CHAPTER 5: Expectations and Realisations

In Love With a Lie

“Yo, I’m Krystal. Your name was Jihyun right?” A calm girl with long jet black hair smiled at me, with attitude. Was that possible… smiling with attitude?

I had found myself sliding into the only available seat left, in the back row sandwiched between Sehun and this girl who had just introduced herself as Krystal. Anxious NOT to return the smouldering gaze Sehun seemed to be giving me, I enthusiastically turned all my attention to Krystal and my back to Sehun.

“Ah ne. That’s right. Pleased to meet you.” I bowed profusely in my seat as much as I could and I heard Krystal chuckle.

“Yah, we’re the same age. No need to be so polite, Jihyun-ah” She grinned devilishly. “I can tell we’re going to be good friends.” She turned back to face the front. “The lesson’s starting. Better pay attention if you don’t want detention on your first day!”

I swung my legs back to the front and snuck a glance at Sehun. He had long lost interest in the class in general and was busy texting on his phone. His face really was quite identical to Jaemin. And the way he poked his tongue out as he typed. And the way he swung one leg over the other. And the way-

“Like what you see?”

Caught. How did he know? He wasn’t even looking up! As if he could read my mind, he met my gaze and cocked his head before frowning deeply at my face. Was there something wrong with it? WAS I DROOLING AGAIN? Wait no, Jihyun, you never drooled for him in the first place. That jerk and his tissue. Putting strange ideas into my mind.

“Hm.” He grunted, and returned to his phone, typing more furiously than before.

“Hmph.” I grunted back and decided to focus on the lesson.

Oft expectation fails, and most oft there Where most it promises.” The teacher announced, “Can anybody tell me what this means?”

The class was blank.


“Expectations are usually not met, especially where they promise the most” she said carelessly and without hesitation.

The teacher nodded approvingly as I looked at her in awe. “Good. You’ve maintained your reading over the holidays I see. Class, for the next few weeks, we will be studying Shakespeare’s All’s Well That Ends Well, a play I greatly admire myself.”

I groaned. Shakespeare, thou art my nemesis.

 Krystal noticed and shot me a thumbs up, “Don’t worry, Jihyun, I’ll help you.”

I forced a grateful smile towards her, but continued groaning inside. That stuff was impossible to understand!

After the well-thumbed copies of the play were passed around, the teacher assigned characters to a few people, and the reading commenced. Some of the students really got into their roles, and I have to admit, the story was quite enthralling. When the bell rang, I was actually slightly disappointed.

Before I could pack up, Sehun knocked past my desk as he exited, giving me one last glance with that same piercing frown on his face. Was there seriously something wrong with my face?

“Krystal… Is there something on my face?” I asked, confused.

“Aside from your nose, nothing unusual!” She joked. “How’d you find that?” Krystal grinned as she hooked her arm through mine.

“Surprisingly good!” I replied honestly back.

“Great. It’s one of my favourites from ol’ Shakespeare. And speaking of favourites, it’s Western Monday today at the cafeteria! I hope they have shepherd’s pie.” She started waving her arms about. Someone else who was that excited about food! This looked like the start of a promising friendship.


 The cafeteria was filled with the loud buzzing of voices as people excitedly caught up with friends they had not seen the whole summer break. …And Krystal’s loud shriek…


I giggled to myself as Krystal dragged me over to a table with a few other people.

“Annyeong! I’m Jihyun!” I grinned.

I quickly forgot about my shyness as they introduced themselves and made me feel welcome. This school was ridiculously friendly, like everyone was at least half of Kai’s friendliness. Which was saying a lot.

I was telling them about my life in Busan when the blazer of someone walking past caught on my milk and spilled it onto the floor. I gave an exclamation of surprise and the guy turned around with a snarl.

“Put your milk out of the way of my blazer”.

“It’s okay! You don’t have to apo- wait, WHAT?!” It was that jerk, Sehun, NOT uttering an apology but another rude remark and had already turned his back and left.

“UGH,” I crossed my arms in frustration as I spotted a bit of my shirt that had gotten wet.

