Chapter 28

You and Your Scent

Next day

Chanhee wakes up early even though it’s Saturday. She feels so much better so she went for bathe. After that L.Joe called her.

“Morning Channie”

“Morning Byungie”

“How are you today?”

“So much better thanks to my personal nurse” Chanhee giggles.

“What’s my Channie doing now?”

“Mmm just finished shower”

“And what will my Channie do today?”

“Eat my breakfast and maybe going out for some fresh air”

“Alone?” Chanhee can imagine L.Joe frowns.

“Maybe. Or maybe with someone”

“And who is that someone?”

“Won’t tell”

“Yah! Channie” and Chanhee laughs.

“That someone is my handsome boyfriend”

“You have boyfriend, Channie?” L.Joe pretend to be shocked

“Mhmm. And he’s so handsome. No one can beat him”

“Even more than me?”

“Yes. For me, my boyfriend is the best” Chanhee giggles. L.Joe smiling by himself.

“Okay then. Your boyfriend will come to pick you up at 11”

“Can’t wait”

“See you later Channie”

“Bye Byungie”

And the call end.


At 11 o’clock L.Joe arrived at Chanhee’s house. And then they’re going to the park near there.

They’re just sitting, smiling to each other, and watching people passing by.

“Byung” Chanhee turns to face the handsome boy beside her


“Umm… what will you say to Changhyun?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I’ll just tell the truth”

“Are you sure that’s okay?”

“From what I know, Changhyun will accept the truth, rather than making some lame excuse”

“I feel bad” Chanhee look down.

“No baby don’t ever feel that way” L.Joe lift her chin so he can see her face.

“if there’s someone to blame, it will be me. I start it. Because I was a player, never think about what will happen in the future”

Chanhee’s tears roll down her cheeks. She feels so happy but at the same time sad. As a girl, she knows how Changhyun’s feeling. But as a girl in love, she won’t let her Byungie go.

“Byung, how long it will take till you graduates?” she wipes her tears and smiling.

“This is my last year”

“That’s good. You have to study hard”

“You’ll be the one who help me” L.Joe grins.

“Nah I won’t”

“Yah why?” L.Joe pouts.

“Because I’ll be your teacher at school only”

L.Joe chuckles. “Yes you are. Cos right now you’re my baby” He pulls her into his hug.

If only our live can always be happy like this.


On Monday

L.Joe and Chanhee walk together to the school. Today no Changjo on the gate, but there’s someone waiting for them. Well, this person only waiting for L.Joe.

“Morning L.Joe” She smiles at him before wrap her arms around his neck and give a pecks on his lips.

L.Joe shocked on her action, because she did it in front of Chanhee. Meanwhile Chanhee opens her eyes widely, obviously shocked with what she just saw.

“Changhyun-ah” L.Joe gently push her, release himself from her.

“Why? You don’t like it? But we always did it” She pouts.

Chanhee looks away and leave the two. When she passing L.Joe, he was about to grab her hand but Changhyun already drag him.

“Why don’t you call me yesterday?” She holds his hand.

“I’m sorry I was busy”

“You always busy these days. And Changhyunnie doesn’t like it”

“I’m sorry Changhyun-ah. I have to go to the class now. And I’ll talk to you after the school, okay?”

“Why? It’s still early. And if you want to talk, just say it now”

“No Changhyun-ah, we’ll go somewhere after school. I’ll pick you up. promise”

“Fine. But you won’t send me to my class?” she frowns but L.Joe shakes his head and then leaving her.

I guess it’s the end, Changhyun. He rejected you. It’s obvious. There’s nothing you can do.


L.Joe walk to her office but there’s so many teachers there so he turn around and back to his class.

“Morning Joe. What happen? Your face looks like you’ve seen a ghost” Minsoo chuckles.

“Not funny Minsoo” L.Joe frowns.

“What’s wrong?”

“Changhyun was waiting for me at the school gate. And she suddenly hug me and kissed me. In front of Chanhee”

“Kiss you like kiss your lips?” Minsoo rises his eyebrow.

“What else?”

“You teach her really well. She learned fast” Minsoo grins just to earn a smack from L.Joe.

“What’s her reaction?”

“She just walk away not even saying goodbye to me”

Minsoo pats his back. He can’t help him, all he can do just supporting him.

“Minsoo, I’ve decided to break up with Changhyun”

“You what?” Minsoo said out loud, making the class turns to see him

“Pabo” again L.Joe smacks him.

“Sorry” He grins.

“Chanhee said she will tell that boy to stop trying. And I will tell Changhyun to stop loving me. I’m tired. I just wanna be with her, peacefully”

“My L.Joe has grown up” He pats his head, L.Joe just pout.

“See you’re getting cuter day by day, Joe. She teach you how to be cute?” Minsoo laughs.

“Stupid CAP, stop it” he hits his arms.

“hahaha man you’re so cute”

“Stop it or I won’t talk to you anymore”

“Okay. Now when will you tell her?”

“Today,after school”

L.Joe takes his phone and send a message to Chanhee.

To : Channie

Channie baby, I’m sorry about what happen before. I don’t know she will do that.


From : Channie

It’s okay. Well, I’m not okay. But I understand. It’s just…something is bothering me. Why do I feel like she knows about us?


To : Channie

How? Only Minsoo and Changjo knows about us.


From : Channie

A girl’s feeling

L.Joe cannot reply her cos he don’t know what to say anymore. Maybe Changhyun knows about it and do it in purpose, in front of Chanhee. But how? It’s impossible that Minsoo tell her. Changjo? L.Joe doesn’t like that boy but he thinks Changjo isn’t that kind of person that will do anything to get what he wants. He’s not L.Joe.

In the middle of his confusion, the teacher comes in, makes him stop thinking about it for a while.


After school.

Changjo walk to her office, just like every day. And she welcoming him, like nothing happen.

When they’re alone, Chanhee think it’s the right time to tell him.


“Yes Miss Lee?”
“I have a request for you”

“Sure, what’s that?”

“Please stop doing this”

Changjo looking at her, confuse at first but then he gets what she’s trying to say.

“I will stop trying but please don’t tell me to stay away from you”

“That’s the only way. I want you to stop coming to my office. And please stop trying”

“Miss Lee”

“I don’t want you to get hurt. I want you to move on. You have to find someone better”

“I can stop trying but I can’t stay away from you”

“But that’s what you have to do. If you keep on following me wherever I go, you can’t move on. And you’ll try again and again”

“I won’t try I promise”

“Sorry Changjo”

“No Miss Lee…”

“That’s the best for us”


“I’m begging you Changjo”

“No. don’t. Miss Lee.”


Changjo staring at her deeply. His heart is breaking into pieces right now. It hurts more than when he saw her with L.Joe that time. He can’t think straight. He sit and covers his face with his hands.

“Why Miss Lee? Why can’t it be me?”

“Because I met him first. And I fell for him since the first time I saw him” Chanhee caress his hair.

“You’re a good boy, Changjo. I know you can find someone better than me”

“What if I can’t?”

“I’m sure you can”

“Miss Lee, I love you”

Chanhee smiles sadly “Thank you, but I can’t return your feeling”

Then there’s silence between them, for minutes.

Changjo trying to make up his mind. Trying to pick up piece by piece of his broken heart.

“Changjo, go home now” She pats his shoulder and back to her seat.

He takes his bag and bows to Chanhee, then leaving the room.

To : Byungie

I did it. I told him not to come. I’m a bad person. I broke his heart.


On his way back home, he saw someone sitting on a bench at the park. She’s covering her face but Changjo knows who’s that girl.

“Changhyun?” He called her.

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Byungchan_angel #1
Chapter 31: Awww~ Happy ending >.< !!!!
Jongie_00 #2
Chapter 31: Happy ending .. Yay !! I love it !
Chapter 31: Yay happy emding!!?
nielsgirl #4
Chapter 31: Happy ending yay
Chapter 31: Happy ending YAY!
Chapter 31: aww its completed . btw good job author nim .. >.< ..
Jongie_00 #7
Chapter 30: Poor Changhyun and Changjo . . but I want CHUNJOE !!!
Chapter 30: awww poor ricky
Chapter 29: I really want you to make fem chunji and changjo together!
Chapter 29: ayeee~ i can't wait... XD