Seven days

Last.. Goodbye

The drive was a silent one. He stopped the car after an hour.

“Is this it?” You asked, looking around.

“Yea.. It’s here..” He got out of the car and took your hand in his.

You smiled. It was a beach. But it wasn’t just any beach because this was special to the both of you. You took him here once when he was depressed and on the verge of giving up. Nothing you did could cheer him up. It hurt you so much to see him like this. You took him to the beach because you got angry and is losing patience.

“You still remember this place?” You asked, as you walk along the beach.

“Of course, it’s so memorable. You slap me back to reality here. You pulled me back to life, how could I forget?” He picked you up and piggy backed you.


“I DON’T WANT TO COME OUT! WHY ARE YOU FORCING ME!?” He yelled as you pulled him out of the car.


He was torturing himself for no reason. He was so depressed out of a sudden. He did not go to work, he did not talk to anyone, he did not eat or sleep. It was worrying you so much. You tried to pacify him but it did not work. You, being a very hot tempered person, was trying your very best to be extremely patient with him. But one day, you snapped when you caught him trying to kill himself.

You dragged him to the beach, not bothering at the fact it was a very ugly sight and that you were hurting him because his knees were scraping against the concrete ground. You pulled him all the way to the water and pushed him in.

“YOU WANT TO DIE!? GO AHEAD! DO IT IN FRONT OF ME! GO!!” Your tears were falling uncontrollably. He sat in the water, looking at you blankly.


“YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US!? WE LOVE YOU WE LOVE YOU WE LOVE YOU! YOU..” You were lost for words. You were so angry with him that you were shaking. You fell to the ground and cried.

You felt a pair of strong arms embrace you. You pushed the pair of arms away and slapped the owner in his face.

“DON’T TOUCH ME!!!” You threw sand at him, kicking up a huge fuss in the middle of the beach.

He tried to hug you again, tighter this time. You couldn’t move. You did not have much energy to do so anyway. You just cried and punch his back.

“Sorry.. I’m so sorry... I lost my mind.. I’m sorry.. I wouldn’t do it again.. I promise I wouldn’t... I’m so sorry baby... Please, forgive me.. Please..” He begged you.

He too, was surprised by his own actions. Suicide, it never came across his mind that he’ll do such things. He felt so guilty for making you so worried, so heartbroken, so angry.


“Each time I feel like doing something, I look at the scars on my knees and remember that day... I never said it, but baby, thank you.”

“Thank you for being alive too..” You hug his neck tighter.


The both of you spend the entire day on the beach. He had everything ready, extra clothes, food, mat, cushions and blankets. The both of you washed up in the public toilet. When you came out, you saw that he was already preparing the food. The mat, cushions and blanket were all laid out.

“Wow.. Looks like someone came prepared..” You hugged a cushion.

“Yea.. I would bring a hair dryer if I could... Aish.. Your hair is so wet.. The wind is strong, what am I going to do if you fall sick?” He threw a towel over your head.

“Hehe.. What’s for dinner?”

“What else can we cook here?”

“True..” You opened a pack of chips. You ate while enjoying the night scenery.

After dinner, you sat in between him, leaning against his chest. A blanket over the both of you, his arms keeping you warm.

“Are we not leaving?”

“If we stay long enough, we may catch a shooting star..”

“Really? There are shooting stars?”

“Yeap. But obviously not like those in the cartoons. These ones, you have to look hard enough. It’s really fast, so you have to pay attention..”

“Oh... I see..”

You spend the next few hours like this in his arms. Your eyelids got heavier, but you struggled to stay awake. He suddenly pulled your arm up and pointed it into the sky.



He chuckled at your childlikeness. You close your eyes and made a wish.

“What did you wish for?”

“Shh.. No saying!”

“Hahaha.. Alright.. Let’s go, you’re sleepy already..”

“I’ll drive..”

“NO! You sleep..”

He wrapped you in the blanket and picked you up in bridal style. He carried you to the car before he left to bring the stuff back into the car. You already fell asleep by the time he got back. He look at you and gave you a light peck on your cheek. He pushed the car seat backwards so you could sleep better.

“I wish this moment would last. I wish I had more time. I wish.. I wish you would be happy.. Even without me..”

His tears fell onto your cheek, but you were too dead asleep to feel anything. He wiped them off hurriedly. He drove back, as slowly as possible. When you all got back, it was already almost 5am. He carried you back into the house and put you onto the bed lightly. He crawled beside you and fell asleep almost immediately.

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18 streak #1
The story i read over and over again.
And still cried like it's the first time reading it.
Hahahah how many comments did I leave here ??
Chapter 13: It's the best fanfic i've ever read. This make me crazy. I laugh, cried, laugh again, cried hard and cried again :((
Chapter 25: I am crying he did stuff he always wanted to do in such a short period of time i am on my third box of kleenex.
fiercee #4
Chapter 3: OMG. i already crying like crazy at chapter 2. This is so good. should i keep reading? i'm afraid can't handle my emotion for next chapter~~♡♥
fiercee #5
Chapter 3: OMG. i already crying like crazy at chapter 2. This is so good. should i keep reading? i'm afraid can't handle my emotion for next chapter~~♡♥
Chapter 25: Wow. I don't know even where to start from. It's one of the most beautiest stories I have ever readed. No. It's the most beautiful story ever. You are really talented. Your way of explaining everything is simply wonderful. I mean, it's the first story like this I ever read. Then, the storyline. I had to read the whole thing twice just to get sure that it's not a dream. Chapters 16, 18 and 19-20 made me cry so hard! My favorite parts in the story were when Seunghyun showed his love for his girlfriend in one week and when Hyung Ae said : "Dad was so handsome" Anyway, beautiful story. Congratulations!
Chapter 20: Oh ma gosh! This story is so daebak, it's totally different from those i used to read. At afternoon, i was crying as a mess and supposed not to read this story ever again when i finished chap 10, you took a sea of my tears away since the first chap you know XD but then until this chap which is my favorite, you made me want to jump off to the ceiling bc of joy. I love your idea and the way you create the content. *big clap hands*. I was crying,sobbing, cursing and even wincing in pain aigoo. SO emotional, i don't know what to say no more now. I wish you could write more OV for SeungHyun and female characters and the bedscenes too, kkk it wont make your fic dirty believe me it will help to let the readers know deeper about their love. For me personally Make love is important in love. Last words. I LOVE THISSSSSSSSSS FICTION SO MUCH.God job! Hwaitng Author nim ^^
taoandtabi #8
wow daebak!!
first time i cry just coz a story>o<..i can feel how the girl feeling for losing someone that she really love..
daebak author-nim!!continue do another story bout bigbang!!
Chapter 25: I don't know how else to tell you this but you are so wonderful.
You write words that touched my heart.
Then my heart broke a million times so much I couldn't breathe.
I found myself reading with ragged breath, sobbing and with an unrelenting pain in my chest.
Yes-physical pain.
I was so emotional I had to stop, close my eyes to let the pain wash over me.
I felt like you broke my soul..why would you do that to your readers?
then somehow you soothed it, made it sweet then tore it away. Then you gave me softness warmth and a way to continue. Thank you. Through your writing you can play with my emotions like a violinist. But somehow I still love you for it. I normally like fluff but you've made me like this.
I feel heart broken but I hopeful, optimistic-its very strange. Thank you.
Please write more. More bigbang. More and more.
Again thank you,