Chapter 29

You and Your Scent

The girl looks up and saw him. “Changjo?”

Tears rolling down her face. Changjo bends down and wipes her tears. His heart aching to see her crying like this.

“What happen?”

“He broke up with me” then she cry out loud. Changjo then pulls her into his arms, and hugs her tightly. He understands her. He knows how it feels. He caress her back trying to soothe her. “Shhh it’s alright. Everything will be alright”

“I thought he loves me, but he’s not. He never loved me. He never loved anyone, he said. And now he’s in love, but not with me” She said while crying on his arms.

“I know. It hurts” He said, holding back his own tears.

After a while, finally Changhyun calm down and Changjo let her go from his hug.

“I’m sorry” she looks down.

“It’s okay Changhyun-ah. Nielly’s friend is my friend too”

Changhyun looks up and see his face. “You’ve been crying too” she touches his cheek.

“Well it’s not a good day for me either” He chuckles.

“She reject you?” Changhyun asked him and Changjo just nods.

“So it’s true that they’re together. He said they love each other” Changhyun feels like crying again. Changjo holds her hand, trying to stop her from crying.

“Yeah. There’s nothing I can do. I’m sorry”

They never talk to each other, but right now even without saying any name they can understand each other.

“It’s not your fault. It’s their fault who can’t control their heart. I feel so stupid for all this time believing that he loves me the way I do”

“I feel like not trying my best to win her heart. And I feel like the world is not fair. Why he always get what he wants”

“Because he always make the first move, and he will never stop until he gets what he wants. That’s him”  Changhyun said.

“And all I can do is just wait for her to understand my feeling. Such a fool”

“No you’re not. That’s more sincere. I like that kind of love. Waiting patiently. That’s what I did before”

Both let out a deep sigh. They stay like that for hour.


What happened to Changhyun?

L.Joe was fetching Changhyun from her class. Just like every day, with Minsoo and Nielly following them.

L.Joe gives a sign to Minsoo to take Nielly away from them. He knows that Nielly dislike him now, for hurting her bestfriend. But L.Joe didn’t care about it.

“Nielly, let’s go somewhere~ I have something to show you” Minsoo drags Nielly away from Changhyun.

“But…Changhyunnie?” Nielly looking back as she being dragged by Minsoo.

“They need private times”

Nielly stops and crosses her arms on her chest.

“You know about something that I don’t, Bang Minsoo”

Minsoo let out a sigh before turns to face her. “Yes, I know something. But for now, let them settle things between them. For the best” He takes her hand and continue to walk but this time he walks slowly.


“Changhyun-ah” L.Joe begin to talk when they’re arrived at the park and sit on the bench.

“L.Joe can we just buy ice cream and go home?” She said. Changhyun knows that something isn’t right. And she knows what L.Joe wants. Girl’s feeling. She tried to avoid the talk.

“We need to talk, Changhyun-ah”

“Not we. But only you. I have nothing to say, L.Joe” Changhyun looks away.

“Okay. I will talk now. Please listen to me. You can do anything after that, but please listen to me” Changhyun nods.

L.Joe isn’t sure how to start, but he thought that being forward better than running around.

“Changhyun, I’m sorry but let’s break up”

“You found someone else, right?” She asked, still looking away. L.Joe nods slowly.

“She must be something so you choose her over me” now she turns to face him.

“Tell me, what did I do wrong till you do this to me?” she holds his hand.

“You’ve done nothing wrong baby. It was really beautiful being with you for all this time”

“But you never loved me. Not even once, right?” Tears begin to form on Changhyun’s eyes. L.Joe nods slowly.

“Tell me that you love her”

L.Joe hestitate at first, but he can’t deny his own feeling so he answers her.

“I love her. It’s love at the first sight, and more than that, it’s my first love. I’ve never fall in love before. And our feeling is mutual”

By that tears rolling down Changhyun’s cheek. It hurts like crazy hearing the one you love saying that he never love you back, and the worst was he said that he’s falling in love with someone else from the first sight.

“I’m sorry Changhyun-ah. I think it’s better for me to tell you now, before you hear it from the other”

Changhyun wipes her tears. “I know her, right?”

“Yes, you know her”

“And I don’t like her from the first time. Remember I’ve told you before?”

L.Joe nods. “How did you know it was her?”

“Instinct I guess. I’ve loved you for long time, L.Joe. Even before you noticed me. I know you very well, that she’s your type. One thing that I didn’t know is that she loves you back”

“And I think you tell her to stop wearing perfume because you’ve been caught by me”

L.Joe laughs bitterly. “You read me like a book, Changhyun”

“That’s why I don’t understand why can’t you love me, L.Joe” She begin to cry again.

“I’m sorry Changhyun-ah…I’m sorry”

“Stop saying sorry” she wipes her tears “Just go. I hate you, L.Joe” She lied. She can never hate L.Joe. She loves him too much. If L.Joe was asking for her to come back to him, maybe she will say yes.

L.Joe staring at her for a while, but she just look down.

“I’ll leave now. Call your driver to fetch you. Don’t go anywhere else anymore, not without Nielly”

L.Joe cares about Changhyun, but just as brother. 

L.Joe turns around and walk away, leaving Changhyun alone.

Then Changjo passing by and notice her.


Meanwhile Minsoo having a hard time to tell Nielly without her being mad.

“Now tell me Bang Minsoo”

“L.Joe fall in love with other girl” that’s the best Minsoo can do to describe the situation.

“In other words L.Joe is cheating on Changhyun” She said angrily.

“Well… it’s his first love”

“What? Are you kidding me? He’s the flower boy that act playboy dating different girl every week. And you said it’s his first love?” Nielly rise her voice making Minsoo asking her to lower her voice.

“He never fall in love before. And with Changhyun… I think it’s just brotherly feeling”

“How long have you know about it?” She eyed him, feeling betrayed.

“One week?”


“He also hid it from me” Minsoo gives her an innocent look.

“Let’s go back! Changhyun needs me!” She turns around but Minsoo stop her.

“Let’s wait for a while. Let them talking” Nielly pouts but listenting to his words.

“Who’s the girl?”


“I know who is she” Nielly said, making Minsoo shocked.

“She’s Miss Lee, right?”


“Changhyun always suspecting her since she smell the same scent on L.Joe’s shirt with Miss Lee’s scent”

“Just like that?”

“It’s not just like that! You don’t understand. A girl’s feeling”

Minsoo nods.

“Please, I’m worried about Changhyun. Let’s go back there Minsoo”

Nielly takes his hand and drag him back to where Changhyun is.

When they’re near, they saw an unusual view. There’s Changhyun, crying with someone beside her. Someone that’s not L.Joe.

“Changjo?” Nielly whispers.




Dear my reader subscriber and everyone who stumbled on this story.

This chapt was writen when i'm half awake and half asleep, sorry if its turns out weird. kekeke

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Byungchan_angel #1
Chapter 31: Awww~ Happy ending >.< !!!!
Jongie_00 #2
Chapter 31: Happy ending .. Yay !! I love it !
Chapter 31: Yay happy emding!!?
nielsgirl #4
Chapter 31: Happy ending yay
Chapter 31: Happy ending YAY!
Chapter 31: aww its completed . btw good job author nim .. >.< ..
Jongie_00 #7
Chapter 30: Poor Changhyun and Changjo . . but I want CHUNJOE !!!
Chapter 30: awww poor ricky
Chapter 29: I really want you to make fem chunji and changjo together!
Chapter 29: ayeee~ i can't wait... XD