Life goes on...

Last.. Goodbye

That night, you all had a proper dinner for the first time after his death. You guys joked and talked a lot. Occasionally, one of you would glance over at the empty chair where Seunghyun used to sit. No matter how much time has passed, you all know that there will always be a hole in your heart that could never be filled by anyone but him. He would always have a place in the hearts of all of you. But still, life has to go on.

The next morning, you woke up from a deep sleep. It has been long since you slept for so long. You kissed the pillow that used to belong to him. You went to wash yourself up. After that, you took the package you received yesterday, including the house deed, copyright contracts and other documents and left. You went to the YG building and search for the number he said the car was parked at.

Holding onto the huge package, it took you quite awhile to look for it. Then, you stopped in front of number 2307. You look at the number on the car key to verify. Yes, it was it. A white Volkswagen Beetle Convertible. You always love the Volkswagen logo. Each time you pass a Beetle, you would stare at it wishing you had one.

You unlocked the car and went inside. The interior was white as well, very clean and simple, just like how you liked your things to be. There was a note stuck on the steering wheel. You smiled as you read it.

DRIVE WITH CAUTIOUS PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU! This is a small car but don’t use its small size to an advantage and start cutting lanes or chasing whoever that pissed you off on the road. Love yourself for those people will get their karma. To be honest, I am regretting already. Maybe I should have bought you a truck or a SUV, at least if you bang into someone, you would not get squashed. Ah why did I not think about it? Damn Choi Seung Hyun.. Whatever it is, I hope you like this present, but promise me, drive with care, okay? I want you alive.. Love you XOXO

“Am I that hot tempered!?” You put the note aside and started the engine. You enjoyed the ride down the road in the new car. You stopped at a bakery and went to buy some bread before heading on. Your eyes caught many people pointing and grinning at your car. You felt proud, for a moment. You enjoyed it while you can as this would be the first and the last time you would drive in this. You were not going to keep the car.

You drove for about an hour or so and stopped in front of a huge house. You got out, took everything in your hand and pressed the door bell. The door opened and you walked in. A dog ran up to you, jumping and you.

“Hey Charlie.. How have you been?” You pat it’s head before walking in. You bow 90 degrees to the owners of the house.

It was Seunghyun’s parents’ place. His bearbricks still stood tall at the sight. Nothing changed, except for the fact his parents looked weaker.


“Annyeong.. We never thought you would come.. You know what I mean..”

You smiled, “I would not forget you two just because he isn’t around. I am sorry I took so long to come.”

“No no.. Take a seat.. Are you okay?” His mom pulled you to sit down.

“Still adapting, but I’ll be fine.”

“What’s all these?” His dad asked, pointing at the things you are holding.

You handed the bread to them and asked them to eat it. You put the big package onto the coffee table. You opened it and explained everything to them. Their eyes were teary after hearing about it.

You pushed the box towards them, “I cannot accept all these. His money, his house, the car outside, everything, it is only right I return them back to you.”

They looked at you, surprised.

“I never expected him to do this, neither was I after his money..”

“We know.. We know you were never after his money.. My dear girl, he left all these for you. Take it, it is yours.” His mom said, pushing the box back to you.

“But... I can’t.. I just can’t live off him..”

“He gave us our share, these are yours, rightfully yours. He is doing his part as a husband, don’t turn him down.” His dad said, smiling at you.

“ But we...” You were confused.

“He mentioned that he was going to marry you.. But then he met with that freak accident.. And you know the rest of the story..” His mom forced a smile.

You look down, not knowing what to say.

“Take it, it’s yours. He wants you to have it. Don’t turn him down, please..” His mom broke the silence.

You nodded reluctantly.

“Why did you do this.. Why...” You thought to yourself.

You stayed for dinner that night. The three of you talked a lot. Ever since his death, his parents had never had a happy meal. Tonight, because you were with them, they were smiling and laughing.

“Thank you, thank you for everything..” You said to his parents.

“No.. We should thank you. Thank you for loving our son. Thank you for your unconditional love.” His mom hugged you.

“Thank you for bringing him to earth so I can meet him and understand what love is all about..”

“Silly girl..”

“Can I visit you all again?”

“Seriously, why not? We are more than happy!”

You left his parents place and drove back to the villa. You showered and lied on the bed, your hand touching the side he used to sleep.

“You never needed to do so much.. I’m sorry for once having the thought that you were just playing with me.. I mean.. I was just an ordinary girl, not even pretty.. Sorry for doubting you.. I love you.. I’ll never leave you.. Do you know.. I.. ” You drifted off to sleep.

‘It’s alright. It’s all good now. I love you too~ Sleep well, my dear..’ He planted a soft peck on your forehead.


5 Years later;

“APPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” A young boy screamed, pulling the older man behind him.

“FASTER APPA!!!!” He pulled the man he called Appa towards the roller coaster.

“THIS!!! I WANT TO RIDE THIS!!” He jumped up and down, swinging the older man’s hand.

The older man gulped.

“Seung Joong ah, are you serious about this? But Appa...” He look at the ride, then at the boy.

