
hopeless love


Being a weird chapter... ._.






Friday came sooner than Hyuk had hoped. It was already seven in the evening and in an hour the party was going to start. And that it was friday also meant that it was the beginning of the autumn break. Man, Hyuk never had detested a break just a much as he did then.

And, just as Hya said, Hongbin had given Hyuk the adress of Hya's parents' hous. It wasn't far from where they lived. You could walk your way to it, but of course Hyuk wouldn't walk. It was cold outside, freezing almost.

Hyuk waited for a knock on the door that probably was Sungjae. Hongbin was already gone to Hya, so he was alone. And alone meant time for questions! Those endless questions. But they started to make sense.

So, according to Sungjae and himself, Hya was back to make Hyuk jealous. She dated Hongbin to make him jealous. Acted like a to make him jealous. Okay, maybe her plan looked like Hyuk's plan. Dating someone to make another one jealous, but he didn't act like a . And he hated her now even more, so did that mean that Hongbin hated him also more? No, that couldn't. Hongbin didn't want Sungjae, nor Hyuk. Or did he want Hyuk? I mean, he looked jealous?

Hyuk sighed and crossed his arms. This was so, so complicated! Even in the past week he didn't make much progress with this. Yes, he was almost sure that Hongbin was jealous and Hya too... And he was almost sure that Hya wanted him. And-

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "It's open!" Hyuk yelled and smiled as Sungjae walked in.

"Ready for it?" Sungjae asked and plopped next to Hyuk on the coutch. 

Hyuk nodded his head. "I think so. Going to make some es jealous!" He cheered himself and where that sudden determined mood came from, he had no idea.

Sungjae laughed. "I'm glad you're having hope again," he commented. "Did you figure things out already?"

Hyuk shook his head. "Since a week ago I don't know more things than I already did and things are just as confusing as they already were," he sighed. "I hope that things will work out soon."

"I hope it too," Sungjae agreed and smiled at Hyuk. "You know... I actually would be very lonely if this fake boyfriend thing is over," he complained and pouted.

"Awh," Hyuk cooed and put an arm around the other. "Don't be lonely. Even if Hongbin and I are together you can come here anytime you want." 

"Thank you," Sungjae thanked and leaned against Hyuk. "So, what are you planning to do tonight?" Sungjae asked suggestive.

Hyuk cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" 

"What are you going to do tonight to make Hongbin jealous? More jealous. I mean he already is pretty jealous, I guess. That look in his eyes that he wants to kill me everytime he sees me with you," Sungjae said grinning.

Hyuk's eyes widened a bit. It was pleasing to hear those words. Hongbin was jealous and he wanted to kill Sungjae. Okay, that last thing was maybe a little bit exorbitant, but it was true. All thought he himself didn't see that. All he was looking for in Hongbin's eyes was jealousy and maybe some love. But if Sungjae said that he looked like he wanted to kill him, than it could be true.

"Do you know what you gonna do?" Sungjae reminded him about his question. 

Hyuk thought. "No, I actually don't know," he confessed and looked at Sungjae to help him thinking. "I mean, what can we do?" 

Sungjae grinned and waddled his eyebrows.

"What..?" Hyuk asked, totally not understanding what the other was trying to hint.

"I don't know..." he lied and grinned wider causing his eyes to change in two little lines.

"Sungjae!" Hyuk exclaimed. "You do know! tell me!" he whined and pushed the other away from him.

Sungjae laughed at his action. "I only thought that we could... I don't know... Kiss in front of them?" He expected alot of contradiction from Hyuk, but actually Hyuk looked with wide eyes at him.

"Oh my god," Hyuk exhaled and stood up.

"Yeah I know. Bad idea," Sungjae said still smiling and confused that Hyuk didn't slap him or anything.

"No, no. That's a great idea!" Hyuk said excited.

Sungjae widened his eyes. "What?" he asked more confused. "I didn't mean it."

