Entry number: 03

I'm a nobody

Entry number: 03 

I often wonder what it would be like if me and my dad had a relationship like the other guys at the school. I've only seen Baekhyun's dad once and only saw how the two of them were together for a short while... but I even envy them! Like, some nights I just lie there wondering what it would be like if me and my dad had a relationship like they did. That we actually got along. Imagine that D: 

Saying that though, it would be nice if my dad actually came and sat down with me. That the two of us could actually act like father and son instead of gran having to raise me up all the time and dad turning into the workaholic he is... but I guess we can't always have what we want... 


The fight between Sehun and Jungmo was actually the hot topic of the school for the rest of the week. Even Luhan was impressed. When the two of them spent yesterday afternoon in the library, he couldn't help but comment on how Sehun looked as though he could pack a punch like that. He saw Jungmo's earlier that morning and apparently his lips was the size of a golfball! 

At least one positive, if you could think of it that way, came out of the fight. Baekhyun was actually able to speak to Chanyeol without blushing or stuttering. An achievement for the boy if you were to ask him so. 


For the past twenty minutes, Baekhyun had been waiting in the hall for Sehun to come back out. He was worried sick that Sehun was going to get kicked out for defending him
"Curse myself for being so weak" he muttered to himself before he began pacing up and down the hall. Sehun and Jungmo must be in big trouble if the headmaster was keeping them in for that long.

"Baekhyun" came a voice and Baekhyun whipped his head around to see Chanyeol walking towards him. Usually, Baekhyun would have frozen in his steps and turned into a stuttering mess. But not today. He was more worried about his best friend being expelled more than anything else right now. 

"How are you?" Chanyeol asked and Baekhyun nodded
"Fine" he replied and held up his hands 
"Bit scratched up from where Sehun was clawing at me but I'm more worried about him being expelled right now" he added and Chanyeol nodded.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. He was sticking up for you" he said 
"Yeah... he'll be fine" Baekhyun muttered to himself and Chanyeol smiled 
"Trust me, he'll be fine" he said and Baekhyun nodded, smiling back. 

"Chanyeol, you coming or not?" his friend called 
"Coming" Chanyeol called back and turned to Baekhyun 
"I'll see you around" he said and patted Baekhyun on the shoulders, jogging down the hall before stopping and turning back around. 

"He'll be fine" he said and carried on jogging whilst Baekhyun watched him 
"Thank you" he muttered, turning back around to see Jungmo walking down the hall and glared at him before he saw Sehun. Finally!

*end of flashback* 


History. Unless you're a big fan of it, you don't really like sitting there for an hour learning about something which happened way before you're born. Sehun actually liked history. He liked learning about ancient battles and how people lives before technology was around and stuff like that. It was one of the few lessons he actually stayed awake for and pay attention to. It was actually the only lesson he had to wake Baekhyun up.

It was halfway through the lesson where they were just about to get to the good part of some battle in the Middle Ages did the receptionist walk into the room 
"I've been asked to come and get Oh Sehun" she said, making the boy frown whilst Baekhyun nudged him and asked him what she wanted. Sehun didn't know himself. Had the headmaster changed his mind on his punishment. 

"Come along Sehun we don't have all day" she said and with that Sehun gathered his stuff and jumped out of his seat, shooting Baekhyun a glance before he walked out of the class and followed the receptionist down the hall. Walking down, Sehun wondered if when he got there, he was going to expect the headmaster to tell him he had changed his mind before expelling him! What he didn't expect was to walk into the office and find his dad there waiting for him. 

"What are you doing here?" was the first thing he asked and his dad got up from his seat 
"To come to speak to you about the phone call I recieved a few days ago" his dad began 
"What the hell Sehun? What was you thinking?" he asked angrily and Sehun glared at him. So now he cared? Now he comes to see his son only because he got a phone call about a fight. 

"I was defending Baekhyun from a bully" Sehun replied 
"A friend of mine" to which his dad rolled his eyes. 

"So what, this Baek boy cant take care of himself?" he asked 
"He's my friend! You're suppose to stick up for people you care for. But of course, you wouldn't know anything about that" Sehun replied 
"Excuse me?" his dad asked and the headmaster decided to step in, standing up he slowly made his way over to the two. 

"Gentleman, why don't we take this somewhere else? Not meaning to sound rude, but students walk past here and I don't want them hearing anything they shouldn't" he said but sighed when he realised that the other two weren't paying to him. Shaking his head, he sat back down and let the two of them argue it out, deciding to only step in if it got physical. 

"I know what it's like to help someone out that I care about" Sehun's dad said 
"Oh please. You don't even know the meaning of the word care" Sehun replied 
"You've never cared for anyone. You've only cared for yourself ever since mum died" he added, his voice getting louder by the end of the sentence. 

