- Chapter 1

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- Chapter 1 - 

The clock strikes 10am.

Walking alone in the school compound, Taeyeon makes her way to the locker to prepare for her next lesson. As usual, people open up their way for her. It's a norm scene for Taeyeon. There wasn't once she gets blocked by the crowd since everyone just automatically walk away from her, like she has some sort of diseases or something.

Taeyeon ignored as usual, and walked on.

She knew no one in Royce High wants to get associated with her in any sense. She is bad news. Not because of misconduct. Not because of lousy grades. Not because she's an ugly geek who gets singled out. It's all because of her father. 

Master Kim, that's how everyone in Royce use to address her father. He's the previous Dean of the high school. Rich, respected and highly regarded was the old image of the elder Kim. When Taeyeon first entered Royce High a year ago, because of her father, she shortly became the most popular girl who is well-loved by everyone.

However, that has changed.

6 months ago, the old Kim was involved in a corruption scandal and it was believed that he together with a couple of accomplices pocketed huge portion of the money that parents donated generously for the school. Very soon, he was removed from his post and for the past few months, he has been facing the trial. The only plead that Master Kim has, was to allow her daughter to continue her studies in the prestige school of Royce. And the commitee agreed to it.


As Taeyeon pulled her books out from the locker, she felt an acute pain.

Her left chest.

Holding onto her chest, pearls of cold sweat appear on her forehead.

"What's wrong with me?" she thought. 

Taking in a few deep breaths, making sure her heart beat now pace normally, Taeyeon slowly make her way to the restroom to wash her face.

Looking into mirror, Taeyeon's brows knitted.

"What's wrong with me?" she thought again. It has been like this for the past few weeks, her left chest kept giving her the same problem. Was it due to change in climate? Or was it something wrong with

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Hayat786 #1
Chapter 23: Plz ubdate
Chapter 23: Updateeee
cincaa #3
Chapter 23: This is dope..will u update authornim?? I just read this today and cant stop untill no more next button..hope u will update this again
fuchaoife #4
Chapter 23: I don't usually read AU story, but yours is indeed good. Yeah gtae for lifee <333 please come back and continue this story. I really want to see what'd happen to tae's father, the triangle love between ji tae baek, the school, and many more things. So come back please? :))
baekyeon9635 #5
Chapter 23: please please pleaseee Update
yolo654321 #6
Chapter 23: finish your story please
mylifeisbeautiful #7
AWWEEE, poor Baekhyun :(
But Gtae all the way! Hope you can update soon :)
Chapter 23: Authornim.. Where are u???:(
prinzginger #9
Chapter 23: Pls finish ur story pls!!
kpopfanSNSD #10
The story is good but it will be awesome if you can finish it.. So hope you update soon