
hopeless love

You as reader might think (and perhaps hope), while looking at the title of this chapter that Hya's going to get burned down or something like that...

...But I'm not as bloodthirsty as you. Ok, that was a lie. I want Hya to be dead, just a bad as you want her to die. But I can't just kill her. I can't let someone kill her...

...I guess I'm just a to good person...

....I don't know what I'm doing with my story and where I bring myself into...

...But to make my point...

....Hya's not going to die...

....Not in this chapter at least ;)




All right. Hyuk woke up the next morning with hope. Tonight he's going to try it again.

He got up and dressed himself. After that he got breakfast and went to school.

Today he had a few tests again. Not many, but enough to be stressed.

First he had his math test. Ugh... math.

He got the sheet and wrote down answers. Some full of nonsense and some were okay, he guessed. He really had to learn better or else he'll fail school. And that because he couldn't get the boyfriend he wanted to be his. No, no thanks. But he couldn't help it. Hongbin meant so much to him. All though he had with Hya. All thought he had dates with her non stop. All though they didn't do much things together anymore. Hongbin just meant too much to him.

His mind thought it was funny to stray away again, while his eyes did the same... Looking at Hya. 

What stood in her documents?

That was the most common question. And the one with no answer, unless he'll find them tonight. But his life liked to screw him and he wondered what it was planning to do with him tonight.

He pulled his eyes away from Hya and stared at his sheet again. His pen stopped inking. 

Great, life, thank you, he said sarcastically in his head.

He bent down to take another pen out of his bag and continued writing bull on his sheet.




Hyuk, N, Ken, Ravi and Leo sat at their table in the break.

Hyuk saw Ken glancing at Hya and Hongbin. "They are together," he said to him before he could ask it.

all four looked at him confused and shocked.

"They are?" N aske in disbelief.

Hyuk nodded. "They had ." 

They widened their eyes.

"No," Ken said and raised his eyebrows. "How do you know that?" 

"Hongbin told me," Hyuk said without any emotion just because... If he did put emotion in it, then he would probably start crying. And he wouldn't cry. He couldn't cry. "I sort of asked it out him."

"I'm so, so sorry," N said and looked at Hyuk compassionately.

"It's not your fault, but thanks though." Hyuk chewed on his bread. It tasted so dry today. So unhappy. What? Bread unhappy? Well, you begin to feel weird as you are down. Hyuk did at least.

"If you just find those documents," Ravi said. "Or else we have to make a different plan." 

"Don't call it a plan. It will fail if you call it a plan," Hyuk warned. "But you're right." 

"Yeah," Ken said happy. "A new 'project'! And then with more fun and action!"

"Project?" Leo asked frowning. "That sounds like homework." 

"Noho," Ken whined, to excited. "Homework is stupid! So what's the plan." 

"We don't have a plan," Hyuk said strickt. "And also not a project. I'll go searching in Hya's dorm tonight again and we'll see how thing will go." 




"An F," Hyuk said as the teacher gave back his history test he had a few days ago. "An...F."

"It's not what I expected form you, Hyuk. You look busy lately. Everything all right?" The teacher asked.

 "Yes, just to much homework." That wasn't a lie. He did had alot of homework and couldn't handle that. Just as bad as he could handle the brand new Hongbin and Hya couple. 

"You can redo it, for once. But if you fail again then it's just an F, ok?" the teacher asked and still stood as his table.

"Oh my god. Thank you so much! I'll learn better this time!" Hyuk said happy. But then looked disappointed at his sheet again. He had almost every questiong wrong. Except the questions he certainly knew. 

Stupid brain. 

After history he had a biologie test, along with Ravi and N.

"Success," Ravi said who sat behind him and in front of N.

"You too," N said.

"Yeah, thanks." Hyuk had the feeling he would screw up this test as well, but he liked biologie and it wasn't hard, so maybe he won't screw it. 

Well, he had to say that it was easier than he thought it would be and he knew almost every answer. He also didn't think of Hongbin or Hya, which was prodigious.




After this stessful day, Hyuk sat in his dorm. He waited for Hongbin to leave again. Usually he didn't like it that Hongbin had a date with Hya or something, but now it was necessary.

So he failed at his history test and that's why he got his history book on his lap and tried to study while he waited. But it didn't work. He was about to go to Hya's dorm again and this time... Alone. He was so nervous!

"I'll see you tonight," Hongbin said as he put on his coat.

Hyuk looked up at him. Why, Hongbin? He asked in his head as if it was the first time Hongbin had a date with Hya. "Yeah, yeah," he said, trying to sound uninterested.

"Byeeee," Hongbin said goodbye and went off.

Hyuk sighed and got up, lying his book on the coutch. This time I'll succeed, He tried to cheer himself up and leaved his dorm after fifteen minutes.

First he checked if the door was locked, which it was. So he guessed there was no one inside.

He grabbed a hairpin out of his pocked and tried to unlock the door. 

Ugh, how does N do these things? He thought frustrated as it didn't work.

"If you do these things, Hyukkie, then do them quik and good," he heard N say behind him.

"God, N. You scared me," Hyuk said and straightened himself and gave N the hairpin. "You do it." 

N chuckled. "If you want to," he said smiling and grabbed the hairpin out of Hyuk's hand.

He did his job and opened the door. "Here you go." 

N wanted to walk away but Hyuk held him up. "You aren't staying?"

"No," N said blushing. "I have to go back to Ravi..." 

