First Day Nerves

Why Me?
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Authors POV

As Tan and Ji-Young arrived at school they saw Eun Sang sitting down in the courtyard.

Cha Eun Sang quickly spotted the two and ran towards them.

Though Tan was standing there with his arms open she ran straight past him to Ji-Young.

“Yah! Cha Eun Sang!” He yelled irritated she didn’t acknowledge his presence.

Ignoring his baby like attitude, Eun Sang bear hugged Ji Young.

“Unnie, I missed you, I haven’t seen you in a while.” Ji-Young cried.

“Aw mianhae Ji Youngie I’ve been busy studying for the mid-year exams. How have you been lately? Are you still keeping healthy? Don’t even think about lying to me.”

“Oh really unnie? I hope you do well. Haha yes I’ve been keeping healthy. Thanks again for everything unnie. You really helped me these past few weeks. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” Ji Young smiled.

“Naw Ji-Young.” She hugged her.


Kim Tan who had been silent during their emotional talk came up behind the two girls and put one hand on each of their shoulders.

“Let’s get you two to class.”

While the trio was walking to class they received a lot of unwanted stares and glares. People wondering who the mysterious girl was and if Kim Tan really was a player, dating two girls at once.

Sensing Ji-Young’s nerves Tan gripped onto her shoulders.

As if on cue Choi Young-Do walked into the corridors. Notorious bad boy of Jeguk. Always searching for trouble. He had a smirk on his arrogant face.


“Oh! What is this? A ? I’m very hurt I wasn’t invited Kim Tan” He laughed. Neither Tan nor Eun Sang looking amused, as for Ji-Young she was scared of all the attention they were getting from his absurd comment.

“…Oh and who is this? New student I see? Is she ‘new money’ like Eun Sang or is that just another lie?” He glared at Eun Sang and Kim Tan.

Tan looked annoyed and let go of the girls.

“Cha Eun Sang, can you please take Ji Young to class? I’m a bit occupied at the moment. I guess someone still doesn’t know how to mind their own business?”
Not having to be told twice Cha Eun Sang took Ji Young by the hand, she could tell Ji-Young was nervous because her palms were sweaty.

As they both tried to pass Young-Do he blocked their pathways. He imitated their moves whenever they tried to get past him.


“Excuse me please, I have to get to class.” Ji-Young whispered barely loud enough for him to hear.

“Who are you?”

With no one saying anything he looked annoyed.

“Who are you?” he said and looked into Ji-Young’s eyes. She immediately looked to ground to avoid the blazing glare she received from him.

He leaned into Ji Young and whispered in her ear so only she could hear.

“Are you new money too? Just by looking I can tell you aren’t. You look like the daughter of a poor household. What do your parents do? Is your mother a housemaid like Eun Sang’s mom?” Her eyes

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misty8879 #1
Chapter 7: New reader here!! And I love it!! Keep writing!!! ^^
Amigaa #2
Chapter 24: Awww so cute. Hope the don't get separated.
Chapter 22: WHUT THE HELL???? JI YOUNG GET i hope those bloody girls get payback.
Chapter 21: aw shizzz didnt see the other chapter haha lol well i'll be busy for another 5 minutes :)
Chapter 21: kay so myungsoo confessed yet again and ji young out. I feel sorry for myungsoo huhhhhu oh well update soon please unnie
Chapter 21: wtf so i get back to read ji young is in hospital? NOOOOOO! Omg get better gurl.
Aw thank u guys for the comments xx will update in a couple of days, Cyclone Lusi is on it's way and power will be cut for a while
zelos_noona91 #8
Chapter 20: I hope those girls get suspended or like arrested or something!!!
vixxattack #9
Chapter 20: Hope Ji Young is okay>>
Chapter 20: OH Ji young is a baddass (in a good way) she has guts is what im tryna say