Chapter 22

You and Your Scent

On the other side, Changjo didn’t come to Chanhee’s office because he made a promise with Nielly few days ago. And today she wants him to go out with her.

Changjo walks to her class, and find her with Changhyun. He knocks the door to have their attention. Nielly turns around and squeals “Changjo!”

She stand up and runs to him then she pulls him to get inside.

“Changjo, she’s Changhyun my bestfriend. Changhyun, he’s Changjo, my neighbor” Nielly introduce each other.

Changjo politely bows to him and Changhyun smiles to him.

“Changhyun-ah, are you sure you’ll go home alone? You can come with us if you want to” Nielly asked her friend.

“Thank you Nielly, but I’ll just go home now” Changhyun bows to Changjo and leave them.


“Your friend, Changhyun, looks so… sad” Changjo said when they’re arrived at the café where Nielly wish to go to.

“Well, she had a fight with her boyfriend” Nielly said while ordering something to drink.


“You know that flower boys in your class”

“L.Joe?”  Nielly nods.

He is a player. Bastard that playing with girls heart. Poor girl. She’s pretty, she should’ve find better man.

Just thinking about him makes Changjo feels upset.

“Changjo? Are you okay?”

“Ah yes. I’m fine”

“Well, you’re not close to him right?”

“No. I have no close friend, you know that.”

“But you’re a nice boy. Not to mention that you’re a good looking one” Nielly giggles and blush to her own words.

Changjo almost choked from Nielly’s compliement.

“Compared to L.Joe I’m just a nerd, Nielly”

“Who said that? You’re better than him. For me, you’re the best” Nielly now facing him, with serious face.

“Well, thank you Nielly” he smiled at her, making her blush.

“You know, it’s my first time going out with a friend after school. Thank you for asking me today, Nielly”

“You should’ve do it more often. Hang out with your friends will make your day complete” Nielly smiles widely.

“May be I should try” Changjo smiles back to her.

“Changjo, can I ask something?” Nielly bites her lip.


“I hear that you always come to visit Miss Lee’s office after class”

Changjo surprised but try to keep it cool. “Yeah”


“I’m just helping her. Plus i’m not good on math so I asked her to teach me things I don’t understand”

“I see…” Nielly just nods and looks down

“You always spend your time with Changhyun and that two boys, right?”

“You notice me?” She smiled happily

“You always come to my class, like everyday” he chuckles.

“oh right” she pouts, disappoint that he didn’t notice her for other way.

“Changjo. Can I ask something else?” and Changjo nods.

“I heard that… you like someone in our school. Is that true?”

This time Changjo really chokes. He wipes his mouth and staring at her.

“How did you know?”

“I heard it from someone”

“Well, it’s normal to like someone right? I can see that you like someone too” Changjo tried to avoid the topic.

“Yeah, it’s normal. But from what I heard, the person you like isn’t our friend”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean… you like someone who isn’t student in our school”

Changjo blinks. Blinks. Blinks.

“Before that, I want to tell you this. Changjo, I like you. From the very first time I saw you. And knowing that you are my neighbor really makes me happy” Nielly staring into his eyes, trying to tell him that she means every single words she said.

“And I’m so happy that you talk to me, when the other said you never talk to anyone. You are so nice to me. That makes me like you even more. There’s moment when I thought that you like me back. But when I heard that story about you, that you like…her… I can’t believe it. I only believe it if I hear it from you. That’s why we’re here. I just want to hear it straight from you. Then I can try to stop this feeling”

Changjo staring back at her. He’s amazed on how strong this girl is. She can talk about her feeling and what she will do that smooth in front of the one she likes.

“Now, I’m asking you Changjo. The person that you like, is not me, right?”

Changjo is speechless. All he can do just nods.

“And the one that you like is…Miss Lee?”

Again, he just nods. Nielly just smile at his answer. She’s not crying. Her smile so sincere.

“I’m sorry Nielly…”

“Shh don’t say that. It’s not your fault. I just want to make it clear to myself so I can stop hoping for you to be mine. I’m sorry… I shouldn’t do this but I can’t help it. I’m so curious. Now I feel better. I can move on now” she holds his hands and smiles.

“And don’t worry. I won’t tell anybody about your feeling. It will be our secret” she winks at him.

Changjo really speechless. At first he’s clueless and now he’s speechless.

“Changjo, can I be your friend?”

“Aren’t we?” he said

“Yeah, but I want to be real friend for you. You know, the one you can talk to about anything. It’s always me who comes to you, I hope there will come a day when you talk to me first”

Changjo nods. “Thank you Nielly. I’ll be your friend. You are my friend”

“Yey. Promise me?” Changjo nods.

“Let’s go home now~ I bet Changhyun waiting for me to call her”

“Oh… what happen to her?”

“She had a fight with him yesterday, and she hasn’t tell me why. But I guess… that L.Joe cheating on her”


uh's chapt 22.

I make it too long ><

I'm afraid that you'll get bored of it....

Should i make it fast? or keep it this way? less chapter? or more?

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Byungchan_angel #1
Chapter 31: Awww~ Happy ending >.< !!!!
Jongie_00 #2
Chapter 31: Happy ending .. Yay !! I love it !
Chapter 31: Yay happy emding!!?
nielsgirl #4
Chapter 31: Happy ending yay
Chapter 31: Happy ending YAY!
Chapter 31: aww its completed . btw good job author nim .. >.< ..
Jongie_00 #7
Chapter 30: Poor Changhyun and Changjo . . but I want CHUNJOE !!!
Chapter 30: awww poor ricky
Chapter 29: I really want you to make fem chunji and changjo together!
Chapter 29: ayeee~ i can't wait... XD