"Ah, I understand. Have fun~" Hyuk said and walked inside Hya's dorm. It was dark so he the lights. "Okay," he began. "In Hya's bedroom is nothing, neither in the bathroom or kitchen. N was still searching in de livingroom and what Ken found in her roommate's room... no one knows..." Hyuk said to himself and started to look in the livingroom.

He began at the coutch, looking under it. He didn't know if N already looked there, but a second time isn't bad. But, nope. Nothing under the coutch or in it.

He stood up and walked to the TV, looking under it, above it, next to it and tried to look in it. But again nothing.

He sighed and got up again. Then he looked under the table of the livingroom... Nothing.

Where did that hide those damnit things!? He got really frustrated again. While massage his temples, he tried to think clear. Where could he look? He did the coutch, the Tv, the table... Oh! that closet right there in the corner.

He walked to it with courage and swung the doors open. It was full of... fastfood? What? And snacks, soda, potato chips, candy... What? Why the hell did someone put all their fastfood in a closet? 

Hyuk threw it all out of it and looked again. Now it was empty... Well, almost empty. He saw a little box.

Bingo, he thought and picked it up. It wasn't a box you could lock, so it was easy to open. 

In frustration he threw it on the ground. It shattered into pieces, which was illogical because the box was made of plastic and full of colored chewing gum. 

"You can pay for that," he heard Hya's voice say behind him and he jumped at hearing it.

"H-Hya?" he stuttered and turned around. "I thought you had a date..." 

"Oh I have," she said and picked a wallet from the table. "But I forgot something," She smiled and held it up.

Hyuk stared silent at her. Why? Why did always everything go wrong!?

"I guess you're searching for my documents?" she asked smiling.

Hyuk sighed and closet the closet. "I was..."

Hya laughed. "You can't find them."

"If I will I-"

"I burned them," she cut him of and burned also Hyuk's hope.

"You... what?" Hyuk asked shocked. "Why?"

"Because I knew you were going to look for them. And take a look at you now, Hyukkie. You've broke into my dorm and let me tell you... That's against the rules." She grinned evil.

Hyuk felt as if he collapsed, but he kept standing. It was so painful. Collapsing while standing.

"I should call the police..." She teased and picked her phone.

"Hya..." Hyuk tried, but he knew it was hopeless. "What stood in those files that was so important?"

Hya narrowed her eyes. "If I tell you that, then I didn't had to burn them and just gave them to you."

"What is it?" Hyuk asked again.

She dialed the number of the police. "I guess you'll never get to know." 

"Hya please," Hyuk whined. "I'm sorry." No I'm not. "You should go back to Hongbin." No, you better die now. "Don't get me arrested." please~.

"Go back to Hongbin?" she asked grinning and backed off her phone. "Back... to Hongbin. Mh..." She glanced at Hyuk. "I'll spare you this time, Hyukkie. But don't let me see you here again. Understand?" 

"Yes. Thank you." Die.

He rushed out her dorm. 

Wow, that was beyond the scariest thing he had experienced in his whole life. But she pared him... Suspiciouuuus...

He walked to Leo and Ken's dorm to tell them his 'great' story. He didn't go to Ravi and N. Well, because he understanded what N said... you know,'I have to go back to Ravi.' Who knew what those two were doing right now.

But he had the change to bump into them as well...

Ah, it.

He knocked the dore and Ken opened it.

"Hyukkieee," he welcomed him and opened the door wider to let him in. "How did it go?" 

Hyuk sat down ont he coutch next to Leo. "Hya burned the files." 

"What?" Leo and Ken asked in unison.

"That witch burned them. I guess with some spell or something. In her cauldron," he scofed.

Ken had to do his very best to not laugh, while Leo on the other hand tried to not go to Hya and kill her.

"She burned them?" Leo asked angry. "Burned them?"

Hyuk nodded.

"How'd you know?" Ken asked with a raised eyebrow.

"She caught me..." Hyuk sunk into the coutch, while Leo and Ken made eye contact.

"I said it was a worse plan. I ing said it," Ken called out with a grimace. "But did anybody belief me? No. No!" 

"Ken~" Leo said and tried to calm down his boyfriend. "You said it, okay?" 

"What are we going to do now?" Hyuk asked.

"A new plan!" Ken yelled excited forgetting that he was mad about saying how bad, worse, dangerous or whatever the previous plan was. 

Hyuk sighed. "Maybe we should give up." 

"No..." Leo tried.

Hyuk looked flustered from one to another. "You guys see how things go wrong everytime? How I fail time after time? I even fail at my tests!" 

"You said you wouldn't give up," Ken said and looked desperate in Hyuk's eyes. "Don't say that you're giving up. You wouldn't forgive yourself that!"

Hyuk sighed again. "Okay, but then you guys come up wit a plan and do it. All right?" 

"You're saying that we can make a plan to get you and Hongbin together?" Ken said smiling of excitement.

"Yes, but don't make me regret it, ok?" Hyuk actually didn't trust it, but... yeah... It couldn't get worse then that it all ready was.

"You won't regret it! Hyukbin is going to be real!" Ken said and stood up to jump around.

"Please," Hyuk begged Leo, while Ken was of in his own world, spinning around. "Don't do something stupid." 

"I won't," Leo said also smiling.

...Boy was Hyuk wrong about it and he didn't even know.





I didn't know it was possible for me to upload three times on a day, but it happened. OMG...

I just had so much ideas! :D

So, I'll upload again tomorrow or the day after that...


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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect