Chapter 24

You and Your Scent

Changhyun woke up late. What happen these days really eats her from inside. She’s the last person that enter the class before the bell ring.

“Morning Hyunnie~” Nielly greet her cheerfully.

“Morning” She smiles at her.

“You look so tired” Nielly observing her, pouting.  Changhyun shakes her head and smiles. “I slept too much”

Nielly giggles and back to her seat. Now that they’re sitting side by side, Changhyun turns to observing her friend. What impressed her is that Nielly looks normal. Her eyes little bit puffy but over all she’s normal. Her thick lips keep on smiling. Knowing that she’s being observed, Nielly turns to face Changhyun while keep on smiling.

“As you can see, I’m all good. Nielly is strong”

Before Changhyun can say anything, Chanhee enters the class.

“Morning class. Sleep well last night? I hope so, because today, as I promised last week, we will have a review test” in a second the class growling. Chanhee giggles at their reaction. She writes the questions on board.

“You have 30 minuts, start from now”

The class suddenly quiet. They’re trying their best. Chanhee walking around the class, and when she passed Changhyun, the girl is staring at her.

Her scent is different from usual. Did she change her perfume?

Chanhee back to her seat and watching them. Her eyes landed on Changhyun, who’s still looking at her.

“10 minutes left” Chanhee told the class while keep the staring competition with Changhyun. In the end Changhyun back to her paper.


When the class end, Changhyun tugs Nielly’s sleeve.

“Yes Changhyunnie?”

“You said you like Miss Lee’s perfume”

“Yeah, that’s true”

“I don’t know if I’m wrong, but today I can’t smell her perfume”

“Yeah. Today she’s not wearing any perfume. Hmmm I think since yesterday” Nielly taps her chin, trying to remember.


“I think”

Two days ago I had a fight with him because of the perfume. And yesterday she didn’t use any perfume. Also today. Does it mean that he told her?

“What’s wrong Hyunnie?”

“Just… thinking about something”

“Tell me” Nielly whines.

“Uh … you said yesterday she didn’t use her perfume?”


“Two days ago if you remember, I had a fight with L.Joe”

“Just tell me the point, hyunnie” Nielly pouts.

“I wonder if L.Joe told her that I can smell her perfume on him and tell her to stop using it”

“You still thinking that the girl is her?” Nielly rises her eyebrows. Changhyun nods slowly.

Nielly tapping her own lips, thinking about something.

“If you’re really that curious, I’ll go find it out for you. But we can’t tell if she’s telling the truth or lied” Nielly said to her.

“What do you mean?”

“Just follow me~” Nielly walk out from class and Changhyun following her. They find Chanhee in front of a class, talking with a student.

“Wait here” Nielly told her and walk to Chanhee.

“Miss Lee~~”

“Oh, Nielly”

“Today’s test little bit easy. You’ll give us chocolate if we can get the perfect score, right?” Nielly said cutely that makes Chanhee chuckles on her cuteness.

“Sure. Are you confident?”

“Well, I try my best” She grins.

“You still have class?” Chanhee asked her.

“No, free time. I’ll just go to the cafeteria.” She’s smiling at her then bows a little before turn around. After few step, she turns back to Chanhee and frowns.

“Miss Lee you didn’t wear perfume today” Nielly pouts.

“How dd you know?” Chanhee chuckles.

“I like your scent. But today you smell different”

“Well, I stop using it”

“Why?” Nielly whines.

“I just want to try new one”

“But I like your previous perfume. This one is okay. But that one is better”

“Hmmm maybe one day I’ll wear it again” she smiles.

“Why? Didn’t your boyfriend like it?”

Chanhee get surprised at her mention about boyfriend. Chanhee just shrugs “Kind of” she said.

“He doesn’t have a good taste” Nielly pouts even more.

Chanhee laughs at her words. “I’ll tell him that”

Nielly giggles. “Make sure you say that, Miss Lee. Bye” she bows a little and leave her.


Nielly back to Changhyun, who’s standing not far away.

“Nielly, I wonder why you…” Changhyun about to ask but being cut by her.

“Because I like her. And well, I can’t hate her just because he likes her. She’s done nothing wrong to me so I think it’s not fair if I hate her for something she didn’t do”

Her answer leaves her speechless.

“Why are you so…nice?”

“Because I am” Nielly winks then laughs. “Let’s go back to the class. I have something to tell you” Nielly pulls her hand and walk back to their class.


“So, when I asked her if her boyfriend didn’t like her perfume, she said it’s kind of that way”

“You mean she has a boyfriend?” Changhyun frowns.

“Yeah. And I told her that her boyfriend taste is ” Nielly giggles.

“Nielly… don’t you think…”

“Yeah, I know what you’re thinking about. There’s a possibility that what you think is true. But we still need evidence, Hyunnie”


“By talking to L.Joe, and ask him”

When the school is over, Changjo comes to Chanhee’s office.

“Miss Lee~~”

“Come in, Changjo”

He gets inside while brings her papers.

Meanwhile L.Joe still trying to make Changhyun talk to him. The good thing is that Changhyun not avoiding him.

When he came to her class, Changhyun just stay in her silence. Nielly became her spoke person. The four walk in silence to the café.

“Changhyunnie, I’m sorry about yesterday. It’s not that I did something wrong. I was shocked when you asked me. When you think I was cheating on you. That’s why I didn’t say anything” L.Joe said while holding her hand.

A single tear escape from changhyun’s eyes. Gently L.Joe wipes it with his thumb.

“I’m sorry for making you think the other way. I should’ve answer you right away. That day my sister was buying new perfume, and she sprayed it on me”

L.Joe hugs her, and she hugs him back, making him smile.

“I’m sorry for accusing you” she said on his chest. “It’s okay.  As long as you trust me” L.Joe said while caressing her back.

“So, you two okay now?” Nielly asked. Changhyun release the hug and nods slowly.

“Good! Now we can order the food. Minsoo I’m hungry” she pouts. The rest laughing at her. Looks like the day went well for L.Joe.


After the girls went home, Minsoo pats his shoulder while they’re walking home.

“So my idea didn’t sound silly if L.Joe the one who use it?”

“I said it’s my sister, not my mom’s”

Minsoo laughs. “Glad that it works for now”

“Yeah. Thanks man. I told Chanhee to stop using her perfume too. And she ignored me almost whole day”

“She must love that perfume”

“Yeah. Anyway, how about you and Nielly?”

“Walking slowly. Looks like Nielly asking for extra time”

“Why is that so?”

“I guess it has something to do with Changjo boy. But I think Nielly also knows that Changjo likes Miss Lee”

L.Joe showing angry face everytime they’re talking about Changjo.

“You still let her meet him after school, Joe?”

“Can’t help it. She won’t hear me”

“He’s a tough guy”

“I know. And I think he’s planning something. Since yesterday he act so nice to me”

Just after he said that, not far from them, L.Joe saw Chanhee sitting on the bench, looking down, while Changjo standing in front of her. And slowly he bend down, and kissed her head.


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Byungchan_angel #1
Chapter 31: Awww~ Happy ending >.< !!!!
Jongie_00 #2
Chapter 31: Happy ending .. Yay !! I love it !
Chapter 31: Yay happy emding!!?
nielsgirl #4
Chapter 31: Happy ending yay
Chapter 31: Happy ending YAY!
Chapter 31: aww its completed . btw good job author nim .. >.< ..
Jongie_00 #7
Chapter 30: Poor Changhyun and Changjo . . but I want CHUNJOE !!!
Chapter 30: awww poor ricky
Chapter 29: I really want you to make fem chunji and changjo together!
Chapter 29: ayeee~ i can't wait... XD