sixteen (xmas - pt 1)

Mr Player and I
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What Soeun didn't do was wait, if she had waited then she would of heard the truth. 

"You're lying." Hayoung opened another snack and propped it playfully into , she arched her eyebrow and awaited for a response of denial. Kai didn't disagree with what she said instead he did the opposite. 

"I know." A small blush spread through his cheeks at the thought of Soeun, soon enough he allowed a wide grin to appear on his lips. 

"You should tell her... Because, you know... Someone else might like her... And she might like them back..." It was like Hayoung knew something he didn't but she was going to keep it a complete secret, until it was the right time of course. "Tell her you like her - at christmas. It seems cringey and all but just tell her, you have to. You could do it under a mistletoe or something... I'm not an expert at romance so -" Kai was now standing with his arms waving in the air, it seemed like he was having a mini rave.

"HAYOUNG! YOU ARE SO SMART! You're right. I'm going to do it and I'm going to do it at christmas! It'll be soooo romantic and cute and she'll say yes and then we'll kiss and the-" Kai was stopped halfway through his passionate speech with an abrupt cough from Hayoung, she burst into giggles at the look he gave her. 

The nurse had walked into two teens laughing in histerics, her shocked face made them laugh even harder.

"You can leave now, the man has already payed the fee's and left with the patient... So, I thought I would tell you because they might be waiting for you outside." This is what caused them both to stop laughing, and caused a ray of concern through out the two of them.

"Thanks, we'll leave now..." She got onto her feet and made her way to the door, Hayoung paused once realising Kai wasn't moving. "Yah, get up." He still didn't move, it seemed that he didn't even hear what she was saying. He was in his own world. She gave an awkward smile to the nurse before grabbing Kai by the arm and dragging him outside into the corridoor. Hayoung went back inside for his bags and apologised for the mess that was left. 

"It's too late." His meek attempt to speak stopped her from walking away, she turned and gave him an odd look. "You know who likes her don't you? It's Sehun, right?" No reply. Instead Hayoung turned her back to him and continued to walk away, in response to this - his hoarse whisper turned into a shout. "TELL ME!" The only response he got was her middle fingers rising and Kai already knew there was a sly smirk on her lips. 

He had burst into what seemed like frantic sobs and occupied a place on the floor of the corridoor. The nurse had finished cleaning the snack filled room and made her way outside, she found an upset Kai curled up in a ball in the corridoor. 

"Are you okay?" Kai lifted his head and his eyes were puppy like. All the sadness had transformed it self into rage, he got onto his feet which suprised the nurse and his angry eyes made her even more lustful. Kai pushed her back into the previously owned hospital room and the nurse happily obliged, he shoved her body to the nearest wall before tearing her uniform open. A moan sprung it's way out of the stranger after the arrival of his lips on her neck, it was the moan that finally brought him back to reality. That girl wasn't Soeun. He was turning back to what he used to be like.

He flinged himself off her and left her panting as he ran to find Soeun. 


Sehun ran to catch up with Soeun, she had engulfed herself in the crowd. He called for her name numerous time and used his height as an advantage, finally after what had seemed like a lifetime he saw her turn her head. Her eyes searched for the figure calling out her name and instead of the one she yearned for, her eyes met with Sehun's instead. Her teary face caused him to run faster towards her, but it seemed that with each step she would get further away from him. 

He finally caught up to her at the zebra crossing, before she could take another step his hands wrapped around her wrist and stopped her. She spun around and attempted to pull away from him, but he was too strong. Soeun collapsed into his chest and she finally let go of what she had been holding in, she sobbed furiously into his now wet shirt but he still comforted her. His hand gently her hair but he wanted to do mote to stop her from crying, "Let's go home, okay?"

Soeun didn't hear what he said and just followed him, he had now placed his arm around her shoulder and she had found a home in him.

"Soeun? Soeun!" It was Kai that was shouting her name in the streets,  his voice had quickly gone hoarse and only croaky whispers could be heard. 

Soeun had finally stopped crying and now begun the ritual of sniffing, her head turned at the sound of a voice that seemed like it was calling her name. However Sehun's protective arm stopped her from looking for the voice, he gently placed her head back into his chest. She couldn't hear the pounding of his heart because of the overwhelming sound of the sniffs. 

Kai halted and finally gave up after witnessing her with him. Soeun was in the arms of his step brother. Hayoung was right. He needed to tell her quickly, because there might be somebody else who likes her. And that somebody was Oh Sehun.

It seemed that after the events at the hospital Soeun began to avoid Kai at all costs, on the first day back at school after the hospital she had somehow grown closer with Sehun. He could her laughte

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Yaya808 #1
Chapter 30: You did really well authornim:) thank you so much and please contact this!!
likatulay #2
Chapter 30: Aww.. Poor them.. Kai and sound.. This is good, love it.. Thanks for the update... Update soon.
Chapter 5: Aww...just when I was looking for a cute story to just enjoy, I ran into yours! I love your story so far. Light and fluffy. Just perfect. It's very entertaining and just what I need after my long day working. *heart sign*
likatulay #4
Chapter 29: Hehehe., you're doing fine! Anyways close your eyes, take deep breath, relax and then you can do it.. Hehehe..I do love your story...
likatulay #5
Chapter 28: thanks a lot for the update,, please don't separate so eun an jongin.. lol,, anyways please update soon..
likatulay #6
Chapter 26: You did a good job!! That was great..update soon please...
likatulay #7
Chapter 25: Awww.. That was great.. Thanks for the upda.. Love it!!!
DreamerGirly #8
Chapter 24: Oh nooooooo
likatulay #9
Chapter 24: ooh. no more Kim so eun in this chapter?? lol.. please write some more about Kim so eun.. thanks
Sandara05 #10
Kai :) "his smirks is best" hehe :-D