Silent treatment

I'm a nobody

Whilst things were going well for Baekhyun, the same couldn't be said for Sehun. 

Ever since the argument he and Luhan had, the two of them weren't exactly on the best of speaking terms right now. Heck, the two didn't even acknowledge each others existence. Before the argument, Luhan would always smile or wave to Sehun in the halls and never use to care if Sehun ignored him or just nodded back to him. Now? Luhan just looked the other way or glared back at Sehun. Two could play at his game!

It didn't help that the two of them weren't on the best of terms right now and they still had a project to do. So, afternoons after lessons were spent in the library just getting on with it, neither speaking to each other unless they had to ask questions about the work. Which wasn't much. 

This went on for almost two weeks after the argument. The two of them just didn't wan't to speak to each other. Well... slowly, ever so slowly, this began to bug Luhan. He hated it whenever he had an argument with someone and they didn't speak to him for ages. Hence he never really argued with anybody. Sehun not speaking to him and only sending him glares was starting to bug him. He didn't want to be the first one to crack but this was beginning to annoy him greatly!


"How far are you on your stuff?" Luhan asked, being only met with Sehun skidding some papers across the table to him so he could have a look. He wasn't going to be speaking anytime soon. Sighing, Luhan took the papers to look through them before he handed them back to Sehun. 

"You forgot a part" he said and Sehun shrugged his shoulders 
"Fix it then" he replied 
"But this is your section of the work I asked you to do" Luhan said and Sehun rolled his eyes. 

"Well I am kind of busy with other stuff here. You do it, you're not doing much" he replied and it continued like this for a minute or two before Luhan gave up and snatched the work back from Sehun. 

"Fine have it your way" he muttered whilst Sehun sat there with a satisfied grin on his face 
"I always get my way" he replied whilst Luhan glared at him. Oh, it was always fun whenever he had the chance to annoy the boy. 


"Ah Baekki" came a voice, making Baekhyun groan as he turned around and saw JungMo walking towards him with a few friends of his 
"What?" Baekhyun asked, surprising himself at his attitude; usually he was terrified out of his skin whenever JungMo approached him. 

"Oh, picked up an attitude have we?" JungMo asked but Baekhyun said nothing as JungMo walked up to him 
"You know, because of your little friend, I'm having to waste my Saturday's in dentention" he began 
"Well it's kind of your fault" Baekhyun muttered and JungMo shook his head. 

"And it's kind of yours. As I recall, we actually have some unfinished business" he replied and pushed Baekhyun who didn't do anything back. He didn't want everyone circling and watching like they did last time. He most certainly didn't want Sehun fighting for him again and seriously risk expulsion once again. 

"Not going to do anything?" JungMo asked, pushing Baekhyun again who only shook his head whilst JungMo sighed 
"So weak" he muttered before pushing Baekhyun up against the wall 
"Guess it'll make this easier" he added and raised his fist whilst Baekhyun closed his eyes and waited for the impact. 

"Hey!" came a voice as Baekhyun looked to see Chanyeol walking down the hall 
"Leave him alone" he said as JungMo let go of Baekhyun 
"Waste of time anyway" he muttered and with that, let go of Baekhyun before walking away. 

"Are you alright?" Chanyeol asked, quickly walking over to check on Baekhyun 
"Y-yeah... I'm fine" he replied and bowed his head whilst walking away and holding his face which was starting to blush again... he seriously had to stop himself from blushing whenever Chanyeol was around! 


He even called me childish! Me. Childish? Yeah right! He just doesn't like the fact that as of now I'm giving him the silent treatment. Why should I talk to him? I don't like him. I will never like him. Geez... why can't he just leave me alone? 

"Do you think I should go find him to say thank you? What if he thinks I was being rude?" Baekhyun asked whilst Sehun shut his journal and shrugged his shoulders. For the past two hours he had been in the library doing homework and finishing his section of the project so he didn't have to be around Luhan any longer. Forty minutes ago, Baekhyun had joined him in the library to do his own work, telling Sehun about his incident with JungMo and how Chanyeol had come to help him. 

"Do whatever you want" Sehun replied, going back to his work whilst Baekhyun sighed 
"Thanks, great advice right there" he replied whilst Sehun rolled his eyes. No offense to the boy, but he had work to do. He had been in the library for two hours now and he wanted to give up yes, but if he did he would only leave his homework until last minute to finish. He didn't want to stay up late at night and not get to sleep until early in the morning. No offense to Baekhyun, but his so called love life with Chanyeol would have to wait. 

"I have work to do. I would love to help you out but I need to do this. If you're so concerned about whether you were being rude to him, go find him and apologise" Sehun said and Baekhyun sighed 
"It's always work with you. Why can't you just skip out of work for one day? We could be going out and enjoying ourselves! Go watch a movie or something" he said. 

"Like I said, I have work to do. If I get it all done I don't have to do it last minute like other people around here do" Sehun replied and got back to his homework 
"We're friends Sehun. Friends usually go out on the weekends instead of spending their time in the library" Baekhyun replied. 

"Well my Saturdays are kind of being taken up with detentions I got for saving your " Sehun replied and Baekhyun gawked at him. Did he just blame him for something he chose to do of his own will? 

"Hey! Don't blame me for this. You could've just left me alone to fight JungMo for myself" he said and Sehun stared at him 
"Let's be real here Baekhyun, could you have fought JungMo?" he asked and Baekhyun's eyes widened 
"Are you calling me a wimp?" he asked 
"I never implied it" Sehun replied, going back to his work, hoping that Baekhyun would drop it but he was far from doing so. 

"Are you in a mood because of Luhan?" he asked 
"Whatever makes you think that?"
"Don't do that" Baekhyun said moodily and Sehun blinked at him 
"Don't do what?" he asked, causing Baekhyun to roll his eyes. 

"Answering me sarcastically like you do to other people when they piss you off" he replied 
"But I'm not. I'm trying to do work here and all you're worried about is whether you should just go and apologise to a guy who is oblivious to the fact that you like him" Sehun explained. 

"So what you're saying is that I should just leave you alone instead of speaking to you about my problems?" Baekhyun asked and Sehun shrugged his shoulders 
"In a way... yes" he replied whilst Baekhyun scoffed 
"Unbelievable" he muttered. 

"So you don't like the fact that I wan't to talk you about my problems and yet everyday I'm here helping you with yours?" Baekhyun asked whilst Sehun sighed 
"That's not what I-"
"Oh no! Everything at the moment has to be about you because you were an idiot and did all that stuff to you before you ended up on the roof. Everything is about you because you're seeing a counsellor. Everything is always about you" Baekhyun interrupted.

"Well if you don't like it don't hang around with me anymore" Sehun said, getting just as moody as Baekhyun was now 
"But I'm your friend! I've been there for you since the beginning of it all! All I want is for you to help me out once in a while" Baekhyun exclaimed 
"Boys! This is a library" the librarian snapped at them, the two of them muttering apologies and going silent before they began speaking again. 

"What's gotten your kinckers in a twist today?" Sehun asked 
"You! I always have to sit here and listen to your tales of woe and yet whenever I try to talk to you about something that's bothering me you either change the subject or just shove the comment away" Baekhyun began.

"You always expect me to listen and yet when I try to say something you ignore me. Yes your life has been hard but remember that you're not the only one here who's had a hard life" he finished, gathering his stuff up and walking out of the library, leaving Sehun sat there feeling like quite the fool and bad friend he was acting like at this moment in time... 

And I'm not really happy with this chapter :S 
Everything I had wanted to write in the chapter... I kind of forgot about :S 
But I'm hoping the next few chapters will make up for it... 

Also, I've devised a writting system. I usually update everyday if I can but because I'm so close to exams, updates will probably be Fridays and the weekend so please bare with me on that. 

Finally... Baekhyun and Sehun sounded like a right married couple in the last part of this chapter didn't they? 

Until the next chapter!! 

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EXO-l_army1 #1
Chapter 49: this fic was sooo good! I can actually relate to sehun's old self~! But anyways this fic's end was pretty good! *thumbs up*
ChocoChen21 #3
Chapter 28: Finally BAEKYEOL is official!!!

oh, and Luhan is slowly going in Sehun's life~

I also walked in on a "confession" scene of a friend XD
I was singing Growl at the top of my lungs.... why didnt hear me, i never knew XD
ChocoChen21 #4

I WAS SO CLOSE TO CURSING MY TEACHER but i had to cool mah self down so i wont get expelled >3<

I hate math too.... so yeah hahaha

Well then.... i envy Baekhyun here too....
ChocoChen21 #5
Chapter 10: Ok even thoug i just commemted a few minutes ago, i cant stop *^*
Waaaah~ sehun gwaenchana~ uljimayo huhuhu TT3TT

God how dumb can his dad get? I can feel the pain ahfhdjsnxjdja

Yes luhan , go after your bae and help him, i dont like it when the maknae of exo cries, infact i dont like it when anyone cties TT TT
ChocoChen21 #6
Chapter 9: Ok why did i just read this story now?? I feel so stupid....

Ok, for the past hour reading chap 1-8, here are my thoughts:
>i know how sehun feels sometimes... whenever i was depressed i had a blade in my hand.... but i never cut myself.... just stare at it.... then sometimes just press it against my wrist, not too hard at least...
>im same with baek too, i approach people who look alone and make them my friends (like this school year :3)
>i like how Sehun teases Luhan hahaha XD "Han~ Han~" hahaha
>chanyeol chanyeol chanyeol..... what are we going to do to you xD, and baekhyun is just like "please notice me senpai~ please notice meee~~"
>Jungmo you little er!!! Want me to hit you instead?!? ONE MEASLEY KICK IN THE BALLS AND I CAN MAKE YOU CRY FOR YOUR MOMMY!!!

Ah yeah hahaha sorry for the curses ^3^
And im loving the story right now, byeeee~~
ai_nuru #7
Chapter 40: I tried to understand, but seriously I can't. I don't the part when Luhan start falling for Sehun. I mean, just like that? I don't see something fluff in here, all I know, it's all about sehun's family and how much important Baekhyun was for Sehun, I couldn't find HunHan =[ Sorry but yeah you did a great job for be an author ^^
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 46: YOU RUSHED THROUGH IT ! so much stuff unexplained , how did luhan fall for sehun without showing ? Why sehun kissed and have no feelings ?
manolita #9
Chapter 46: OMG HUNHAN FINALLY ;;;;;;