Not changed...

hopeless love

HELLO! :D Alright, I'm happy, so don't mind me! :3  

Chapter 6 already! Bowow...

Lest start! :)





If you tell anybody about our experience to ruin my reputation then you're dead, you hear me? 

Hya's voice kept on repeating in Hyuk's head.

"We have next class together?" Hongbin asked as he sat next to Hyuk, on the chair Hya sat on a half hour ago.

"Yes." Hyuk closed his book and looked at Hongbin, who looked back. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I just...I didn't know what I had." I did know, but I can't tell you. 

"It's fine. And me sorry about you door, though," Hongbin said smiling.

That smile, Hyuk thought. Stealing milions of hearts. "That's also fine." Hyuk laughed. "Ken helped me with it." 

Hongbin also laughed, but a little louder than Hyuk did. "What did he think? That I broke into you room to murder you?" 

Hyuk let out a forced laugh, because that was not what Ken thought, for sure. He thought something more dirty with that dirty mind of him. And Hyuk had to commit that it sounded dirty, a bit. Well, actually not, but if you knew Hyuk liked him... Yeah, than your mind could go all the way.

After fifteen minutes, the bell rang and Hyuk and Hongbin had geography. They walked togehter to the classroom in silence. Neither of them had something to say.

"Hongbinnie~" Hya called as he and Hyuk walked into the classroom. "Come sit next to me." 

Hyuk froze with the nickname she gave Hongbin. They weren't even close! How could he allow that!

Hongbin looked questioningly at Hyuk. "You're fine with that?"

"No," Hyuk said strickt and dragged Hongbin along with him, far away from Hya, who frowned y at him. He immediately regretted what he had done.

If you gonna act all y, then that's fine. But don't mind me being a back. He heard her voice again.

"What was that for?Hongbin asked confused as they sat in the back seat, far away from Hya.

"I want you to sit next to me," Hyuk said and got his books. 

"But maybe I wanted to sit next to her," Hongbin said and pronounced 'I' and 'her' differend from the rest of the sentence.

Hyuk  shifted on his chair uncomfortalbe, looking for words. "You only know her for one day and you already choose her above me?" Hyuk asked hurt.

"That's not what I said," Hongbin said and put a hand on Hyuk's shoulder. Massaging it a bit, which made Hyuk's body warm up. 

"That's how it sounded." Hyuk looked for the right page of his book, trying to ignore Hongbin's hand on his shoulder.

Hongbin also looked for the right page and found it earlier than Hyuk did. He waited untill Hyuk had the right page too before he spoke again. "I just thought, because she is new she needs friends, right?"

"I bet she has alot of friends, don't worry," Hyuk said dry. He just didn't want Hongbin to be friends with her.

Hongbin looked at his friend questioningly. "You don't like her, do you?"

You have no idea, Hongbin, no idea. "I..." Hyuk actually didn't have words for this. He could say: 'yeah, I don't like her,' but than he had the chance Hongbin would say: 'but you don't know her.' And Hyuk would say: 'yeah, you're right...' and Hongbin would say: 'so, you can't dislike her if you don't know her.' And..ugh... you get my point, right? 

"I...?" Hongbin asked.

Hyuk sighed. "I just don't like her. Sorry, I don't have a better statement."

Hongbin put an arm around Hyuk's shoulder. "Don't worry, Hyukkie. Just don't keep me away from her, will you?" 

Hyuk furrowed his eyebrows together. "Fine," He said reluctantly.

"Good boy," Hongbin said and patted his head.

Why do you like her so much!? What is it that makes her so incredible amusing!? Hyuk was irritated beyond measure. 




"Helloooo," Ken greeded Hyuk as he sat with his friends in the break.

Hyuk sat next to Ravi, who sat next to N. N sat in front of Ken who sat next to Leo and the chair next to Leo was meant for Hongbin. 

"Where's Hongbin?" Ravi asked as he saw the empty chair.

"I is" Hyuk looked behind him, but Hongbin hadn't follow him. "I swear he was walking behind me!" 

"Awh," Ken said, "you lost your lover?" 

"Shut up," Hyuk hissed. "I is not my lover!" 

N, Ravi and Ken laughed.

Hyuk roled his eyes before he looked at Leo. "Thank you," Hyuk thanked him.

"For what?" He asked confused.

Hyuk sipped his drink. "For being normal." 

Ken pouted. "I'm normal!" 

Leo laughed. "No, Ken,you're not. Not at all." 

Now the rest of them laughed exept Ken.

"But seriously, Hyuk," N said. "Where is Binnie?" 

Hyuk shrugged his shoulder and looked around in the cafeteria. Oh god no... Hyuk froze as he saw Hongbin sit with Hya and her friends. "Unbelievable," he muttered.

"What?" Ravi asked and looked in the way Hyuk was looking. "Ohw..." 

Hyuk turned to his friends again and laid his head on his hands. Hongbin did rather be with her than him! What the hell was wrong with his Binnie!? 

"You look like you want to cry," Leo said. "Is it that bad that he sits with them?" 

This can't be true! "N-no, I mean yes? He sits rather there than here!"

"You don't know that," N corrected him. "He's just being nice." 

"Being nice?" Hyuk parroted him.

"Don't be jealous," Ken said with a smile which made Hyuk even angrier. 

"How do you mean: don't be jealous? How can I not be jealous!? My crush sits over there with a girl!" Hyuk half yelled and threw his hand in the air before leaning on them again. 

"Dude, calm down," Ravi said and looked at Hongbin and Hya. "It's not that he loves h- Oh, don't look at them now," Ravi warned and turned back to Hyuk. "Please don't." 

"What? Why not..." Hyuk wanted to look, but Ravi grabbed his face so he wasn't able to look back. "What the hell, Ravi, let me go. I wanna look!" Hyuk pouted. "N, do something about your boyfriend," Hyuk said serious, but it sounded like a joke and N got red. "Ravi~" Hyuk whined.

"Okay, okay, but don't get mad at me," Ravi warned.

Hyuk looked behind him and felt his heart fall into his stomach. There, on the other side of the room, sat he crush with Hya on his lap. And to make it worse... It seemed like he enjoyed it. "That ," Hyuk wispered.

"Wow," Ken said indignant with wide eyes. "I never heard that word escape your mouth." 

"Look at them, having fun and all," Hyuk said to himself. "I'm gonna kill her with so many knives. uncountless knives. And stab them in her. One. By. One." 

"Hyuk?" N asked. "What are you saying? Is everything alright?" 

Hyuk looked at N with a malignant, but hurt smile before he got up and walked to the toilets. Leaving his friends confused behind. 

Hyuk looked at himself in the mirror when he was in the restroom. Am I not good enough? He questioned himself. What does she have that I don't? Hyuk immediately straightened himself when he heard someone come in.

"What are you doing here? This is the boys room," Hyuk said annoyed as he saw Hya stand next to him in the mirror.

"Oh, I just wanne say how much fun Hongbin is." She smiled at him.

Hyuk's heart began to beat faster of jealousy.

Hya stepped closer to him so that her s almost touched his arms. "And I like him." 

Hyuk clenched his fists. The tendency to hit her was big. And he wondered why he didn't do it.

"Sorry, but I'm going to steal your boyfriend." She laughed and stepped away. 

"M-my boyfriend?" Hyuk failed to steady his voice.

"Yes, Hyukkie... You know who I mean." 

Hyuk hated her more and more and that she called him 'Hyukkie' made it worse.

"I d-don't know what you're talking about," Hyuk lied.

"Ofcourse you do, silly. I'm talking about Hongbin." She laughed viciously. 

Hyuk looked away from her reflection. "He's is not my boyfriend," Hyuk wispered.

"I know, but you wished he was," she teased. "I know why you like him. He's hot, funny, sweet and considerate. And than I didn't talk about his voice! His oh so beautiful voice. But Hyuk?" She asked.

"mh?" Was the only thing he managed to say.

"He's not like you. He's not gay." She said the word 'gay' with a voice of disgust. "Now I know why I cheated on you. You're gay!" She laughed. "I could know it! You were always to feminine to be straight."

Hyuk felt tears comming up, but he refused it to let them out. "W-why are you saying this?" 

"Because it's true, Hyukkie. It's the truth! By the way, that nerd I kissed with, kissed even better than you." She laughed again. "But Hyuk, you can't seduce Hongbin. He's not gay, like I said earlier."

Hyuk leaned against the wall, feeling his body get weaker and weaker. "Why are you doing this?" He asked silent.

"Because Binnie is hot, you know." He heard Hya's voice get closer to him again.

Yes I know, you don't have to tell me that.

"I want him, Hyuk. And you're not his type, belief me. He would be better off with me." Hya caressed his arm with her hand, but he couldn't slap it away. Her words... It just killed him, although he didn't know they were true. But, it killed him.

Hyuk glanced at her and saw her smiling rainbows. "Y-you..." He couldn't get the words escape his mouth.

"I what, Hyuk?" She teased.

Hyuk took a deep breath and tried it again. "you're a..." 

"Tell me Hyuk. Tell me what you think of me. I want to hear it." She caressed his arm again.

"You..." Hyuk sighed. "Heartless offal." 

Hya laughed. "I expected something worse, but that's fine." She patted his shoulder and walked to the door. "Say goodbye to your boyfriend." 

"He's not-" 

"I know." Before she walked trough the door she turned around. "And he'll never will." 

She disappeared out the room, letting shaking Hyuk behind. He felt lifeless, inanimate. He looked at his eyes, which were red from wanting to cry. But he couldn't cry, because what she said it...It just couldn't be true. Hyuk wanted it to not be true. But oh boy, what did he hate her. He wanted her to be gone forever. But he was sure about one thing: 

She did not change.



Yeah, today it snowed her in the Netherlands! But it wasn't good snow :( 

Ugh, I'm so tired!! :c 

Let me know if you want a Hyukbin bonus chapter :D 

'Till next time!


Byee~ ^^

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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect