His perfect plan

Heart Connection


"Hmm?" Baekhyun said without even turning around to talk to me properly. He was too busy scribbling things in a paper which seems to be his 'plan' for me to get friends. We were both inside my room. I was studying, while baekhyun was writing in a piece of paper.

"Seriously, Baekhyun. Do you really intend to help me gain friends?" I asked with a questioning look. Baekhyun suddenly stopped writing and turned to me. "Why? do you think I wouldn't be able to help you gain friends?" he asked. "N-NO! It's not that I don't believe you. I-It's just that, I don't know if I can handle to have friends." I said with a sad expression. "I have been alone for the whole past month, that I forgot how to interact to other people. I-I'm just scared that maybe thier impression of me will become worse."

"So what you mean is, you don't know if you could become a good friend to them, right?" he asked me with a small smile in his face. I nodded in agreement. "Then what about me? You surely became a good friend to me!" he then grinned, covering his whole face. I laughed on how stupid he looks while grinning. He sure did looked idiotic, but then again, he cheered me up, and i'm grateful for that. He then continued to make his 'plan' quietly. After an hour of silence, he finally spoke to me.

"Hey, Hanna! I finished!" he shouted at me, beaming with joy. I was still studying my history book on my bed, while he was on my study table.

"Really?" I asked curiously. He then gave me the paper, revealing his perfect 'plan'. While looking through the paper, I was dumbfounded and I can't find words to say anything about his plan.

"Sooo, what do you think?" he asked me while wiggling his imaginary tail. "U-Uuum, Baekhyun. Am I really going to do this all?" I asked with a horrified face."Of course, why do you ask?" he said innocently. "I-It's just that umm, kinda embarassing." I explained. "Trust me on this!" Baekhyun said with a reassuring smile. "I-I do but ummm, ughhhh!! fine!! I'll do it!!" I said forcefully. He then gave me a wide smile in response. "So we start tomorrow" he said to me as if he was mocking me. This guy is hopeless. I just sighed and continued to study.

The next day, We rode the usual train to my school. He kept reminding me about what to do, all according to his 'plan'. He actually planned it thouroughly. The plan was very detailed and organized from start to finish. But what i'm worried about is my classmates. I don't think we'd easily be friends after doing it according to his plan. Does Baekhyun have an ulterior motive? as usual, this guy is full of mystery.

When we arrived to school, I was nervously walking straight towards my classroom. Thinking what i'm about to do later makes me more tensed. Why do I have to be so shy? I said to myself. I sighed as I thought of that. While I was walking towards my classroom, as usual, Baekhyun was next to me. He was relaxed as ever! Its as if he was so sure that his plan would succeed. I ignored him and opened the door to my classroom. As always, everyone is scattered, talking to each one of thier friends. I quietly sat down on my chair, observing my classmates talk. "So, aren't we gonna start the plan?" he asked while looking straight into my eyes. "C-Can we start at break time?" I said nervously. He understood my feelings and just nodded in agreement. Homeroom ended and our professor then started to discuss. Time went by faster than usual for me. Without me knowing, It was already break time...

"So, shall we start?" he asked me gleefully. Oh why!!

Plan A: Introduce yourself then try to make a conversation.

I stood there, scanning and searching for people to talk to. "How about that girl over there?" I pointed at a lively looking girl eating alone. Though I don't know much about her, I was already used to seeing her with a bunch of her friends seating at the opposite side of the class. "No, not her." Baekhyun said "She'll come later." Baekhyun added. I was a bit confused at what he said but I disregarded it. "Those girls over there, talk to them" he said seriously. "W-Wh- fine." I said as I approach them. It's not like I don't like them, It's just that they don't seem to be much friendly. "U-Uum" I said, they turned to me with a confused look. "I-I'm Seol Han Na. Though I've transferred here a month ago, It seems that I haven't introduced myself properly yet. So..umm yeah, It's nice to meet you". They just looked at me and noddded. They continued to eat in silence, though that's probably because of my presence. "So um, what are you guys eating there?" I said while pretending to be curious. They didn't answer and just ignored me. I looked at Baekhyun as if I wanted to quit but he just gave me the 'Hwaiting!' sign. Because of Baekhyun, I decided to give it another shot. I still stood there in front of them without saying any word, when finally.. "H-Hey, um-" "Wanna go to the library?" one girl said, leaving me unable to talk. All the girls nodded and left me like I was never there in the first place. I saw Baekhyun looking at me with pitty, but I was used with thier cold treatment so I wasn't actually THAT devastated. Though I admit that I was a bit sad when they left me. In the end, it was still a good experience that I wouldn't want to do again. I looked at Baekhyun while giving him a smile, signalling that i'm okay. I came closer to him and finally said "So, let's start plan B?" I asked with a smile.

Plan B: Give someone an pink rose, signifying that you want to be friends with that person.

"Remind me again, why do I have to give a girl a pink rose? i'm not courting her or anything!" I said to Baekhyun. He smiled and said "Pink rose signifies friendship so I don't think something's wrong with it."."You sure do know alot about flowers" I said while slightly chuckling. He just smiled. I then approached a girl in our class who is usually quiet. She's just usually studying in her table, as I observed. I came closer to her "U-Um hi!" I said hesitantly. She was startled when I suddnely talked to her. She just stayed quiet and nodded at me. Is this some kind of Deja Vu? "H-Here, please have this" I gave her the pink rose. "Th-Thank Y-You" she said as if she was really scared. "I-I wa-" before I could even finish my sentence she quickly stood up with her shaking knees. "I-I'm S-Sorry!" she ran as fast as she could as if she was chased by a wild animal. Thinking back, this might be the first time someone has ever talked to her, not concerning any school works. Poor girl. Though I somehow know how she feels.I laughed as I thought to myself.

Plan C: Immedietly help those in need.

"So, I just need to find someone who needs help?" I asked "Yes" he quickly answered me. "Okay then!" I hate to admit it but i'm actually getting used to this. I scanned the room for people who needed help. It seems that no one in particular needs help, until.."How about her?" Baekhyun pointed at a girl carrying a load of books. Then suddenly, I recognized that girl. Its the girl who's always gossiping about me! I have a bad feeling about this but atleast I want to try. "O-Okay, she does look like she needs help" I rushed to her side and took some of the books from her hands. But suddenly, the water from the nearby table spilled at the books I was holding. She was shocked and glared at me even before I could explain. "How dare you!? Those are MY books!" she said angrily. Everyone started to stare at us after the commotion she made. "I-I can explain-" I said as I was shivering in fear. "OH NO! you don't have to explain anything!!!'" she shouted at me infront of my classmtes. "B-But I-" I stuttered. She stopped me from talking "I know you're just jelous of me idiot! and I noticed that you've been trying to gain friends! But you won't ever have one 'cause you're such a FREAK! she insulted me with much anger in her words. I couldn't find words to say anything. She suddenly pushed me so hard that I fell down on the floor. When she was about to slap me in the face, the lively looking girl earlier appeared.

"Stop it! That's too much! She was only trying to help! If you just wanted to embaress her, please, stop right now! You're treating her too badly! I can't take it anymore!" She shouted in front of the girl who hit me. Though from what I remember, they were supposed to be close friends! wait, what?

A/N: Hey guys!! Thanks for reading my story even until this far \(^_^)/ I'm very happy that I actually have readers! so again Thankies~ and sorry for the kind of late updates. I've been quite busy lately D: Though I'll try my hardest to update faster~ Byee~ =3=

Oh and any feedbacks would be appreciated :3







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Chapter 25: Chapter 25: I don't know... this is just too sad. I cried the tears out. The fact that they never confessed before hurts me more. Thank you for this angst
haeri0610 #2
Chapter 25: When sunmi mention about Baekie's name I felt like my heart stopped beating. So sad...

Though I didn't shed any tears but my heart felt pain while reading this..

My 2 bias died in this story (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩__-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) Luhannie..Baekhyunie..andwe..(˘̩̩̩~˘̩̩̩ƪ)
Chapter 24: Omg author, I cried so much I basically drenched my whole pillow! I didnt quite fully understand the ending but ur story's so awesome! Keep it up!
Chapter 24: THE ENDINGS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 21: OMG Some bits are just too funny :)) But other bits are so sadd :((
Sterlinglight123 #6
Chapter 19: It's so sad and touching! omg my feels!!!;A;
chunjoe1004 #7
I love this story !
Chapter 17: Lol CHICKEN!!! LMAO
and Wow This story is great!! x
AppleParsleylace #9
great!!keep up the good work authornim ^^
Chapter 12: It is really touching and I really like it! Keep up your good work, author-nim!