
Last.. Goodbye

You arrived at the destination with Jiyong beside you in your white convertible. The other boys and your kids were in another car behind. All of you arrived together and parked side by side each other. The kids were playing with the other boys roughly.

“YAH YAH! KIDS! ENOUGH! LET’S GO!” Jiyong shouted at all of them.

They stopped instantly. You chuckled at his ability to get them to stop all at once. No wonder he was the leader. You thought to yourself, for the Nth time since you met him.

“Seung Joong, Hyun Ae, come..” He stretch out his hand at them but instead they ran into him, wanting him to carry them.

“Both of you are going to break his back! You all have legs right? WALK!” You reprimanded them.

“BUT WE ARE TIRED!!!” They said in unison, you rolled your eyes while they chuckled at their win.

Jiyong picked them up, one in each arm, “Aigoo.. Let’s go let’s go.. It wouldn’t be long before Appa you two would stop running to me asking for a hug or something of this sort.. Boys, carry the stuff for her! SEUNGRI STOP EATING!”

“Hyung is like a mother. You should change positions with him!” Seungri pouted at you while stuffing a biscuit in his mouth.

All of you arrived at a grave which was filled with blooming flowers. Jiyong put the kids down and all of them stand in a line behind you while you prepare the stuff. It was Seunghyun’s 5th death anniversary.

“Seung Joong, Hyun Ae..” You called out to the them.

They obediently walked towards you and knelt down before the grave, they bowed three times before walking nearer to the photo on the tomb stone giving it a peck on Seunghyun’s face.

“Appa, did you miss me?” Hyun Ae asked cutely.

“Appa, we missed you..” Seung Joong said, holding onto Hyun Ae’s little hand.

All of you stood behind watching the two kids talk. You smiled unconsciously to yourself. After the ceremony, the boys took Seung Joong and Hyun Ae to play nearby while you stayed behind to talk to Seunghyun as well as pack up the stuff.

You sat beside his grave, legs crossed, fiddling with a flower.

“They have your eyes.. Their lashes are so long.. Seung Joong looks exactly like you, seriously, he is so handsome... Hyun Ae too.. They say girls who look like their father will grow up beautifully. They have inner double eyelids just like us. That day I played the Big Show 2011 DVD for them to watch, Hyun Ae was totally fangirling at you. She said she would faint if she see Appa live. I guess she took over the fangirling from me..”

‘Really? That’s cute.. I wish I can perform live for them.. I’m glad they are not angry at me for leaving them so quickly..’

“How are you doing? I miss you so much.. The boys are doing too much.. They don’t have a life. They cannot stop worrying about me and the kids. They are really responsible.. The kids love them more than they love me. At this rate, I am afraid they wouldn’t be able to get married.. Hahaha..”

‘They are really good kids. I miss them..’


Not long after his death, you graduated from school and started working as a public relations officer in YG. The boys practically forced you into the job because they say it is the only way they can watch over you closely. They made sure you had food and enough rest. You were thankful, but you always felt sorry for them as their lives were revolving around you. Many times you tried to shoo them away but they came jumping back, leaving you with no choice.

“Yah.. Are you okay? Did you eat something wrong? Let’s go to the doctor..” You waved your hand to indicate a ‘No’ to Jiyong who was patting your back. You have been vomiting for the whole day and it was really worrying him bad. You wiped your mouth and smiled at him.

“I am fine, Jiyong.. Stop worrying..” You walked out, pulling him with you.

“What fine!? You have been puking for the whole day and you can’t even eat..” He nagged behind you.

The other boys turned around to look at you. They were too worried about your condition, but you just smiled.

“I..” You stuttered, freaking them out even more.

“I’m pregnant..” You said with a smile on your face.

“YOU’RE WHAT!?” He glared at the other boys, thinking it was theirs.

“HYUNG! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! IT’S NOT...” They look at each other.

They spend about ten minutes blaming each other, trying to find out whose child was it, while you just stood at a corner, smiling at the war between them.

“Yah.. Who did it? Tell me!” Jiyong finally turned to you. The boys had a petrified look on their face which made you laugh.

“It is..” You look at all of them, teasing them by stopping to look at each and every of them.

“The one that passed away...” You laughed and clapped like a seal at their shocked expression.

“What? Hy..hyung?? But.. How.. He..” The maknae was obviously confused.

You told them about your missing period and the doctor check up.


“Sorry...” You pouted at him.

“YAY WE ARE GOING TO BE APPAS!!” Daesung yelled suddenly, making Jiyong’s expression soften and finally breaking into a smile.

