CHAPTER 4: A Mistaken Identity?

In Love With a Lie

Oh my god i want to have a cry i accidentally clicked back AND EVERYTHING I WROTE GOT WIPED :'( It's k. all good. carry on.


"Long time no see, SCHOOL CAPTAIN"

My eyes darted around every square inch of his face. It couldn't be him. My head was spinning and everything was turning fuzzy. I think I heard Kai's murmurs, but I took no notice.

Was my dream really standing in front of me? My Jaemin whom I had committed to a figment of my imagination?

I scanned his face thorouhgly. Same narrow eyes, same long eyebrows and eyelashes, same perfect nose and set jaw and the same soft thin lips. He hadn't turned to look at me yet. How could two people look so similar?
"J-Jaemin." I breathed out. And fainted right there on the spot. 


Wehn I awoke, Kai's face was hovering over me and I felt myself on a soft comfortable matress. Wait... a bed... with Kai above me.. what. I bolted upright and Kai quickly compensated by jerking back. I gulped in relief as I saw the first aid boxes on the shelves behind him. I knocked the side of my head with the bottom of my palm. Yah, Song Jihyun. Stop thinking such dirty thoughts!

"Jihyun," Kai said with amusement, but concern, "was the jerk really that ugly for you to faint?"

OH. yeah, that jerk. The reason why I was here in the first place. Curse him for looking so much like my dream boy. 

This was ridiculous. I never fainted. Definitely not for guys anyway. I furrowed my brows in thought as I asked Kai.

"What was that jerk's name?"

"Oh Sehun." He mused, biting back a laugh. "He's known as the arrogant and annoying guy in this grade who's just a tiiiiny bit rude. But I'd be lying if I said that that 'bad boy' image didn't attract girls." Kai suddenly lifted his left hand to the side of his mouth, cupping the next phrase, "But secretly, between me and you, he's just a kid." he whisphered, unable to contain his laughter. 

I frowned deeper, I had stopped listening after his name. Oh Sehun? Why did that name sound so familiar? Nah What did it matter. As long as Oh Sehun did not spell Jaemin, i didn't have to worry. Huh. But his features had been so similar. But no, was I just wishfully thinking? Yes that must be it. Kai had already said his name was Sehun, and Jaemin was definitely studying in the states. Also, this guy's hair was a dark chocolate brown as opposed to the bright rainbow that I had come to love. I felt triumphant as I slowly convinced myself. There was no way this guy could be my Jaemin. For one, Jaemin was not a massive dickhead. 

Kai gently pushed the space between my eyebrows with his finger. 

He looked amused. "Do you hate him that much to be frowning so deeply? I already told you he's really not a bad guy. He's jsut not used to... well, let''s just say, being nice. But he definitely has a conscience. you should have seen his face when he turned to see a pretty girl like you faint! He was utterly shocked." He stopped, deep in thought, "But I think he mistook you for someone. Naeyon or something?" He snorted like it was the most ridiculous thing in the world.

I froze. Naeyon. That was frighteningly close to Nayoung... my previous alibi. No it had to be a coincidence, Plenty of people have name that sound like Naeyon anyway I reasoned, adding to my previous list justifying Sehun as Sehun and NOT Jaemin.

I crinkled my nose at Kai as I commented. " What a funny guy."

Kai looked relieved that I was talking properly again and laughed enthusiastically. "Yeah, he's a funny guy. Don't say that to his face thouugh, or he mught be the one fainting!" He shook his head, still grinning, before ofering his arm. "Are you ready to resume your grand tour?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." I grinned back, smacking his arm away. "I recover quickly."

Kai made a face, "Your loss!"

The school was actually quite amazing, with long corridors and great facilities for almost every subject you could think of. No wonder it was the top school in Seoul.

As we walked through major auditorium, the bell gave a shrill ring and a flood of people swarmed around you (a/n I'm imaging the heirs school buildling LOL) 

"Annyeong Kai sunbaenim"

"Ayo kai, What's up? New student?"

"Kai! Nice to see you again!"




Wow. Kai was pretty well known and respeccted around here. But of course, he was the school captain. It took a while to get through the auditorium seeing as Kai made it his duty to be so friendly as to greet everyone back and even introduce me. A swarm of names were a blur inside my head. Well, at least it looked like my last year of high school wouldn't be a lonely one!


I was slightly disappointed as Kai's tour ended, and he led me to the office to collect my new timetable. The principal made the meeting quick and down to business. "I'm a busy man, you know. Please excuse me. But do enjoy your study here, work hard and the results will pay off!"

I nodded politely and exitted, with Kai still waiting for me outside... not that he had to wait more than all of three minutes.

He raised his hand, "Annyeong again chingu, How's your timetable?"

We didn't have that many classes in common and he smiled encouragingly. "Don't worry, I think some of the people I introduced you to earlier are in your classes."

I gave him a relieved smile. His eyes had trawled back down to my timetable after he had glanced at his watch. 

"Aw buddy, looks like we have to part ways for today, but I'm sure you haven't had enough of the almighty Kai! Your English class is right down that hallway, 2nd last room rom the right, araso? You'll be alright? The teacher for my next class absolutely executes anyone who is more than a miinute late. I'm sorry!"

I made a reassuring face, "Sure Kai! I'm not a baby."

"Aigoo", he punched me softly, "I'm not so sure about that. Okay, Fighting!" he threw his words back at me as I saw his retreating back.


To English class. English... was my worst subject. I trudged down the hallway slowly, stopping every so often to look curiously at the noticeboards.

CHESS CLUB: the sport for real men. come to A2.2 on Thursday lunch to muscle up your brain. I snorted.

SWIMMING TEAM: Got what it takes? 2014 tryouts are open now. Contact Minhee for more details.



Someone had bumped into me. I turned around. Strange... he wasn't on his phone or anything. Just in thought. Like me when I walk into poles... -___-

Oh! It was that Sehun guy.

"Yah," I said, "Look where you're going. There are two things on the front of your head for a reason." The words just left my mouth without my realising. It felt like deja vu, but the other way around....

A flash of deep recognition and mixed emotions crossed his face for a second, before he managed to put back on a poker face.

Okay. That was creepy... He really did look like a carbon copy of Jaemin, but he couldn't be right?

He opened his mouth as if to say something, before closing it awkwardly again wihtout a sound. Okay, that was something Jaemin would do.... I binked rapidly, scratching my head in thought.

There was only one possible answer.

"Do you happen to have a twin?" Both of our voices spoke in sync. Ooookay.... things were getting creepier.

"No." Again our voices blended at the same time. 

Much much much too creepy.

I tried to shake it off. Get a hold of yourself Jihyun. STOP THINKING ABOUT JAEMIN. It was time to start on a clean slate. I pouted. It was really hard when they looked so alike. Well. Maybe Sehun was a bit thinner.

"I'm Jihyun." I tried.

"Sehun," he replied indifferently.

Okay this was good.

 I stuck out my hand for him to shake. What... was he turning around? Was he going to leave me hanging?!?!

He turned back to me and I breathed a sigh of relief. That would have been very embarrassing, had he ignored me. 

He met my hand and slapped a tissue into it.

"Stop studying my face and wipe the drool off your mouth." He smirked, then promptly turned around and walked into the class. 

My jaw was left agape as the bell rang for the period. 

"New student, Aren't you coming in? You have English yes?" The teacher called me from inside the room, with the eyes of all the other students glued to me. I caught Sehun's eye, who had just sat down. He gave me a disgusting wink and mouthed "You want me, don't you" 

Okay, I was wrong. This was more embarassing. I gritted my teeth and headed in. .

SEHUN, YOU'RE GOING TO DIE and looking like Jaemin is NOT going to save you.






Phew, finally done hahaha. it's so late and I think I'm driving tomorrow huhuhu.

Sorry for the spelling errors ;___; I DO know how to spell, I was just trying to type really fast heh. 


Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, because EXCITING, OR NOT SO EXCITING NEWS, tomorrow I'm going on holidays with my family and friends down south with no internet, so I am 97% sure I won't be able to update :( I'll probably keep writing though so I can post something when i get back :D

But in the meantime, have a merry merry Christmas and spend it with your loved ones (not necessarily in fanfics)


and exo's showtime huhu.

and DANIEL CHAE (of dalmatian, my GOSH he is a beautiful specimen and his English is immaculate) ANYWAY IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY TODAY YAYAYAYYAA happy birthday daniel chae!


yepyep thanks for subscribing and commenting and all :) I WUB CHU ALL. 

signing off~

(apparently byungiee means toilet in korean :( the girl I tutor for maths is Korean, and saw it on my whiteboard and was like.. why do you have toilet on your whiteboard... anyway if you're curious it's for lee byunghun i.e. ljoe of teen top who is my honorary boyfriend :'D L and woohyun and NOW KRIS are my boyfriends, AND IT MUST BE TRUE BECAUSE I DREAMED IT HAHAHAHAH)

merry christmas yall :')

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Its been years author-nimm, hope you'd be able to finish this!! Hwaiting!!
Chapter 21: Please update!!!!!! Can't wait to see the next chapter
StarTravelMallow #3
Chapter 21: *pout pout* Sehun keeps on pushing her away :(
Please update soon!
Chapter 19: Waiting <3 Thanks for the update author-nim <3 :)))))))
midnight-writer97 #5
Chapter 18: Wow... great chapter! Aww, but i don't like it for Sehun to ignore her.... :/ Anyway, I'm really excited about the rest and I'm really curious about the Story with his brother and why they are like this. ^^
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 16: Really, really amazing chapter! You don't know how excited I was too see that you had updated ^^ Anyway.... Can't wait for your next update and keep up the great work :D
Chapter 15: Oh my! That was utterly cute, funny! ^^ I knew it would happen! Aish... You Oh 'Jerk' Sehun... Stop playing around! :D

Wait! I love Kai and Jihyun's moment together :) It would be much better if they end up together. Haha! Joke!
Chapter 14: Oh gosh author-nim! I thought I was hallucinating again. Haha! I dunno. But anyway, yeah, he's not, but it's okay. I like it better this way :) but still, I hope for some soft side of his soon :)
midnight-writer97 #10
Chapter 14: Omo! Such a great story!!! Please, please update soon again!!! ^^^