"That is not true! I may not show it but I care about you" his dad said 
"No you don't! If you cared about me you would have never dumped me on gran whilst you went to work and shut yourself away. Not once during my childhood were you there! You weren't there when I first learnt to ride a bike, you weren't there on my first day of school and you weren't there to help me when I felt like no one else could" Sehun shouted at him. 

"I worked to get money for you! After your mum died I was a single parent! I worked to get money to send you to the best school around and provide you with a decent education. I work so you didn't end up having the childhood I had growing up! I work to send you to some of the best counsellors around" his dad shouted back but the glared from Sehun never stopped. 

"Well then you're wasting your money. I don't need to see a counsellor. There is nothing wrong with me" Sehun said 
"Oh grow up and stop denying Sehun. Of course there is something wrong with you! You've never been right. Always being quiet, never interacting with others. You were found on top of a school roof! Need I point out the scars on your wrists?" his dad shouted and the headmaster stood up, worried that Sehun was about to lunge for his dad.

"You know what you" Sehun said 
" you and everyone else in this ed up world. I hope you burn in hell because I won't miss you one ing bit" and with that walked out of the office, slamming the door behind him. Outside, Sehun stood there frowning and rubbed his eyes. Why were they welling up with tears? He shouldn't cry over that man in the office!

Turning to walk back to class, he paused when he saw Luhan standing there looking at him... was that a look of pity? Sehun didn't need his pity. He didn't wan't his pity! 
"Why is it that whenever something happens... you always find a way to crawl into my ing life?" he asked the boy before turning around and running in the opposite direction, Luhan pausing before he ran after him. 

My poor Sehunnie :( 

So next chapter I'm going to try and get the rooftop scene in there so you guys can finally find out why Sehun hates Luhan so freaking much. If I can't then it'll be the chapter after that. When you finally find out what's going on it will then be focusing on Sehun... I won't say getting better... but you know what I mean. Then there's Hunhan and Baekyeol and of course, more drama to come. 

Until then!!


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EXO-l_army1 #1
Chapter 49: this fic was sooo good! I can actually relate to sehun's old self~! But anyways this fic's end was pretty good! *thumbs up*
ChocoChen21 #3
Chapter 28: Finally BAEKYEOL is official!!!

oh, and Luhan is slowly going in Sehun's life~

I also walked in on a "confession" scene of a friend XD
I was singing Growl at the top of my lungs.... why didnt hear me, i never knew XD
ChocoChen21 #4

I WAS SO CLOSE TO CURSING MY TEACHER but i had to cool mah self down so i wont get expelled >3<

I hate math too.... so yeah hahaha

Well then.... i envy Baekhyun here too....
ChocoChen21 #5
Chapter 10: Ok even thoug i just commemted a few minutes ago, i cant stop *^*
Waaaah~ sehun gwaenchana~ uljimayo huhuhu TT3TT

God how dumb can his dad get? I can feel the pain ahfhdjsnxjdja

Yes luhan , go after your bae and help him, i dont like it when the maknae of exo cries, infact i dont like it when anyone cties TT TT
ChocoChen21 #6
Chapter 9: Ok why did i just read this story now?? I feel so stupid....

Ok, for the past hour reading chap 1-8, here are my thoughts:
>i know how sehun feels sometimes... whenever i was depressed i had a blade in my hand.... but i never cut myself.... just stare at it.... then sometimes just press it against my wrist, not too hard at least...
>im same with baek too, i approach people who look alone and make them my friends (like this school year :3)
>i like how Sehun teases Luhan hahaha XD "Han~ Han~" hahaha
>chanyeol chanyeol chanyeol..... what are we going to do to you xD, and baekhyun is just like "please notice me senpai~ please notice meee~~"
>Jungmo you little er!!! Want me to hit you instead?!? ONE MEASLEY KICK IN THE BALLS AND I CAN MAKE YOU CRY FOR YOUR MOMMY!!!

Ah yeah hahaha sorry for the curses ^3^
And im loving the story right now, byeeee~~
ai_nuru #7
Chapter 40: I tried to understand, but seriously I can't. I don't the part when Luhan start falling for Sehun. I mean, just like that? I don't see something fluff in here, all I know, it's all about sehun's family and how much important Baekhyun was for Sehun, I couldn't find HunHan =[ Sorry but yeah you did a great job for be an author ^^
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 46: YOU RUSHED THROUGH IT ! so much stuff unexplained , how did luhan fall for sehun without showing ? Why sehun kissed and have no feelings ?
manolita #9
Chapter 46: OMG HUNHAN FINALLY ;;;;;;