
The Promise
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On the next day, Nara was walking with Woohyun on their school corridor, then they saw a bunch of students were crowding around the board near the teachers room. “Hey what’s going on in there?” asked Nara “maybe there’s Yura and the B-Bomb guy~” said Woohyun. Without shrugging, Nara went near the crowd and asked one of the students. “What’s going on? Why are the students are crowding around here?” asked Nara to one of the juniors. “Read the notes that was been pinned up by the teachers just now~” answered the girl. Woohyun and Nara went near the board and read it. “Wow~ a trip to Jeju Island?” amazed “it’s just a Jeju Island~ I thought were going somewhere out of the country~” said Woohyun.

After reading it, they both went out from the crowd and walk to class. “Are you serious? I’ve never been to Jeju Island before~” said Nara “I’ve been there many times with my parents for their business thingy and im getting bored going there~” said Woohyun  while walking next to Nara. “Yah you’re rich you can say that!” Nara crossed her arms. “im gonna tell Mr.Kim I wanna join the trip to Jeju Island~ if you don’t want then don’t join the trip~” said Nara and they both enter their class. “You’re going?” asked Woohyun “of course~ I wanna see the ocean, the beautiful view and many more~” said Nara.

Then, their teacher entered the class. “alright open you history text book now and before that, those who wanna join the trip to Jeju Island please sign up your name on the paper that I’ll pass~ I want the students in front pass the paper to the students at the back~” said Mr.Kim “alright let’s start the class now while you write your names~” said Mr.Kim “sir~” called Jiyong “is it limited? How many students can go to the trip?” asked Jiyong “it’s for the seniors only~ because it’s your last year in school so we thought of giving you a good memories with your friends~” said Mr.Kim. Nara was listening to Mr.Kim explaining the history on the board when the paper was suddenly passed to her.

*oh it’s my turn to sign up!* thought Nara happily as she write her name. Then, she passed the paper to Woohyun. Nara thought Woohyun is going to pass the paper after she gave to him, but to her surprised, Woohyun is signing up his name on the paper too. “Hey~ I thought someone don’t wanna go there because he’s bored being there~” said Nara playfully. He voice could be heard by Mr.Kim who is teaching at the front. “Who’s talking when im in the middle of the explanation?!” said Mr.Kim

Nara was surprised and covered . “Her~” Woohyun pointed to Nara and she widened her eyes. “Nara, you know im explaining a really important notes and why you’re not focus in my class? You’ve never behave like this before~” said Mr.Kim “I get it that some of the students are too excited with the trip but please, alright?” said Mr.Kim. The whole class was looking at Nara and she was too embarrassed by it. “i-im sorry Mr.Kim~” said Nara while lowering her head. Woohyun who was seating next to her was chuckling by her reaction.

After the class ended, Mr.Kim went out from the class Woohyun burst into laugh at Nara. “Yah! Stop laughing will you?!” mad Nara and crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks. “Yah Nara-ah I’ve never seen you got scolded by Mr.Kim before~ it’s funny~” teased Hyuk Jin “yah!” yelled Nara. Then, she takes a look on Woohyun and saw him still laughing at her. Nara was so frustrated seeing him laughing at her so she took her earphone and plug it on her ears and read a novel while listening to the music till the next teacher come.


After school ended, without saying a word to Woohyun, Nara went out from the class leaving him behind. “Yah! We should go home

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Chapter 26: Aww hahaha . B-bomb serve you right for always making nara cry . Hehehe . Goodjob authornim
tamariska_jason2320 #2
Chapter 26: Serves you right for threathing nara so badly minhyuk! You deserved to be threated like strangers haha..
Chapter 26: Yessssss. WooNa? /laughs/ or should the ship be called WooRa? Ah well♡
Chapter 13: Someone kill that yura besh. Or make her bald with cancer. Seriously. I hate characters like that
Chapter 12: Her parents and minhyuk's parents.. tsktsk. Smh. Theyre so bloody clueless
Chapter 26: loved this fic ... read it start to finish in a day <3 ... amazing story and i loveeeed the ending x
Chapter 26: The end is sad+happy ending
Happy for woohyun and nara
sad for minhyuk
niena98 #8
Chapter 25: AWww... too bad that this fic is going to end soon.. but please make a good ending author-nim!! I will miss woohyun in this story~ he's so cute and soo sweet. Have a good day and update soon!!~♥
niena98 #9
Chapter 16: Please update soon!! I can't wait anymore!! Please be nice to Nara~
Chapter 4: update soon ~~ i love this fanfic jjang ! (y)