
Heart Connection

I woke up peacefully the next day. The warm rays of the sun entered my room, while the chirping of the birds can be heard as well. I got up and streched my joints. I also did some excercise to brighten up my mood further. "What a beautiful day~" I softly sighed. I then took a small glance at the wall clock. My jaw dropped as my eyes widened. "OH MY SHIGITTY SHAG!! i'm late for school!" I shouted in shock as I panicked. "YAH, Baekhyun! why didn't you wake me up?!?!" I loudly asked. There was no response. "Baekhyun? Yah! Byun Baekhyun!" I called out. "There was still no response. "Aish! of all the times, he chose to get a fresh air now?!? he could have atleast woken up!!" I hurriedly said as I rushed to the bathroom. But really, where did that derp go? It wouldn't hurt to say goodbye atleast...

I got dressed and hurriedly went downstairs. "Hanna? aren't you going to eat?" my aunt warmly asked. "Sorry, auntie! I kind of overslept today, so i'm going to be late." I explained. "That's weird. You were never late in waking up. But anyway, aren't you hungry? what would you eat?" she worriedly asked. Well that's because Baekhyun always wakes me up, auntie "Don't worry auntie! I'll just eat at the cafeteria!" I looked at my wristwatch, "Ah! i'm really going to be late! Goodbye auntie! Tell uncle that I said goodbye too!" I hurriedly bowed as I rushed out of the door. "Aish! out of all the days, I'm gonna be late now? Someone's gonna give me a scolding! Yikes!" I ran faster. I arrived at the train station and got myself a ticket.  Luckily, I catched the earliest train I could get in to. "Phew! Safe~" I sighed in relief. "I wonder where Baekhyun is? it's kind of weird riding the train without him. I just hope he shows up later." I said with a bit of worry. As the train stopped, I hurriedly rushed out and dashed towards school. 

I finally arrived at the school grounds. I sighed in relief as I slowed down my pace. Suddenly, the bell rang, signalling that classes are going to start. I gasped and rushed once again. Aish! I hope I don't get in trouble. I rushed and opened the door to our classroom. Luck was on my side today, our professor wasn't at our classroom yet. I sighed in relief as I mentally thanked my legs for running non stop. When I finally relaxed, I could feel that someone was glaring at me. Yes, it was Mari. She came infront of me while still glaring daggers at me. 'Yah, Hanna! did you puposely became late today because it's my birthday?" she asked with a stern voice. "S-Sorry, Mari-ah! I kind of overslept today. Trust me, I didn't do it on purpose. Oh and Happy birthday!" I said while handing her my present. Her expressioned brightened up as I gave her my gift. "D'awwww, thanks, Hanna!" she brightly said while hugging me. Aish! I was supposed to give that to her at the surprise party later! Mari released me from her hug. "If you're thinking about your surprise party for me, it's cancelled." "Eh? How did you? Whu-?" "I forced Kai to spit it out" she said with a big smile on her face. I looked at Kai and he just gave me a 'sorry' look. I just sighed and smiled. "Instead, I will throw the party! It's my birthday and I want to thank both of you on this special day of mine." She warmly said while grinning. "Aw, Mari!" I hugged her tightly. We then laughed together. My professor entered the class and apologized for being late, "I'll tell you the details later, Hanna. bye~" she softly whispered as she head towards her seat. I just let out a soft sigh while smiling at Mari. Class went on for hours, as if it took days to finish. The bell finally rang for our break time.

"Hanna! Kai! come here!" Mari called out to us. Kai and I just smiled at each other as we approached Mari. "You're both coming to the party later, right?" "U-" Of course you both are!" she cut Kai off as she laughed. This girl never changes! I smiled to myself. "So the venue would be at my house! my parents are currently in their work so that means that only the three of us would be celebrating! don't forget to come by after school, araso?" she hurriedly said. Kai and I just nodded. The three of us spent our break time talking to each other until the bell finally rang. The class went on normally. It was finally our dismissal.

"Yah, Kai! Hanna! See you later!" She brightly shouted as she dashed off. We just laughed and headed home ourselves. As expected, it was lonely riding the train alone. Throughout the whole ride, it was quiet. "In the end, Baekhyun didn't show up. I wonder if he was not in the mood to go today" I sighed. "Oh well..." I sadly got out of the train.

"I'm back, auntie!" I brightly said asI arrived home. "Ah! Hanna! welcome back!" she warmly said. "Come eat with me! your uncle will be late from work today" she offered. "Ah, sorry auntie! Mari is having a birthday party today, so i'll eat at her place later. I just went home to change my clothes" I apologized. "Araso! Oh my! then you better change now my dear." she warmly smiled. "Mm! Thanks auntie!" I smiled as I rushed to my room. I opened the door and to my surprise, Baekhyun was still not home. "Huh? he's still not here?" I asked myself. I looked around my whole room but there's still no signs of him arriving. I then sighed and procceeded to change my clothes. I glanced once again at my whole room, and one thing caught my attention. The flowers were almost completely wilted. The flowers that Baekhyun was taking care off all this time, were wilting. An electric wave rushed through my skin, as I felt that something is wrong. It's as if that there is something that i'm forgetting. I touched the wilted petals of the plant. As I felt it under my finger tips, my head started to ache as flashes of blurred memories from my past entered my head. I was shocked, that I fell down on my knees. Without me noticing it, tears started to fall from my eyes. I did not cry because those memories were filled with despair, instead I cried because all my memories were filled with happiness. It was filled with with people that I love, people I somehow felt dear. Here it is again....I thought to myself as I felt that same feeling again. A feeling that i' forgetting something.....someone. No matter how hard I tried to remember, I just can't. I felt that I need to remember it, I should remember it. As I was pouring my heart out, I received a call. I picked up my phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I tried to make my voice normal.

"Hanna? Where are you now? Kai's here already! Did you get lost or something? should we pick you up instead?" Mari asked with much worry.

"Ah sorry, Mari. I'm on my way now, don't worry" I said with a reassuring tone.

"Araso! see you later!" she hung up.

I brushed all my tears off and stood up. For now, I disregarded what I just saw. Right now, Mari is alot more  important.I picked out a simple casual attire and rushed off from the house. After quite a while, I finally arrived at Mari's house. "Yah! you're late!" Mari pouted. "Sorry Mari!" I smiled. "Because you are late, you're the first one to taste my heavenly cooking!" she brightly aid while shoving a giant kimbap on my mouth. My mouth couldn't almost fit the giant kimbap. I slowly swallowed it and smiled. "It's really delicious Mari!" I said with a big smile. "Ofcourse! It's because I have a genius man as my instructor." She grinned while looking at Kai. Kai chuckled a bit while ruffling Mari's hair. "Yah! not the hair!" Mari pouted. We all laughed while we procceeded to the table full of food. "Eat all you want! I also ordered seaweed soup for everyone!" Mari smiled. The three of us ate our hearts out as we chatted about the most randomest things. Afterwards, we watched a horror movie together. Mari was scared to death while hugging Kai. Kai was just laughing at how Mari easily gets scared. I on the other hand, can't concentrate at all. I've been wondering what was that I saw earlier. Were those really from my past? I ask myself. All the question I ask myself always ends up like a cycle. Everytime I ask myself a new question, I would always end up with the question I first asked myself. My head started to hurt again. Mari and Kai noticed that there's something wrong with me. "Hanna? are you okay?" Kai asked worriedly. I just nodded as my head continued to hurt. "Yah! go home, Hanna! It's okay! I understand if you'd leave early. Your health is alot more important. Besides, we could always do this anytime we want!" Mari brightly smiled as she assisted me to the door. "Do you want Kai to walk you home?" she asked full of worry. "N-No! I'm fine going home alone! thanks again, guys!" we smiled as I head home. 

As soon as I got home, I hurriedly changed into my PJs. My expression sadened once more as I noticed that Baekhyun is still not home. I laid down on my bed trying to get some sleep. As I was about to sleep, a question suddenly appeared on my head. Does this mean that i'm about to regain all my memories again? I paused as I asked myself. My heart started to hurt, thinking about the possible outcome if I do regain my memories. Baekhyun....would dissapear. A tear drop suddenly fell from my eyes. One tear drop followed by another...and another...and so on. My pillow is now drenched with my tears. I started to sob loudly. I tried to stop my tears and sobbing, but I just can't. I spent my whole night trying to sleep, but it seems that I failed. I didn't even close my eyes even once throughout the whole night. I was waiting...I was waiting for Baekhyun. In the end, I was alone the whole night. Baekhyun didn't even stepped inside my room last night.

It was finally 5:30 AM in the morning. I got up and changed into some casual clothes. Luckily, there's no classes today since the school is under observation. I went out of the house, thinking that I need a jog. But deep inside, I was looking for Baekhyun. I searched almost every inch of the city. I even went inside the Zoo in order to find Baekhyun. I was about to burst out into tears. But when I passed through a flower shop, someone called out to me..

"H-Hanna unnie? is that you?" a girl with curly brown hair called me. I stopped as I faced her. She ran towards me and gave me a hug. "I missed you so much, unnie! I didn't know that you now live in Seoul!" the girl brightly said. "..um.."  I just looked at her confused. Suddenly, her bright expression turned upside down as she slowly released me from her hug. "Oh right....you had an amnesia.." she sadly said. "Um...may I know who you are?" I asked. "But before that, let's first go inside the shop so we could chat longer there." She smiled. I just nodded and shyly smiled.

We went inside and sat down on some chairs.She offered me some juice and I gladly accepted it. "Hi! My name is Sumin. You may not know me now, but we've been close ever since we were kids." She said while smiling widely. My eyes widened a bit full of shock. I never expected to meet someone I knew before. "Unnie....how have you been?" She asked. "I've been doing fine, thanks for asking. I'm really sorry that I can't remember you. It really seems that we were close before." I sadly said. "Ah! Don't be sorry, unnie! It's fine! Besides, there's nothing we can do about it." She smiled. "...Sorry but...do you know anything about what happened before I was involved in the accident? About me before, generally?" I asked full of curiosity. I really wanted to know what really happened. I was desperate for answers. "I.....was at the hospital the day you were involved in that accident. I was there with my oppa, waiting for you so we could greet you before you perform your heart surgery. Though I call him oppa, he's actually just my cousin" She paused. "Ever since we were kids, the three of us would always play and hang out. We often do foolish things together. Oppa would always joke around and set pranks, You would always help oppa, while I would just cry whenever we're caught." She lightly laughed. "Our friendship went on through our middle school days and onwards.....Oppa...loved you very much. He'd do absolutely anything for you. Though he was quite stubborn, he always had that soft side for you.Well, you also really do loved oppa. But both of you were too dense to realize it. Though one day, I told Him that you have feelings for him too. He literally jumped for joy and hugged me for no reason" She smiled. "Where ....is your oppa?" I asked full of curiosity. "He...died." she sadly said. My eyes widened as I felt my hands trembling. "The time you were brought in the hospital covered in blood, oppa finally broke down at that time. He was really desperate....he really wanted for you to stay alive.." she paused once more. "Actually...at that day....he was planning on confessing to you..but it seems that he didn't get the chance." She smiled as a tear fell down on her cheeks. "W-Why? What happened?" I asked as I felt goosebumps at my skin. "You....were at the brink of death" she swallowed, "The doctor said that your body's condition is fine......but your heart....your heart was too weak to pump out blood. We really needed a heart donor...but there's only little time left.." she stopped for a while as her tears continued to fall. "Oppa was really desperate....he really wants you to live. Oppa....donated his heart to save you, unnie...." She ended. She stopped as she burst out into tears. I, as well, fell down to my knees and cried. I wanted to meet this 'oppa'. I wanted to thank him. I wanted to express my gratitude. It took a little while for Sumin to stop crying. She brushed off her tears as she smiled at me once again. "Aren't you.....angry at me?" I asked. "Why would I be?" She said while still brushing off her tears. "For taking the life of someone really dear to you.....for suddenly dissapearing.." I shyly said. "Hmm...i'd be lying if I told you that I wasn't angry at you for leaving....but I would never wish that oppa should be alive instead of you, unnie. "She smiled. " Oppa's not the only one dear to me. You're also dear to me , unnie. And I understand and repect oppa's decision to save you." She said while letting out a hug.I then felt a tear flowing down my cheeks. "Thank you Sumin-ah. ... may I know what's the name of your cousin?" I asked. She then smiled at me



"It's Byun Baekhyun. " 



My eyes widened as she said his name. She smiled at me, as she showed me a picture of his cousin. There's no doubt that it is the Baekhyun I know...the Baekhyun I love. Tears flodded my eyes as I quickly got up my chair to leave, to find where Baekhyun is. "I-I need to l-leave now. Sorry, Sumin." I hurriedly said. As I was about to rush out from the shop, she grabbed my hand. I stopped as I looked at her with tears. "Unnie! Please take these!" She said while handing me a pot of flowers similar to what Baekhyun's keeping at home. "These flowers are called forget-me-not. These flowers were your favorite, that's why oppa would always give them to you, back when we were still both working on our family's flower shop at our place. Please take it, unnie" she said while smiling.

"May I ask....what does it symbolizes?"

"It symbolizes true love and hope." She smiled. "But wait...i'm pretty sure forget-me-not also symbolizes memories though" She chuckled.




 "I would only come back, once you regain your memories"


"I did everything to preserve it....but....it looks like...it's time is almost up."


These words of Baekhyun echoed throughout my head. I now had a hunch that the flowers that Baekhyun was keeping was somehow connected to my memories.


I just now realized....how ignorant I was


How..... I did not even realize his feelings..... his pain..... .. How I did not even tried to find out sooner...   






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Chapter 25: Chapter 25: I don't know... this is just too sad. I cried the tears out. The fact that they never confessed before hurts me more. Thank you for this angst
haeri0610 #2
Chapter 25: When sunmi mention about Baekie's name I felt like my heart stopped beating. So sad...

Though I didn't shed any tears but my heart felt pain while reading this..

My 2 bias died in this story (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩__-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) Luhannie..Baekhyunie..andwe..(˘̩̩̩~˘̩̩̩ƪ)
Chapter 24: Omg author, I cried so much I basically drenched my whole pillow! I didnt quite fully understand the ending but ur story's so awesome! Keep it up!
Chapter 24: THE ENDINGS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 21: OMG Some bits are just too funny :)) But other bits are so sadd :((
Sterlinglight123 #6
Chapter 19: It's so sad and touching! omg my feels!!!;A;
chunjoe1004 #7
I love this story !
Chapter 17: Lol CHICKEN!!! LMAO
and Wow This story is great!! x
AppleParsleylace #9
great!!keep up the good work authornim ^^
Chapter 12: It is really touching and I really like it! Keep up your good work, author-nim!