Well, I’m not one to cry over spilt milk so I quickly excused myself from that table to wash the milk out.

Sehun was going to have to pay. I gritted my teeth. Must. Get. Sehun.

“Oh my God, Jihyun, do you like Sehun already?” Krystal was clapping her hands in glee. I clasped a hand over my mouth as I realized I had grunted my thoughts out, and rather loudly too, judging by the way the whole table was looking at me expectantly. Whoops. “Ditching us already on the first day” Krystal faked a sob. “Don’t worry babe, go get him” She winked. [a/n HAHAHA WATCH THIS FOR YOUR OWN ENTERTAINMENT: It’s a mashup of all the Oh my God’s Krystal has ever said HAHAHA ]

“Yah, DON’T PAIR ME WITH THAT DICKHEAD. I would pick you guys any day” I snorted.

“Doesn’t seem that way~” she sang.

“Just washing the milk out” I pouted, before heading off.


I gave one last pat of my clothes, satisfied they were dry. Walking out of the bathroom, I turned back to the cafeteria, but a familiar voice caught my attention.

“LUHAN HYUUUUNG” It was Jaemin’s voice! That I was sure of.

I tiptoed to the corridor where I had English class that morning, and at the end, by the window, I saw a guy on the phone. I inched as close as I possibly could without him noticing.

“Yes, …pretty sure… ….same face... You said… …Eunji… …transferring… …best… …Seoul… ”

I tried to get closer, edging my way to the next set of lockers that separated me from him. Perfect hearing range.

The male scoffed. A Sehun worthy scoff. “Yah, no way. It was just for that week… …Ne, hyung, I had a good time, but wouldn’t that be because of the fact we were at Jeju island?... …I don’t think she even realizes it’s the same person, she’s a bit dull… …No Luhan. End of conversation. That’s not how I really am. Not anymore anyway… …How’s Eunji?”

 I gasped as I caught a glimpse of his face. It WAS Sehun, sounding mighty rude to his hyung. His hyung… Luhan hyung… who appeared to have a relationship with an Eunji…? Sehun who had gone on holiday to Jeju island…? Sehun who had the same face as my Jaemin…? The pieces started to fall together.  Either this Sehun just happened to have the same face, same mannerisms as Jaemin and had also gone to Jeju Island with his hyung also called Luhan who had also met an Eunji, or Jaemin had been a complete and utter lie like Nayoung, played by that jerk Sehun over by the window there. Sadly, as much as I would have preferred the former, the second option was much more viable.

“I’m hanging up hyung. See you some other time.” Sehun made a face at the phone as he shoved it roughly back in his pocket.

UGH. It wouldn’t be true. It couldn’t be true. What kind of heartless freak pretends to be a nice guy and makes girls fall in love with him when he’s actually a jerk? Oh yeah, only a jerk could do that. I couldn’t believe he had pulled it off, and deceived me. Okay. I did it too, but I wasn’t an actual jerk, and I actually liked Jaemin genuinely. As much as Nayoung’s life was fake, her feelings were genuine. But this jerk, no ounce of Jaemin was in Oh Sehun. I couldn’t believe someone could be so damn mean. I knew I was missing some logic somewhere, and that I didn’t really have a right to be so angry, but THE DOUCHEBAG DECEIVED ME. 

I stepped out into plain sight in the corridor, ready to unleash my fury, but his back was towards me, and he was gazing out into the window wistfully. At that moment, he could have passed for Jaemin. I shook my head. No. He was the jerk, Oh Sehun. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

“Oh Sehun! Or should I say… Jaemin.” I watched carefully to see his reaction

"So you finally realised." He suddenly spun around with a fierce snarl. All the confidence I had earlier about confronting him had quickly evaporated and he was quickly cornering me. I could feel my heart beating rapidly all of a sudden. I tried to back away but was met with the furry surface of the noticeboard I had been looking at this morning.

I tried to swallow my nervousness. “D-Did you… perhaps want to join the basketball team… Sehun? But wait, you were already captain right, captain Jaemin?” I gave my best shot at an indifferent scoff, but right now, I probably looked as indifferent as a scared mouse with my knees knocking.

He smirked, and suddenly shot his two arms out on either side of my head so I was trapped between them. He slowly leaned closer and I unconsciously closed my eyes, breathing rapidly. I could feel his hot breath tickling my nose before it moved to my ear. “I might ask the same of you, oh swim team captain NAYOUNG’. My eyes shot opened in shock as I gave a small growl. It was the same voice saying the same name, but in such a different and harsher tone. His deep brown eyes turned back to mine as he continued to lean in, his face just mere centimeters from mine. Now is not the time to get lost in his eyes Jiihyun!  “You have no right to be angry” I saw his soft lips move but the only thing that was on my mind was the heat from his body against mine. We were… close. I closed my eyes again as I tried to collect my thoughts. Yes. I was only feeling heat because I was angry at him. Yes. I had full rights to be angry at him. He had deceived me, Jaemin was a lie. I opened my eyes again and he spoke again, his voice low and dangerous. “Or did you forget that I wasn’t the only one living a lie? I think you have forgotten. Take a look at yourself. I’m not so sure it was Nayoung who fell in love with Jaemin, but Jihyun.” I tried to open my mouth to make a statement, but I couldn’t. He was right. Before I knew it, he quickly and swiftly closed the distance between us, his dark eyes observing mine the whole time, and our lips almost brushed. He instantly pulled away. My cheeks instantly flushed red and I put my hands over them.

He scoffed at my reaction and I blushed further. “But there’s one problem Jihyun, isn’t there? Jaemin doesn’t exist and Oh Sehun does. What are we going to do? Oh Sehun is NOTHING like Jaemin. Jihyun is in love with a boy who doesn’t exist.” He hissed in my face before turning away, his school shoes clacking against the floor.

He was halfway down the hallway when my mouth finally managed to move again… only to blurt out a piece of rubbish. “W-Was it Sehun who fell in love with Nayoung then?” I smacked myself mentally as soon as I had said it. Ugh.

He turned around and his mouth tugged up in an arrogant smirk again. “Who’s Nayoung? She doesn’t exist, does she? Go to class Jihyun.”

As if on cue, the bell rang for the next period.



yep that's right guys, I lied, I'm actually back today!!  o3o MERRY KRISCHRISTMAS!!! :3

a quick-ish update! jks took me a while :'( hope you enjoy.

thanks for subscribing and commenting and upvoting, ACTUALLY makes my day. WUB CHU ALLL :')

eruhfdjhkjfhkjhs Kang Haneul in Heirs. welkjlksdjf :'D so bootiful :'D

merry christmas again ^^

oh and huhu attempted to make a poster in paint LOL. ... I tried :(

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Its been years author-nimm, hope you'd be able to finish this!! Hwaiting!!
Chapter 21: Please update!!!!!! Can't wait to see the next chapter
StarTravelMallow #3
Chapter 21: *pout pout* Sehun keeps on pushing her away :(
Please update soon!
Chapter 19: Waiting <3 Thanks for the update author-nim <3 :)))))))
midnight-writer97 #5
Chapter 18: Wow... great chapter! Aww, but i don't like it for Sehun to ignore her.... :/ Anyway, I'm really excited about the rest and I'm really curious about the Story with his brother and why they are like this. ^^
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 16: Really, really amazing chapter! You don't know how excited I was too see that you had updated ^^ Anyway.... Can't wait for your next update and keep up the great work :D
Chapter 15: Oh my! That was utterly cute, funny! ^^ I knew it would happen! Aish... You Oh 'Jerk' Sehun... Stop playing around! :D

Wait! I love Kai and Jihyun's moment together :) It would be much better if they end up together. Haha! Joke!
Chapter 14: Oh gosh author-nim! I thought I was hallucinating again. Haha! I dunno. But anyway, yeah, he's not, but it's okay. I like it better this way :) but still, I hope for some soft side of his soon :)
midnight-writer97 #10
Chapter 14: Omo! Such a great story!!! Please, please update soon again!!! ^^^