But Hyuk ignored him, being in total shock that is was a good idea. "That's what we are going to do!" he said and clapped his hands while jumping. "Sungjae, that's the best idea ever!" He looked at the totally confused Sungjae on the coutch that stared at him. "Sungjae?"

"Hyuk, it was a joke..." Sungjae tried to convince him, which didn't seem to work.

"Pffft, joke..." Hyuk said and clapped again. "No joke has been such a good idea as that one!"

Sungjae raised an eyebrow. "You say you don't mind kissing me?"

And then Hyuk's face turned indecisive as if he just now understanded what Sungjae was joking about. Kissing him? He wouldn't mind kissing him... But...

"See, it was just a joke, Hyuk. Forget about it," Sungjae tried to convince him once again.

"I don't mind kissing you," Hyuk admitted as he convinced himself that he actually wanted to kiss Sungjae, just to know how it felt to kiss a guy, instead of being convinced that it was a joke. 

Sungjae eyed him in surprise. "You... you sure?" 

Hyuk nodded. "If that's what makes Hongbin jealous than sure," he said smiling to fetch him over that he really thought it was a good idea, which succeed.

"Okay, so we are going to kiss?" Sungjae asked again, just so that he was totally sure that Hyuk was okay with it and that he didn't regret it afterwards.

"Yes," Hyuk agreed smiling.

"Oh... Okay..." he said soft but smiled after that. "Didn't expect that." 

"Me neither, but lets not talk about it before I change my mind," Hyuk warned.

Sungjae laughed a little and nodded.




Around eight o'clock, Hyuk and Sungjae reached Hya's parents' house. They walked in, slighty surprised at the size of the building. It was big, but not masive and a little beautiful... All right, it was a nice house.

"Hyuk!" Hongbin said happy as he saw him come in, but his smile faded away as he saw Sungjae walk behind him. "And Sungjae," he said without an expression.

"Good evening," Sungjae greeded happy, just to annoy him.

"Nice you could come," Hongbin said to them, more to Hyuk, but he tried to say it to Sungjae as well.

Hyuk smiled at Hongbin. Sungjae could say that the fact that Hyuk loved Hongbin was visible on his face and he wondered how Hongbin could never see it. How was that possibe..? 

"I'm glad you invited us," Hyuk said, still smiling a little shy. But it looked really cute.

Hongbin smiled back. 

"Shall we drink something?" Sungjae interrupted their staring contest.

"Sure," Hyuk replied and walked along with Sungjae to a table with all kinds of drinks. From those with alcohol, to those for people who wanted to stay sober. 

Sungjae gave Hyuk a glass with a non-alcoholic drink.

"Oh, you think I can't handle alcohol?" Hyuk asked a little sarcastically hurt. 

Sungjae smiled and took the same drink as he had given to Hyuk. "I think you can handle it, but we aren't here to get drunk," he reminded him of their little plan with raisen eyebrows.

Hyuk made an 'o' shape with his mouth. "Right," he said, getting nervous about what is going to happen. "When?" he asked, meaning to ask him when they were going to kiss.

"When it's the perfect time, like when they both watch," Sungjae suggested and drank his glass.

Hyuk nodded, inhaling deeply and exhaling the same way. They both agreed on kisssing each other, just to make Hongbin jealous, but Hyuk had the feeling that this kiss is going to feel awkward... 1) because he loved Hongbin and it is going to feel weird to kiss someone else on front of his eyes. 2) he maybe felt some more for Sungjae than he wanted to admit. 3) he had never kissed a guy before... He also felt sorry for Sungjae for using him. But yeah, he didn't seem to mind that. 

Sungjae leaded him to coutch to sit on. both of them didn't feel like dancing or whatever. 

"Heeeeeeey lovebirds," Ravi teased as he saw them and walked to them along with N. 

Hyuk rolled his eyes. "We are not lovebirds," he said grinning. 

"Never thought you seeing here," N said. "Who invited you?" 

"Hya did," Sungjae answered his question. "But it looked like she didn't want us here, but she had to invite Hyuk, because Hongbin seemed to die if Hyuk didn't came here. But Hyuk wanted me to come here too and then both of them looked like they didn't want us..." He said half laughing.

"We are not wanted," Hyuk pouted, but didn't seem to mind the fact that Hya, nor Hongbin wanted them here. I mean, maybe they are not wanted, yet they were here and nobody could stop that. Well, Hongbin wanted Hyuk here, but not Sungjae...

"Awh, what a pity," Ravi said and then smiled at N. "Shall we dance?" 

N nodded. And so they disappeared again in the crowd of dancing people. 

"You don't want to dance, do you?" Sungjae asked as he saw Hyuk's face was little bend towards the ground.

Hyuk shook his head no. "I don't know... I'm nervous," he said and looked up at Sungjae, who leand with his elbows on his knees.

"Don't be," Sungjae tried to ease him and caressed the other's back. 

"How can I not be nervous if we are going to kiss..?" Hyuk asked with a wary voice.

Sungjae smiled at him. "You never kissed a guy?" 

Hyuk blushed. "Only girls." 

"Well, I guarantee you that I won't make it sloppy, All right?" Sungjae  smiling.

Hyuk nodded again, slowly. Sloppy kiss with a guy? That sounded deliciously gross... He wouldn't mind a sloppy kiss with Hongbin. Ugh.. what was he thinking? 

An half hour later, Hyuk and Sungjae still sat on the coutch. They had chatted alot, but now it was silence. Both of them knew that they couldn't sit forever on that coutch, so Sungjae decided to grab Hyuk's hand and drag him with him on the dance floor. 

"Whoa," Hyuk said startled and almost tumbled over. "What are you doing?" 

"We are going to dance," Sungjae announced as they stood in the crowd.

Hyuk looked surprised at Sungjae, who was already dancing. "Oh..." was all he could say and laughed at the other's ridiculous dancemoves. Sungjae was never ashamed. It seemed like he could do anything he wanted, just because he didn't think about how it looked and that liked Hyuk. It very amusing.

Hyuk dicided that it actually didn't matter how it looked and danced just as ridiculous as Sungjae. I mean, most people in the crowd were already tipsy, so it just didn't matter. 

Soon Sungjae and Hyuk floated away in their own world of dancing. Hands in the air, jumping around like crazy people, not giving a about bumping into other people, just to have a lot of fun. 

Until Sungjae poked Hyuk's shoulder.

"They are watching," Sungjae said suggestive and smiled.

Hyuk blushed and looked around, seeing Hya and Hongbin steeling gazes from them, pretending that they were talking to each other. "Oh..." Hyuk stammered and blushed a brighter shade of red and looked shy at Sungjae. "Eh... So..?"

"So..." Sungjae repeated what Hyuk said and stepped a little closer, causing Hyuk to blush even brighter. 

Hyuk started to regret this plan. He was so, so nervous. Thinking that those lips of Sungjae will be on his soon in front of all those people's eyes and especially Hongbin and Hya's eyes.

He gulped as he fel Sungjae pulled his chin up and captured Hyuk's lips.

Hyuk placed his hands on Sungjae's chest to push him away, but Sungjae's arm sneaked around his waist to pull him closer, so that was impossible. So all Hyuk could do was enjoy the kiss.

Before Hyuk or Sungjae could deepen the kiss, they got furious pulled apart by someone...




Heeeeeeeey :D

Cliffhanger! woop woop. ^^

Hope you enjoyed Hyuk's and Sungjae's little kisssssssss (which was actually nothing >.<, I couldn't because of my HyukBin feelings) 

Yeah, writing to and end, like I said. Hope you don't mind it ~(^o^)~

COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE!! (Almost 50 ^.^) 


  \|/     <~~~~~~ (*being ugly*) 

  / \



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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect