
hopeless love

Hyuk went back to N and Ravi's dorm, totally lost in hatred. He opened the door violently and walked to the coutch while making alot of noice with every step he took. "I'm so done!" He yelled and settled himself on the coutch. "So done!"

But of course there was no one there. They had class and Hyuk actually had too, but he didn't care. This was the second time he skipped class, but he didn't give a ! Who cares about him, right? nobody will notice that he isn't there. And he had math... With Hongbin and Hya... He just couldn't handle that right now. And specially those two won't notice that he wasn't in their class. Hongbin had to much fun loving Hya and Hya had to much fun with torturing Hyuk, even though he wasn't there. 

Hyuk sighed. Was Hongbin really in love with Hya? Or did he just 'like' her? No! He said it himself! "The 'love' way," he said. Hyuk still couldn't belief it. Hya got what she wanted. It wasn't fair! Hya didn't love Binnie! She only wanted him because she wanted to ruin Hyuk, which he still didn't know why because that witch had stolen her own documents before he could, and she wanted Hongbin because he was Hongbin. No further explanation needed.

It just was not fair! That stupid homofobic wanted to ruin Hyuk's life! Why!? Hyuk kept on wondering why. Why did she want to ruin Hyuk? Why was she a homofobic? Why did she changed schools in the past? It were just the same questions. Again and again. All thought he desperately wanted to think of something else, he couldn't. He just couldn't! Why? Hyuk began to detest that word. Why, why, why. 

He looked at the time. It was only a half wast twelve in the afternoon. He started to feel hungry.

He walked to the kitchen, still hating everything on that moment. He opened one of the drawers and found some honey. He also found bread and prepared his food, with violence. The knife he held, for smearing the honey on his bread, fell on the ground and Hyuk sweared. When he picked it up, he saw a honey stain on the floor.

"ing honey, why you do this?" He asked angrily and got a cloth to clean it up. "Now you have nothing to say, huh, damn honey?" What was wrong with him? Talking to random objects. This was ridiculous!

He ate his bread, again with violence. He cramed his whole bread at once into his mouth. Not caring about breathing or chewing. So he stood there, in the kitchen, with full mouth, not able to breath. Great. As fast as he could, he chewed it all and swallowed it. After that, he gasped for air.

He was nuts. Totally crazy. Getting angry at a honey stain on the floor and then almost killing himself because he was hungry but didn't want to eat. Weirdo. 

He went back to the coutch and laid on it. "I'm lunatic," Hyuk said into the coutch so his voice got muffled. He just... ugh... wanted to die. But suicide wasn't an option. No, he wouldn't let Hya win like that. Committing suicide because he couldn't win from her. No, this war wasn't over. This Hongbin war wasn't over yet.




Hyuk was still alone in N and Ravi's dorm when some one nocked the door. "It's open!" Hyuk yelled. He was still mad, but not as mad as a few hours ago. What did he do in those hours you ask? Well the answer is really, really easy. He did... Nothing. Just sitting on the coutch, waiting for something good to happen.

Leo walked through the door. "Oh," he said confused. "I thought Ravi or N was here..." 

"Mh," Hyuk said and didn't look at Leo.

"Everything okay?" Leo asked and sat next to Hyuk. "You look... Angry?" 

Hyuk shrugged his shoulders.

"What happened?" Leo asked curious. 

Hyuk sighed. "Me and N went to the school's archives. You know, searching for information-" 

"Wait," Leo said and hold a hand in front of Hyuk's face when he said it. "The school's archives? The school has that? Where?" 

Hyuk sighed again. He understood Leo's curiosity, but it annoyed him, immoderate. "Somewhere in the basement. It's a huge room. Anyway, we searched for the documents of Hya, but do you think we could find those?" Hyuk asked and looked questioning at Leo, who looked back as if he thought Hyuk would answer his own question. So Hyuk cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh, eh... n-"

"No. Exactly," Hyuk cut him off before he could say his respond. "That had stolen them before we could! I can't belief it!" Hyuk threw his arms in the air before he sunk into the coutch.

"How did she knew-" 

"I don't know!" Hyuk cut Leo off again. "I'm so mad! And did you know what happened after N and I found out that it wasn't there?" 


"That was still there! Waiting for me! N left and I still looked for her documents, but I couldn't find those so I gave up and wanted to walk away when I saw her. And now she's going to hide it!" Hyuk felt a little bad for Leo for being his victim of his rage and that he kept on cutting him off. 

Leo looked at Hyuk, wondering if he could speak now before he got cut off again. "What are you going to do now?" He asked.

Hyuk took a deep breath and looked derectly into Leo's eyes. "I have no freaking idea," he said with force.

"You look really mad. I've never seen you like this..." Leo said as if he got scared about the angry Hyuk next to him.

"Oh belief me. I didn't know either." Hyuk stood up and stretched. "But this isn't over," Hyuk warned and walked to the door. When he was there he grabbed the handle and looked back at Leo. "I'm going to take Hongbin back. Even if it is the last thing I'll ever do." He left the dorm, slamming the door.

Leo sat confused on the coutch. Angry Hyuk was weird...

Hyuk actually didn't know where he was going. Back to his dorm? That seemed okay. Right? He could go back. He had to go back. He wanted to go back.

He opened the door and looked inside. Hongbin sat on the coutch. Hyuk walked inside and wanted to take a shower when Hongbin started to talk.

"Hi," he said. "How are you doing?" 

He heard the awkwardness in Hongbin's voice and Hyuk had to do everything to not spill everything about Hya out. Not because he was afraid of Hya. She ruined his life already. He was afraid of Hongbin. His reaction wouldn't be great. I mean, he loved her and then he had to hear from his best friend, which had a crush on him that he didn't know, that she was a , , witch and all the things you could come up with that aren't nice? No, Hongbin would break their friendship and then all Hyuk's hope was gone. So he had to stay silent. How hard it was.

"I'm fine," Hyuk said. He tried to say it nice and beliefable, but it came out short and chilly.

"Hyuk," Hongbin said sighing. "Stop lying," he ordered. "I know there is something. You skipped class again and you look not fine." 

"I'm just tired," Hyuk tried and walked further to his destination.

"No, Hyuk. Stop comming up with all those lies. I know there is something bothering you." Hongbin crossed his arms. 

Hyuk sighed deeply and looked annoyed at Hongbin. "The thing that is bothering me, is you." Wait... what did he say? 

"Me?" Hongbin asked confused. "What did I do?" 

Loving the girl I truly hate and breakin my heart over and over again. "Erm.." Hyuk tried to escape from Hongbin's attention. "I... No, it's not you... I mean.... It is you, I want to shower but you're holding me up." Hyuk straightened himself. "So can I go now?" 

"Not before you tell me the truth," Hongbin said whining. "Stop lying to me. I have the feeling you hate me." 

Oh, but I do hate you, Binnie. Hyuk said with a sarcastically sweet voice in his head. But I also love you. 

"Just say if you hate me or not. And if not, then tell what's going on," Hongbin commanded.

"I..." Hyuk frowned. "Why do you care if I hate you or not?"

"Because we are friends."

Auch. That one painful. But yeah, better friends than nothing, right?

"Why don't you go to Hya?" Hyuk asked annoyed. "Thought you loved her?"

"Who told you I loved her?" Hongbin asked.

"You said it yourself!" Hyuk said and threw his hands in the air. "Or are you going to tell me you didn't? Because I was there, Hongbin, I know what you said."

"No, you got me wrong... I like-love her..." Hongbin said softly.

"What? That's most vague thing I've ever heard, Hongbin. But..." Hyuk sighed. "Just, let's not talk about her, okay?"

"You began and-"

"I know I began. Can you know stop?" Hyuk cut him off. Man, he had something with cutting people off when he was angry.

Hongbin looked a little shocked. There must be something that really hurt Hyuk, Hongbin concluded, something that really bothered him. "I'm... sorry?" Hongbin asked soft.

"No," Hyuk said in a sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm just..." Everytime he tried to say why he acted like this, he hold back. He coudn't say anything. Because everything he could come up with, meant that he hated Hya. "... I don't know..."


"No!" Hyuk cut him off again, half yelling. "I said that I'm sorry and I'm just really, really moody and... I just want to shower now."

Hyuk didn't pay attention to Hongbin's whines to come sit next to him and talk. He didn't want to talk! Because everything what Hongin wanted to know was dangerous. It would end up into a fight between them. And that about some stupid girl. This just didn't make sense!

He first walked to his room to get his sweatpants and walked to the bathroom, ignoring Hongbin who stared desperate at him. Fortget is Binnie. I'm not saying anything until I can prove things. Hyuk locked the door and looked at himself in the mirror. He certainly didn't look happy. Every inch of his face looked angry. His hair, his ears, his mouth, his eyes. Even his nose!

He the shower and waited until it had the perfect temperature.

He stepped into it when it was finally warm enough, which took a very long time if you'd ask Hyuk. He was just pissed off and even two seconds was too long.

The warm water run down his body, relaxing him a bit. He really hated to act so cold to Hongbin, but he had no other choice. If he wanted his love, then he needed patient. Oh, and there came that stupid word again: Why? Along with the same questions he had nonstop. Even his thoughts had something against him.   

He started to scrub himself. Not caring about his angry motions that almost rubbed of his skin. He wanted to tell Hongbin the turth so bad, that it hurt more than scrub his skin off. 

Bubbles all over his skin and soap in his hair. It smelled good, but he didn't care. Usually he played childish with the bubbles, but now he didn't want to act like his childish self. He was angry, still so unbelievably angry. The only thing that would cheer him up was a phone call with someone saying: "Hya is dead, congratulations," in a happy voice as if he won the lottery. That would be so ing amazing. 

He washed the soap out of his hair. The floor was covered with bubbles and usually he would step on them, making them 'die'... Wait, he could do that.

He stepped on each bubble, imagining that it were all tiny Hya heads. 

If someone would see him now, it would probably look kooky. A guy, stepping on bubbles, pretending it were heads. That was crazy. 

He turned off the shower and took a deep breath as the cold air of the bathroom hit him. He took a towel and dried himself with the same sort of angry moitions as when he scrubbed himself, but did he care? No, he still didn't. 

He dressed himself in his sweatpants. Man, those made him feel comfortable. Than he picked his sweatshirt he was already wearing all day and put it on.

He unlocked the door and walked outside.

Hongbin still sat on the coutch and looked up at him when he walked out the bathroom. "Are you going to talk now?" He asked desperate.

"I don't know why you are so desperate, Hongbin." And that was true. Why the hell was he so desperate to know what's going on? Because they are friends? And friends tell each other everyting? Tsk, he couldn't tell everything. There were so many things that Hongbin didn't know about Hyuk and it stayed as that as long Hya keeps thwarting him. Hyuk was already surprised that his other friends believed him.

"Hyuk, I just care about you," Hongbin said and it sounded as if he meant it.

Hyuk looked with wide eyes at him. Maybe it was true. Hongbin did care about him. It was true. But still, he couldn't tell anything. "You mean that?" He asked. he felt a little good with knowing that his crush cared about him, but it didn't really matter.

"Of course!" Hongbin said and got up from the coutch and walked to Hyuk. "We are best friends. It would be weird if I did't care about you!" 

For a second Hyuk had a clear moment. He remembered that he didn't have to hate Hongbin. Hya was the one causing all this. Hongbin was his best friend and they stayed best friends as long as stuff didn't work out the good way. But they could still do fun things as friends. "I... I thought, because you 'like-love' Hya now you didn't have time for me..."

"Hyuk, that ridiculous!" Hongbin hugged his best friend.

Hyuk felt warm under Hongbin's touch after a long time. As if he felt in love again, but he knew that it wouldn't last long. Hyuk covered his face in Hongbin's shirt. "I'm sorry," he appologized.

"I'm sorry too. I'll stop asking what's wrong, because you're so stubborn and never tell me," Hongbin said lauging and rested his head on Hyuk's.

Hyuk felt warm. Hongbin was warm. This moment was perfect, until Hongbin said something that he didn't want to hear: 

"I have to go." 

"Where?" Hyuk asked and backed off.

Hongbin bit his lip, which looked too y for Hyuk. "Eh... to... eh...." 

"Hya?" Hyuk asked annoyed.

Hongbin nodded. "I know you hate her and I have no idea why... I'm sorry." 

"Don't be sorry," Hya should be sorry for seducing you. Not you. You're just her victim. Hyuk looked away. "Have fun," he forced himself to say.

"You too. I'm sorry," he said once again and walked out the dorm.

Hyuk first stood there, frowning. Hongbin was just so sweet, it hurt. But then he just left him again. Again for that witch. When is this torture going to stop? He wondered if it is going to stop. It'll get worse when Hya and Hongbin are going to date. You know, when they are official together. That'll be a hell. That is going to be the worst time of his life. And then they'll marry and have kids and have a beautiful hause with a big garden. 

But Hya didn't deserve Hongbin. He was so sweet and she was so wicked. Maybe Hyuk couldn't make Hongbin to love him, but he could stop Hya and her horrible plan. If he just had the courage to kill her, that'll be wonderful. But for now, he needed a new plan. Search in her dorm for her documents? But she said that he better not. But he had no other choice! If he wanted Hya to stop, then he had to do that.

Hyuk narrowed his eyes. It actually wasn't a bad idea. How dangerous could it be? Not that dangerous. If she doesn't stay in her room day in day out. Then it's fine. Totally fine.

Hyuk snorted. And again... A plan. 



I finished this faster than I thought.

Mh, yeah.

You can never comment enough! :D 



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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect