
Mr Player and I
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The bell rang again, this time signalling for lunch. Soeun had hardly noticed how the two periods just past by. This was probably helped by sehun, the two hours passed even quicker when nobody talked to you.

From the outside sehun probably looked as calm and as collectable like per usual but today he seemed to be having an off day. The source of this problem was probably because of his first love, sitting directly in front of him. Oh Hayoung.

The person sat next to him was completely oblivious to the emotional wreckage beside her, all she really wanted was for this day to be over. Soeun sighed in happiness as the bell for lunch had rung. Now for the next thirty minutes she could sit by herself and enjoy the silence. 

"Ah wait-" Soeun mentally face palmed herself, she had forgotten to place her lunch in the bag. This time instead of mentally face palming herself she actually face palmed herself. 

"UGH" Her groaning earned herself some more weird looks from the fellow classmates.

Kai turned and looked at the sound of the groan, the sound had alerted others aswell but when everyone realized the noise had came from soeun everybody became less concerned. All except one, kai. 

Everyone began swarming to lunch and that included him, being socialable was beginning to become an issue. All he really wanted to do was check up on soeun, for someone who hardly liked attention she seemed to have been earning a lot today. He sat on the table- well more like forced onto the table without his consent. Anyway, other than the urge not to kill himself kai just wanted to find soeun. 

Why would he want to kill himself? I mean he's a ridicilously handsome teen and has a lot of potential ahead of him- so why?

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Yaya808 #1
Chapter 30: You did really well authornim:) thank you so much and please contact this!!
likatulay #2
Chapter 30: Aww.. Poor them.. Kai and sound.. This is good, love it.. Thanks for the update... Update soon.
Chapter 5: Aww...just when I was looking for a cute story to just enjoy, I ran into yours! I love your story so far. Light and fluffy. Just perfect. It's very entertaining and just what I need after my long day working. *heart sign*
likatulay #4
Chapter 29: Hehehe., you're doing fine! Anyways close your eyes, take deep breath, relax and then you can do it.. Hehehe..I do love your story...
likatulay #5
Chapter 28: thanks a lot for the update,, please don't separate so eun an jongin.. lol,, anyways please update soon..
likatulay #6
Chapter 26: You did a good job!! That was great..update soon please...
likatulay #7
Chapter 25: Awww.. That was great.. Thanks for the upda.. Love it!!!
DreamerGirly #8
Chapter 24: Oh nooooooo
likatulay #9
Chapter 24: ooh. no more Kim so eun in this chapter?? lol.. please write some more about Kim so eun.. thanks
Sandara05 #10
Kai :) "his smirks is best" hehe :-D