The End

You and Your Scent

Nielly comes closer to their place. Changjo who noticed her, smiles at her and gets up from his seat but Nielly push him back gently, telling him not to go.

“Nielly” Changhyun said when Nielly pulls her into her hug.

“I’m okay, Nielly” Changhyun pats her back, trying to tell her. Nielly pulls out and observing her friend.

“I’m okay. I feel better now, thanks to Changjo”

“Just tell me what you want me to do to that blonde boy! I’ll slap him hard on his pretty face! How dare he hurts my best friend” Now it’s Nielly who cried. Changhyun wipes her tears and smiles.

“You don’t have to do anything, Nielly. It’s okay. Maybe it’s the best. He said sorry”
Nielly then turns to Changjo. She can see that he’s not on his best shape too.

“How about you, Changjo? Are you okay?” The boy nods while smiling at her.

“Changhyun-ah. I’m sorry” Minsoo steps closer.

“It’s not your fault, Minsoo” Changhyun smiles at him. She knows that Minsoo knows nothing. If he knows, there’s no way Nielly don’t know.

They stay still with no words until Changjo break the silence.

“I think I better leave now. Cheer up, Changhyun. You look better when you smile” He smiles at her and the girl smiling back at him.

“Thank you, Changjo. You too”

And then Changjo leave them.


“Changhyunnie… what would you like to do now?” Nielly trying to cheer her up.

“Mmmm Ice cream?” she said, smiling.

“Okay! Bang Minsoo, buy vanilla choco chips ice cream for me and strawberry for her” Minsoo nods and leave the two.


“I’m okay, Nielly. I feel better now”

“Are you sure? I wonder what happen to Changjo…”

“You know… I think his heart is more broken than me right now. I was lucky, have the chance to be with him, while Changjo… he just can see her, cannot touch her. Even now, he can’t love her”

Nielly bites her lips. She really doesn’t know what to say right now. Her heart aching after saw her dear Changjo like that.

“It’s the best for us, Nielly. L.Joe and I never mean to be” Changhyun said that but her tears falling down. Nielly pulls her into her hug, and hugs her tightly.

“It hurts. Hurt so badly. I can’t take it. How can I live with this pain, Nielly?” Finally Changhyun cry out loud.

“You’ll be alright, Hyunnie. Everything will be alright. Time will stop the pain”

“I want him to say he’s sorry and come back to me. I never want to see him leave. I need him”

“Hyunnie…” Nielly also cry.


Minsoo is watching them from far. Now he doesn’t know what to do. He understands L.Joe, but he knows Nielly hates his bestfriend.



 L.Joe was running to Chanhee’s place. When he arrived in front of her door, Chanhee appears before he press the bell.


He takes big step and pulls her into his hug.

“I love you, Chanhee. I love you so much. And I will never let you go” He said while hugging her tight. Chanhee get confused but then she smiles, and pulls the boy into her house.

“I love you too, Byungie”

He released the hug, holding her shoulders and looking straight into her eyes.

“I broke up with Changhyun. As I promised, I’m all yours now”

Chanhee smiles widely. Part of her feels bad for Changhyun, but most of her heart get really happy with that. She caress his cheek and gives him a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you Byungie. Thank you very much for making my dream comes true”



Changjo walking like zombie to his room. Drops his bag and lie down on his bed. Right now for Changjo, feels like his soul left his body.

He’s staring at the ceilings. His tears roll down his face. He can’t stop thinking. One question always appear on his mind. Why. Why it can’t be him? Why must L.Joe? Why don’t they meet sooner? Why it happens to him?

All the questions and tears takes all his energy, makes him fall asleep.


The next day

Chanhee and L.Joe walk together like every day, but there’s something different. No more Changjo waiting for them on the gate.

When L.Joe arrived at his class, there’s no Minsoo. Changjo who already there take a glance to him but then back to his book.