“Appa... You don’t want to ride this? But you.. you said.. you said anything I wanted.. You..” The boy look at the older man, tears threatening to fall.

“AHH AHH! OKAY OKAY! WOW! I love this! It’s like one of my favourite! REALLY!” The older man said, picking the boy up into his arms.

“Seung Joong ah~ What did I say about not trying to kill your appa? Hmm?” You walk towards to the two of them.

“But umma!!! I did not kill Apaa!! I don’t have a knife!” The boy protested.

You were lost for words at this boy’s wittiness.

“Hahaha! Arrasso! Let’s go, shall we?” The older man pat the boy’s head.

“Hey.. Don’t.. Don’t spoil him..” You tug onto the man’s arm.

“Yah.. This is the least a father can do! Just prepare a plastic bag for me later. Hahaha!” He laughed as he walked off.

“YAH! JIYONG AH!!” You shouted but was ignored.

“Now.. Where is Hyun Ae..” You mumbled to yourself while looking around.

You spotted a little girl together with three men at the spinning tea cups area. The girl was spinning the wheel so quickly the three men looked like they were going to puke.

“YAH!!!” You screamed at the girl, ignoring the fact you look like one of those mad mothers. You just hope she would stop.

“You’re going to kill them!!” The girl made a face at you and continued spinning.

“It’s okay!! We’re fine!!” Daesung shouted back.

“Really? Can I go faster!?” The little girl did not wait for his approval.

“Aish.. Seung Joong, Hyun Ae.. You’re gonna be the death of me. Seriously..”

You look at the time, it was almost evening. They were slowly walking back to where you were, the men were all pale faced and they looked as if they were going to puke.

“Are you all.. okay??” You asked, embarrassed.

“We are perfectly fine! We have to go, don’t we?” Seungri asked.

“Yes, we have to leave before it is dark..”

“But umma!!” Seung Joong pouted.

“What did I say before we left?” You asked him sternly.

“Yes.. We’ll go.. Let’s go..”

“That’s my boy!” Jiyong ruffled his hair.

“APPA! WHAT ABOUT ME!?” Hyun Ae tugged onto his pants.

“You? You are my angel..” He picked her up in his arms and all of you headed off to somewhere

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18 streak #1
The story i read over and over again.
And still cried like it's the first time reading it.
Hahahah how many comments did I leave here ??
Chapter 13: It's the best fanfic i've ever read. This make me crazy. I laugh, cried, laugh again, cried hard and cried again :((
Chapter 25: I am crying he did stuff he always wanted to do in such a short period of time i am on my third box of kleenex.
fiercee #4
Chapter 3: OMG. i already crying like crazy at chapter 2. This is so good. should i keep reading? i'm afraid can't handle my emotion for next chapter~~♡♥
fiercee #5
Chapter 3: OMG. i already crying like crazy at chapter 2. This is so good. should i keep reading? i'm afraid can't handle my emotion for next chapter~~♡♥
Chapter 25: Wow. I don't know even where to start from. It's one of the most beautiest stories I have ever readed. No. It's the most beautiful story ever. You are really talented. Your way of explaining everything is simply wonderful. I mean, it's the first story like this I ever read. Then, the storyline. I had to read the whole thing twice just to get sure that it's not a dream. Chapters 16, 18 and 19-20 made me cry so hard! My favorite parts in the story were when Seunghyun showed his love for his girlfriend in one week and when Hyung Ae said : "Dad was so handsome" Anyway, beautiful story. Congratulations!
Chapter 20: Oh ma gosh! This story is so daebak, it's totally different from those i used to read. At afternoon, i was crying as a mess and supposed not to read this story ever again when i finished chap 10, you took a sea of my tears away since the first chap you know XD but then until this chap which is my favorite, you made me want to jump off to the ceiling bc of joy. I love your idea and the way you create the content. *big clap hands*. I was crying,sobbing, cursing and even wincing in pain aigoo. SO emotional, i don't know what to say no more now. I wish you could write more OV for SeungHyun and female characters and the bedscenes too, kkk it wont make your fic dirty believe me it will help to let the readers know deeper about their love. For me personally Make love is important in love. Last words. I LOVE THISSSSSSSSSS FICTION SO MUCH.God job! Hwaitng Author nim ^^
taoandtabi #8
wow daebak!!
first time i cry just coz a story>o<..i can feel how the girl feeling for losing someone that she really love..
daebak author-nim!!continue do another story bout bigbang!!
Chapter 25: I don't know how else to tell you this but you are so wonderful.
You write words that touched my heart.
Then my heart broke a million times so much I couldn't breathe.
I found myself reading with ragged breath, sobbing and with an unrelenting pain in my chest.
Yes-physical pain.
I was so emotional I had to stop, close my eyes to let the pain wash over me.
I felt like you broke my soul..why would you do that to your readers?
then somehow you soothed it, made it sweet then tore it away. Then you gave me softness warmth and a way to continue. Thank you. Through your writing you can play with my emotions like a violinist. But somehow I still love you for it. I normally like fluff but you've made me like this.
I feel heart broken but I hopeful, optimistic-its very strange. Thank you.
Please write more. More bigbang. More and more.
Again thank you,