- Chapter 19

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- Chapter 19 - 

"Stop right there.. Byun Baekhyun. "


It has been almost 10 days in hospital.

And it finally came to this day when Taeyeon's medical report is ready. Extremely nervous about it, Taeyeon couldn't sleep well for the entire night. So that morning, she woke up early to wait for the doctor.

"Morning Miss Kim, you look good today." A nurse came in and greeted Taeyeon.

"Morning...erm... did the doctor say when he wants to see me?" asked Taeyeon.

The nurse smiled as she placed Taeyeon's breakfast on the overbed table.

"Dr Lee is doing his rounds now. Just relax, have a good breakfast and wait for your turn." she said.

Taeyeon nodded, but her nerves still tense.

The nurse noticed it and widened her smile, "Nervous? You should have asked your boyfriend to stay with you today."

Taeyeon looked up, "Boyfriend??"

"Yes, that boy who came everyday. Bringing you food and tutoring you. Surprisingly, he seems to be a nice boy despite of his unique hair and those pierces. You are one lucky girl.."  The nurse said.

Taeyeon let out a small laugh, " Him?? Jiyong oppa? Aniyo, that's not my boyfriend. He's just a classmate." 

The nurse tilted her head alittle. "Jinjjia yo? Classmate??"

She then returned a small laugh. "Pabo. Classmates don't do things like these."

"Do things like what?" asked Taeyeon.

The nurse patted her head gently, "Do things like what that boy did for you." She smiled again before she is set to proceed to other wards. But before the nurse left, something strikes her mind.

"By the way, Miss Kim.. besides the shaved hair boy, do you have other visitors lately?" she asked.

Knowing very well that besides Jiyong, there is no one else who knows her condition, Taeyeon shook her head. 

"No. Why..?"

The nurse thought for awhile, "Hmm.. weird then."

"What's wrong?" asked Taeyeon.

"Cause for these few days, there is a boy who has been staying around this area. But we didn't see him visiting anyone. He just sat at the visitor corner. And he usually came around 2 pm, and he will stay until lightsoff before he go

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Hayat786 #1
Chapter 23: Plz ubdate
Chapter 23: Updateeee
cincaa #3
Chapter 23: This is dope..will u update authornim?? I just read this today and cant stop untill no more next button..hope u will update this again
fuchaoife #4
Chapter 23: I don't usually read AU story, but yours is indeed good. Yeah gtae for lifee <333 please come back and continue this story. I really want to see what'd happen to tae's father, the triangle love between ji tae baek, the school, and many more things. So come back please? :))
baekyeon9635 #5
Chapter 23: please please pleaseee Update
yolo654321 #6
Chapter 23: finish your story please
mylifeisbeautiful #7
AWWEEE, poor Baekhyun :(
But Gtae all the way! Hope you can update soon :)
Chapter 23: Authornim.. Where are u???:(
prinzginger #9
Chapter 23: Pls finish ur story pls!!
kpopfanSNSD #10
The story is good but it will be awesome if you can finish it.. So hope you update soon