CHAPTER 11: Blood, Sweat and Tears, but Without the Blood and Tears.

In Love With a Lie

I looked upon the match in front of me with excitement. The whistle was blowing, the passes were fast and the defence was amazing.

I had taken up one of the seats at the front to get the best view and my eyes never left the court once as I followed the amazing dribbling and shooting of our team. They wore well-fitting singlets, and the opposing team themselves, were an equal match, as the ball changed possession almost endlessly. Each move was calculated and precise, and carried out with skill. I was engrossed in the game, and felt as in it as the players themselves, who were now dripping with sweat, and obviously tired.

“52-52” The voice on the loudspeaker announced, followed a few seconds later by “30 seconds remaining.”

I held my breath. It was a close match, and you could see the effects on the players. Luckily for me, Sehun had been so into the game the whole time to notice me, and now, in the final 30 seconds, I found my eyes following him. He was good. Panting heavily, he deftly dribbling the ball between his legs, feinting, and swerving, and getting past the opposing team. He made a quick pass to Kris, who quickly took a shot as the countdown began.


I could feel my own racing heart.


It seemed to play in slow motion.


This was the shot.




The gymnasium was silent for a moment before the swoosh of the net could be heard.

And the place erupted into cheers.

“YEAHHH! GO KRISS!!” I found myself shouting, feeling exhausted, even though all I had been doing was watching.

Kris held his arms above his head triumphantly as the other players attacked him, jumping on him happily.


Again, the gymnasium was filled with whoops, and the players went to shake each others’ hands.



A good match. A good match. I nodded to myself as people began to head out of the gymnasium.

I felt a presence next to me, and turned to see Kris, still panting.


I offered him my bottle and he grabbed it. Without hesitation, he started chugging it. I watched him with wide eyes and an open mouth. He kept going, until he had emptied the whole thing.

He breathed a sigh of relief, wiping his mouth with his hand. “Ahhh.”

He then noticed my shocked expression, before looking at my now empty bottle.

Widening his own eyes, he hurriedly replied. “OH. Sorry. I didn’t mean to finish the whole thing.” He grinned goofily. “I’ll buy you a new bottle.”

I closed my mouth and chuckled. “It’s okay Kris, you were JJANG! Seriously, you played so well!” I gave him a thumbs up.

He looked away, smiling shyly. “Eyy, I’m not captain for nothing.”

“Araso, araso. It was a good game.”

“Thanks,” he beamed, before frowning. “A close game though.”

“Pff, close games are more exciting anyway. Who likes utter domination?”

“Utter domination would be nice!” He laughed. “By our side, that is.”

I chuckled. “Maybe you need to recruit more amazing players.” I slyly grinned, before pointing to myself. “Like me for instance.”

He had an amused grin on his face as he replied. “Good thing you were knocked out by Sehun before I got a chance to see you play on court properly. My ego would have taken a big hit.”

“A big hit, I’m sure!” I stuck out my tongue, when I heard footsteps approaching us.

“Yah, Jihyun.” That voice. I groaned. I didn’t want to face him right now.

“Well, speak of the devil.” I whispered softly to Kris. “I have to scram!! Talk to you later!”

I looked at the door of the gymnasium. An agreeable distance it was. Alright. Let’s go Jihyun. I made a mad dash for door, screaming, “BYE SEHUN. NICE TALKING TO YOU. GOTTA GO. SEE YOU LATER!” as I went.

“YAAAAH!” I could almost imagine a sulking bratty look on his face.

I shivered and kept running, until I was sure I was far far away from him.

Panting, I kneeled down, grasping the wall to steady myself. Phew, that was close.

“Yah, Jihyun.”

I gulped audibly as I turned around in dread. How could he have caught up to me so quickly??

“You forgot your phone.”

Kris stood there dangling my phone in the air with one hand.

I almost collapsed on the ground in relief.

“It’s only you.” I breathed.

“Hey!! What do you mean it’s only me? Is that how you repay someone who gave you your lost phone?”

I chuckled. “Nah, I just thought you were… nevermind.” I grinned. “Thanks. I’m so clumsy.”

“Yeah, you are,” he joked, laughing. “Anyway, I had better head off to class. Catch you later!’ He placed my phone in my palm, before heading off.

“You know, you don’t look so scary when you smile!” I shouted after him.

“Ne..” He turned around and shot me an emotionless stare before breaking into a grin and running off.

I shivered. That emotionless stare. That Kris was capable of scary things.

Humming to myself, I was about to slip my phone back into my pocket when I heard a buzz. Who would message me at this time?

I squinted at the screen.


1 new message.



COOL GUY KRIS?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What was with the guys at this school??

Holding back a giggle, I opened the message.




I scoffed, what kind of message was that? I was about to shoot back a reply when my phone buzzed again, with a new message.



P.S. cute phone background *u*


I frowned. What WAS my background? I was about to tap back to the main screen when I heard someone call me.


I turned around, smiling. “What now, COOL GUY KRIS?”

Wait… that wasn’t the face of Kris but the face of very man I had been trying to avoid. I glanced quickly around: there was nowhere for me to run to this time.

Sehun gave me a dissatisfied expression before frowning. “Why are you running away from me?”

“Heh. What running? I was merely jogging.” I laughed nervously. “You know, to train these muscles.” I casually pumped my arms in front of him. Okay, that wasn’t very convincing.

An amused smirk was growing on his lips. “Riiiight. So it wasn’t because you were too embarrassed to confront the star player of the basketball team after accusing him of foul play?”

I grimaced. “A-Ani…”

He crossed his arms, and tapped his finger on his arm. “Really?”

I sighed. There was no way he was going to let it go. “Okay. Yes. Sorry.” I said as quickly as I could.

“What? I didn’t hear that.” He continued looking at me expectantly.

“I said sorry!!” I mumbled quietly.

“Sorry for?”


Sehun sighed dramatically, before fixing me with a condescending gaze. “Repeat after me. I, Song Jihyun… Yah. Repeat it.”

I made a face, before complying. “I.. Song Jihyun.”

“am terribly sorry…”

“am terribly sorry…”

“For being a stupid ..”


“Say it.”

I sighed. “For being a stupid .”

“And accusing this wonderful and handsome and amazing basketball player, Oh Sehun of an obnoxious piece of fraud that he would not even be thinking of.”

I gave up, repeating after him emotionlessly.

“Oh.” He acted surprised. “I didn’t know you thought that way of me, Jihyun. Thanks!”

This dickhead.

“But you know, you don’t really look all that sorry.” He narrowed his eyes, while jabbing his finger at my forehead. “Are you truly sorry?”

‘NE, NE, I AM!” I almost screamed. I was so done with him. Although I was a bit stupid to assume such ridiculous things about him. But hey, who could blame me? That guy was an outright jerk.

Luckily he seemed to accept it, giving me a generous eye smile, like we had always been the best of friends. “That’s great, Jihyun! I knew we could get along.” That fine actor. No wonder he played Jaemin so easily.

I scowled, “Get away. I’m going to class.”

He pouted innocently, “But aren’t you going to ask me what my next class is?”

UGH. SO done with him.

“NO, I’M NOT!” I screamed, flailing my arms as I ran to the next class.



Sehun gaped at Jihyun’s disappearing back, before laughing at the phone of hers he had so deftly caught while she had flung it out of her grasp when flailing around.   

How does someone even lose a phone that way?! Pabo.

A mischievous grin grew on his face as he examined it.


Her phone didn’t have a screen lock, and he swiped up to reveal the main screen.


A dark face with angry eyebrows was glaring back at him with a dark smouldering stare, all the while posing coolly.

He lost grasp of the phone in shock, before realizing and grabbing at it semi-successfully, juggling it carefully back into his control. What in the world?! Why did she have such a scary face on her home screen?

Wait. He squinted closely. It was a selca of the captain of his team, WHAT WAS THAT SCARY HYUNG’S FACE DOING ON HER SCREEN?! He shuddered, when the phone buzzed with a message from *COOL GUY KRIS*. Sehun scowled. Cool guy Kris? Really?

The message preview quickly played across the notification bar. P.P.S Don’t you dare change that beautiful wallpaper. ;)

Sehun scoffed. So it was just hyung being ridiculous. He quickly opened the message stream and tapped in a reply.

Yaaah, oppa, your face is so scary, I nearly peed in my pants!

He smirked satisfactorily as he read over the message and pressed send. That’s right, hyung. You don’t want to talk to her, she’s a strange strange girl.

Now he could get down to business. He opened the menu, swiping through, before disappointment swept across his face. Where were all the games??


How can she have no games? He whined to himself, before finding her list of contacts.

His eyes almost popped out of his head as he read the contact names

<3 y Kai oppa <3 ??!! Were they that close already?

Scowling, he continued scrolling, wondering whether or not to add his own name. His eyes paused as he saw EUNJI <3, and his finger hovered over the contact name.

He couldn’t just delete her best friend’s number though… He quickly changed the name to Master Sehun, before he entered his own number, under EUNJI <3. Nodding contently at his work, he slipped the phone in his pocket and headed to his next class with an evil grin.

Your phone didn’t have any games Jihyun, so I made one for you.




Ooooh, sneaky, sneaky, Sehun.

LOL. Well then. I felt like Kris again, especially after ep6 showtime. HE’S SO RIDICULOUS HAHA. Maybe I should just start a Kris fic and release my feels there. He seems like someone I would like to be friends with in real life :’) And I really love chenchen too, from showtime.

I also keep having kpop dreams LOL WHAT IS THIS. I haven’t even thought of F.cuz for at least half a year, but as I was going through my bias list on tumblr, I remembered I HAD A DREAM WHERE I BECAME REALLY GOOD FRIENDS WTH DAEGUN LOL. Like. I seriously have not even thought of F.cuz….

Sorry these a/n’s are completely unrelated to the story hahahaha. :P you can just skip over them as you please.

@KimKyra can't deny it ;)

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Its been years author-nimm, hope you'd be able to finish this!! Hwaiting!!
Chapter 21: Please update!!!!!! Can't wait to see the next chapter
StarTravelMallow #3
Chapter 21: *pout pout* Sehun keeps on pushing her away :(
Please update soon!
Chapter 19: Waiting <3 Thanks for the update author-nim <3 :)))))))
midnight-writer97 #5
Chapter 18: Wow... great chapter! Aww, but i don't like it for Sehun to ignore her.... :/ Anyway, I'm really excited about the rest and I'm really curious about the Story with his brother and why they are like this. ^^
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 16: Really, really amazing chapter! You don't know how excited I was too see that you had updated ^^ Anyway.... Can't wait for your next update and keep up the great work :D
Chapter 15: Oh my! That was utterly cute, funny! ^^ I knew it would happen! Aish... You Oh 'Jerk' Sehun... Stop playing around! :D

Wait! I love Kai and Jihyun's moment together :) It would be much better if they end up together. Haha! Joke!
Chapter 14: Oh gosh author-nim! I thought I was hallucinating again. Haha! I dunno. But anyway, yeah, he's not, but it's okay. I like it better this way :) but still, I hope for some soft side of his soon :)
midnight-writer97 #10
Chapter 14: Omo! Such a great story!!! Please, please update soon again!!! ^^^