- Chapter 21

||| Torn - From Author of 'Message'|||
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- Chapter 21 - 

"If the game is on.. you will never win me."


Back to hospital the following day, Jiyong walked into Taeyeon's ward and found it empty.

Seeing a nurse passed by, he stopped her. "Excuse me, where is the patient?" 

"You mean Miss Kim? She is discharging today."

"Discharging??" Jiyong crooked his brows.

"She just went off awhile ago. You might still catch her.." 

Hearing that, Jiyong quickly jogged off. 

Very soon, he found the familiar petite figure in the crowd. 

Slowly he made his way to her, "So you intend to quietly walk off like this??"

Taeyeon startled by Jiyong's sudden appearance. 

"What are you doing here?" she asked. "Aren't you suppose to be at school now?"

Jiyong took over her bags, "My sixth sense told me if I don't skip school, you will slip away from here quietly."

Taeyeon let out a small smile. "Not funny. If you want to skip school, just say so. Don't use me as an excuse."

"Whatever.." Jiyong smirked. ""You sure you don't have to stay here anymore?"

"Dr Lee reviewed my report yesterday, that's what he thinks it's best for me." Taeyeon shrugged. "They can't do anything even if I continue my stay. I have to resume my life. Besides, I want to go back to school too.." 


Walking out from the hospital,

"You sure about that? Going back to school?" asked Jiyong.

Taeyeon nodded.

"Why rush yourself? " Jiyong added. "Why not take a break? As for schoolwork, you don't have to worry. You have me." He smiled. "I will assure your graduation from Royce." 

Taeyeon turned around and shook her head at Jiyong. "I know you have been helping me. And I believe you are smart enough to get me straight 'A's. But I can't possibly rely on you forever, right?" 

"Or maybe you can.." Jiyong stopped and muttered. 

Taeyeon looked up. "What??"

Jiyong quickly look away. "Erm I meant.. how about switching school then?"

"Switching school??" Taeyeyon paused. "I never thought about that."

"Why not? New environment, new friends and new life. You can start afresh. Besides, there must be other schools that are equally prestige, if not, close to Royce."

Taeyeon bit her lips. 

"Rather than changing school, perhaps I need to change myself."


Reaching Taeyeon's apartment, Jiyong passed her belongings back to her.

"Mianhae." said Jiyong. Taeyeon crooked her brows. "Why say sorry?"

"I should have stayed with you when Dr Lee reviewed your report yesterday. But I was...."

"But you were busy with some silly basketball game."  

A foreign voice interrupted their conversation. Taey

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Hayat786 #1
Chapter 23: Plz ubdate
Chapter 23: Updateeee
cincaa #3
Chapter 23: This is dope..will u update authornim?? I just read this today and cant stop untill no more next button..hope u will update this again
fuchaoife #4
Chapter 23: I don't usually read AU story, but yours is indeed good. Yeah gtae for lifee <333 please come back and continue this story. I really want to see what'd happen to tae's father, the triangle love between ji tae baek, the school, and many more things. So come back please? :))
baekyeon9635 #5
Chapter 23: please please pleaseee Update
yolo654321 #6
Chapter 23: finish your story please
mylifeisbeautiful #7
AWWEEE, poor Baekhyun :(
But Gtae all the way! Hope you can update soon :)
Chapter 23: Authornim.. Where are u???:(
prinzginger #9
Chapter 23: Pls finish ur story pls!!
kpopfanSNSD #10
The story is good but it will be awesome if you can finish it.. So hope you update soon