CHAPTER 9: A Strange Side of Sehun pt.1

In Love With a Lie

We arrived at the school just as a white motorbike pulled into the school. Oh Sehun.

Again, I felt like I was watching a television commercial with all that dramatic hair flicking as he pulled off his helmet.

I groaned, dragging Kai away by the wrist.

“STOP RIGHT THERE.” Sehun’s voice rung out across the front yard as we turned our backs on him.

He marched right up to me, and held out his palm expectantly.  “Well?”

I blinked, stupefied. “Well, what?”

“The money.” He stated, like it was glaringly obvious. Which it most definitely was not.

I continued blinking stupidly. “What are you talking about?”

He started getting frustrated and stamped his little foot on the ground. “Ugh, if I say it, I’ll just sound cocky.”

I scoffed and started to turn away. “Anything that comes out of your mouth is cocky. Let’s go Kai.” I linked my arm into Kai’s.

Kai stood unmoving and looked amused at our bickering. Sehun never warms up to anyone so quickly like this. Definitely not to the point of making conversation. He cocked his head. Was I too early to speak about his past? He closed his eyes and his mouth tugged into a small smile. Maybe Jihyun has helped him realize… with that trip… Maybe he’s started to realize… that people aren’t so bad. Maybe Jihyun is the cure.

Kai was still standing still. “Kai, what are you doing?” I hissed.

Kai abruptly unlinked arms and announced “Bye Jihyun, I have to be somewhere, but it looks like you’ve got someone else to take care of you!”

“MWOH??” I spluttered, stunned. What in the world? One minute he was warning me not to get close to the guy, and the next, he’s ditching me with this guy??

“KAIIIIIIIII!!!” I yelled out, in a last attempt to bring him back.

“Love ya Jihyun.” He winked and blew me a kiss before jogging off.


Sehun turned to me with a scowl. “Yah. Who are you calling a brat?”

I upturned my nose at him. “You. You brat. Brat. Brat. BRAAAAAAAAAAT.”

“YAH!” He shouted and quickly covered my mouth with his hand.

I struggled, shocked by the sudden contact of his hand on my mouth.

“Mmmdfhgjhdf. Mmmmfghfg!!”

He smirked, his hand still covering my mouth. “What did you say?”

I bit his hand and he yelped. “I SAID, GET YOUR DIRTY HAND OFF MY MOUTH, YOU BRAT.”

He glared at me, rubbing his hand.

Psh. It was only a bite.

Okay. It was a hard bite. But he had deserved it.

“Brat.” He hissed back.

“Oh, that’s rich.” I scoffed.

Our wonderful conversation was interrupted by the bell indicating school had started, and I promptly headed off, without a second glance.

“Nice talking, bye Sehun.”

I heard footsteps behind me, and quickly turned my head, narrowing my eyes at the same dark haired boy who was following me.

“Quit following me.” I snarled.

He blinked innocently. “Who’s following who? My roll call class is just this way. You’re the one following me… in the future.”

My jaw dropped. “Y-yah… does that even make sense?”

He face crinkled up as he thought about whether his last sentence made sense or not. He nodded, satisfied that it did. “Yep!” His face then turned into a frown and he sighed burdensomely. “It’s really hard, being followed by.” His face came closer with every word. “Such.” Ugh. “A.” Omo. Close. I pinked. “Brat.” He poked his tongue out at the last word before pulling away, apparently pleased with himself.

Fuar. This guy.

“Whatever.” I decided to ignore him and head off to class.

Again, I heard his footsteps like a loyal dog.

“Where are you going?” he asked forlornly, like a lost puppy.

“Room C-6.” I replied emotionlessly.

“C-6? Me too.” He grinned smugly.

“Congratulations.” I scoffed before heading in. The entire class was already seated, and I tried to sidle in unnoticed, but to no avail.

“Song Jihyun. Oh Sehun. Late. Care to explain yourselves?” The teacher looked sternly at us.

I growled. If it hadn’t been for Sehun’s childishness, I would have been on time.

“Our sincerest apologies, songsaenim, Jihyun had a stomach ache, so it took a while getting here.” The stupid guy next to me spoke up in a sweet voice and elbowed me in the stomach.

I grunted. “Offt.” I definitely had an ache in my stomach now.

However, Teacher Lee didn’t seem to be falling for Sehun’s words as she reprimanded us in a strict voice. “Sehun. You used that excuse last time. This is the last warning okay? Next time, detention.”

I nodded timidly and inched to my seat at the back, with Sehun hot on my trail.

“Quit following me.” I hissed.

“Can’t I go to my own seat?” he hissed back.

So my empty desk wasn’t actually empty. I groaned as Sehun took the seat next to mine.






hokay a super short update coz i'm going to update tomorrow ^^

so YEHET~ Just feel like some light hearted fluff today haha :P hahaha Sehun’s such a a 4D moody brat.

But ooh, what’s Kai talking about?? Speaking of… I went to my friend’s house for nye, and his little bro looks like KAI EEEEEE. But he’s only 11 ): can’t be pedo noona. Can’t be pedo noona.

Heheh lay actually does look like a unicorn.

Oh my gosh baekhyun and chenchen’s voices <3

ugh luhan is so cute in showtime :3

@KimKyra hehe Kai knows more than one would think!

@waiting-for-forever you know it ;)

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Its been years author-nimm, hope you'd be able to finish this!! Hwaiting!!
Chapter 21: Please update!!!!!! Can't wait to see the next chapter
StarTravelMallow #3
Chapter 21: *pout pout* Sehun keeps on pushing her away :(
Please update soon!
Chapter 19: Waiting <3 Thanks for the update author-nim <3 :)))))))
midnight-writer97 #5
Chapter 18: Wow... great chapter! Aww, but i don't like it for Sehun to ignore her.... :/ Anyway, I'm really excited about the rest and I'm really curious about the Story with his brother and why they are like this. ^^
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 16: Really, really amazing chapter! You don't know how excited I was too see that you had updated ^^ Anyway.... Can't wait for your next update and keep up the great work :D
Chapter 15: Oh my! That was utterly cute, funny! ^^ I knew it would happen! Aish... You Oh 'Jerk' Sehun... Stop playing around! :D

Wait! I love Kai and Jihyun's moment together :) It would be much better if they end up together. Haha! Joke!
Chapter 14: Oh gosh author-nim! I thought I was hallucinating again. Haha! I dunno. But anyway, yeah, he's not, but it's okay. I like it better this way :) but still, I hope for some soft side of his soon :)
midnight-writer97 #10
Chapter 14: Omo! Such a great story!!! Please, please update soon again!!! ^^^