Tell or hide?

hopeless love

Thank you. THANK YOU. For the comments. They made me laught so bad! hihi ^^

Oh my freaking god... So, I discovered alot of new kpop bands and I'm going crazy! WAAAH! Fangirl attacks nonstop! :D yeah, I like fangirl attacks. They make me feel...alive. But VIXX is and stays my favorite! 

Alright. Let's start! :3





Hyuk skipped the rest of the day. I know, it's a bit exorbitant, but he just couldn't handle that 'new' student. Did god hate him or something? 

Hyuk sighed deeply and sunk into the coutch. How did this happen? why did she left and why is she back? He also really wanted to know what Hya said to Hongbin that made him blush.

The door swung open and a concerned Hongbin walked in. "You skipped class," he concluded and walked to the kitchen to get something to drink. "Why?" 

Hyuk quikly thougt up a lie. "I was feeling ill."

He heard the microwave beep two times before Hongbin sat next to him after a few seconds and gave him a cup of warm milk.

"Then this should help," He said and drank his own glass of water.

"Thanks," Hyuk said and sipped from his drink.

"Oh my god," Hongbin suddenly said, which made Hyuk rise an eyebrow. "You have to meet Hya! She is so nice!" 

Hyuk froze. NO, she isn't nice.

"She told me that you guys already met, though. Why didn't you say so?" Hongbin asked a put his already empty glass away. "She said you were very nice and. So, I guess you guys are friends?" 

What. The. . "Yeah...sort of.." He lied.

"So you know how nice she is? That's great! Maybe we could do something together! Go to the cinema or whatever," Hongbin suggested excited.

No, No, No. Hyuk is not planning to go to cinema with her. Hell no!

He frowned and put his now empty cub away.

"No?" Hongbin asked. "No good idea?" 

Oh god. what should Hyuk say? Should he tell about his past with Hya? Or should he keep silent? 

"Maybe," he said emotionless. "Maybe not. I don't care."

"Hey," Hongbin said and put an arm around Hyuk's shoulder. "There is something, isn't it?" 

Normally Hyuk would melt onder Hongbin's touch and the fact that he was worried, but he still couldn't believe she was back. And he wouldn't believe it. 

"Oh god." Hyuk sunk further into the coutch as it finally hit him.

"What," Hongbin asked, but Hyuk ignored him. "Hyukkie? What the matter?" 

Without saying anything, Hyuk stood up and walked to his room. He only mumbled something that sounded like: "Sorry."

"Hyuk!" Hongbin yelled confused. "Say something!" 

But Hyuk's mind wasn't listening to him. No, his mind went crazy, because the girl that he loved and who cheated on him was back and acted like they were best friends.

Hyuk locked himself up in his room. He needed some time alone. Some time to overthink this.

He sat on his bed with his hands in his hair, listening to Hongbin's whines to let him in and thinking about what he should do.

"Hyuk~" Hongbin cried. "You're not dying in there, right? Do I miss something here? Please let me in!" 

Should he just play along with Hya's we-are-the-best-friends-in-the-entire-school, or show her, and everybody else, that he hated her? 

"If you don't let me in, I'm going to kick the door in!" Hongbin threaded.

But everybody seemed to like her. They were so excited about her. But they didn't know her! Hyuk did. Hyuk did know her. a little to well actually...

"Hyuhuuuk!" Hongbin bounced the door.

Maybe he should just play along. If he could forget the past, it'll be fine. All fine-


And Hongbin was inside Hyuk's room.

"Holy..." Hyuk said, who had fallen backwards on his bed from shock.

"And now you talk to me," Hongbin said and pinned Hyuk down on his bed. 

Wow, wow, wow... Hyuk thought when he realised Hongbin was on top of him on his bed... Oh god no... And there come the dirty thoughts again! 

Before there could happen something really bad, Hyuk tried to escape from Hongbin grasp.

"No," Hongbin said strickt and held him even tighter. "I know you have to tell me something." 

Hell yeah I do. Get off me before I'll do something inappropriate.... "No, I Don't have anything to tell. I said I'm feeling ill and then I'll do stupid things. You know.." 

"No," Hongbin said stubborn. "I don't know. What's going on, Hyuk?" 

Nah, it's nothing. I'm just being a little very much jealous about Hya. You know, Everyone likes her already and they don't even know her! I know her and I know what she had done to me and I can't stand her!  And I'm just to friendly to not say that she is a , because I don't want to ruin her life. me, right? Hyuk grinned slightly at that last thought, but then remembered their situation. "I's nothing. Really. Don't be so concerned and please let me go." Yes, please let me go. He thought again while he felt his blood flow to his phallus.

"I don't believe you, " Hongbin said and narrowed his eyes. "I can see it on your face that there is something. Please, don't conceal it to me!" 

Hyuk stared at Hongbin in silence and hoped that Hongbin would go before he discovered that Hyuk coulnd't control his body with the elder on top of him.

"Hyuk! Don't ignore me!" Hongbin half yelled and shook Hyuk's  body.

Hyuk collected all his strength in his arms and pushed Hongbin off him. "I really don't have anything to tell you," Hyuk lied.

Hongbin looked at him and still didn't belief him. And he was right, but didn't ask further, because he knew Hyuk wouldn't tell him. So he guessed it must be very serious, or Hyuk liked to be exorbitantly. He shook his head and walked to the door. "So, I guess I never get to know what's going on," he mumbled to himself and got out.

Hyuk didn't like to lie to his crush. Why coulnd't he just tell him about it? And that Hya actually is a ? Why!? Hyuk got really frustrated and walked to the door to look how much Hongbin had broke it.

