
hopeless love

Since you are all so desperate to make Hongbin jealous... I started thinking... and thinking... and then my brain exploded with ideas and oh my god... And it kept going and going and going! I don't know what to do.




That night Hyuk couldn't sleep, again. He had given Leo and Ken the permission to come up with whatever they want and that was quite dumb. I mean, who knows what they will come up with! Ken's ridiculous mind and Leo's mastermind... There couldn't come out something normal...

And that scared Hyuk. What were they planning? Did they ask Ravi and N to help? Because that's going to be insane! 

Hyuk groaned. What had he done? Where did he agree on? Yes, he definitely lost his mind. Saying that it's all right for his friends to come up with a plan to make Hyukbin real... That was nuts. totally goosey.

But had he another option? No. Because that had burned her files, all her information! Yes, they could hack a computer with maniac N, but that would be more dangerous. If they then got caught then they are dead. For sure.

So, this was his last change. It was terrifying. But he wanted Hongbin so bad... So bad. 

Just take a knife and stab Hya, a voice in his head encouraged him, then she's gone and can you have your Binnie.

All thought that voice was right... He couldn't. He couldn't kill her. He wanted to know what she want and what her story was. But now she had burned all the information, he guessed he is never going to get is answers. So, then why not kill her?

Hyuk shook his head. It's not that easy. No one can just walk to someone and stab that person. Well, maybe N could... But that's not the point. Hyuk isn't going to kill someone out of jealousy. Never. He'll do whatever to get Hongbin, except that.

He shifted in his bed. Now he laid on his belly, facing the pillows. He mumbled something in them that sounden like: "Kill me," but it was extremely muffled. Then he shifted again and stared at the wall, the wall where Hongbin laid behind. Peaceful in his bed, dreaming.

Hyuk sighed. He wanted to see Hongbin's sleepy face. He never actually krept on him when he was asleep, not that he's planning to do that, but he just never saw him sleep. It must be handsome, just as handsome as when he was awake. Or perhaps cute. Yes? Did Hongbin look cute when he was asleep? Will Hyuk ever find out? Well, if he goes to his room now, he'll figure out if he was cute when he slept. But... Would he ever be able to see how cute Hongbin is when he sleeps, when Hyuk sleeps next to him? You know what I'm trying to say, right? 

Will he ever find out how Hongbin's bed sleeps? Or will Hongbin ever find out how Hyuk bed sleeps? Maybe we will never know... Or we will get to know it... who knows....

Hyuk shifted again, groaning. He was tired of all these sleepless nights. It killed him, but not as much as what's going on in his life. I mean, his date with Hongbin... It was so fun, so cute... But then the impossible came... Hya. 

He was so, so frustrated. What did she want!? Where did she come from!? What did she do when she was away!? It were all those ing questions, but he didn't had ing answers! It was so damn FRUSTRATING!

Once again, Hyuk rolled over in his bed, staring to the ceiling. Even thought Hongbin was dumb because he fell for Hya, the dirty thoughts about him never leaved Hyuk. He still had them day and night, but didn't paid attention to it. Because they just didn't matter. Acutally they where annoying as . Because 1. they turned him on, 2. it made him just more frustrated that he couldn't do such things and 3. he coulnd't sleep because of them and also not learn.

Fun? No, not really. In the beginning they were fine and actually quite nice. But...yeah... Let's not talk about it again. 

Hyuk picked up a pillow and placed it on his head, exhaling loudly.

He was tired, but couldn't sleep. You know that feeling? Your eyes flutter shut nonstop and your entire body feels like floting away to go asleep. But your mind is like: 'Hahaha, it. I'm not going to sleep!' 

And Hyuk was going crazy. Overthinking stupid things, while all he wanted to do was sleep! sleep, sleep and sleep! I told you... Hyuk's mind has something against him.

He threw the pillow away and it ended with a flop in the corner of his room.

Oh great, now I have to take it back... he thought annoyed and got up. He forced himself to walk, even though his legs were sleeping.

He leaned against the wall so he wouldn't fall. Holding the wall, he walked further to the corner and it seemed like hours before he finally reached the pillow and grabbed it. He let go of the wall and fell against the corner.

"Ash," he hissed as he tried to stand up again. Why was his body always so weak when he was sleepy? 

Never letting go of the wall, he ended up in his bed again with his pillow.

