
hopeless love

Hellooow again.

This chapter will be full of Hyukbin moments. I needed something to full up this story otherwise it would be so short! 

hihaho, now I'll throw all my spared time on this. Have fun reading! ♥







"And now, Hyuk, you'll tell everything. All details!" Ken commanded Hyuk, enthusiastic.

They sat the next day after school in Leo and Ken's dorm, He, Ken, Leo, Ravi and N.

"I really have to do that?" Hyuk sighed and stretched his limbs.

"Yes, you have to!" Ken said and leaned against Leo.

God, Hyuk didn't know how long he could stand that lovey dovey thing of them. And it gets worse when N and Ravi do the same!

"Fine. So, we went to that chic restaurant you suggested. Wich super expensive! And first it was awkward. But at the end Hongbin called it a date himself-"

Ken squealed, which made Leo push him of the coutch. "Act normal, you girl," he said dead serious.

"Anyway, after that we got all flirty and now I'm confused," Hyuk said and looked outside. "Does he love me back?"

"Flirty? What did you do?" Ravi asked with full of interest.

Hyuk blushed. "He called me sweet. And we called each other 'Hyukkie' and 'Binnie' and he asked if we could go out more often." 

"Oh. My. God," Ken fake fainted and Leo roled his eyes.

Those two are so...ugh... there aren't even words for that!

"I think he likes you," N conluded.

"Yes, but in which way?" Hyuk asked desperately.

"That's for you to find out," Ravi said.

"Search for his limits. How far does he want to go?" N recommended.

"You say I should kiss him?" Hyuk asked and frowned.

"Or more..." Ken said waggling his eyebrows at Hyuk.

"Geez, Ken," Leo spat out. "Act normal. I'll guess Hyuk has never done something like that."

"Like what?" Hyuk asked.

"," Ken said super soft so that it was almost unheard.

"?" Hyuk repeated in a louder tone.

"If that's what you want to call it..." Ken said as if he never said that word a few seconds ago, "Then, yes." 

Hyuk sighed and roled his eyes.

"So...?" Ravi asked suggestively.

Hyuk looked confused at him. "What..?" 

"Did you ever...Just...do something-" 

"Did you ever had ? Damnit, it's not that hard to ask!" N cut Ravi off irritated.

Hyuk's eyes widened and he blushed. ? No, never. He's still a ... Yes, he kissed several times, but not more then that. "N-no." 

"Aawwwh," they all (almost all, Leo was to busy with inspecting Ken's face) said.

Hyuk suddenly was all shy and blushful. Why did they talk about this? Why was it important to know if Hyuk ever had or not? Or did they...Oh god no. "You don't expect me to have with Hongbin, right?"

They all were silent and smiled at Hyuk.

"Riiiight," Ken broke the silence and laughed.

Hyuk sighed and looked at his hands.

"But a more important question is: do you want to have with Binnie," Ravi said while he put his hand on Hyuk's shoulder.

"O-ofcourse," Hyuk said soft. "I-I don't know..." 

"Stop torturing him!" N said and pushed Ravi away. "Hyuk, Listen. Just do wathever you want and don't scare Hongbin. You should take it slow." That last word was meant for Ravi and Ken, who knew that and giggled.

Leo sighed and stood up. "I going to take a shower." before he was in the bathroom he looked at Ken. "alone." 

Ken only smiled at him.

Oh god, now Hyuk knew that they shower together. That's great. Very great. Wonderful! He stood up and walked to his coat. "I Think that I'll go back at my own dorm before Hongbin gets worried." 

Ravi straightened his back. "Worried? He gets worried?" 

"Yeah...yesterday when I called you he also came looking for me where I was." Hyuk put on his coat.

"That's cute!" Ken said and walked to him to let him out.

"And remember," N said, "Don't do anything you don't want to."

"Thanks, N, I won't." 

And he left.

Hyuk walked to his own dorm, repeating the conversation in his head. So now they knew that he was a . Should he be ashamed? No, I cuess not... I mean, It's no big deal right? Right? Hyuk repeated in his head. But he never knew his friends were this y. All they could talk about was . , , ,.

Hyuk shook his head. He had a bunch of weird friends.

As soon he was at their dorm, he took the key out of his pocket, but before he could do that the door swung open and Hongbin picked Hyuk up and brought him inside.

Wow, what was this? "Where did that come from?" Hyuk laughed as soon as Hongbin let him go.

"I don't know, I'm just happy," Hongbin said and danced away.

wow, that dance isn't even y, but oh my...

"You're staring again," Hongbin warned and plopped on the coutch.


"So, you were at 'Keo's' dorm again?" Hongbin asked as Hyuk sat next to him.

"Again?" Hyuk repeated.

Hongbin ignored that question. "The next time you take me with you!" 

"Why?" Hyuk asked with terror. No freaking way. If he takes Hongbin with him...It would be embarressing! I mean, if Ravi and Ken only could talk about and...Oh boy... They wouldn't shut their mouth and before they knew it they said something really goosey and dangerously.

"They are also my friends! And you always go there without me! Now I'm thinking that you don't like me anymore!" Hongbin pouted.

Hyuk blushed. If only he knew how much Hyuk liked him. "Ofcourse I still like you..." Hyuk said and walked awkwardly towards his room.

"Sure, sure..." Hongbin said in disbelief.

"Really!" Hyuk almost screamed. When he stood in the doorway of his room he said: "And now, if you don't mind, I'm going to do my homework."

"Success with that. And if you need help you can always ask me!" He heard Hongbin say before he entered his room and shut the door.

No, I don't need your help. Hyuk's head said and he sat down at his desk. He hadn't that much homework, but enough to stay in his room for like, an hour. A Hongbin free hour. Why did he want to avoid Hongbin so much? The answer isn't hard to guess. It's just that whenever he sees him he falls more and more in love. The urge to kiss him gets worse and after that conversation his mind goes crazy. So many dirty thoughts...

He got his history book and opened it. He looked at every page, his mind NOT going with the history subjects. No, not at all. When he tried to read the only thing he saw was: Hongbin, Hongbin, Hongbin, Hongbin, and so on. Why is it so hard to just act normal?

Ok, Hyuk, focuss.... Hyuk tried, but miserably failed. His mind trailed off again. He started to doodle little hearts without him even knowing.

search for his limits, N popped up in his head. How far does he wants to go? 

Nah, just him, he heard Ravi teasing. Wait, what? He never heard Ravi say that?

Ravi!  He heard N's annoyed voice as if he was right here. Don't do anything you don't want.

Is Hyuk going nuts or something? Or do N and Ravi quarrel so much that they're even in his head? He didn't know... But he also didn't really care, 'cause after that little head quarrel Hongbin popped up again.

Hyuk sighed and tried to shake him out of his head.

History, focuss on history. Okay, let's see. bull, bull, bull, Hongbin...Damn! 

After 2 hours of homework and thoughts about Hongbin, Hyuk finally finished and put his books away. His tomache rumbled and he noticed he was really hungry. He looked at the time on his phone. No wonder, it was already six o'clock in the evening. 

"What are we going to eat?" Hyuk asked as he got out of his room.

"I don't know," Hongbin said while he looked at the TV.

"Yesterday I chose, now you choose," Hyuk said and sat next to Hongbin.

"ugh, fine," Hongbin made a face as if he thought really hard...

...And it looked to y...

"Pizza? Pizza sounds good, right?" Hongbin suggested and looked questioningly at Hyuk.

everything you say sounds good..."Yeah, sounds fantastic." Hyuk took the phone but Hongbin grabbed it away from him.

"No, no," Hongbin closed his eyes and shook his head. "It's my turn to get food." He stood up with the phone in his hands and dialled the pizzeria. "Hello?" He said after a few seconds. "Yes, eh...Hyuk, what would you like to eat?" 

you...wait, what? "...eh...the same as you." 

Hongbin ordered a large pizza for two and hung up. "It'll be here in a half hour or something, so what would you like to do in that time?" 

Hyuk's head got overflowed with a bunch of naughty ideas. "W-We," Hyuk's voiced cracked and Hongbin couldn't stop himself from laughter. "Hongbin, don't laugh at me!" 

But Hongbin didn't listen and sat on the ground from laughter, trying not to roll around. It was so funny because Hyuk's voice never cracked. "We should have recorded that!" Hongbin called in laughter. 

Hyuk walked over to his friend and tried to pull him up, but Hongbin almost died from laughter and rolled away. Hyuk almost fell and Hongbin laughed harder. "Binnie~" Hyuk wined. 

Hongbin's face was red and he had tear in his eyes. "Oh..oh god, Hyuk," he gasped. "That was to funny!" And he laughed again.

Hyuk sighed and sat on the coutch with crossed arms. "It was not that funny..." 

"Yes, it was," Hongbin said and tried to steady his voice.

"Done?" Hyuk asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah," Hongbin said and grinned. 

After 20 minutes the pizza deliverer delivered the pizza.

Hyuk and Hongbin sat at their kitchen table in silence, but not for long.

"I liked the food in that resteraunt better," Hongbin complained. 

Hyuk nodded. He couldn't help it and stared at Hongbin AGAIN. But this time he was aware of his own staring and looked not for to long. Well, he tried to not stare, but as soon as he saw Hongbin eat he drowned in that pool of desire again.

"I mean this pizza is good, but that food there was much better!" Hongbin just couldn't shut up about how heavenly the food was there and actually Hyuk didn't really care. If it was him, Hongbin could talk all night. He just couldn't get enough of his voice. His sweet voice. Not to deep, not to high. Just perfect as the rest of Hongbin. 

"...and then it was like- Are you even listening?" Hongbin asked.

Oh ... "Y-you were talking?" Hyuk asked. Why coulnd't he just listen without floating away in his own thoughts?

"Yes I was!" Hongbin said fake annoyed. "But if you're not interessed..." 

"N-no, keep talking." Yes, please, keep talking.

Hyuk took another bite of his pizza while listening to Hongbin's very interessting story that he didn't listen to. He just nodded and said yes when he thought it would be the best, but for the most of the time he was just not listening, staring at Hongbin's face. He wanted him, but he couldn't have him, not yet.

Search for his limiiiiiits, N's voice echoed in his head.

Hyuk sighed. So, he should just kiss him? like, now? Was this the perfect time for that? Or should he wait a day, or a year, or a century... He couldn't just kiss him! Hell no! That would be very awkward and Hongbin would be disgusted and run away and never come back...or he would accept the kiss and love him. Hyuk coulnd't take the risk. The first option was the most realistic one, unfortunately. 

"...So, if I become a millionair, I would eat there every day." Hongbin finally ended his story and his pizza.

"That was very interessting," Hyuk said and looked awkwardly away.

"You weren't listening, were you?" Hongbin asked grinning.

"N-no! I was listening...awh, you got me. I was not paying attention..." Hyuk said and blushed.

Hongbin laughed.

They kept staring at each other untill Hyuk decided to grab the pizza box to throw it away. They both seemed to have the same intention, because Hongbin's hand touched Hyuk's when they wanted to grab the box.

Hyuk stared with wide eyes at their hands, which were still touching. He looked at Hongbin again and saw him stare at him with something in his eyes he couldn't place. Hyuk's eyes whidened more when Hongbin's face got closer to his. And closer... And closer... And-

The door from their dorm swung open and an overly happy Ravi came in, followed by a just smiling N.

Hyuk jumped back and let Hongbin grab the box.

Hyuk's heart was about to explode. They almost kissed! They. Almost. Kissed! Holy ! He glanced at N and Ravi who settlet theirself on the coutch. Those two jerks! "Who said you two could come in?" Hyuk hissed and tried not to not die from disappointment. His lips almost touched Hongbin's... Damn, damn, DAMN.

"Wow," Ravi said with wide eyes. "What's up?" 

"What's up? What's up!?" Hyuk hissed curt and looked at Hongbin who started to do the dishes, with a smile... Hyuk couldn't help it but also smile, but then remembered what happened. "We...He...I..." Hyuk sighed and dropped himself on the coutch. "He almost kissed me," he wispered.

N and Ravi looked wide eyed.

"But then you guys came and distroyed it.." he looked at his feet.

Ravi grinned at him. "You guys almost-" 

"SSSSSH," Hyuk hissed. "Don't talk to loud."

"You almost kissed?" Ravi said much softer.

Hyuk nodded fast and looked at Hongbin who smiled even wider. "Oh god...He knows what we're talking about..." 

N and Ravi looked at Hongbin and also smiled.

He could kiss Hongbin. He just ing could. But his stupid friends had to interrupt them! Damnit!

This maybe was his only chance...




Attention, Attention. COMMENTS ARE NOT ILLEGAL!!!!

alright, yeah, chapter 3... You liked it? I had no idea what I was doing...And I even fangirled about my own story. How bad..>.< But I couldn't help it.

Omoooooo, see you next time!


k, ♥♥♥♥ :3

(I probably won't be able to update tomorrow, sorry!. Just have so much to do for school!)


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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect