Information Labyrinth

hopeless love

I got questioned with: What's with the documents? Well. I'll tell you (and if you have read everything than you'll see it's in one of the chapters) Hyuk is looking for those documents, because he wants to know what going on in Hya's life and why she changed schools in the past. Also Hyuk hopes to find some proof to prove Hongbin wrong about her. okay? :)




"Good morning," N said as he walked out his room and saw Hyuk sit on the coutch. "Did you sleep well?" N made some breakfast for himself, just like Hyuk did minutes earlier.

"No," Hyuk said and rubbed his eyes. "I didn't sleep." 

"Awh," he heard N say from the kitchen on a sweet tone. "Little Hyuk scared of that movie?" 

Yes he was. But not only that. He was also scared about his chance with Hongbin. If he didn't find anything about Hya, then he had no chance in a relationship with Hongbin. Then it was byebye Hongbin and hello forever loneley Hyuk. It made him sad and down. But there is hope... He guesses.

"What's the matter?" N asked as he sat down next to him with his food.

Hyuk looked at him. "You know that I'm going to look for proof, right?" 

N nodded with full mouth, not able to say anything.

"Well, I'm afraid I'll fail and that Hya is fully going to have Hongbin..." Hyuk tried not to sound sad, but he was about to cry again. "And... I just... I'm scared, N. I'm scared that I'll fail miserably and that I never dare to love again afterwards. I'm scared that I'll have... Just nothing... My future with Hongbin is so grey... so... Nothing. If I don't stop Hya with seducing Hongbin then... then... I don't even want to think about it!" 

"You don't have to," N said as he swallowed his food. "And I'll help you, all right? Today I'll help you find those... What were you going to search for again?" 


"Yes, those. And we'll find them and make Hyukbin real. Deal?" N said and took another bite from his bread.

Hyuk nodded. "I thought we have a free hour together, so maybe we can do it then?"

"After history, right?" 

History... There was something he had to do for history... but what? Oh ... "Damn, damn, damn, damn, da-" 

"Why are you swearing?" N asked confused.

"History! I have a test today and I didn't learn well! Oh nooooooooo, please help me!" Hyuk whined and looked desperately at N who laughed.

"Silly," he said and got up. "I'll help you. OKay?"

"THANK YOU, OH MY GOD!" Hyuk alsmost screamed and hugged N.




N had learned Hyuk a little bit about history in the time they had before they went to school. Not that Hyuk had learned more, but it helped.

Now he sat somewhere in the back of the class not ready for his test. But he didn't care. Also he was so nervous about what is going to happen next. He and N are going search around in the school, hoping to find the room with precious information. 

All right, he said to himself, lets take a look at the questions... 

He knew the first question actually, but right after that it went wrong. All kind of question marks popped up in his head.

, , , ! He began to curse himself. Why didn't he learn better than he did? What did N said about this question? I remember he said something... He frowned deep while staring to the questions. Ok, I don't remember. Let's go to the next one. With courage he went to the third question. Hmh, jep. This, is, hopeless! He wanted to mangle the paper and throw his pen at the teacher as if it was her fault that he didn't know anything. But all right, he went to the fourth question. Oh! But I know this! He wrote down what he remembered and then looked at what he wrote down. This can't be correct.... But he actually didn't care and went to fifth one and so on and so on.

Before the bell rang he had finished his test. Which was the worst one of the year. He wished he learned more because he couldn't use a F. 

He waited for N outside the classroom.

"Ah, Hyukkie," he heard N greet him. "Are you ready?" 

Hyuk nodded. "I think so..." 

N patted his shoulder. "I was your test?" 

They began to walk. Walk to the basement 'cause they thought that was the place where those things were. Or somewhere on an even harder place to get.

"Awful," Hyuk anwered on N's question. 

N grinned. "My little tutoring didn't help?"

"It did help. I was just too nervous and I'm bad at history. It's not your fault." Hyuk said. He was nervous as . His heart pounding in his chest. He wasn't one of those who always do 'badass' things, not that this was 'badass', but this prety bad for him.

They walked through the hallway. Step by step. Closer to their goal, closer to get caught, closer to do stupid things, closer to fail, closer to success... But they kept walking.

"I think we are here," N guessed as they saw a door which said: NOT FOR STUDENTS.

"This place seems abandoned," Hyuk concluded. "As if no one comes here." 

They walked to the door.

"Is it locked?" N asked and tried to open it, which it didn't. "Crap." 

Hyuk wanted to yel. Why didn't they think about that the door could be locked? They needed keys! Oh my god, this plan fails already.

N fumbled into his pocket and took out a hairpin. Hyuk was wrong. One of them did think about it. Of course N is much smarter than him.

"Don't look like you didn't think about this?" N teased and tried to open the door.

"How...How do you know how to do this?" Hyuk asked confused.

N grinned. "I'm not as goody-goody as you think." 

Hyuk frowned and began to wonder what N did when he had some spared time. Robbing banks? Hack things? Breaking into hauses? No, right? N wouldn't do such stuff.

After a few minutes, N had opened the door. The door made a wheezy sound when it went open.

"I think this place is abandoned," N said smiling.

Hyuk wondered how N looked so relaxed. I mean... Didn't he know what could happen? Maybe it looked abandoned so students wouldn't take a look in here. But... What was in here? It was a room fulled with darkness. Hyuk felt around on the wall, searching for a light switch. N found it first and light was comming into the room.

"Holy..." N said but didn't finish.

"...," Hyuk finishen his sentence.

It was large room. And with large, I mean LARGE. Oh my god. This place was so big, so long, so tall. And it was stuffed with all kind of cabinets. Cabinets with doors, drawers, valves. Also open cabinets with shelfs. Books fillng those shefles.

"This place is huge." N looked up and down the room. "Massive!" 

Hyuk sighed. He didn't expect it to be this big. He looked around with disgust. "This is going to take a long time," he said disappointed.

They both looked around in the huge labyrinth again. They were both so amazed. From the outside it looked like a tiny closet or something. Forgotten and left behind. And only gets used when there are new students. But this... This was a large room full with cabinets and . Full of books and papers. Full of information. Full of everything.

"Maybe this where they stock all the tests," N said and looked at Hyuk.

Hyuk looked back. "I don't think so. Maybe old tests. But that's not why we're here, remember?" 

N nodded. "Lets start searching then." 

Hyuk watched N walking forwards. He stopped by one of the cabinets, inspecting it before he turned to him.

"I think that there is a regularity in this," N said. "This closet says.." He turned around to the cabinet again and read what it said. "safety measures." 

Hyuk walked towards him. "Safety measures? And that one?" Hyuk walked over to the cabinet next to it. "regular rules." Ah, Hyuk got it. It was on alphabetical oreder. Well, that made it easier!

"So, we are looking for the students documents, right?" N asked.

Hyuk nodded. "We can look with different letters. A to Z. Sooooo, we can look by Student documents or just documents... Maybe pupil documents?"

N nodded understandingly. "I'll look here, by the S, you go look by the D?" 

"Okay," Hyuk said and looked right. No there he saw words with S and T, U, V and so on. So he looked left and saw words with R, Q, and so on. But it wasn't only left and right. No, it was also straight on, curves everywhere, and all kind of paths. Hyuk began to wonder if there was an end of this labyrinth. It looked infinite.

Hyuk looked at N again, whose head was in the cabinet. Then he turned around and walked into a random path. In his head he started to read the first letters of each word. L, L, L, L, L, K, K, K, K, I, I, I. He concluded that he wasn't close to the D so he walked past those cabinets, not giving it any attention. Until he saw, from the corners of his eyes, a word with the letter E. E!  he cheered in his head. And there you have the D. Finally. 

He stopped by the first cabinet. Dangerous stuff?  He asked. The hell? He wanted to open it, but rethought it. No, Hyuk. Don't. We are here to find information. He took back his hand and looked for the word: documents.

Which was useless. There were cabinets with 'documents' on it, but when he opened it, it was full of bull that didn't matter.

Hyuk sighed. "N!? Have you already find something!?" he yelled, hoping for an answer. But he didn't hear anything. "N!" He started to panic and left his cabinet he was searching in. "N!? Answer me!" He ran back, past all those cabinets. But before he knew it, he was back the cabinet he was the last time. Circels? I walked in circels? He looked at the cabinet he didn't close and slammed it. The drawer closed with a bang. But he didn't care. "N!?" He screamed again. He walked again, past the letters he walked past the firts time. All right, he tried to relax himself, don't freak out. Follow the words and you'll find N... But then he suddenly saw a word with the letter B. "What?" He asked himself. "But..." He looked back at the last word which started with the letter L. Where did he went wrong? He walked to that cabinet and stared to it. "You," he said to it. "Show me the way." Wait... What? What was he doing? Talking to a ing cabinet? Oh, ok, he's freaking out now. "N!?" He yelled again and looked behind him. "I'm lost! Where are you!?" 

All kinds of images from the movie of last night popped up. No, no, NO, he commanded himself. Don't think of that! But it was to late. He heard a crapy music, which totally wasn't there! Oh my god.... Puppies and rainbowss, think of puppies and rainbows! But it didn't help so he started to run again. Without a goal or something. Maybe he'll walk around for ages if he already didn't that. But the letters seemed to change. Then you saw an A and a second later you saw a Q. This was impossible.

Then he suddenly stopped. gasping for air. Oh my god, why was he such a . "N!" He tried again, but he heard no response. He sunk down against one of the cabinets. Regretting this plan. 

He tensed up when he heard a door slam. He straightened himself and looked around, terrified to see something scary. 

He stood up and began to walk again. Why? Because he wasn't exhausted enough.

Then he heard foot steps behind him and tensed up again. He didn't dare to turn around.

"Hyuk?" he heard someone say.

He turned around, suppressing a scream. "N!" He yelled and hugged his friend.

"Wow..." N said confused. "What happened?" 

"I think I have phobia for labyrinths or something. I freaked out! I don't know why actually..." Hyuk said and looked down.

N laughed. "Sorry if I scared you, but I found the cabinet we were looking for." N walked forward and Hyuk followed him.

"Did you already find a thing about Hya?" Hyuk asked.

N shook his head. "I didn't look. That is your task." 

Hyuk followed N until he hold still. He wondered how he found the way back without getting nervous about getting lost.

"Here it is," N said and stepped back. "Success." 

Hyuk looked at the cabinet they were. It wasn't a small one. No, not at all. There was a ladder next to it so you could search on the top. The row on the ground was the one with the letter A, then came B, and then C, and so on.

"I guess you should climb," N said grinning. "If you dare." 

Hyuk stombed his shoulder. "Of course I dare. I'm not a baby." 

"Says the one who freaks out in this black hole," N teased. 

"Shut up." Hyuk gripped a stair. "How long do we have until next class?" 

"fifteen minutes so I should go for it if I was you," N answered.

Hyuk nodded and climbed the ladder. Higher and higher. Forcing himself to not look down. F, G...H! He opened the drawer and looked in it. He saw labels with all kind of names. Hya... There is an Y as second letter, so lets look there... Hyuk thought and fully opened the drawer. 

He hated to look for that name. That ty name. The name he forgot, but got remebered to in a not positive way. For him at least.

"Can you find it?" N asked from the ground.

"I'm looking," Hyuk said back and wandered his hand trough the drawer. But... No! "I can't find it!" Hyuk said confused.

"How do you mean: I can not find it?" N asked, also confused.

"There isn't one from Hya. I mean, I see here names with the H and then the Y but no A then..." Hyuk looked down at N and cursed himself for doing that. Oh my god, he wasn't even far above the ground, but oh my god. He climbed down until he was back on the floor. "They don't have one of her." 

"Or she stole it. You'll never know," N said. "But, we aren't much wiser now." 

N walked away, back to the door.

"No!" Hyuk yelled. "There must be one of her!" 

"But we have to go to class..." N said and turned around to Hyuk. "There isn't one of Hya so we don't have another choice than go back and look for another way to get information." 

"No!" Hyuk said stubbornly. "I'll... I'll stay here until I find it!" 

"Hyuk..." N tried, but once Hyuk became stubborn he stayed it until he had what he wanted. "Ugh, fine. But if you get caught, then that's not my problem. Bye byeeee~" N said and walked away. 

Hyuk heard him go through the door. Ok, don't freak out again. It's just a freaking room. the cabinets don't change position. There aren't creepy musics. And no one is here... Hyuk tried before he would go crazy again. 

He looked at the cabinet. All right, buddy. You think I can't find Hya's document? Boy, you're wrong! I'll find it and show it to Hongbin. Letting him know how wrong he is about Hya. Hyuk wanted to laugh a evil laugh, but that would be so weird... Even though he was alone. 

He stepped back on the ladder. Climbing upwards to that drawer of the H. He opened it again. Maybe they restocked it wrong? He asked himself. Maybe they placed her document with the B? Or the P? With that thought, he looked by every letter. From A to Z. But did he find it? No. He didn't.

He climbed back down, all his hope faded away. When he stood on the ground he sighed. "I guess you have won, Hya," he wispered and turned around, suddenly facing Hya's smiling face.

"I won with what?" She asked.

Hyuk shuddered. "Eh... with nothing," he said cold.

Hya smiled wider and pulled out a bunch of papers from behind her back. "Looking for this?" she asked teasing.

Hyuk readed the label, which said: Hya. "You," he said with narrowed eyes. "How?" 

Hya fanned herself with the papers. "I'm smarter than you think, Hyuk. I already figured out what you were planning to do." She glanced at him. "You and your gay friends think that they can outsmart me?" She laughed. "You're kidding, right?" 

"Since when are you so homofobic?" Hyuk asked with disgust. He hated how she called his friends 'gay friends', but yeah,.. it was true though. 

Hya laughed harder. "Homofobic you ask? I've always been, Hyukkie. But you don't understand." She looked at the papers. "You want these, don't you?" 

"Yes," Hyuk admitted. 

"You can't have them," she said grinning. "And now I know you want them, I'm going to hide them as good as I can." 

"," Hyuk growled.

She turned around, walking to the door, while saying: "Don't try to find them. Because you won't." And then she left.

Hyuk's heart pounded like crazy. He was so angry! Why, how!? How did she knew that they wanted that document? Why did she stole them before he did? This wasn't fair!

He slammed his fist against one of the cabinets. He definitely failed and lost. He lost his hope and the information he needed. He hated her now for sure. He wanted her dead so bad. Maybe he'll push her in front of a train. or pushing her of a building. stabbing her to death. Pull her heart out her and then throwing it on the ground and then trample it. He'll cook it afterwards and eat it. Scratch her eyes out and do the same. Punch her in her uterus, so she can't have babies anymore. Then he'll rip out that as well and then he'll make a balloon out of it. Oh, and her stomach. What would he do with that? Mh... Oh! He'll wok it and feed it to the birds. Will birds like her stomach? I think not. But then He'll rip out her intestine and hang it up like garlands. Maybe he'll do something with her liver, kidneys, lungs and all her veins as well. 

But for now all he could do was hoping that something good happened. Something that didn't screw up. Maybe Hongbin will find out about Hya himself. Maybe Hya will cheat on him as well. Or not and then they'll live a happily ever after... Without Hyuk...




*pratically screams* I finally finished this and I'm so glad! 

I even frustrate myself with this ty story. I mean, whenever I write this I'm like: "Oh my god, what will happen next? Can we go faster to the part? Lets slow down, I don't want to go to the part. Oh my god, Hya's a ..." And I know I'm the writer and I can do whatever I want with this story, but ugh... I'm weird! :$ 

Okayyyy, till next time!!

btw, sorry for late update!!


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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect