
The Promise
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Yura watched Nara as she slips on her shoes and tie her shoelaces. Yura smirked before she went to stand in line waiting for her turn. “Are you ready?” asked one of Nara’s classmates. “Yeah im ready~” smiled Nara. “Okay then let’s go!” said the girl and walked first. When Nara steps on her foot, she felt she just step on something that really stings her feet. “ahh-“ winced Nara. When she felt the sting, she takes off her shoes and saw her bleeding feet from the socks. *what in the world* thought Nara as she took her shoes and looked what’s inside. Then, she found a thumbtack. *who put it in here?* thought Nara.

Then, she take a look on Yura *it can’t be her~ she was the one who gave me and found my shoes* thought Nara. Then she felt really pain on her feet. *I have to run for my class* thought Nara. She slipped on her shoes, and she begins to walk slowly holding the pain. “Alright Nara, you’re the second runner next to Park Yura” said the teacher. Nara nodded and went to stand next to Yura. Yura was fixing her shoelaces and have a look on Nara *I don’t think so you’ll be the winner~* thought Yura. Nara face turned pale as she trying to hold the pain that the thumbtack did to her feet. *I can do this… I need to prove to Woohyun that I can beat him* determined Nara. Meanwhile, after Woohyun went to take a rest, he went to have a look on Nara.

“There she is~” grinned Woohyun after seeing her. Then, he saw the look on Nara’s face *what’s wrong with her?* thought Woohyun “hey, why does Nara looked pale? Is she alright?” asked Hyuk Jin standing beside Woohyun. *pale?* thought Woohyun. “Get set,ready, go!” after the teacher blew the whistle the students started to run and so did Nara. But suddenly, while Nara was running, she can’t hold the pain anymore and fell on the ground “oww!” winced Nara as she clutched on her shoes. Woohyun saw her fell on the ground and widened his eyes “Nara-ah!!!” shouted Woohyun and ran to her. The game stops suddenly when Nara fell on the ground.

*I can’t held it anymore* thought Nara and she was about to form a tears on her eyes. “Nara-ah, are you alright?” asked Woohyun worriedly as he bend down to have a look on Nara. “Nara, are you alright?” asked Mr.Kim and squatted down. Woohyun saw that Nara was clutching on her shoes. So he decided to take off her shoes. “Yah don’t-“ before Nara could say anything, Woohyun already take off her shoes and found her feet is bleeding badly. “yah who did this to you?” asked Nara “sir, she’s injured!” said Woohyun to Mr.Kim “im fine Mr.Kim I think I can run and start again~” said Nara “Nara your feet is injured you have to go to the infirmary to get treated~” said Mr.Kim

“I can bring her there~” volunteered Woohyun “alright you can go~ and Nara, you’re excused from the game~” said Mr.Kim “but-“before Nara could say anything, she felt her body was been lifted up and it was Woohyun. He carried her in bridal style and brings her to the infirmary. Other girls start to squeal when Woohyun carried Nara. B-Bomb watched her with his cold face *show off* thought B-omb and rolled his eyes. He was searching for Yura and she looks fine. *that’s what you get from being better than me* smirked Yura while crossing her arms. “Alright, Nara will not be joining the game because she’s injured~ we have to start the game again now~” said the teacher and they all has to start running again.

While Woohyun was carrying Nara, he didn’t talk at all. Nara looked at him in embarrassment. “You know… I can walk~ you don’t have to carry me~” said Nara as she was struggling to get down. “haish yah! Stay still or I will drop you~” threatened Woohyun and Nara pouted. Then, they finally reached the infirmary and met the nurse. “What’s wrong?” asked her “she’s got injured during the running game… her feet is bleeding~” explained Woohyun. “Alright, put her on the bed there and I will treat on her wound~” said the nurse. Then, Woohyun placed Nara on the bed gently.

“Stay still and don’t move~” said Woohyun in a serious manner. There’s not even a slightly playful face on him like usual. Then the nurse came near them and treated on Nara’s wound. “It seems like you stepped on something sharp~ is it?” asked the nurse “y-yeah… a thumbtack is in my shoes~” answered Nara and she held the pain when the nurse touched her cut. “Alright there you go~ let the iodine dry for a while and then you can walk~” said the nurse and walked awa

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Chapter 26: Aww hahaha . B-bomb serve you right for always making nara cry . Hehehe . Goodjob authornim
tamariska_jason2320 #2
Chapter 26: Serves you right for threathing nara so badly minhyuk! You deserved to be threated like strangers haha..
Chapter 26: Yessssss. WooNa? /laughs/ or should the ship be called WooRa? Ah well♡
Chapter 13: Someone kill that yura besh. Or make her bald with cancer. Seriously. I hate characters like that
Chapter 12: Her parents and minhyuk's parents.. tsktsk. Smh. Theyre so bloody clueless
Chapter 26: loved this fic ... read it start to finish in a day <3 ... amazing story and i loveeeed the ending x
Chapter 26: The end is sad+happy ending
Happy for woohyun and nara
sad for minhyuk
niena98 #8
Chapter 25: AWww... too bad that this fic is going to end soon.. but please make a good ending author-nim!! I will miss woohyun in this story~ he's so cute and soo sweet. Have a good day and update soon!!~♥
niena98 #9
Chapter 16: Please update soon!! I can't wait anymore!! Please be nice to Nara~
Chapter 4: update soon ~~ i love this fanfic jjang ! (y)