CHAPTER 18: The Cold Shoulder

In Love With a Lie

To be honest, I was pretty excited to go to school again, which was definitely not a usual occurrence. I mean, I had practically skipped here happily without complaining about the distance (having given up on the bus) which was definitely something to be congratulated on. Kai would most definitely be proud.


As I walked down the hallway with a spring in my step, I saw the very man that had been occupying my mind for the past few days. No wait a second. Of course I wasn’t thinking of that kid thaaat much… Okay, maybe a bit. Nevertheless, I felt my lips tug up at the corner.

“ANNYEONG SEHUN!!” I shouted happily.

He continued walking towards me, with dead eyes and not the singlest bit of recognition. I pouted.

Not replying to my texts and ignoring me in the hallways? NO CAN DO!

“Sehun-ah!!” I tried again. Maybe he hadn’t heard me.

But as we passed each other, I knew it wasn’t true. Our eyes met for a split second and I felt my heart beat a tiny bit harder before it stopped.

He had torn his eyes away abruptly, but not before I saw the cold glare he had shot me.

I blinked, stunned. If looks could hurt, this one did. I shook my head, confused. Did I do something wrong suddenly during the weekend? Had we accidentally trampled his roses or something while in his front yard? He wouldn’t have even known we were there.

Before I console myself that maybe Sehun was just having a bad day, I felt someone lightly knock me on my head with their fist and I spun around quickly.

“Se- Oh, Kai. Hello!” I quickly covered my frown with smile.

“What’s up with you?” He smiled as he tapped my nose with his finger.

“N-Nothing!” I shot him my best face. It was probably nothing anyway. That glance was so short. Maybe Sehun had just been thinking about something horrible.

“Araso” We started walking down the hallway side by side on the way to rollcall.

“How was your weekend?”

I grinned. “Great. My friends came over from Busan!”

Kai chuckled. “Wow, I wish my friends would travel such great distances to visit me.”


Kai ruffled my hair, laughing. “Thanks, Jihyun, I’m flattered. What did you guys get up to?”

I smiled, replying fondly “Hmm… we just kind of caught up over coffee and chatted. Yeah.”

“That’s nice!”

“Oh yeah! We also were going to crash Sehun’s house… but Luhan, oh that’s Sehun’s cousin that we met at Jeju Island, he came too. Anyway. Luhan said Sehun was busy.” I ended my sentence in a pout.

“I really wanted to trash his house too! I swear I could see figures inside the house but Luhan said Sehun was busy.” I feigned an annoyed face. “Not like that kid has anything to get up to anyway.”

Kai chuckled, swinging me to face my roll call room. “You’re here, pabo. Continue the story later! Annyeong!”


Busy? Kai frowned. Does that mean Sehun’s brother is finally back?

He quickly shook the thoughts from his head, putting on a smile as he entered his own roll call room.

Pabo yourself Kai, nearly missing your own room.


As I walked into the roll call room, I saw Sehun in the seat next to mine already.

Plonking myself happily next to him, I turned excitedly to greet him.


He had the same emotionless eyes as this morning.

“Yah, Sehun!” I whispered.

He ignored me entirely, not even turning his head a bit.

I frowned. Didn’t we make up the other day?


I gulped as he suddenly swung his head towards me and fixed me with a piercing glare.

“Shut up.” He hissed before turning his head back to the front.



Did this guy actually have multiple personalities?

As I tried to glance at him once more, the bell rang and he grabbed his bag and headed off immediately, not even giving me time to blink. Not even looking back once.

I was confused. Utterly confused. One day he would be arrogant and cocky, twisting all my words to seem like I wanted him, next day he would revert into a little kid. Another day he would meld somehow into a nice, sweet guy who made me feel like I was the world to him and now, he was just deathly cold. Deathly cold like I was nothing at all to him. I didn’t get it.

Was he actually just having a bad day?

I scowled. Didn’t mean he had to treat me like crap.


Sehun’s behaviour stayed in the back of mind for the rest of the day.

Those dead eyes as we tested the boiling point of water with salt added.

That cold glare as we differentiated weird equations.

His missing presence as Krystal talked excitedly over lunch.

Those lips that had no hint of upward curve as I passed him with Kai.


I didn’t want to say it, but it bothered me.

That brat not acknowledging me bothered me a lot.

And I wasn’t sure why.






Oookay this a/n is a bit too cheerful heh

HAHAHAHA so I’m catching up on exo’s showtime. Just watched the ep where sehunnie and kai attend the tea brewing ceremony. HAHAHAH cannot handle Sehun pretending to be serious. And Kai too. Dem cute high school friends :3


HAHAHAH KRIS’ kick up. Ridicurous. This ep is golden.

Hehe qt chen. Okay so my biases are showing LOL HAHAHA man tao is so hot but hes such a girl. But man when he does his wushu -___- I die.

Oh boy good ep. Not one where they just sat and ate. LOL

Anyway going on camp for the next few days. Toodle-oo again L

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Its been years author-nimm, hope you'd be able to finish this!! Hwaiting!!
Chapter 21: Please update!!!!!! Can't wait to see the next chapter
StarTravelMallow #3
Chapter 21: *pout pout* Sehun keeps on pushing her away :(
Please update soon!
Chapter 19: Waiting <3 Thanks for the update author-nim <3 :)))))))
midnight-writer97 #5
Chapter 18: Wow... great chapter! Aww, but i don't like it for Sehun to ignore her.... :/ Anyway, I'm really excited about the rest and I'm really curious about the Story with his brother and why they are like this. ^^
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 16: Really, really amazing chapter! You don't know how excited I was too see that you had updated ^^ Anyway.... Can't wait for your next update and keep up the great work :D
Chapter 15: Oh my! That was utterly cute, funny! ^^ I knew it would happen! Aish... You Oh 'Jerk' Sehun... Stop playing around! :D

Wait! I love Kai and Jihyun's moment together :) It would be much better if they end up together. Haha! Joke!
Chapter 14: Oh gosh author-nim! I thought I was hallucinating again. Haha! I dunno. But anyway, yeah, he's not, but it's okay. I like it better this way :) but still, I hope for some soft side of his soon :)
midnight-writer97 #10
Chapter 14: Omo! Such a great story!!! Please, please update soon again!!! ^^^