- Chapter 7

||| Torn - From Author of 'Message'|||
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- Chapter 7 -

"Mianhae, Taeyeon."


"A..ppa.. "

"Please don't leave me. Appa.."

In her dreams, Taeyeon called for her father. She then felt the arms around her tightened. Slowly, she opened her eyes. Instead of seeing her father, Taeyeon found a pair of sharp eyes looking at her. 

"You woke up.."

"How are you feeling now?"

Realizing it isn't her father who is holding her, Taeyeon jumped up.

"Why are you here??"

Taeyeon asked as she tried recollect what just happened. She recalled herself blacking out, and before that she found the bench, sat down and then someone came along....Wait, is that someone Baekhyun? Is he here the whole time with her until she regained her conciousness?

"See a doctor if you are unwell."

Baekhyun stood up, and tried to hold Taeyeon who hardly stand straight on her feet.

"Thanks, but I can stand on my own."

Taeyeon kept a distance, and Baekhyun let her be.

"What is wrong?" "You look pale." "And you were having difficulty breathing?" asked Baekhyun.

Taeyeon looked aside without answering.

"You can be stubborn and not tell me anything. But if you do this to yourself, no one is going to pity you."

"Besides... if you collapsed like this again, you won't be this lucky to have someone to catch you ."

Taeyeon bit her lips, and looked up.

"Don't think too highly of yourself, Byun Baekhyun. And whatever happen to me, I don't need your pity.."


The next day...

Taeyeon stepped into the class and the first person she saw was Jiyong. Taeyeon felt bad. She was suppose to help him with his schoolwork, but she just left abruptly because of the few words he said.

Mr Cho came in shortly.

"Class, there is going to be a mock test today." announced the teacher at the minute he stepped in.

The class groaned hearing that there is going to be a surprise test, though it isn't something new. It's not unusual since Royce is a prestige school, and the students here have the calibre to deal with tests as surprise as this.

But Taeyeon is worried. Not for herself, but for Jiyong.

She was supposed to get him ready to deal with tests like this. Though Jiyong has been here just for a day, she could have at least walk him through the few classes he had missed.

Looking over to the boy who's sitting 2 desks away from her, Taeyeon felt bad. Really bad.


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Hayat786 #1
Chapter 23: Plz ubdate
Chapter 23: Updateeee
cincaa #3
Chapter 23: This is dope..will u update authornim?? I just read this today and cant stop untill no more next button..hope u will update this again
fuchaoife #4
Chapter 23: I don't usually read AU story, but yours is indeed good. Yeah gtae for lifee <333 please come back and continue this story. I really want to see what'd happen to tae's father, the triangle love between ji tae baek, the school, and many more things. So come back please? :))
baekyeon9635 #5
Chapter 23: please please pleaseee Update
yolo654321 #6
Chapter 23: finish your story please
mylifeisbeautiful #7
AWWEEE, poor Baekhyun :(
But Gtae all the way! Hope you can update soon :)
Chapter 23: Authornim.. Where are u???:(
prinzginger #9
Chapter 23: Pls finish ur story pls!!
kpopfanSNSD #10
The story is good but it will be awesome if you can finish it.. So hope you update soon