
The Promise
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A few days later, while Nara and Woohyun was talking in the class, their class teacher entered the class suddenly. “students I want everyone to keep quiet because I have an announcement~” said Mr.Kim “you know that every year our school will have a game among classes right?” the students nodded “well, this year the senior will be taking a part in 500m running for individual and dodge ball game for a team. Everyone has to participate it even for the 500m running understand?” asked their class teacher “sir, I have a question~” asked Oh Jihoo “when it will be held?” asked Jihoo “by the end of this week which is this Friday… it’s on after school in our school field~” the students nodded their head. “alright if you have any more question, you can ask me in the staff room~” said Mr.Kim “and I would like my class to win the game~ good luck students!” said Mr.Kim and he walked out from the classroom.

“Nara?” called Woohyun “must I participate on this game too?” asked Woohyun “yah Mr.Kim just told us that we have to participate it.” explained Nara “you know, im not gonna come on that day~ I don’t want to run for 500m and play a dodge ball game~” Woohyun leaned on the back of his chair. “You seriously have to come or our class will be the loser team~” said Nara “Are you joining it?” asked Woohyun “of course I would!” smiled Nara “it’s fun! Last year, we did a badminton game and a long jump~” said Nara “I think you didn’t win the game though~” teased Woohyun. “Yah!” mad Nara and hit his back lightly “I’ve won okay~ I even have the medal in my house~” said Nara proudly. “Whatever~ let’s see if this year you’re great or not~” said Woohyun.

“wanna make a bet?” Nara raised her eyebrows. “since dodge ball is a game team let’s not make a bet on that game~ let’s bet on the 500m running game~ how about that?” suggested Nara “im in~” smirked Woohyun “whoever have the least seconds to run is the winner~” said Nara “and, whoever is the loser are going to buy us a dinner~ how about that?” asked Woohyun “deal!” Nara held her hand out and Woohyun took her hand. They both shake their hands together in agreement. “No cheating remember~” warned Nara “arrasseo~ im not the type of a guy who loves to cheat, alright~” said Woohyun. “tch. Yeah right~” Nara rolled her eyes smiling.

A few hours later, the school bell rang and schools ended. While Nara was walking along the corridor with Woohyun while laughing, they both bumped into Yura who was walking alone without B-Bomb beside her. “Wow you’re having a great time with him don’t you?” said Yura “what do you want?” Woohyun looked at her in disgust. “Where’s your B-Bomb or should I say your so-called boyfriend, huh?” asked Woohyun. Nara remained silent and she didn’t speak a word at all. “I just wanna tell you something~” said Yura “what is it?” finally Nara speak. “You know the game that will be held by this week? It’s against each of our classes~” said Yura “and?” Nara raised her eyebrows. Woohyun stood there hearing both of them.

“We’ll see who will win~” smirked Yura in evil *she must have plan something* thought Woohyun as he looked on her. While they were talking, B-Bomb arrived and slung his arm around Nara’s shoulder “let’s go home babe~” said B-Bomb without even looking at Nara who is in front of her. Woohyun noticed it and looked on Nara. Yura smirked at Nara before she left with B-Bomb “did you see that?” asked Woohyun. They both are walking heading the school gate. “What? Her evil smirked?” asked Nara “no. not that!” Nara turned her face to look at Woohyun in curious “you were standing in front of him and he didn’t even say hi to you~” answered Woohyun.

“Let him be~” said Nara sadly “is he always that bad to you? I mean at the ski resort too? Did he treated you like you never exist in his life?” asked Woohyun in concern. *yeah he did* thought Nara. Nara was silent not answering Woohyun. “Yah Nara-ah~ answer me~” plead Woohyun. Nara let out a deep sigh. “Yeah… he’s been treating like that to me~ ever since the incident at the ski resort, he never talk to me~” answered Nara “really? He need to stop doing that~ you looked like a stranger to him~ a-are you alright?” Woohyun looked at Nara in worried. “im fine~ im doing good~ I don’t want to argue with him or whatsoever~ as long as I remembered our memories when we were a kid, and I can still see him is enough for me~” Nara showed Woohyun her genuine smile. Woohyun watched her in relieve. *all I want you is to be happy Nara-ah* thought Woohyun.




Finally, the day has finally come. After school ended, the stud

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Chapter 26: Aww hahaha . B-bomb serve you right for always making nara cry . Hehehe . Goodjob authornim
tamariska_jason2320 #2
Chapter 26: Serves you right for threathing nara so badly minhyuk! You deserved to be threated like strangers haha..
Chapter 26: Yessssss. WooNa? /laughs/ or should the ship be called WooRa? Ah well♡
Chapter 13: Someone kill that yura besh. Or make her bald with cancer. Seriously. I hate characters like that
Chapter 12: Her parents and minhyuk's parents.. tsktsk. Smh. Theyre so bloody clueless
Chapter 26: loved this fic ... read it start to finish in a day <3 ... amazing story and i loveeeed the ending x
Chapter 26: The end is sad+happy ending
Happy for woohyun and nara
sad for minhyuk
niena98 #8
Chapter 25: AWww... too bad that this fic is going to end soon.. but please make a good ending author-nim!! I will miss woohyun in this story~ he's so cute and soo sweet. Have a good day and update soon!!~♥
niena98 #9
Chapter 16: Please update soon!! I can't wait anymore!! Please be nice to Nara~
Chapter 4: update soon ~~ i love this fanfic jjang ! (y)