CHAPTER 19: Park Bench

In Love With a Lie

It hadn’t been a bad day. It hadn’t even been a bad few days. It had been a bad week, and people didn’t have bad weeks so it had to be a bad Sehun. 

I kicked the coke can at my feet and watched it roll slowly down the hill

Every time I had tried to approach him this week, he had just shot me a cold glare and walked off briskly.


I was shocked at first. Then disappointed. Then mad. I didn’t know what I was anymore.

No, most of all I was mad at him. Mad at him for being able to make me feel this way. When I didn't even know who he really was. When I had started to trust him, to like him again. When I had only known him for a few weeks. Or the real him for just one. It was ridiculous. How could he make me feel this way?


I scowled as I the keyring on my phone, remembering just how many times I had tried, to be met with the same reaction.

This wasn’t fair. When I finally decided to warm up to him, he turns all cold? Were we fated to have one hating the other for life?

I pouted to myself, gazing across the fields of green grass, slowly bending to and fro from the wind, like they didn’t have a care in the world.

It was such a shame. Such a shame to be thinking such sour thoughts in such a pretty park.

Best to forget him right now, Jihyun. Just don’t think about it.

I closed my eyes, letting the wind blow through my hair. Blowing my worries away…



Sehun stepped closer, examining the sleeping body on his usual bench.  He knelt down, til his face was at her level, examining her features closely.

I haven’t been able to see her face for a while.

A small smile played on his lips as he tucked a strand of hair that had fallen loose behind her ear.

He closed his eyes with a sharp breath as his brother’s voice flooded his mind.

Remember, Sehun, remember what they did to eomma.

Sehun screwed his eyes shut. He didn’t want to remember. In fact, he had almost completely forgotten for a while.

But as his eyes fell shut, the memories came flooding back, memories he had repressed for the past few years.


“Sehun!! You’re home!”


Four-year old Sehun beamed brightly, dragging his nine year old brother, Jonghoon,  who shared the same grin, with him.

“Guess what hyung and I did today!”

His eomma ruffled their hair before leading them inside. “Rolled around in a mud puddle? Because that’s what it looks like.” She gave a frail but fond smile.

Sehun continued to bounce excitedly down the hallway.

“Nooo, eomma, today we conquered a dragon’s nest and saved a fair maiden! You should have seen us. I were like, WHAM, BAM and hyung was like KAPOWWIEEE!! And we finished him off!”

Sehun finished in a ninja pose as he mock hit his mother’s arm.

Mrs Oh flinched, forcing a smile as she laughed weakly. “That’s great Sehun! Now how about a shower?”

Jonghoon frowned, old enough to realise that something was wrong.

“Eomma, you rest up, I’ll take Sehun.”

“But Jongieeee, I want eomma” Sehun whined.

Mrs. Oh held Jonghoon’s arm briefly before grimacing. “I’m fine, Jonghoon. I’ll do it.”

Jonghoon’s frown stayed, but he obliged.


Sehun squeezed his eyes shut tightly. No.


A scream in the next room woke Sehun up, soon followed by the sound of things crashing and some angry yelling.

Sehun turned in his bed to face his brother.

“Hyung, what’s happening?” He pouted, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

“Don’t worry, Sehun. Everything’s fine. Just go to sleep.”

“Araso hyung…” Sehun curled under his covers, putting his hands over his ears as Jonghoon continued to stare sleeplessly at the wall that separated their parents’ room from their own.


He had had no idea, until that final night. If only he had known sooner, he would have treasured every moment so much more.


Her battered and bruised form resurged in her mind, he could never forget it.

“I just tripped. Your father’s a good man. A good man. He didn’t mean it.” She repeated breathlessly as her broken body fell limp.


The rest was a blur. The sound of sirens, the angry grab of their father, the near escape. Running from place to place, scrambling for food, living some nights in the subway.

All he knew was that hyung had always been there for him. When nobody else would take care of them, hyung had somehow taken care of everything. Hyung had given them another life, another chance. And hyung had asked for nothing in return. Nothing but to listen to his one request.

“You can’t trust anyone in this world, Sehun. Noone. They will just use you and beat you. Promise me you’ll be tough, Sehun, that you won’t trust anyone. Push them away. That’s the safest way. Nobody but each other. We’ll have each other. “

Sehun sighed, as Jonghoon’s young face slowly melded into the rugged one that had faced him just a few weeks ago with the same request.

Push them away.

He opened his eyes to Jihyun’s face, his breath causing her eyelashes to flutter.

He clenched his teeth, staring harshly at her. “But why…. Why do you have to make it so hard?”

He felt himself slowly, but unwillingly, relax as his eyes traced her face. It had taken all of his willpower to harness his cold glares at her during school as she looked at him with those innocent eyes. He sighed. There was no way that gentle girl would ever hurt anyone. His hands fell to his sides as he shifted his position closer to her.

“I don’t want to, but I trust you.” he whispered softly before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.








NO SEHUN I JUST WANT TO WRITE ABOUT CUTE MOMENTS damn me and my attempt at creating drama.

So I finally managed to pick Jonghoon from FTIsland as Sehun’s brother. He's one of my favs, but he seemed to fit the role the most ;___:


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Its been years author-nimm, hope you'd be able to finish this!! Hwaiting!!
Chapter 21: Please update!!!!!! Can't wait to see the next chapter
StarTravelMallow #3
Chapter 21: *pout pout* Sehun keeps on pushing her away :(
Please update soon!
Chapter 19: Waiting <3 Thanks for the update author-nim <3 :)))))))
midnight-writer97 #5
Chapter 18: Wow... great chapter! Aww, but i don't like it for Sehun to ignore her.... :/ Anyway, I'm really excited about the rest and I'm really curious about the Story with his brother and why they are like this. ^^
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 16: Really, really amazing chapter! You don't know how excited I was too see that you had updated ^^ Anyway.... Can't wait for your next update and keep up the great work :D
Chapter 15: Oh my! That was utterly cute, funny! ^^ I knew it would happen! Aish... You Oh 'Jerk' Sehun... Stop playing around! :D

Wait! I love Kai and Jihyun's moment together :) It would be much better if they end up together. Haha! Joke!
Chapter 14: Oh gosh author-nim! I thought I was hallucinating again. Haha! I dunno. But anyway, yeah, he's not, but it's okay. I like it better this way :) but still, I hope for some soft side of his soon :)
midnight-writer97 #10
Chapter 14: Omo! Such a great story!!! Please, please update soon again!!! ^^^