CHAPTER 15: Sweet Treats and Evil Plots

In Love With a Lie


Today had been tiring. It was finally the last lesson for the day and I felt utterly drained of energy already, having no idea what the teacher was saying right now. Maybe it was watching that hectic basketball game. But come to think of it, Sehun being so strange hadn’t helped either.  Oh man, I could feel myself working up into a sweat just thinking about it. I definitely needed to make the bus today. I don’t think I could manage the walk home.

“Song Jihyun?”

I looked up groggily and the entire class was staring expectantly at me, especially the teacher.

“Jihyun? So can you give a brief summary of the locus of a point?”

The locus? Was that an insect? No wait that was a locust… and this was maths, not biology... I think…

“Uh…” I began hestitantly.

The bell rung shrilly and I breathed a sigh of relief. Phew. Saved by the bell.

I slowly packed up my things before glancing at the time. OH RIGHT! I had to catch the bus! Otherwise, I would be faced with a long and torturous walk. I quickened my pace, but after a few seconds I was already huffing and puffing up the stairs. [a/n: lol me everyday at uni]

I glanced at the time again. I could make the bus if I jogged. I had two minutes, and I wasn’t far from the bus stop. No Jihyun, you can do this. Two minutes of tiring jogging is better than a 30 minute arduous walk. Tightening the straps on my bag, I readied myself for an exciting sprint off.

Ready…. Go! AH!

I felt two hands grab my shoulders just as I began to move my legs.

NOOO, I wasn’t going to get held back!!!

I tried to keep running as the hands held me back… a bit like those donkeys that keep trying to get the carrot dangled in front of them. But I was just running on the spot.

I looked at my watch. ONE MINUTE, THERE WAS STILL HOPE. I put in my last spurt of energy. If this didn’t work, I was going to miss my bus. PRETTY MUCH THE END OF THE WORLD.


It didn’t work.

I almost wailed, before it occurred to me to find out who the damn bastard that dared to hold me back was. I turned, curious, but filled with distaste. WHO DARED TO MAKE ME MISS MY SWEET RIDE HOME.

It was Kai.


Even my beloved Kai was not going to get special treatment.

He didn’t even look sorry, just had that amused expression on his face that he always did.

“Finally realized you weren’t going anywhere while your legs were moving?” Kai asked, a smile playing on his lips.


Kai chuckled before patting me on the head. “Ngaw… poor baby. Well. I was just wondering if my walking buddy wanted to grab some icecream after school.”

My face instantly lit up. Ice cream?!?!?!

“But I guess she’s too tired. How unfortunate” Kai sighed.

“ANI, ANI, ANI, I’M NOT TIRED!” I screamed excitedly.

Kai laughed at my sudden change in mood and shrugged carelessly. “I guess you can manage the walk home then.”

“WITH ICECREAM BEFORE?” I blinked at him hopefully.

“I guess we could squeeze that in. Come on. I know a good place.”

Kai was the best!


He led me back into the school, the opposite way and my eyes widened in awe at the little crooks and crannies that twisted and led into hallways that I had walked through.

“Wow Kai! How do you even know all these shortcuts? They look so dodgy…”

“Of course! The school captain needs to know all the secret passageways in the school.” He grinned mischievously. “And don’t forget, I wasn’t always school captain.”

I giggled. “I’m sure you were always a right and proper hooligan. But that’s why you’re never late to class.”

Kai smiled proudly, “Of course.”

He stopped as we exited the school, before leading us into a small store with faded letters indicating Gelatissimo over the old door at a side street opposite the park.


“One vanilla choc chip waffle cone and…” Kai looked expectantly at me.

“Um… um...” There were so many choices! As my eyes flickered over the buckets and buckets of flavours, the bright colours of a certain flavor danced in front of me.

“The rainbow one.” The words unconsciously slipped my mouth. “It’s so pretty.” Why was I so drawn to the rainbow one?

The girl behind the counter chuckled. Usually people eat icecream for flavor…

“Would you like that in a waffle cone as well?”

“Ne.” I nodded happily.

As the girl scooped our ice creams, Kai whipped out his wallet and handed the coins over in exchange for our sweet treats.

“Oh Kai, it’s okay.” I fumbled for my own wallet.

He gently removed my hands from my bag. “Ani, my treat today! You better appreciate it! It’s not everyday I treat some random.” He poked my cheek teasingly.

I pouted. “Araso. But next time, it’s my turn!”

The girl giggled as she handed us the ice creams. “Cute.”

Kai saw my flushed face and laughed, grabbing the ice creams. “Ne, I am very cute, thanks. It’s such a burden~”

I smiled. There was never an awkward moment with Kai.


A quiet but comfortable atmosphere surrounded us as we sat on the bench in the park, under the tree I had first gazed at wonderously yesterday.

As we slowly away at our ice creams, nothing could be heard except the occasional rustle of grass or chirping of a cricket.

“So Jihyun, how do you like our school?” Kai broke the silence.  

I paused for a moment. School was actually much better than I had imagined it to be.

I smiled warmly. “I like it.”

Kai ruffled my hair. “I’m glad.”

“Everyone’s really friendly and nice. I was a little afraid that people would be cocky, or just studying in the library all day, seeing that this is the top school and all, but you guys make me feel like I’ve been here my whole school life.”

He leaned back, casting his eyes to the sky thoughtfully before turning to me with a mischievous glint in his eye.

“But I’m your favourite right?”

I laughed. “Of course, I’m your number one fan! But… ”

I giggled, showing him my phone wallpaper, which was still Kris’ scary face. I had grown slightly attached to it. “I like Kris too!”

Kai sighed dramatically, like I had uttered something ultimately taboo. “Jihyun. It’s me or him. You can’t be a fan of both me and Kris.”

I pouted. “But Kai, Kris is just my mistress. Don’t tell him I said that…”

Kai laughed outrageously. “Well, that’s okay then. Any other mistresses I should be wary of?”

I grinned. “KRYSTAL!”

Kai scoffed. “Pffst, she’s my other number 1 fan.”


Kai shrugged helplessly. “I can’t help being so amazing and fanworthy.”

I chuckled. Who else had made an impression on me?

“All the basketball boys seem pretty nice too!”

Kai nodded knowingly. “Ne, they are.”

We continued nodding at each other like idiots until Kai asked cautiously, “How about Sehun?”

“Sehun,” I mused, rolling his name in my mouth.

How ABOUT Sehun?

“He’s a strange boy.” I chuckled. “I don’t get him.”

“So have you forgiven him for being Jaemin?”

Forgiven? “NEVERRRR!!!” But come to think of it, I wasn’t really annoyed at him at all anymore.Actually scratch that, he annoyed me all the time, but for different reasons now.

Kai laughed. “I think you two seem to be getting along pretty well. Charaso.” He gave a thumbs up.

I narrowed my eyes. “Yah Kai, weren’t you just telling me to stay away from him yesterday?”

Kai gave a tight smile. “Maybe I was wrong.” Before I saw how open he had become towards you…

I scoffed. “Okay Kai.”


The sun was starting to set and it was time to go home. Kai led me slowly back, before bidding me goodbye with an eye smile. 

“Annyeong Jihyun, I enjoyed today.”

I returned the smile. “Me too. See you tomorrow Kai! Will you be here in the morning?”

He frowned. “Sorry, I have to go early to do some school captain things.”

“That’s okay. You have to pretend to be responsible sometime!” I joked.

We both laughed and I headed through my front door as Kai walked away with a wave.

It was fun. Spending time with Kai.




Sehun frowned. It was time to set his plan into action. He didn’t have much time. What had Eunji called Jihyun at Jeju island? Nana baby??

He shrugged. Hopefully this similar nickname sounded convincing.

Heh. Heh. Heh.

He glanced over at the message one more time before clicking send.



I felt a buzz in my pocket as I got to my room. Swiping the main screen, I saw one new message.


From EUNJI <3

Hyunnie baby, I missed you so much. How are you??? Any cute guys at your school?!


I grinned happily, quickly tapping in a reply before pressing send.


YAH EUNJII!! I missed you too! When are you coming to visit me? And a few hehe ;) How’s Lulu?


Almost immediately, I got another buzz. Wow she replied really quickly!

I squinted at the screen. Wait…


From Master Sehun

Yah yah yah! Why haven’t you called or texted me, Jihyun baby?


I blinked. When did Sehun insert his number? Oh. It must have been when I casually flung the phone out of my hands when I was running away from him. Well. I looked at the message again.

Why haven’t you called or texted me. BABY?! BABY?!

I snorted. Who the hell did he think he was?? Why should I even been calling or texting him. WHY AM I HIS BABY?! Nup. Not gonna reply. I was about to chuck the phone on my bed when Eunji replied. Yay!


From EUNJI <3

Yah, why don’t you visit me? And omo, omo, omo TELL ME THEIR NAMES. And Luhan dear is okay.


I frowned. Eunji sounded a bit different, but I shrugged it off.

Hehe, maybe I will sometime! I miss you all so much! Hm… there’s this really nice guy called Kai, a scary looking guy called Kris and OMG, you would not believe who goes to this school. I was so mad.


From EUNJI <3

Ngaw, miss you too babe. OooOooO. Kai and Kris sound boring. Tell me more about the mysterious last guy!!


I raised my eyebrow. Wow Eunji not interested in the nice cute boys? Was Luhan doing strange thing to the way she texted? I chuckled.

Ugh. You know rainbow haired Jaemin from Jeju? HE WAS ACTUALLY JUST A FAKE PERSONALITY. Like me being Nayoung, but stiiiillll. He’s actually the biggest douchebag in history. Like Jaemin but the devil reincarnate. Just kidding but grr. I want my Jaemin back. This guy’s so strange.


On the other side of the line, Sehun scowled. I’m not a douchebag.

Furious he tapped in his reply.


From EUNJI <3

Oh yeah? I’m sure he’s not that bad. He was pretty handsome at Jeju!! What’s his name?


Oh Eunji, if only you had class with him. Sehun was pretty handsome though, and the dark hair was growing on me.

His name is Oh Sehun. And ANIII, He’s really strange.


From EUNJI <3

Omo! I heard that guy was really cool! Make good friends with him!!


I scoffed. What kind of crap was Eunji on about? Where did she hear this from anyway?

Yah, talk to me when you have some sense back in you. Ridiculous.


I threw the phone on my bed after sending the message and gathered my clothes to shower.


Sehun grinned. That had been fun.


Eunji pouted. “Why isn’t she replying?”

Luhan chuckled and patted her head, “Maybe she’s just busy at the moment. Let’s enjoy this afternoon together first.”

Eunji nodded slowly. “Araso, Luhan. But she better reply sometime! Or I’m going over there myself and bashing the crap out of her!!!”

“OMO. What a violent girlfriend I have!” Luhan stepped back in shock.

Eunji grabbed his arm slyly again. “Only kidding, hehe. You know I love you.”




Hope you didn’t miss Kai too much, COZ HE’S BACK :’) HAPPY BIRTHDAAY KAI :’) *throws confetti*

Ok. I don’t know what I was writing half the time. Haha, hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for subscribing and commenting 8)

@midnight-writer97 thanks so much ^^

@Nami_97 in time ;)

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Its been years author-nimm, hope you'd be able to finish this!! Hwaiting!!
Chapter 21: Please update!!!!!! Can't wait to see the next chapter
StarTravelMallow #3
Chapter 21: *pout pout* Sehun keeps on pushing her away :(
Please update soon!
Chapter 19: Waiting <3 Thanks for the update author-nim <3 :)))))))
midnight-writer97 #5
Chapter 18: Wow... great chapter! Aww, but i don't like it for Sehun to ignore her.... :/ Anyway, I'm really excited about the rest and I'm really curious about the Story with his brother and why they are like this. ^^
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 16: Really, really amazing chapter! You don't know how excited I was too see that you had updated ^^ Anyway.... Can't wait for your next update and keep up the great work :D
Chapter 15: Oh my! That was utterly cute, funny! ^^ I knew it would happen! Aish... You Oh 'Jerk' Sehun... Stop playing around! :D

Wait! I love Kai and Jihyun's moment together :) It would be much better if they end up together. Haha! Joke!
Chapter 14: Oh gosh author-nim! I thought I was hallucinating again. Haha! I dunno. But anyway, yeah, he's not, but it's okay. I like it better this way :) but still, I hope for some soft side of his soon :)
midnight-writer97 #10
Chapter 14: Omo! Such a great story!!! Please, please update soon again!!! ^^^