For the next few months, they took care of your every move. It freaked them out even more when the doctor said you were carrying twins. They even made you quit your job. You had no say because once you tried to protest, they would use Seunghyun against you.

Hyung would blame us for this.. Hyung would be so angry. He would hate us. Hyung would be so heartbroken. Hyung this, hyung that, making you so guilty that you have to give in.

They took turns to accompany you to check ups, confusing the doctor and nurse each time you appear with a different man, all claiming to be the father of your twins. They endured your mood swings and satisfied your every weird cravings.

When you were in labour, the doctor initially only allowed one person to accompany you, but they made a big fuss outside saying weird stuff such as if you die they would be so guilty and all. The doctors had no choice but to let them all in.

You gave birth to a pair of twins, the boy first, then the girl. The differences between them were about 7 minutes. The Big Bang boys loved your kids like their own. Sometimes you think they were spoiling them too much, but at the same time, they did a good job in disciplining them well. You never said, but you were always thankful of the boys, especially Jiyong. He took the responsibility that was never his to begin with and threw it onto his already heavy shoulders. Without a word of complain, he just carried on leading.


“Seunghyun ah~ Time flies.. When will I meet you again? I know I shouldn’t be saying this, but I really wish you were here. To see our kids come to this world, to see them grow, to look after them.. You would be so proud of them. Your daughter’s aegyo is a boy killer. Your son’s eyes can melt any girl’s heart. Thank you Seunghyun ah, for leaving me with such a wonderful present.”

‘They have your genes, that’s why they look so good. But I think they inherited your stubbornness, bad temper and wittiness~ hehe... Just kidding.. Don't smash my grave, please..’

“I cannot thank the boys enough. Without them, I think I’ll be stranded, not knowing what to do. I would not have been able to bring those two rascals up alone. Jiyong disciplined them well, Youngbae taught them the lessons in life, Daesung taught them how to smile even if the sky is falling, Seungri taught them how to be confident of themselves. They practically devoted their lives to our kids.. They would make great fathers, seriously. And Seung Joong, even thou he is older by just 7 minutes, he does his part as an Oppa well. He protects Hyun Ae so well all of us are surprised.”

‘I know, they are the best. And Seung Joong.. Such a good boy.. He’ll grow up strong..’

“But they need a life too, don’t they? I should match make them? Especially Jiyong.. He needs a break.. He is getting skinner goodness while I am just putting on weight.”

“Yah~ Talking bad about me to Hyung?” Jiyong sat beside you, putting his arm over your shoulders.

“Telling your Hyung how skinny you have become so you can feel guilty for breaking his heart. Yah Jiyong ah, go lead your life..” You pass him some food.

“My life? My life is you, those two and the boys~” He answered cheekily.

“I’m serious Jiyong ah~” You pushed him away.

“Aigoo wae.. No one wants me.. How about we get married?” He stuck his face close to you.


“WHAT!? SEUNGHYUN AH! YOUR BUDDY IS HITTING ON ME!!” You looked at his photo desperately.

“Just kidding! Relax! Hyung.. Your kids are wonderful.. Really, really wonderful..” He said, looking at his Hyung.

'I know you wouldn't dare. Thank you Jiyong ah~ It's been hard on you..'

Two small bodies ran and crashed onto his back.

“YAH!!! Be careful with his back you two rascals! Your Appa Jiyong is OLD!” You emphasized, causing everyone to laugh.

“Hyung, did you miss me?” Seungri aegyo-ed to Seunghyun.

'Giving me your greetings only now!? Hahaha.. My cute maknae..'

“Hyung.. DAESUNG IS HERE!!!” Daesung screamed, as usual.

'AISH! SO LOUD!! But at least you are smiling. Thank you for smiling Daesung ah~'

“Hyung, I hope you are doing fine.” Youngbae said with his signature eye smile, picking Hyun Ae up.

'Get a girl already Youngbae ah~ Don't hit on my daughter!'

“Come here you two. We have to go. Say what you have to say to Daddy..” You gestured them forward.

“Appa, Saranghae!” Hyun Ae kissed Seunghyun’s photo again and gave him a wink that melted the hearts of all the ahjusshis standing behind.

“Appa, I will protect Hyun Ae, Umma as well as the other Appas well. Don’t worry! Saranghae!” He kissed the photo too.

“OKAY OKAY THESE TWO GOOD KIDS. LET’S GO!!” The boys picked the kids up and threw them in the air as they walked off.

“Seunghyun ah, goodbye. See you soon. I love and miss you.” You planted a kiss on the top of the tombstone and left a sunflower on the grave. You look at it one last time before walking off.

You never expected your life to turn out this way. Neither did you expect your kids to accept his death so well and be so obedient. You never thought the Big Bang boys would do this. You were extremely touched by their action. Nothing you did could repay them for their kindness towards you. You were also thankful to Seunghyun for leaving you with two wonderful children. They were practically what kept you going all these years.

A hand tugged onto your shirt. You look down, it was Hyun Ae.

“Yes, sweetheart?” You asked her.

“Nothing. Just want to walk with Mommy..” She said, smiling at you.

“Aigoo.. My baby girl..” You picked her up and kissed her cheek.



“Daddy was a good man, was he?”

“Of course. He was the best person I’ve ever known.”



“Can I watch the Big Show DVD again tonight?”

“EH!? But you watched it for more than ten times until you could memorise the rundown already!”

“But I miss Daddy and and he is so handsome!!! PWEASE MOM!!” You couldn’t handle her aegyo.

“Ah yea yea.. Anything for you..” You pinch her button nose.

You let her down to join the others. As you walked behind, watching them fool around. You felt someone staring at you from the back. You turn around, but there was nothing but Seunghyun’s grave. You smiled at it., touching the ring on your ring finger. The one you got for him and yourself on Christmas five years ago. The only couple ring you had with him.

“I love you, always and forever.” You said.

He watched his friends, wife and kids walked away. He smiled happily to himself, seeing how happy they were. He kissed the ring on his finger, the one you got for him and yourself on the last Christmas he spent with you. The only couple ring he had with you.

'I love you too, always and forever.'

 - 끝 -

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18 streak #1
The story i read over and over again.
And still cried like it's the first time reading it.
Hahahah how many comments did I leave here ??
Chapter 13: It's the best fanfic i've ever read. This make me crazy. I laugh, cried, laugh again, cried hard and cried again :((
Chapter 25: I am crying he did stuff he always wanted to do in such a short period of time i am on my third box of kleenex.
fiercee #4
Chapter 3: OMG. i already crying like crazy at chapter 2. This is so good. should i keep reading? i'm afraid can't handle my emotion for next chapter~~♡♥
fiercee #5
Chapter 3: OMG. i already crying like crazy at chapter 2. This is so good. should i keep reading? i'm afraid can't handle my emotion for next chapter~~♡♥
Chapter 25: Wow. I don't know even where to start from. It's one of the most beautiest stories I have ever readed. No. It's the most beautiful story ever. You are really talented. Your way of explaining everything is simply wonderful. I mean, it's the first story like this I ever read. Then, the storyline. I had to read the whole thing twice just to get sure that it's not a dream. Chapters 16, 18 and 19-20 made me cry so hard! My favorite parts in the story were when Seunghyun showed his love for his girlfriend in one week and when Hyung Ae said : "Dad was so handsome" Anyway, beautiful story. Congratulations!
Chapter 20: Oh ma gosh! This story is so daebak, it's totally different from those i used to read. At afternoon, i was crying as a mess and supposed not to read this story ever again when i finished chap 10, you took a sea of my tears away since the first chap you know XD but then until this chap which is my favorite, you made me want to jump off to the ceiling bc of joy. I love your idea and the way you create the content. *big clap hands*. I was crying,sobbing, cursing and even wincing in pain aigoo. SO emotional, i don't know what to say no more now. I wish you could write more OV for SeungHyun and female characters and the bedscenes too, kkk it wont make your fic dirty believe me it will help to let the readers know deeper about their love. For me personally Make love is important in love. Last words. I LOVE THISSSSSSSSSS FICTION SO MUCH.God job! Hwaitng Author nim ^^
taoandtabi #8
wow daebak!!
first time i cry just coz a story>o<..i can feel how the girl feeling for losing someone that she really love..
daebak author-nim!!continue do another story bout bigbang!!
Chapter 25: I don't know how else to tell you this but you are so wonderful.
You write words that touched my heart.
Then my heart broke a million times so much I couldn't breathe.
I found myself reading with ragged breath, sobbing and with an unrelenting pain in my chest.
Yes-physical pain.
I was so emotional I had to stop, close my eyes to let the pain wash over me.
I felt like you broke my soul..why would you do that to your readers?
then somehow you soothed it, made it sweet then tore it away. Then you gave me softness warmth and a way to continue. Thank you. Through your writing you can play with my emotions like a violinist. But somehow I still love you for it. I normally like fluff but you've made me like this.
I feel heart broken but I hopeful, optimistic-its very strange. Thank you.
Please write more. More bigbang. More and more.
Again thank you,