Last Christmas

Last.. Goodbye

Last night, after a round of samgyupsal, alcohol and partying, the both of you went back, slightly out of mind. The moment the door behind you closed, Seunghyun grabbed you and kissed you all over hungrily. You did not push him away but instead by rubbing his already swollen junior, causing him to see stars. He picked you up, threw you onto the bed, tore off your clothes and swallowed you whole. After many rounds of heated , the both of you were so tired you two fell asleep almost immediately in each other arms.

The next morning, he woke up with a throbbing headache and the feeling of food at his throat thanks to the amount of alcohol and food he shoved down last night. He took a glance at you before hurrying to the toilet. He stuck his finger down his throat to force whatever in his stomach out of him. You were in too deep a sleep to hear him puking in the toilet.

“Ahhh better...” He washed his mouth and stepped into the shower.

He sat in the tub, allowing the hot water to flow onto his skin. He stared blankly at the wall, spacing out. For some reason, the water got hotter, scalding his skin. He shot up and cursed under his breath.

“Don’t think don’t think..” He mumbled while soaping himself.

He wrapped a towel over his waist before walking out to find you still asleep. He lie down next to you, with one arm supporting his body weight. He trace his finger down your face, then onto your neck, your arms, chest and waist.

“So fair... Why is it that you are getting fairer? Do you not go out in the sun at all?” He continue to play with your sleeping body, smelling your hair, your scent.

“How is it that your skin is always so soft? How is it that your hair always smells so good, no matter what you did? Are you a soap bar?” He chuckled to himself.

“No, I’m not a soap bar, I’m an air freshener..” You smiled, without opening your eyes.

“AH YOU SHOCK ME!” He banged his head onto the headboard.

“Omo omo.. Hahaha.. Why is it that your guts is disappearing?” You rub his head for him.

He made a face at you.

“Merry Christmas...” You kissed him on his lips.

“OH!” He jumped off the bed and ran downstairs.


You stomped into the bathroom to wash yourself up while mumbling about him running off suddenly when you were kissing him. You look up into the mirror after washing your face and got a shock when you saw him in the mirror reflection grinning behind you.

“TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK!?” You splashed water on him.

“No, just trying to give you your present.” He handed you a aqua greenish blue box with a white ribbon tied on top of it.

You recognized the box. The Tiffany and Co’s one that you never opened.

“Sorry, this is three years late. But I’m sure this will never go out of fashion.”

You open the box, inside was a classic Tiffany and Co’s necklace shaped in a heart, with a small key hanging beside it. It was something you were eyeing on for quite awhile except without the key, but the thing is, you never ever told him about it.

“How did you....” You look at him in surprise, smiling like a fool.

“I’m psychic~” He whispered into your ear.

You slap his chest, and then pulled him closer for a hug.

“Thank you, so much..” You kissed him on his cheek, biting him in the process.

“Aigoo aigoo.. I just showered and now I have saliva all over my face! Aish.. Pimples..” He poked you.

He took the necklace and put it on for you.

“Why is there a key?”

“That’s the key to my heart, and only you have it. You and you only..” He seemed proud of his cheesiness while you cringe at it.

“Oh my god.. Oh my god.. AIGOO!!! Is this really coming out from your mouth!?” You ran out, covering your ears, but smiling widely.

“YAH YAH! WAH~ YOU!!” He put his hand on his head, rolling his eyes at you.

You rolled on the bed, laughing so hard your stomach hurt.

“Okay okay.. I was just.. surprised..” You tried to stop yourself from laughing.

You pulled him onto the bed and slid a ring onto his middle finger.

“Merry Christmas..”

It was a limited edition Alexander Mcqueen ring with his name and yours specially engraved under it. You got yourself one in a smaller size as well.

“I got one too~” You showed off yours to him.

“Couple rings? I never thought you liked this sort.” He stared at the ring as if it was some treasure.

“I always did, you were just too blind to see. Hmph~”

“Do you like it?”

He shook his head, your smile dropped.

“I LOVE it.” He grinned at you.

“Our couple rings should be the most unique ones of all couples, don’t you think so?”

“Yea.. Who wears a skull for couple rings~ Hahaha..”

“We do..”

“Thank you darling..” The tip of his nose touch yours, you stared cross eyed at him, making him burst into laughter.

“So.. You like couple stuff, don’t you?”

“Yea, but you don’t, don’t you?”

“I am starting to like it now...” He waved his hand with the ring on in front of your face.

He pulled you into his walk-in wardrobe and made you sit down while he ransack through his pile of clothing to look for something. After awhile, he returned with a huge box in his hand. He put it on the glass top and opened it.

“On for couple tees?” He look at you.

“When did you...??” You picked up the two identical Commes des Garcons PLAY tee.

“Since a long time ago.. Hahaha.. Go wash up! I’m sure you don’t want to spend half of Christmas just staying at home, getting ready, don’t you?” He pushed you into the bathroom.

That Christmas, the both of you went out openly, wearing couple tees and couple rings. For once in so many years, you felt like a real couple. He did not wear any disguise. You two walked on the street, shared ice cream, cuddled together, whisper to each other, laughed and did every other thing a free couple would do.

You did not understand why he actually did this, but you did not want to dampen the mood. Fan girls were screaming, taking photos, calling him ‘oppa’ all the way, but he just smiled. His attention was on you and you only. Actually, you feel kind of proud at the fact you were the one in his arms while the others just look on.

“What are you grinning at?” He asked suddenly.

“Nothing.. Hehe..” You did not want to let him know you were actually felt very lucky to be in his arms while the other fan girls could just follow.

“Ahh~ Must be feeling lucky because I am hugging them and not you, right?” He laugh at your redden cheek.

“It’s normal to feel lucky you know~” You elbowed him lightly in his stomach.

"So full of yourself.. YUCKS!" Actually you were surprised he could read your mind. Indeed, you felt like the luckiest fan girl ever.

That day, you all did not go to any fanciful restaurant or places with extraordinary scenery, but yet, it was your best date with him ever. You never got to experience anything like this with him before. Usually your dates would be late at night or early in the morning when no one was around. He would disguise himself so well sometimes you could not tell it was him when he sat beside you. Those days, although he tried to make it up to you in every way possible, you just did feel quite enough. It wasn’t the expensive gifts you wanted from him. You never wanted any of his money or for him to buy you any branded stuff. You just wanted this, to date like a normal couple. And today, even if it would be the last time, you are contented.

After dinner, he took you to an ice skating rink which was surprisingly empty.

“Why is this place so empty? Please don’t tell me you rent the entire area..” You gave him a disapproving look.

“I did not. We’re lucky. Why do you even care? Come on, let’s have our fun before the crowd comes. Want to see a ballerina spin?” He started spinning himself all over the place.

You laughed out loud at his dorky moves. He totally made a fool out of himself for you. The both of you played for what seemed like hours. People started coming in, but for some reason, you still felt as if it was just you and him. Maybe it was because you were in his arms, it made everything else seem blurred.

“Tired already?” He asked, holding your waist as the both of you skate slowly.

“Mmm..” You look around.

“Then let’s go.” He spin your around and pushed you all the way, ignoring the fact the both of you were attracting attention from everyone because of his big action and your deafening scream.

Some people were annoyed, while some were envious. You were just simply freaking out, but you knew you were in good hands because each time you seem like you were going to crash into something, he successfully turns you to another side.

“Better than a roller coaster ride, don’t you think so?” He was panting, while you were trying to regain your posture.

“Damn.. Choi Seung Hyun.. I swear you were trying to kill me since this morning!”

“WHY WOULD I!?” He raised both his hands in surrender.


“No... I LOVE YOU!!!” He aegyo at you causing fan girls to squeal in delight.

“Is this what you want??” You hissed at him. He shrugged his shoulders.

He made you help him take out his shoes, for some reason. You did it anyway. After returning the shoes, you both walked out hand in hand.

“So are we going home now OMO IT’S SNOWING!!!” You jumped up and down like a kid, opening your mouth, trying to eat the snow.

He hugged you from behind, “We’re going somewhere else first..”


“You’ll see..”

“But I want to play in the snow!!”

“I’ll cover the living room in snow so you can play in it okay?”


“I will! Just not now~ Until I find a way to bring them in..”



He covered your mouth with his hand and dragged you along. He took a glance at his watch. It was 10.47PM.

‘God, give me a little more time.. Please...’

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18 streak #1
The story i read over and over again.
And still cried like it's the first time reading it.
Hahahah how many comments did I leave here ??
Chapter 13: It's the best fanfic i've ever read. This make me crazy. I laugh, cried, laugh again, cried hard and cried again :((
Chapter 25: I am crying he did stuff he always wanted to do in such a short period of time i am on my third box of kleenex.
fiercee #4
Chapter 3: OMG. i already crying like crazy at chapter 2. This is so good. should i keep reading? i'm afraid can't handle my emotion for next chapter~~♡♥
fiercee #5
Chapter 3: OMG. i already crying like crazy at chapter 2. This is so good. should i keep reading? i'm afraid can't handle my emotion for next chapter~~♡♥
Chapter 25: Wow. I don't know even where to start from. It's one of the most beautiest stories I have ever readed. No. It's the most beautiful story ever. You are really talented. Your way of explaining everything is simply wonderful. I mean, it's the first story like this I ever read. Then, the storyline. I had to read the whole thing twice just to get sure that it's not a dream. Chapters 16, 18 and 19-20 made me cry so hard! My favorite parts in the story were when Seunghyun showed his love for his girlfriend in one week and when Hyung Ae said : "Dad was so handsome" Anyway, beautiful story. Congratulations!
Chapter 20: Oh ma gosh! This story is so daebak, it's totally different from those i used to read. At afternoon, i was crying as a mess and supposed not to read this story ever again when i finished chap 10, you took a sea of my tears away since the first chap you know XD but then until this chap which is my favorite, you made me want to jump off to the ceiling bc of joy. I love your idea and the way you create the content. *big clap hands*. I was crying,sobbing, cursing and even wincing in pain aigoo. SO emotional, i don't know what to say no more now. I wish you could write more OV for SeungHyun and female characters and the bedscenes too, kkk it wont make your fic dirty believe me it will help to let the readers know deeper about their love. For me personally Make love is important in love. Last words. I LOVE THISSSSSSSSSS FICTION SO MUCH.God job! Hwaitng Author nim ^^
taoandtabi #8
wow daebak!!
first time i cry just coz a story>o<..i can feel how the girl feeling for losing someone that she really love..
daebak author-nim!!continue do another story bout bigbang!!
Chapter 25: I don't know how else to tell you this but you are so wonderful.
You write words that touched my heart.
Then my heart broke a million times so much I couldn't breathe.
I found myself reading with ragged breath, sobbing and with an unrelenting pain in my chest.
Yes-physical pain.
I was so emotional I had to stop, close my eyes to let the pain wash over me.
I felt like you broke my soul..why would you do that to your readers?
then somehow you soothed it, made it sweet then tore it away. Then you gave me softness warmth and a way to continue. Thank you. Through your writing you can play with my emotions like a violinist. But somehow I still love you for it. I normally like fluff but you've made me like this.
I feel heart broken but I hopeful, optimistic-its very strange. Thank you.
Please write more. More bigbang. More and more.
Again thank you,