Alright mind, we're going to sleep now, he commanded and squeezed his eyes shut, which only gave him a headache. Serious? He thought annoyed and sat up, head in his hands. Can you just stop now and let me sleep? 

As respond his head began to give more pain.

He fisted his hands in his hair and laid down again. All right, wanne play it like this? You can get it like this! He laid on his side, forcing his eyes to stay open to battle his mind. How weird. 

After one or two minutes, he gave up and closed them so overthinking could take over him again.

What if Ken and Leo come up with the stupidest plan of the whole universe? What if they come up with nothing? That would be even worse! He needed to do something!

But he wasn't sure if they would come up with something... But anything would be fine. except killing Hya. He was just to sweet for any piece of live to do that. Killing wasn't his hobby and it never will. Even thought she was a and ruined his life and his lovelife and his night by overthinking. He just couldn't.

Before he knew it, it was four o'clock and Hyuk didn't sleep. Not a tiny bit. Was it to much to ask? Well he had a few hours before he had his first class, but still.

Finally his mind gave up staying awake and Hyuk nuzzled in his bed. He finally drove off to dreamland.... But then, as if it where only two seconds, his alarm clock went off.

Hyuk groaned and stood up, his body just a sleepy as he was a few hours ago.

He walked to the kitchen and made him some breakfast. 

"Wow, you look miserable," Hongbin commented as he walked out his room, seeing Hyuk sit at the kitchen table.

"Thanks," Hyuk hummen, his mouth full of bread. "I slept fine, thanks for asking." 

Hongbin raised an eyebrow. "I guess you didn't sleep?" 

"Do I ing look like I had some sleep?" Hyuk spat out. 

With wide eyes Hongbin sat next to him. "I'm sorry," he appologized and putted an arm around Hyuk's shoulder. "Having sleep problems again?" 

Hyuk sighed and stood up, escaping his touch. "Yes, and I'm sorry too. I don't want to act too moody..." 

"Doesn't matter Hyukkie," Hongbin said and also stood up to make himself so breakfast.

Hyuk rolled his eyes. Despite everything, he keeps calling me Hyukkie...

"Having some test today?" Hongbin asked after a while.

Hyuk shook his head no. "And I'm so glad it is almost weekend. I need some rest." 

Hongbin slightly laughed. "Me too." 

I bet the only thing you gonna do is hanging out with Hya, Hyuk thought and walked to his bag to check if he had everything. "Shall we go?" 

Hongbin nodded and followed his lead. 




Hyuk had his last class and sat in the back, next to Hongbin. That was actually a miracle, because Hya whined that Hongbin had to sit next to her, but Hongbin actually wanted to sit next to Hyuk... For once. That made Hya look y and walk away to her own friends.

Suddenly Hyuk's phone buzzed and Hyuk took it out.

"Who is it?" Hongbin whispered, asking.

Hyuk looked at the name. "Ken," he replied, also whispering.

Hongbin rolled his eyes. "What does he want?" 

Hyuk looked at the message.

Ken- Hey hey heeeeey. I have the BEST plan ever! Come to my dorm when you're finished. Muhahahaha, Hongbin is going to be SO jealous! >:)

With wide eyes, Hyuk tried to cover his phone. "Eh.. just hang out after school." 

"Can I come too?" Hongbin asked and tried to read what Ken sended.

"W-what? No..." Hyuk stuttered.

"Why not? I'm not nice anymore?" Hongbin pouted.

Eum, no? Hyuk thought. How is he going to do this? "Eh... N-no. You are nice... But I think you should go to Hya..." 

Hongbin raised an eyebrow. "First you tell me you hate her-" 

"I never told you, you just concluded that," Hyuk corrected.

"Whatever. But first you hate her and now you are telling me that I have to go to her?" 

That is pretty weird, Hyuk had to say... But what wasn't weird in these times? "Well... You're in love... And shouldn't you go to your love...?" Hyuk really, REALLY hated to say those words. That's why they came out wrecked.

"Yes, I guess," Hongbin said and faced his books. "But I need time for my friends too, right?" 

"I guess," Hyuk said in a tiny voice.

"But if you don't want me..." Hongbin complained and started writing things the teacher wrote on the chalkboard that Hyuk actually hadded to write down too.

Well, Hongbin, if only you knew how much he wanted you. Hyuk didn't know what to say actually... "I just want some alone time with Ken." .......WOW, that came out wrong. Want some alone time with Ken? What the hell did he just say.

