My Days Starting To Change...Oh Wait...

Why Me?
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Jo Myung Soo’s POV

The bell had just finished ringing signalling that it was time to go to our next class.

Packing up my bag I asked Ji Young what class she had next.

“I have P.E, I think” quickly skimming through her timetable she nodded “…yup I have P.E”

“Really? Well I can show you where the gym is if you want? Since you’re new and all.”
She looked at me reluctantly.

“No, I should be fine. I don’t want you to get in trouble by your teacher.”
 “Teachers? Pffffft they don’t scare me besides I’m going back to my studio anyway to finish off my portfolio for my photography class. Let’s go.”

“Thank you Myung-Soo ssi.” She politely bowed and followed me to the gym.




We were slowly nearing the gym and it was really quiet so I decided to lighten up the mood and start a conversation.

“You never told me why you came here?”

“Uh family reasons.” I could tell she didn’t want to talk about it so I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. She quickly changed the subject.


“Ah Myung-Soo ssi, so what studio are you going too? Do you sing or something?”

“Well not really, I love taking photos. It’s fascinating how many different moments you can capture with the single shot of a camera. As for my studio, it’s a place where I can relax and enjoy the various moments I capture. One day I hope for my work to be displayed around the world so everyone can enjoy those moments with me.”

Ji Young looked at me with awe in her eyes.


“Wow Myung Soo ssi, you really are passionate about photography. Why haven’t you left Korea to pursue your dream? I mean there’s more opportunities in America, London or even Paris? I think you could make it, I really believe you can.”

Taken aback by what she said, I pondered why I hadn’t pursued my dream of photography. I had the money, the gear and the passion but why had I never put any of these into action and leave?


“I actually don’t know why? I guess I’m living up to my parent’s expectations. Since they bought me into this world, it’s only fair that I fulfil their dreams for me which is to take over my dad’s law firm.”
She cocked her head to the side.

“Myung Soo ssi, do you want to be a lawyer?”
“Truthfully I don’t but I owe it to my parents.”<

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misty8879 #1
Chapter 7: New reader here!! And I love it!! Keep writing!!! ^^
Amigaa #2
Chapter 24: Awww so cute. Hope the don't get separated.
Chapter 22: WHUT THE HELL???? JI YOUNG GET i hope those bloody girls get payback.
Chapter 21: aw shizzz didnt see the other chapter haha lol well i'll be busy for another 5 minutes :)
Chapter 21: kay so myungsoo confessed yet again and ji young out. I feel sorry for myungsoo huhhhhu oh well update soon please unnie
Chapter 21: wtf so i get back to read ji young is in hospital? NOOOOOO! Omg get better gurl.
Aw thank u guys for the comments xx will update in a couple of days, Cyclone Lusi is on it's way and power will be cut for a while
zelos_noona91 #8
Chapter 20: I hope those girls get suspended or like arrested or something!!!
vixxattack #9
Chapter 20: Hope Ji Young is okay>>
Chapter 20: OH Ji young is a baddass (in a good way) she has guts is what im tryna say