
The Promise
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It was the day where Nara and Woohyun promised to watch a movie together. After they’ve watched the movie, they decided to take a walk around the mall for a while. “Where should we go?” asked Nara while walking next to Woohyun. “I know some place~ follow me~” said Woohyun. Nara followed him in curios. After walked for a while, they’re in front of a small arcade in the mall. “An arcade?” asked Nara “yeah~ come on let’s have some fun!” said Woohyun and he grabbed Nara’s hand and bring her into the arcade. “So~ which game should we play first?” asked Woohyun looking at Nara confused face.

“I don’t know~ I’ve never been to arcade before except the place where you guys hangout playing games~” answered Nara while looking around the arcade. “Come on let’s play that~” said Woohyun while pointing to the dance game. “How should I play this thing?” asked Nara “just follow the steps that they show on the screen~” said Woohyun and he inserted the token and the game start. Nara was panicked when the game started. “Oh my god this is so hard!!!” whined Nara. But still, she played it. Woohyun laughed seeing her “stop laughing!” mad Nara but Woohyun keep on laughing seeing her play.

In the end, Nara loses the game. She turned her back and saw Woohyun was laughing at her nonstop. Nara crossed her arms and looked at Woohyun furiously. Woohyun stop laughing and saw Nara was looking at him while raising her eyebrows. “What?” asked Woohyun while wiped his tears from laughing too much. “How about you try it?” asked Nara. “Alright no problem~” said Woohyun. Nara went down and let Woohyun play the game. “im going to insert the coin~” said Nara and she inserted the coin. When the game started, Woohyun played the game without hesitation. Nara watched him carefully *he’s good* thought Nara.

After the game ended, Woohyun scored way better than Nara. “im the winner~” proud Woohyun and spreads his arms widely while smiling. “im going to play that again.. im going to score better than you~” said Nara and went to play the game again. “Good luck~” said Woohyun while standing watching her. This time, Nara doesn’t hesitate to play because she already knows how to play it.

“im going to win this okay~” said Nara while playing. “Stop talking and focus on the game~” Woohyun shook his head smiling. Well, unfortunately after Nara ended the game, her scores is lower than Woohyun just two more digits she will beat him. “awwww I wanna win so bad~” pouted Nara. Woohyun went to her and ruffled her hair. “haish” annoyed Nara and fix her hair. “hey, don’t be mad~ at least you’re better than before~” Woohyun tried to cheer her up. “I know but you laughed at me and im embarrassed by that~” pouted Nara and lowered her head. “Come on~ I’ll give you some prizes~” said Woohyun. He took her to the crane machined game.

“yah, this game is hard~ I played it once and it took all of my money just because of one teddy bear~” said Nara “that’s you~ well, the Woohyun that you know is ace on this game~” said Woohyun praising himself. “Which one do you want?” asked Woohyun “the brown teddy bear~” pointed Nara “alright~ wait for a while and I’ll get you this thing~” said Woohyun as he pressed the button trying to move the crane on the teddy bear. Nara was watching him in focus while Woohyun was too focus on the game till he frowned deeper. Well, to Nara surprised Woohyun got the teddy bear with his first try.

“assa! I got it!” cheered Woohyun. He took out the teddy bear and give it to Nara “for you~” said Woohyun. Nara took the teddy bear and smiled. “Wow~ you’re good~ anyways, thanks!” said Nara “should we play other games?” asked Woohyun. Nara nodded “let’s go~” said Nara. they both played many games in the arcade. They had so much fun in there together. After played so much in t

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Chapter 26: Aww hahaha . B-bomb serve you right for always making nara cry . Hehehe . Goodjob authornim
tamariska_jason2320 #2
Chapter 26: Serves you right for threathing nara so badly minhyuk! You deserved to be threated like strangers haha..
Chapter 26: Yessssss. WooNa? /laughs/ or should the ship be called WooRa? Ah well♡
Chapter 13: Someone kill that yura besh. Or make her bald with cancer. Seriously. I hate characters like that
Chapter 12: Her parents and minhyuk's parents.. tsktsk. Smh. Theyre so bloody clueless
Chapter 26: loved this fic ... read it start to finish in a day <3 ... amazing story and i loveeeed the ending x
Chapter 26: The end is sad+happy ending
Happy for woohyun and nara
sad for minhyuk
niena98 #8
Chapter 25: AWww... too bad that this fic is going to end soon.. but please make a good ending author-nim!! I will miss woohyun in this story~ he's so cute and soo sweet. Have a good day and update soon!!~♥
niena98 #9
Chapter 16: Please update soon!! I can't wait anymore!! Please be nice to Nara~
Chapter 4: update soon ~~ i love this fanfic jjang ! (y)