L.Joe sit and looking around. For the first time, he sit alone, with no Minsoo, Nielly and no Changhyun. It’s kinda weird, but he enjoys it. Just before the bell ring, Minsoo comes. He sit beside L.Joe but saying no words. L.Joe can understand if Minsoo won’t talk to him right now, but he wish that Minsoo won’t ignore him forever.

But then Minsoo looking at him, gave him a sad smile. “I hope you’re happy now, man. You’ve got what you wanted” which L.Joe answer with a nod.

“I don’t know if you want to hear this, but Changhyun is totally broken inside” this, makes L.Joe feels guilty for a moment, but then he tells himself that this is the best for her.

“And Nielly is totally hates you right now. And I’m trying to keep the balance here. I understand you and I’m trying to do the same to her. Hope you understand” again L.Joe just nod.

He believes Minsoo’s words when they’re on lunch break. Nielly was looking at him with fierce look. If only a stare can kill, he might have dead by now. L.Joe saw Nielly, Minsoo and Changhyun on one table at the cafeteria. L.Joe sits alone, but then someone sit infront of him. It’s Changjo.

“Can I sit here?”


They eat in silence. And when Changjo finished his food, he’s looking at L.Joe.

“I want to congrats you, for winning her heart. She told me to give up. you know it’s not easy for giving up on your feeling, but for her I will do that. I hope that she choose the right person. If you make her cry, I’ll be the first who will land a punch on your handsome face”

L.Joe smirks. “Don’t worry, I won’t let it happen”

“Good. She trusts you so much. I’ll try to trust her choice.” By that, L.Joe gets up and walk away.

Minsoo was watching them from his table. For a moment he thought that there will be some punch exchange between them, but when Changjo leaving L.Joe, Minsoo knows that Changjo is grown up.

“What are you looking at, Minsoo?” Nielly asked him but he doesn’t have to answer that question cos Nielly follows his eyes and understand him.

“It’s okay if you want to stay with him, Minsoo” She told him. she knows, that Minsoo forever will take L.Joe as his best friend. There’s no way that Minsoo will hate his best friend just because she hates him.

Minsoo answer her with a smile. “Thanks for your understanding, Nielly”

“That’s what girlfriend is for” She said while noms on her food.

“A what?” Minsoo’s eyes widen

“I don’t have to repeat my words, Bang Minsoo” she rolls her eyes and Changhyun chuckles.

Minsoo grins like a fool, he’s about to jump and hug her but managed himself to just grabs her hands.

“Ah you two… don’t make me jealous” Changhyun pouts cutely. Nielly release her hands from his grips. “Sorry Hyunnie”

Changhyun chuckles. “it’s okay~ I’m happy for you~”

Nielly hugs her tight “Thank you Changhyunnie”

Minsoo smiles at the girls, and then he’s looking at L.Joe’s seat, but it’s empty now so he just looking at the girls infront of him right now.


~Few Weeks later~

After that day, Changhyun never cry again. She decided to stop crying, because she realizes that tears won’t bring L.Joe back to her. Nothing can do.

So she tried to accept the truth that L.Joe will never be hers again.

There’s no awkward moment between Chanhee and Changjo, because somehow the boy managed to act like everything is alright and nothing happen before. Changjo still greet her, asking her questions about the lesson, and talking to her normally.

But Chanhee needed more time to stay cool with Changhyun and Nielly. First time she came to their class, she felt that Nielly’s eyes was on her all the time, while Changhyun totally ignored her and her lesson. But gradually, Nielly lessen the stare and Changhyun back to focus on her lesson.

Until today, Nielly comes to her with a soft smile.

“Miss Lee. Looks like your boyfriend now let you use your perfume again?” Chanhee nods.

Changhyun suddenly step closer. “I hope it will be the last time, for two of you hurting other’s feeling” she said to Chanhee.

“Please take a good care of him” Changhyun bows and leave her and Nielly.

“That’s how she’s trying to say, that she already move on. She was hates you but now she forgives you and him. Miss Lee, you know that from the first time I like you. But since that day, you’re disappointing me” Nielly smiles sadly, showing that she’s hurt.

