at him? 


"Seriously, what is the matter with you?" Luhan asked moodily 
"Whatever do you mean?" Sehun replied, making Luhan sigh. The two of them were spending the rest of the afternoon in the library trying to start their project. What it actually turned out to be was Luhan trying to start any type of conversation with Sehun so they could discuss the work and instead, Sehun ignoring him and just glared at him. 

"Why are you acting like I've done something to offend you? If I have tell me!" Luhan exclaimed 
"You should know pretty well what you did" Sehun replied but Luhan didn't, he honestly didn't!  

"I really don't" was Luhan's reply which Sehun didn't really like as he sighed and shook his head 
"It doesn't matter" he muttered and got up to look for a book whilst Luhan followed him. This was starting to annoy him now; Sehun was acting all funny with him and expected Luhan to know why he was moody when he didn't! He honestly did not know what he had physically done to make Sehun so angry at him. 

"I wish you would stop following me around like that, you look like a lost puppy" Sehun said and Luhan was not sure if he was trying to act funny there because the way in which it was spoken suggested otherwise. Like seriously... what is his problem? 
"Look" Luhan began and shoved himself in the space between the bookshelf and Sehun so the two of them were eye to eye.

"I don't even know why you're moody with me. If you don't want to tell me fine but cut the attitude. You may not like me but we're partners for this project so I suggest we leave our arguments until the end. I don't want to waste a good grade arguing with you" he finished 
"And I don't want to waste a good grade by working with you... yet here we are" Sehun replied, the expression on his unreadable as he walked back to the table and Luhan stood there gawking at him. What was that suppose to mean? Had he indirectly just insulted Luhan? This was going to be a long afternoon... 

Wassup guys!!

So, I decided to update today because I sort of have an idea on how this is going to go and for some parts I had a huge inspiration cloud when I was at school earlier so hopefully it all works out. 

And why do you guys think Luhan did something to Sehun to land him where he is today? You've only seen Sehun's side so far, we need to go to Luhan's (if possible) and go back to the actual event and past stuff as well. 

Until the next chapter!!

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EXO-l_army1 #1
Chapter 49: this fic was sooo good! I can actually relate to sehun's old self~! But anyways this fic's end was pretty good! *thumbs up*
ChocoChen21 #3
Chapter 28: Finally BAEKYEOL is official!!!

oh, and Luhan is slowly going in Sehun's life~

I also walked in on a "confession" scene of a friend XD
I was singing Growl at the top of my lungs.... why didnt hear me, i never knew XD
ChocoChen21 #4

I WAS SO CLOSE TO CURSING MY TEACHER but i had to cool mah self down so i wont get expelled >3<

I hate math too.... so yeah hahaha

Well then.... i envy Baekhyun here too....
ChocoChen21 #5
Chapter 10: Ok even thoug i just commemted a few minutes ago, i cant stop *^*
Waaaah~ sehun gwaenchana~ uljimayo huhuhu TT3TT

God how dumb can his dad get? I can feel the pain ahfhdjsnxjdja

Yes luhan , go after your bae and help him, i dont like it when the maknae of exo cries, infact i dont like it when anyone cties TT TT
ChocoChen21 #6
Chapter 9: Ok why did i just read this story now?? I feel so stupid....

Ok, for the past hour reading chap 1-8, here are my thoughts:
>i know how sehun feels sometimes... whenever i was depressed i had a blade in my hand.... but i never cut myself.... just stare at it.... then sometimes just press it against my wrist, not too hard at least...
>im same with baek too, i approach people who look alone and make them my friends (like this school year :3)
>i like how Sehun teases Luhan hahaha XD "Han~ Han~" hahaha
>chanyeol chanyeol chanyeol..... what are we going to do to you xD, and baekhyun is just like "please notice me senpai~ please notice meee~~"
>Jungmo you little er!!! Want me to hit you instead?!? ONE MEASLEY KICK IN THE BALLS AND I CAN MAKE YOU CRY FOR YOUR MOMMY!!!

Ah yeah hahaha sorry for the curses ^3^
And im loving the story right now, byeeee~~
ai_nuru #7
Chapter 40: I tried to understand, but seriously I can't. I don't the part when Luhan start falling for Sehun. I mean, just like that? I don't see something fluff in here, all I know, it's all about sehun's family and how much important Baekhyun was for Sehun, I couldn't find HunHan =[ Sorry but yeah you did a great job for be an author ^^
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 46: YOU RUSHED THROUGH IT ! so much stuff unexplained , how did luhan fall for sehun without showing ? Why sehun kissed and have no feelings ?
manolita #9
Chapter 46: OMG HUNHAN FINALLY ;;;;;;