He looked at the door lying on the ground and picked it up, trying to get it back on its place. He got more frustrated when it didn't work, but someone on the other side of the door helped him. The person picked it up and settled it back. 

"Thanks?" Hyuk said confused and looked who it was. He saw Ken stand outside his room.

"No problem!" He said excited and Hyuk sighed.

If he is also so excited about Hya, then can somebody kill him?  

"You look flustered. What's going on?" Ken asked and settle himself on Hyuk's bed.

Hyuk shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just tired." Oh, alright. First you were feeling ill and now tired? Hyuk said sarcasticly to himself in his head.

"Ugh, yeah. SCHOOL! It's killing meeeee." No matter what time it was, what day, which circumstances or even if the world would end, Ken was always, ALWAYS, cheerful. Hyuk never met a person who was always so happy. And then he had a boyfriend, yes Hyuk was sure he and Leo had a relationship, that was the opposite. Leo could be happy, but he was always silent.

"What are you doing here, by the way?" Hyuk asked and sat down next to him.

"You were skipping class and I wondered why. But you are feeling tired so I guess that's why. I'll let you alone now..." He stood up and turned around to Hyuk. "Who had kick in your door?" 

Hyuk's eyes widened. "Eh...Hongbin did...Long story." 

Ken grinned and walked outside. "Try to get some rest and good luck with Hongbin!" He said and walked happily away. 

Oh god... That grin. Hyuk knew that Ken thought something dirty. But he could use that good luck of him. I mean, what must Hongbin think about Hyuk's sudden mood swing?

He looked at the time of his phone. it said: 16:37. Hongbin and him didn't eat yet, but he didn't care. All he wanted was sleep, sleep and guess what? Sleep.




When Hyuk woke up it was about 3 am. He stretched himself and got up. Damn, it was early but he was wide awake. 

He walked to the kitchen and made himself a cub of coffee while he slightly remembered what happened yesterday.

Hya back, everbody liked her, Hyuk jealous, Hongbin confused about Hyuk's presence, he went to bed. Alriiiight... Hyuk groaned and sipped from his coffee. So, he shouldn't tell anybody about their past? Or should he? 

At about 8:30 he and Ravi sat in chemistry class. Oh, and don't forget Hya, who sat in the front again. Wasn't she an exemplary student?

"And how is it going between you and Binnie?" Ravi asked while he doodled in his book.

Hyuk shrugged his shoulders. After tonight he didn't see Hongbin again. Before Hongbin would wake, Hyuk went to the libary.

"You still love him?" Ravi asked a little to loud.

"SSSSH," Hyuk hissed and glared at Hya who looked at them.

"Oh...I mean. Do you-" Ravi spoke alot softer but Hyuk cut him of.

"Ofcourse I do," Hyuk wispered. "You know I can't stop loving him." 

"I know, but it seemed like you didn't try so bad to seduce him anymore..." Ravi said and looked up at Hyuk.

"Seduce him?" Hyuk asked and looked confused at his friend. "I never really tried to seduce him." 

Ravi grinned. "Sure." He doodled again. little hearts with Hyuk's name and Hongbin's.

Hyuk sighed and shook his head. Maybe it looked like he tried to seduce him, but he actually didn't... And, he didn't know what Ravi was talking about. He still loved Hongbin. No, he adored him. But he had something else on his mind lately.

"If Hongbin finds out about that drawing, then I'm going to kill you, Ravi," Hyuk warned as he opened his book.

"Oh, but he wouldn't find out. Belief me." Ravi made one big heart with to heads that supposed to be Hyuk and Hongbin.

Hyuk didn't trust him. "Could you not and erase that?" He asked and got a eraser to erase it himself.

"Hey, hey, hey. Mind your own business," Ravi said and punched Hyuk's arm away.

"Then erase it yourself," Hyuk said and put the eraser on the drawing.

"Nope." Ravi gave back his eraser.

"Ravi and Hyuk," the teacher called. "Could you pay attention to the class?" 

"Yes ma'am," Ravi said and smiled. 

After chemistry Hyuk had a free hour and he sat in the library to study. At first he sat there alone but after a few minutes Hya sat next to him.

"Hello, old friend," she greeded.

What the hell did she want. Hyuk decided to ignore her.

"I know you hate me," she said while she got her books, "but you're still mad at what happened years ago?" 

Hyuk still didn't say a word. He only stared at the page his book showed.

"Ok, you don't wanna talk? Fine. I tried to act like friends to you, but it seems like you don't have interest in that. I'm going to say this, Hyuk, if you tell anybody about our experience to ruin my reputation then you're dead. You hear me? I'm trying to stay cool beside you, but if you gonna act all y then it's fine. But don't mind me being a back, ok? Just, don't ruin my life." She got up and walked away.

Ruin your life!? He yelled in his head, his eyes still focussed on his book. I ruin your life!? What the hell!? She threaded him?

 Thousends of questions shot through his head, but the only thing he could do was: Keeping silend about Hya. He knew he was a guy and guys shouldn't get scared by girls, but she did scare him. She was scary...



YEAH! Alright. Thanks for reading. :)

School decided to not screw me, for once. Everybody from my class needed to stay at school, except me and my best friend. So I had more time to write! :D

ps: let me know if you want a Hyukbin bonus chappie! :3

Okay, I didn't have much inspiration so sorry... ._. 

Till next time!!!

By the way, thank you all subscribers and viewers. That you read this means alot to me! ♥ 





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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect