CHAPTER 2: Mission Start

In Love With a Lie

Before long, we had packed our things into the hotel with Eunji and I sharing a room next to my parents. It was a luxurious hotel, with 2 queensized beds and a large large TV. I grinned happily, preparing to flop myself onto the bed. Just as I closed my eyes and started to fall, I was met with a rude jerk as I felt someone tug the back of my shirt

“Yah, what do you think you’re doing?” Eunji seemed to have other ideas.

I frowned. “Afternoon nap?”

“nope” An evil smile spread across her face. “We only have one week! It’s time for…” she paused dramatically, “MISSION START!!”

She dragged me out of my sweet sweet bed, down the hallway and onto the street.

"The best place to start looking," she announced, "is the beautiful streets of Jeju Island, where the boys have pure hearts like the clear blue water and long luscious hair like the trees on this street." She sighed dramatically. and turned to look at me. "Jihyun, cast your gaze towards the opposite side of the street. You see that stunning male specimen with broad shoulders in the white tee? You see that cute waiter inside that cafe? You see that hottie with a body on the beach? Our prey is everywhere!"

As she continued babbling on, I tuned out. It was kind of funny to see her fawn over all the guys when she had been in tears a few days ago. But one thing I had learnt over the years was that Eunji was stubborn. Oh, so stubborn.  If she wanted to pick up guys, then pick up guys she would, with or without me. Okay, she wasn't that horrible of a friend, but if I really wanted to enjoy this holiday without Eunji whining in my ear about possible guys we COULD have picked up, I was going to have to join her little game. Guys! Yeah! Guys!! I love guys! (just hyping myself up here)


Oops, I had walked into a  pole. Again. This was a regular occurence for me. But come to think of it... this pole didn't hurt very much, it was kind of solid. I heard Eunji giggle shyly, before a hoarse male voice cut her off.

"Watch where you're going, you brat. The two things on the front of your head are there for seeing"

The pole was speaking? I slowly glanced up to be met by a, I have to say, extremely handsome guy, but his beautiful face was skewed by the large scowl he wore.

"I'm sorry!" I squeaked, letting my eyes wander to his bright rainbow hairstyle. I snorted. Did he think he was an idol or soemthing? That bright hair didn't suit his cold personality at all! I shrank under his glare before a pretty, doe eyed, brown haired boy came running up to him, panting.

"Sehun-ah! Wait up! You can't run off while I'm paying for your beautiful hair" he grinned mischeivously, emphasising beuatiful.

"Argh. It's so gross, THIS RAINBOW MAKES ME FEEL LIKE A GIRL." the rainbow haired guy glared back.

The brown haired boy suddenly noticed us and a bright smile lit up his face. "Oh hi! I'm Luhan! Was Se-" he broke off, glancing at mr. rainbow and sticking out his tongue before continuing, "I mean, Jaemin, was Jaemin bothering you?" Wait, didn't that Luhan guy just call him Sehun? I shrugged it off.

Eunji was quick to reply, her eyes already heart shaped. Ruthless heartbreaker my . "No! Of course not!" she replied in the sweetest tone. Ugh. Yuck. You make me want to puke sometimes, Eunji.

Brown haired boy looked dubious, but quickly pulled it off. "Ahaha, yeah, Se- uh, Jaemin here is a nice guy! A really nice guy!" I noticedhe was gritting his teeth and elbowing the rainbow douchebag as he spoke.

Mr. Rainbow glared quickly at Luhan, and I swear he hissed a quick "fine", before he put on a big smile and introduced himself properly, apologising for before. So apparently his name was Jaemin. and he and Luhan were in the same grade as us, also going for a quick holiday before their last year. We decided to wander around the island together since we all didn't really know what to do.

Eunji turned around and mouthed "Our first victims", although she looked like one of the most lovestruck criminals out there. I quickly mouthed back "Fine, I'll entertain you!"

Eunji was quick to attach herself to Luhan, who actually seemed as equally attached, and I was stuck with Jaemin, who actually turned out to be a real gentleman.

Actually, I still thought he was a jerk because well, first impressions last, so I kept to the plan. I was the almighty Nayoung, the almighty, popular, sweet, perfect Nayoung, and I attended some prestigious boarding school in England, where I was captain of the swim team and 3rd in the grade academically, (hey, I had to keep it realistic you know). I gave him the cutest, prettiest responses and actually, he responded just as well. He was actually quite an amazing guy, and attended school in the states where he was a star basketball player. Actaully, he wasn't like the guy who yelled at me for walking into him at all.

By the end of the day, Eunji and I were both exhausted and bid Luhan and Jaemin goodbye as we set a meeting place for  tomorrow

It was kind of fun being someone else.


"MWOH?" Eunji was in fits of laughter as I told her my fake identity that I had used to charm Jaemin.

I shot her a glare. "Ya, you were the one who wanted to pretend to be other people, NOW I FEEL LIKE STUPID TOOL. That Jaemin guy actually isn't bad."

She rolled around on the ground.

"Don't you think you're going overboard?" I whined. "I mean, look at my physique, perfect swimming body." I put on a seductive twisting pose.

She gasped for air through her laughs. "Omg. Stop,"

I tried to change the subject "So, how was Poohan?"

"IT'S LUHAN" she suddenly stopped laughing and glared at me.

"PWAHAHAHA I know, you should have seen your defensive face. So, are you going to break his heart?"

She looked at the ground, whle shaking her head shyly. "Jihyun-ah, I think... I might like him"

It was now my turn to laugh. She looked dead serious. I stopped. "Oh. hehe. Cute" AISH Eunji, if only you told me you gave up on your plan, I could have been myself around Jaemin.

"So what are you going to do about your secret identity?" She probed me.

I sighed. It would hurt me too much to not be the amazing Nayoung anymore, after I had hyped myself all up. "THE DECEPTION MUST CONTINUE." I declared brazenly. "It's fun being someone else anyway!" I grinned. I was here to have fun with Eunji, not pick up boys!


The days went by quickly, and before we knew it, our time was up. Luhan and Eunji were pretty much together. And I, well. Let's say Nayoung and Jaemin were pretty much together too. Time flew so quickly and before we knew it, it had been time to go.

It had now been a week after the trip, and the day before the new term started, for my final year in my new school. I pouted, remembering how much I was dreading the change of schools. Well Eunji could deal without me, now she had her Luhan. They had sweetly exchanged numbers and found out that their schools were actually brother and sister schools. I frowned. In the end, I had stayed being Nayoung and didn't have any true details to give him for us to stay in contact because... he would have realised I had been lying the whole time. Real smooth Jihyun. Real smooth. I pouted softly to myself as I remembered our time on the island.

"Nayoung-ah! Watch where you're going!"

I looked up to see myself almost collide into a pole again, before Jaemin had swiftly pulled me to his side and out of the path of destruction. Phew. I turned to thank him before I realised his arm was over my shoulder. "Th-thanks" I stuttered.


A big vanilla milkshake was into my hands as I panted from the heat. I beamed. "How did you know this was my favourite flavour?" Jaemin's eyes creased as he grinned, "I didn't! I was thinking you just had to share my favourite flavour!" He stuck his tongue out and took a big sip through my straw.


Water splashed into my face and I grimaced. Ugh saltwater. I glanced up mischievously "ARE YOU READY TO DIEEEEE???". I romped through the sea like a fat hippo, splashing water everywhere, hoping it would land on Jae, Eunji and Luhan. I heard their squeals of terror and I knew I had been successful before i felt a pair of arms wrap "Ha! Got you now!"


There had even been a time when my parents had called me "Jihyun" and I had forgotten to respond. Heh. Maybe I liked being Nayoung a bit too much. Aside from her amazing schoollife, she also had a new amazing nearly boyfriend Jaemin. I sighed.


It was our last day and I felt myself get bumped along as I cuddled something warm. It had been a long day of hiking. I opened my eyes and found myself on Jaemin's back. I felt my face flush. "Yah, why are you so heavy?" he teased lgihtly. "I think you're too weak" I retorted. He turned his head to face me "Okay Nayoung, I'll become the strongest man for you."


I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"Gurl, you gotta let it go" Eunji's words came floating back to me. Thats easy for her to say! She got herself a new Luhan.

Ugh., I had to move on. I had to get my head in the game for school tomorrow! Forget about the trip. Ugh , but it was so difficult. I'm going crazy.

There was only one way I was going to get over that perfect dreamlike trip. And that was to treat it like a dream. A nice little dream. A nice little midsummer's night dream. Okay Jihyun, you can do this. It was a nice time while it lasted, but it was just a dream.

I slowly drifted to sleep as I converted the amazing trip into just a nice nice dream. I would miss that rainbow hair.

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Its been years author-nimm, hope you'd be able to finish this!! Hwaiting!!
Chapter 21: Please update!!!!!! Can't wait to see the next chapter
StarTravelMallow #3
Chapter 21: *pout pout* Sehun keeps on pushing her away :(
Please update soon!
Chapter 19: Waiting <3 Thanks for the update author-nim <3 :)))))))
midnight-writer97 #5
Chapter 18: Wow... great chapter! Aww, but i don't like it for Sehun to ignore her.... :/ Anyway, I'm really excited about the rest and I'm really curious about the Story with his brother and why they are like this. ^^
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 16: Really, really amazing chapter! You don't know how excited I was too see that you had updated ^^ Anyway.... Can't wait for your next update and keep up the great work :D
Chapter 15: Oh my! That was utterly cute, funny! ^^ I knew it would happen! Aish... You Oh 'Jerk' Sehun... Stop playing around! :D

Wait! I love Kai and Jihyun's moment together :) It would be much better if they end up together. Haha! Joke!
Chapter 14: Oh gosh author-nim! I thought I was hallucinating again. Haha! I dunno. But anyway, yeah, he's not, but it's okay. I like it better this way :) but still, I hope for some soft side of his soon :)
midnight-writer97 #10
Chapter 14: Omo! Such a great story!!! Please, please update soon again!!! ^^^