- Chapter 4

||| Torn - From Author of 'Message'|||
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- Chapter 4 -

"Excuse me."

A voice called her from behind.

Taeyeon turned around and saw an unfamiliar face. And the next thing, everything turns black...


Cracking her eyes opened..

Taeyeon stared at the ceiling for a few seconds until she fully regained her conciousness. 

Seeing the doctor by her side, "Why am I here?" Taeyeon asked with a weak voice.

"Good that you are awake. You passed out a while ago."

Blinking her eyes in confusion, "I passed out?"

"Yes. Miss Kim." the doctor said as she helped Taeyeon up from the bed.

"Can you recall what exactly happen before you passed out? Were doing any strenuous work? And does this happen to you frequently?" asked the doctor. 

Taeyeon thought for awhile.

"I was at the garden clearing the weeds. The sun was hot. And then someone called me... and after that... I couldn't recall anything after that."

"Okay. So do you have history of passing out like this?" 

"Erm nope. But.. here my left chest. It felt pain every now and then." Taeyeon explained as she placed her hands gently on the spot which has been giving her problems lately. 

"Miss Kim, I actually examined your heart beat just now and noticed it's pacing irregularly. I would suggest you to consult a specialist, especially if you experienced pain regularly."

Taeyeon looked up at the doctor.

"Are you saying there is something wrong with my heart?"

The doctor smiled, "I don't mean that. It's always better to consult a specialist to make sure everything is fine. I will write you a reference letter to a hospital."

Taeyeon shook her head, "Thanks, but I don't think I need it now. I guess... it's just the summer weather that's giving me all these problems. I am feeling fine now."

"Sure?" asked the doctor.

Taeyeon nodded with assurance.

"Okay. But promise me that you will go to a specialist if you feel pain again." the doctor advised.

Taeyeon nodded before she stood up to put on her blazer.

"By the way, how did I end up in the clinic?" Taeyeon asked.

The doctor looked at her with a smile, "It was a boy who brought you here." 

"A boy??" 

"Yes. A handsome young man carried you here." the doctor added.  "I asked him if he wants to wait for you to regain conciousness, but he just walked off after he got the direction to the registrar office from me."

"Registrar office??"


Leaving the clinic, besides worrying about her own health, Taeyeon couldn't stop pondering who could be the person who sent her to the doctor. She remember seeing no one around the garden. It's a secluded corner and hardly anyone would walk past. She tried to recall again and again, but couldn't remember seeing anyone.... except for that unfamiliar face.

"Who is he??"

Taeyeon thought to herself.

"Registrar office...??"

As she tried to figure out, Taeyeon accidentally knocked onto someone around the corner.

"Watch where you are going!"  The familiar husky voice said.

Taeyeon looked up to f

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Hayat786 #1
Chapter 23: Plz ubdate
Chapter 23: Updateeee
cincaa #3
Chapter 23: This is dope..will u update authornim?? I just read this today and cant stop untill no more next button..hope u will update this again
fuchaoife #4
Chapter 23: I don't usually read AU story, but yours is indeed good. Yeah gtae for lifee <333 please come back and continue this story. I really want to see what'd happen to tae's father, the triangle love between ji tae baek, the school, and many more things. So come back please? :))
baekyeon9635 #5
Chapter 23: please please pleaseee Update
yolo654321 #6
Chapter 23: finish your story please
mylifeisbeautiful #7
AWWEEE, poor Baekhyun :(
But Gtae all the way! Hope you can update soon :)
Chapter 23: Authornim.. Where are u???:(
prinzginger #9
Chapter 23: Pls finish ur story pls!!
kpopfanSNSD #10
The story is good but it will be awesome if you can finish it.. So hope you update soon