CHAPTER 20: Operation Matchmaking

In Love With a Lie

*knock knock knock*

Sehun stood up frowning from his table as the knocks came again. Who could it be? His hyung was out for the night for a business meeting and he was pretty sure nobody else knew where he lived. Maybe it was one of those real estate agents. He shrugged and sat back down, ignoring the knocks and turning back to what he was doing earlier.

*knock knock knock knock knock*

The knocks kept coming, more and more urgent, until they turned into a playful rhythm,

“AIsh!” He stood up, accidentally knocking over his chair.

Kicking it to the side, he stomped to the door, opening it grumpily.

An innocently blinking Kai stood there, smiling sweetly.

“Oh hello, Sehun.”

“YOU!” Sehun’s voice came out in a growl. He wasn’t expecting Kim Jongin.

Kai grinned slyly. “I’m sorry Sehun, did I interrupt your beauty sleep?”

Sehun rolled his eyes before smoothing his clothes down. He and Jongin had a love hate relationship. Well kind of anyway. Jongin seemed to sprinkle love and rainbows on him no matter how much he tried to put forth the idea that he did not appreciate this love. And in return, Sehun gave Jongin a bratty attitude.

“What are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to ask if you could help me out with somethi-“

“Nope. I’m going back in. Nice seeing you, Jongin.” Sehun abruptly his heel, slamming the door in Kai’s face.

He paused. Was that a bit too harsh?

“Sehuuuuunnnnnieeee, pleeeease listen to what I have to sayyy” Kai’s voice whined through the door.

Nope. He smirked, continuing on his way back up to his room.

“Sehunsehunsehunsehunsehunsehunsehun.” Kai’s voice grew fainter and fainter.


Kai sighed. This was harder than he thought it would be. His persistent efforts weren’t working!

In a last ditch attempt, Kai yelled “THEHUNNNNN”

He felt a smile grow on his face as he heard footsteps coming closer and closer.

“YAHHHHH!!!!” The door opened suddenly with Sehun’s angry face. “I TOLD YOU NOT TO BRING THAT UP ANYMORE!!”

Kai grinned happily regardless, making the most of Sehun’s fuming silence. “Hi Sehun!!  Nice to see you again. I was wondering if you wanted to help me out with decorating the school for Monday’s big basketball match!”

Sehun cocked an eyebrow suspiciously, deciding to let the Thehun matter drop. “On a Saturday?”

Kai laughed nervously. “Well, you know what they say. Saturday is THE day.”

“Riiiight….” Sehun frowned. He was pretty sure that wasn’t a saying and he wasn’t really into decorating.

“Come on! We can play a small game afterwards. We haven’t played each other for ages. I haven’t had the feeling of victory over you in a long time.” Kai drew his voice up in a teasing smirk.

Kai saw a twinkle in Sehun’s eye and knew immediately that he had hit the right spot.

Sehun paused, thinking a little. Not like a little healthy competition between schoolmates would turn into a deep bonding time. Nevertheless, it was a good thing his hyung wasn’t home, or he wouldn’t have heard the end of it.

“You’re on. You don’t even know how good I’ve gotten, school captain.” He sneered in Kai’s face before slamming the door.

Kai silently cheered in his head. YES HE TOOK THE BAIT! Target one acquired. Krystal, you better be doing your job.


Kai heard a grunt, and taking it as confirmation, dashed off happily to find Krystal.


One hour later…


I shifted uncomfortably as my name reached my ears.

“Oh fair lady of the grassy plains”

I groaned at the voice.

“How can I resist those plump little cheeks…”

I turned irritably away.



I instantly woke up as what felt like millions of little fingers started poking my face.


The little pricks continued and I tried to shuffle away.

To land with a loud thud on the ground.

I looked up grumpily to see Kai and Krystal laughing their butts off while I rubbed my own sore one tenderly.

“Yah…. Who do you think you are, disturbing a fair maiden in her sleep.”

Kai and Krystal took one look at me before turning to each other seriously for a moment.

Only to burst out laughing again.

I crossed my arms grumpily, waiting for them to settle down.

With one final breath, after what was probably minutes, Krystal had finally managed to calm down, pulling herself into yoga pose, while Kai patted my hair down for me.

“So.” I interrupted the content silence. “Why did you interrupt this fair maiden’s sleep?”

That set them off again and I hit myself for it as their laughs filled the air. Should have just stayed silent.

I pouted as I looked at the madmen around me. Where did I find such silly friends??


When they had finally settled down, hopefully for good, they plonked themselves down on the ground next to me.

“Annyeong Jihyun.” Their grins continued to stretch across their faces.


“What are you doing tonight?”

I frowned in thought. Tonight? It was Saturday right…

“Nothing much.”


Kai hoisted me up and we started walking as Krystal’s mouth dropped open in chatter.

“Oh my gosh Jihyun, you do not know how long I spent looking for you. I was fully calling you all morning. I don’t know, maybe at least like twenty times? And Kai even suggested visiting your house which I ended up doing and your mum was all like I don’t know where my little girl is maybe she went shopping. So then we went to the mall and there were some pretty cute dresses. Oh my gosh, you should have been there. There was one dress that was really cute, it had like-“

I giggled at Krystal’s non-stop talking and glanced at Kai who was making a face.

“She never stops,” he whispered, “I’m so glad we finally found you, I couldn’t even endure 45 minutes of this.”

Krystal suddenly fell silent and we turned to her in shock. Silent?

“Guys, are you talking about me?”

Kai and I looked at each other guiltily before he gulped a “No.”

“Well that’s alright then. As I was saying…”

And in less than a second she had started again.

I turned to Kai with a grin on my face as he mouthed “I just tune her out sometimes.”

I smiled. I liked this odd bunch of friends.





I squinted at the familiar building in front of me before looking at the map locations Krystal had sent me again on my phone. 

I had gone home to change into nicer clothes for a “surprise dinner at a surprise location” they had told me about and finally I had made my way here.

But seriously. The school hall?!?! Was there even food here?

I swear if there wasn’t….. Kai and Krystal….. You’re going to have to pay.

This better not be a prank.

I hesitatingly stepped inside the already opened door, met with a fully lit gym and the smell of sweat.

Gross. I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the two kids to come popping out with a bad surprise.

Come out Kai. Come out Krystal. MOST IMPORTANTLY, COME OUT FOOD!!

I heard footsteps coming closer and closer.




I opened my eyes while smirking. “You can’t scare me-”

My smirk fell instantly as I was met with a pair of dark brown eyes and that face. That perfect face.

Oh Sehun.

We stood there, both frozen in eye contact. I hadn’t looked at his face properly in a week, without any cold glares or him glancing away.

I was surprised he wasn’t even doing so now.

But here we were, gazing at each other, I, soaking his face in, and like some bad drama, I felt my stomach stir and my heart pound. With just one look. Until….

“AWWYEAHHHH SEHUN. 23-20 MY WAY!!!” I heard Kai’s scream and looked across to see him doing a victory run around the hall, waving his arms around like a madman with his shirt over his head

I let out a breath I didn’t even know I had been holding.

Oh, Kim Jongin.







hehehe kai.

sorry i've been kind of mia. been quite busy with uni oweek.

and man exo is in hk again? :( just go the month before and after im there why dont you ;___;

anyway thanks for subscribing and commenting and all that!

see you soon hopefully :P

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Its been years author-nimm, hope you'd be able to finish this!! Hwaiting!!
Chapter 21: Please update!!!!!! Can't wait to see the next chapter
StarTravelMallow #3
Chapter 21: *pout pout* Sehun keeps on pushing her away :(
Please update soon!
Chapter 19: Waiting <3 Thanks for the update author-nim <3 :)))))))
midnight-writer97 #5
Chapter 18: Wow... great chapter! Aww, but i don't like it for Sehun to ignore her.... :/ Anyway, I'm really excited about the rest and I'm really curious about the Story with his brother and why they are like this. ^^
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 16: Really, really amazing chapter! You don't know how excited I was too see that you had updated ^^ Anyway.... Can't wait for your next update and keep up the great work :D
Chapter 15: Oh my! That was utterly cute, funny! ^^ I knew it would happen! Aish... You Oh 'Jerk' Sehun... Stop playing around! :D

Wait! I love Kai and Jihyun's moment together :) It would be much better if they end up together. Haha! Joke!
Chapter 14: Oh gosh author-nim! I thought I was hallucinating again. Haha! I dunno. But anyway, yeah, he's not, but it's okay. I like it better this way :) but still, I hope for some soft side of his soon :)
midnight-writer97 #10
Chapter 14: Omo! Such a great story!!! Please, please update soon again!!! ^^^