“But I’m trying to understand you. And I’m glad now Changhyun can accept the truth. Just like what she said, hope that will be the last time something like this happen. We’ll keep your secret with us, no one will knows about it. I promise ”

“Thank you” that’s all Chanhee can say. She lost for words.

“Just be happy with him, Miss Lee. Don’t let him do the same thing to you or to other girls”

“I’ll make sure that I’ll be the only one for him, forever” Chanhee smiles at her. Nielly nods and bows, leaving her.


“Byung” Chanhee called him, who’s now playing with his phone while lying on her chair.

“Today Changhyun talk to me”

L.Joe stop playing and sit up. “What did she say?”

“I hope it will be the last time, for two of you hurting other’s feeling” Chanhee sit beside him.

L.Joe wraps his arm around her waist. “And what did you say?”

“I’m not saying anything to her cos she already left after saying that. But i told something to Nielly”


“I told her that I’ll make sure, I’ll be the only one for you. Forever”

L.Joe smiles and rest his head on her shoulder. “You’re my only one, Chanhee. I promise you’ll be my only one forever”




Since the day Changhyun talk to Chanhee, Minsoo spent more time with the girls then with L.Joe, but they’re still remaining as best friend. They still talking to each other and having boys time together once a week.

Changjo gradually spend more time with them since he stop coming to Chanhee’s office. Changjo fill the missing place that used to be L.Joe’s. Minsoo become a good friend with Changjo.

Maybe because they felt the same pain before, Changjo and Changhyun are getting closer to each other.


Today is their graduation day. After the ceremony and all, Minsoo, Nielly, Changhyun and Changjo decided to have a little celebration for them.

“Can I ask L.Joe to join us?” Minsoo asked Nielly. She lets out a sigh. She knows that Minsoo still care very much about his best friend.

“It’s okay. This will be the last time for us, let’s make a good memory” Changhyun answer him.

“Are you sure Hyunnie?” Nielly asked her.

“It’s been a while now Nielly, don’t worry” she smiles at her.

As soon as they agree to have L.Joe, Minsoo calls him.



“Man, where are you?”

“Me? At home. Why?”

“Come to usual place, we’re having last party”


“Yeah, me, Nielly, Changhyun and Changjo. They agree to have you here with us. So quick come or we’ll go to your place and have a party there”

L.Joe laughs “Alright I’ll be there soon” and they end the call


“Channie, I have to go now. The kids want me to join their celebration” L.Joe is at Chanhee’s right now, spending their time together like always.

“Okay. Enjoy the party Byungie”

“Mhmm~ don’t forget, tomorrow I’ll pick you up at 10. Mom and dad waiting for us” he smiles at him.

L.Joe will introduce Chanhee to his parents tomorrow, since he’s no longer her student. From now on they are real couple.

L.Joe pecks her lips and leaves her house, to join his old friends. It might be a little awkward, but he’s sure they will have good times for the last time, as high school friends.





Sorry for the really late post.

Well, that's the end. sorry if the end is disappointing, but i'm trying my best to make this last chapter between my crazy schedule.

Thank you for reading this long and little bit weird story~ kekeke

I have one new story, won't be long story like this, just one shot or maybe max 5 chapters. about girl!Chunji-Changjo. it's a request actually~ and i haven't published it. maybe i'll update the link here when i'm ready~

Once again~ thank you for my readers, subscribers, commenters~ i love you <3

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Byungchan_angel #1
Chapter 31: Awww~ Happy ending >.< !!!!
Jongie_00 #2
Chapter 31: Happy ending .. Yay !! I love it !
Chapter 31: Yay happy emding!!?
nielsgirl #4
Chapter 31: Happy ending yay
Chapter 31: Happy ending YAY!
Chapter 31: aww its completed . btw good job author nim .. >.< ..
Jongie_00 #7
Chapter 30: Poor Changhyun and Changjo . . but I want CHUNJOE !!!
Chapter 30: awww poor ricky
Chapter 29: I really want you to make fem chunji and changjo together!
Chapter 29: ayeee~ i can't wait... XD