CHAPTER 17: Visits

In Love With a Lie

I groaned, slamming the alarm clock with my hand. What unearthly hour of day was it? I opened my eyes groggily to see the clock hands pointing at 11 :00.                               
OH MY GOSH. IT WAS SO LATE ALREADY?  I bolted upright and quickly got ready before heading downstairs.
"Ahh Jihyun! Youre finally up!!" my mother's kindly voice greeted me.
Didn't she have to go to work today?
Wait. It was Saturday.   

I squinted my eyes to see two more  familiar looking figures seated at the dining table turning around simultaneously.  
"Good morning Jihyunnie!!"

I squinted again. My morning vision wasn't so good...
Before I knew it, one of the two figures ran up, almost knocking me over in a hug. "JIHYUUUUN. ARENT YOU GOING TO SAY HELLO"
Finally all my senses kicked in. "OMOO EUNJI WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"
The other figure gently pried Eunji away from me before smiling cutely. "Eunji wouldn't stop complaining about how much she missed you so we decided to visit you."                               
I was about to hug him when i realised he didn't know this side of me. I was the refined and amazing Nayoung...
Eunji giggled, recognising my dilemma. "Don't worry Jihyun, I told him all about  the true you. Even the bits he doesn't need to know." she gave me a wink.
I groaned. That wasn't promising.
I looked at Luhan to check that he wasn't backing away from me. What had Eunji told him?!?! Coz i definitely didn't drool when I slept!!
Luhan chuckled before nudging me  with his arm. "Don't worry. I'm looking forward to getting to know the real Jihyun." He held his hand up to whisper. "Nayoung was a bit too good to be true."
I grinned. Luhan was just as nice as he had been at Jeju island.     
"Come on, let's enjoy the beautiful sunshine outside!!"
"FRESH SEOUL AIRRRR" Eunji whooped as she followed Luhan out the door.
I smiled as Eunji dragged me off. I had missed her.                          

I sipped on my iced coffee as Eunji finished waving her arms around animatedly.                          
"...And that was how I got detention on the first day of school."        
I laughed and Luhan slung his arm around her shoulder.
"She's really something isn't she?"
I nodded in agreement. And that was why she was my best friend.

They looked at me expectantly, and I grinned, ready to unleash my stories of school to them.
Where should I start?

Just as I hesitated, I saw Eunji and Luhan exchanging glances, and nodding nervously, before Eunji spoke.
"So... Jihyun, have you perhaps seen someone who looks familiar around at your school?"
I blinked. Familiar?             
"You know... maybe someone you thought was someone else?"
Did I? Not really.
Eunji and Luhan turned around, whispering quietly to themselves.
I couldn't really hear what they were saying, except for a few snippets.
"I thought Sehun would have confronted her already..."    
"Well he's not usually someone who initiates conversation..."
Oh. Sehun?
"Ummm, I'm still here guys." I waved as they snapped their heads back to me.
They grinned nervously at me before Eunji nudged Luhan.           
Luhan coughed. "Well... If you see someone you think you know..."
"and he's not like how you remember..." Eunji continued.
"You mean Sehun being Jaemin?" I stated blankly.                     
Luhan and Eunji breathed out heavily. "Well that was anticlimatic.."
I frowned. "I texted you all about it, Eunji."
That's right. I had definitely raged to her about Jaemin being Sehun the jerk.
But it was Eunji's turn to frown.
"Yah. Your only text to me was a rude little message telling me you didn't want bubble tea. What are you talking about."                                     
"Anii I definitely did!" I protested as I pulled my phone out to prove it.
An unread message caught my eye.
From: Master Sehun
Wake up Jihyunnie!! There's a surprise waiting for you downstairs ;)
I smacked my head. Of course. I had totally forgotten about Sehun's little prank. I felt totally stupid. I had texted SEHUN about himself. And he had recommended himself as a good friend. And I had gone off his     recommendation to spend time with him...                                        
Well, at least it didn't turn out all bad.

"Oops." I grinned goofily as I explained  the situation to the two.         
Eunji looked amused as Luhan looked thoughtful.                            
"But to be honest, he's actually not bad at all." I smiled, the little circle keyring on my phone. "A little stranger than Jaemin, but not bad at all."
Not bad at all.                      
Luhan watched, interested, noticing the shy smile on Jihyun's lips.        
Nobody's ever smiled for Sehun before. He stopped, correcting himself.
Sehun had never let anyone come close enough to him for them to smile for him before.


"Why don't we all go to visit Sehun?" Luhan piped up, observing Jihyun's reaction.             
"It'll be like a Jeju island reunion." Eunji squealed "except everyone is their real selves this time."
I nodded, indicating my agreement, a mischievous smile growing on my face.                                      
Ha. Ha. Ha. Time to wreck havoc.
With nodding heads all round, we happily paid for our drinks and started to head out.
Before we left, I swapped Eunji's and Sehun's numbers back under their rightful names and quickly tapped out a message to Sehun as we exitted the Cafe.
I smiled, and tapped the contact name again, adding the Master back in front of Sehun. There was a nice ring to it. I grinned as I slipped it back into my pocket. He wouldn't know anyway.
"Come on Jihyun!!" Eunji beckoned happily as we followed Luhan down the road.

"We're here!" Luhan announced as we stopped in front of a big white building.
I paused, tracing it quickly with my eyes to commit it to memory.
For future use. Muahahhaaha.
Luhan silently crept up the front steps as we waited silently in the bushes.
Oh, was Sehun in for a surprise.
Waiting for his beckon, Eunji and I shot evil grins at each other in anticipation.

Pressing his ear to the door, Luhan reached out his finger for the doorbell, sensing the coast was clear.
He had missed Sehun too.

He frowned just as his finger touched the bell, his ears suddenly perking up at the sound of another male in the house.
It was him. He was finally back.
He quickly withdrew his finger, pulling it back to the safety of his chest, and pressed his ear closer.
Yes it was definitely him. He glanced at the date on his phone. Sehun said he was arriving yesterday hadnt he? How could he have let that little detail slip his mind before leading the two girls here?

He backed away from the front door, motioning to Eunji and Jihyun to follow him away. Now was definitely not a good time. Sehun's brother didn't even welcome him, his own cousin and blood. The two girls would most definitely not be welcome.

"Actually, I think Sehun is out today . Let's come back another time."
"Eh?" I frowned at Luhan. I swear I could see figures moving inside the house.
Before I could say anything though, Luhan guided us back out onto the street with a small crease in his eyebrows.
I was slightly disappointed. I was so ready to see Sehun's house!! Not to mention take photos of all his embarrassing baby photos!!
"Don't worry Jihyun, there'll be plenty of other chances to visit him!" Luhan gave a forced chuckle as he wheeled us around back to my house just down the road.                                       

The pout remained on my face but I nodded nonetheless.

The rest of the day passed quickly but happily, full of laughs and pats on the back, but before long, it was time for Eunji and Luhan to go home.
I smiled, remembering how Eunji had pouted apologetically before Luhan had taken her by the shoulder and smiled gently at me before leading the two of them to the waiting bus.
Maybe Sehun could join us next time.
Yeah. That'd be nice.
Speaking of Sehun...    
He still hadnt replied to my message from this morning.      
I looked at the time. 2am.   
I stared dejectedly at my phone, pulling the screen down to refresh the message stream from Master Sehun.
Still nothing.                          
I sighed as I turned it off. It was no good waiting up for a reply. He was probably just really busy or something. Yeah. That must be it           

Hello :) I'm back woooo but not for long maybe gotta write a report for some summer research thing. :(

sorry for the false story update before! I did update on my phone but all the new lines were gone and i didn't know how to fix it and it would have been horrible to read :(

IN other news, found THE best bubble tea store in Taiwan wow it wqs amazing. Gotta take Sehunnie there sometime :p

and WOW BAP and BANGTANS comebacks i love them both so much :')

oh yea, happy valentines day ;) love ya all

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Its been years author-nimm, hope you'd be able to finish this!! Hwaiting!!
Chapter 21: Please update!!!!!! Can't wait to see the next chapter
StarTravelMallow #3
Chapter 21: *pout pout* Sehun keeps on pushing her away :(
Please update soon!
Chapter 19: Waiting <3 Thanks for the update author-nim <3 :)))))))
midnight-writer97 #5
Chapter 18: Wow... great chapter! Aww, but i don't like it for Sehun to ignore her.... :/ Anyway, I'm really excited about the rest and I'm really curious about the Story with his brother and why they are like this. ^^
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 16: Really, really amazing chapter! You don't know how excited I was too see that you had updated ^^ Anyway.... Can't wait for your next update and keep up the great work :D
Chapter 15: Oh my! That was utterly cute, funny! ^^ I knew it would happen! Aish... You Oh 'Jerk' Sehun... Stop playing around! :D

Wait! I love Kai and Jihyun's moment together :) It would be much better if they end up together. Haha! Joke!
Chapter 14: Oh gosh author-nim! I thought I was hallucinating again. Haha! I dunno. But anyway, yeah, he's not, but it's okay. I like it better this way :) but still, I hope for some soft side of his soon :)
midnight-writer97 #10
Chapter 14: Omo! Such a great story!!! Please, please update soon again!!! ^^^