And as he expected, Hongbin looked at him confused. "What?"

"N-no, never mind..." Hyuk stuttered and tried not to blush.

"...What? Trying to steal Leo's boyfriend?" Hongbin asked grinning.

"No!" Hyuk said a little to loud, which made some students look at them. "I'm not feeling anything for Ken."

"And that's why you want some alone time with him?" Hongbin asked suggestive and waggled his eyebrows.

"Ugh," Hyuk groaned. "Pleeaase. I'm not trying anything, I swear." 

Hongbin only grinned wider and started writing again. "Sure~" 

Hyuk sighed and sunk in his chair. Great, now Hongbin thought that Hyuk wanted to seduce Ken or something... GREAT.

He decided that writing down the same things as the rest of the class wrote down, was a good idea. He needed these notes for the test and he did not want to fail for geography as well.

His phone buzzed again.

Ken- Did you got my last message? You didn't respond :(

Hyuk rolled his eyes and started typing.

Hyuk- Of course I saw it, with Hongbin next to me asking what's going on...

Ken- Hahahah, it can't be that bad.

Hyuk- EH...he now things that I'm trying to steal you from Leo...

Ken- HAHAHAH are you serious!?

Hyuk rolled his eyes again at the respond of always happy Ken.

Ken- How did that happen?

Hyuk- I said I wanted some alone time with you... How embarrassing!

Ken- This. Is. Hilarious! I need to tell Leo this!

This is not funny. nor hilarious, Hyuk thought. 

Hyuk- *sigh* sure what you want. But if your plan is foolish, then I'm going to kill you!

Ken- Awh, you hurt me. My plans aren't foolish.

Hyuk could here Ken's pouty voice as if he was right next to him.

"Ken again?" Hongbin asked and tried to peek, but failed.

"Yes..." Hyuk said and blushed again. G. R. E. A. T. Now he just encouraged Hongbin in his: 'O-M-G-Hyuk-wants-Ken,' thought. 

Hongbin laughed and patted his head. "Leo is going to kill you if you do something to Ken." 

"I'm not in love with Ken," Hyuk hissed. 

"Then can I see what you guys are chatting about?" Hongbin asked with a raised eyebrow, waiting for Hyuk to say no so he was sure that he liked Ken.

Which absolutely wasn't the truth.

"Eh... It none of you business, Hongbin." Hyuk putted his phone in his pocked, forgetting that he was having a conversation with Ken. "And one more time: I'm NOT in love with Ken. Geez." 

Hongbin chuckled and wrote again.

Man, he worked on Hyuk's nerves now. How could he think that Hyuk was in love with one of his friends when he only once said something that sounded like he wanted him... Only once! 




"Hyukkie!" Ken called as he opened the door of his dorm, letting Hyuk inside. "You know, I felt ignored when you didn't reply anymore." 

"Sorry, I had to deal with a curious Hongbin." Hyuk hung his coat on the coat rack and faced Ken again. "You know how annoying it is when he thinks that I love you!?" 

Ken pouted. "You... you don't love me?" 

"Of course I do love you, but not that way," Hyuk said rolling his eyes and plopped on their coutch. "It was so irritating." 

"I found it very funny," Ken chuckled. "You think you can make him jealous with me?" 

"No," Hyuk said almost immediately. 

"Also not with another boy..?" Ken asked as if he wanted to say something.

"No..." Hyuk said frowning. "What do you mean?" 

"Nah, just nothing... Well it is something..." Ken grinned and sat on the table. "My plan." 

"Your... plan?" Hyuk asked and didn't understand a . What the did Ken try to say? 

"Yes, my plan. It has something to do with that." 

Hyuk raised his eyebrows and made a 'O' shape with his mouth as if he understanded it.

"You know what I'm talking about?" Ken asked smiling.

"No," Hyuk said as his face dropped. "Just tell me. Don't be so vague." 

"Oh, all right..." Ken looked around to make sure no one was there... Which it couldn't because the dorm was empty, except with them in it. Ken leaned forward to Hyuk. "I'll get you a fake boyfriend." 

Hyuk froze and his mouth dropped. "WHAT?" 





PAM PAM PAAAM! All right, yeah fake boyfriend idea!

*dances* I reached 30 subscribers. yeah! :D

Hope you guys liked it >.> 

by the way, I chose that title 'cause I thought that is looked cool.. no jk, I'm bad at inventing chapter title names... :$

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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect