
hopeless love

"Aaaand, we're in," N said as he opened the door of Hya's dorm with a hairpin. 

It was the next evening and Hyuk, N, Ravi, Leo and Ken were at Hya's dorm. They broke in and stood inside now. 

"It's empty," Ken said sighing. "What a relief."

Hyuk looked around. "Ok, lets search. I'll do her bedroom," he said and went for it.

"I'll do the kitchen!" Ravi called and walked to it. He chose the kitchen because there was food. He hoped at least.

"Then I'll do bathroom," Leo said and walked to that room, closing the door behind him.

"Shall we do the livingroom?" N asked Ken. 

Ken nodded. "But who does her roommates bedroom?" 

N thought. "I don't know, should I do it?" 

"No!" Ken said and rushed to the door of Hya's roommates room. "I'll do it. When someone walks in then I'm not the one dealing with that." He got inside and closed the door.

"Tsk," N said and began searching.

Okay, Hyuk thought when he was in Hya's room. Think as her. Where would I hide it if I was her..?  He looked around, looking for places where he could look. Her bed? Her closet? Her nightstand? Her desk? That chair there in the corner? Where should he start? 

Hlooked at what was the closest, which was het closet.

He opened it and saw many clothes. Dresses, jeans, sweatpants, sweatshirts, T-shirts, normal shirts, tops, shorts, socks, underwear, and so on. He remembered that, back when he had something with her, she always had much clothes. Too much clothes. And that didn't change. 

He pulled some out of the closet, avoiding her and stuff. You know, he even disliked women underwear. especially bras. He picked one up, with disgust, and looked at it. After that he shook his head and threw them behind him. Then he grapped one of her . What he actually didn't want, but curiosity took over him. He wondered how this could feel comfortable. They looked so small and... Yeah, just not what he wanted.

When her whole closet was empty and all her clothes laid behind him, he inspected the closet. Nope, not a thing. 

He looked behind him and sighed. He didn't want to fold all her clothes again, so he picked the pile up and threw it in the closet. He pressed the door close and put his hands at his sides. Done.

Then he walked to her bed. He threw the sheets of it, along with the pillows and other stuff that laid on it. He raised her matress and looked under it. No, no papers, documents, information or other stuff. Only a forgotten piece of clothing that he certainly didn't want to touch. He laid the matress back and inspected her pillows. He pulled of the fitted sheets, looking for any things that are needed. But he found nothing more than dust. He putted the fitted sheets back on and made the bed.

All right, let's go to her nightstand. He walked to it and opened the drawer. A bunch of papers showed up, but none of them were the right ones. He opended the little door next to it and looked inside it. He saw a picture and took it out. When he saw who were on the it, he threw it away as fast as he could.

"Why does she still have that?" He asked himself and looked with terror at the picture that laid on the ground with flashbacks comming into his head.




"Oh, Hyukkie," Hya said. "Lets take a photo together." 

Hyuk saw where his girlfriend was looking at. It was a smal hutch where you could take couple pictures. "Okay," he said enthusiastic.

They got inside, threw some money in it and posed for the photos.

First they both laughed at the camere, then Hya put an arm around Hyuk's shoulder. The third one, was the one that they gave each other a peck on the lips. 

Laughing they came out of it and took out their three photo's.

"Awh!" Hya called and looked at the third picutre. "This one is cute, Hyukkie~!" 

"Lets frame them when we are home, so we can hang them in our future hous!" Hyuk suggested happy.

Hya looked at him with a bright smile. "That's a wonderful idea!" And she gave him a kiss.




And the third picture was the one that now laid on the ground in front of Hyuk's feet, the side with Hya and Hyuk facing the ground.

"Why?" he asked it. But of course pictures don't talk. 

He wanted to fumble it and burn it. But it made him quite sad. They were so happy. So... happy.

Hyuk sighed and picked it up again and shook his head. He laid it back in the nightstand and looked in it for further information but is was empty.

Hyuk sighed and went to the next thing he wanted to inspect: her desk. It was messy, just like his head right now. But he had to focus. If he missed something than he would never find what he was looking for.

He ran his hand trough his hair and picked some stuff of the desk. 

"No," he said as he picked up a little bag and looked in it. "Nothing." He threw it behind him and grabbed a pen. He narrowed his eyes at it. "Nope. Also nothing." He threw that away as well and went further, picking everything up and inspected it all. Until her whole desk was empty. He sighed again. "Noooothing." 

He placed it all back and looked in the drawers. "Homework, homework, homework, ho- wait..." He grabbed out a paper that looked suspicious. In frustration he tattered it as he find out it was nothing. "God damnit," he cursed and continued looking. 

He slammed the last drawer he was looking in. " it," he said and gave up. But he couldn't give up. Not yet. 

He walked to the chair. Turned it upside down and looked at it. After that he threw it away and it hit the wall with a bang. He sighed and looked if he didn't break it, which he didn't.

He looked around for the last time. Looking carefully at every inch, but it was useless. So he concluded that her documents weren't in her room.

He took a deep breath and walked out. "Did you already find something?" he asked N who was still searching in the livingroom.

"Not really," he said and straightened himself. He was looking on the ground around the TV. "Only a moldy apple under the coutch and some lost papers that looked like homework or something." 

Hyuk wrinkled his nose and looked at Ravi who laid on the ground in the kitchen. "And you?" he asked as he stood beside him. "Have you find something?" 

Ravi stretched himself. "No, only food. Fooooood," He sat up. "I'm hungry~" he whined. "And done with this. Can we go eat somewhere?" 

"After we finish this," Hyuk said strickt. "I need to find those documents!" 

Ravi stood up and faced Hyuk. "Don't be so frustrated. It's not healthy for your blood preasure." 

Hyuk sighed and leaned against the refrigerator. "I know, but I can't help it." 

"Lets take a break then," N suggested.

"We can't," Hyuk said. "They can come back any minute and I don't want to get busted." 

"They can be here any minute!?" Ken yelled as he stormed out Hya's roommates room. "I'm gone." Rushed to the door and said something that sounded like: "Bye guys," before he slammed the door.

N and Ravi laughed.

"What a manly man," N said.

"Jup," Ravi agreed. "Lets get Leo out of the bathroom." 

Hyuk nodded and knocked the door. All though it was open... Maybe Leo sat on the toilet, you never know.

"Yes?" Leo asked as he came out. "Found something?" 

"No," Hyuk said and shook his head. "You neither I guess..." 

"Only some trash... Man, they should totally clean up their bathroom..." Leo walked over to the sink and washed his hands.

"Shall we look further another time?" Ravi nagged and grabbed N's arm. "Please~ It's getting dangerous staying here longer." 

N looked down at his lover. "He's right," he agreed with him and looked at Hyuk. "We can finish this another time." 

"I know..." Hyuk said soft.

"So, lets-" 

Suddenly they heard someone fumbling the doorknob, struggling to get it open.

"," Leo hissed and hid himself in the bathroom.

N and Ravi sprinted to the kitchen, hiding somewhere there.

Hyuk ran to Hya's room. Closing the door before he heard the people come in who wanted to come in.

"I had an amazing night," he heart someone say. "And you?" 

"Me too," he heard Hya's voice speak. "I wonder for how long Hyuk will handle this." 

Hyuk gulped and hid himself behind her closet. Not in it, that would be dangerous if she would open it and see Hyuk sit there. 'Eh... hello?' he heard himself say to her in his head. And then she would shriek.

"Yeah, me too." That had to be Hya's roommate. And to hear at her voice, it must be a too. "But you can't deny it, Hongbin is hot." 

They had a dubble date or something? Great...

"Yeah, okay. He is," Hya said. "But he's not what I want." 

"Why not?" Her roommate asked confused. "You saw how he looked at you." 

Hyuk's eyes grew wide. What? How did he look at her? In love? 

"Yes of course I saw that. The look he gives me is the same look Hyuk gives him." Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait, did Hyuk hear a tone of jealousy in her voice?

"Girl, who cares?" the other girl asked.

"Nobody." Hyuk had to do his best to hear what she said. "It's so funny to see Hyuk's face turn down as he sees me with his crush."  

Well, Hyuk had totally imagined that jealous tone, right? 

"Then lets torture him until he gives up," the other girl said happily.

give up what? Hyuk frowned. What could he give up? His love for Hongbin? he already gave up that... sort of. This Hongbin war? Never. His life maybe? No thanks. 

He looked up as he heard someone enter the room and his heart began to rage. Don't look here, don't look here, don't look here, oh god don't look here, he prayed.

He pressed himself against the wall, wanting to disappear in it. 

Hya went to bed and turned the room dark once she had done everything to go to bed.

Hyuk breathed shaky, not trying to make any noise. Until he was sure that Hya was fast asleep, he moved and looked at her.

You better stop breathing, . He grinned and walked away. If you're dead right now, then I'll never stop dancing. He gazed one more time at her before he entered the livingroom, which was also dark.




"Oh. My. God," Ravi said as they sat in his and N's dorm. "That was SO close!" 

"My heart was going crazy!" N called and placed his hand on it. "I still can hear it in my ears."

"You heard what they were talking about, Hyuk?" Leo aksed while looking at him.

Hyuk nodded. "I heard everything... Even on one moment I thought I heard jealousy..." 

"Me too," Ravi said.

So Hyuk wasn't the only one... He's getting confused. What the hell was going on?

"I told you that it was a dangerous plan!" Ken said and laid his head on Leo's shoulder. "You almost got caught!"

"But we did not," Leo said smiling.

Hyuk looked away. "I know," he mumbled. "I'll look again tomorrow, if I have the change..." 

"You sure?" N asked him.

Hyuk nodded. "I'll never give up. Even if I get caught, even if I get punishment, even... if I have to die. I'll do everything to get Hongbin." He stood up and looked at everyone. "This war is still not over..." He fisted his hand and hold one up. "For Hyukbin," he wispered.

"For Hyukbin," the rest said in unison on the same soft tone as Hyuk had done.




Two updates today! yippieeee............

I don't know what I'm going to do anymore. When I began to write this story I was like: This one is going to be only 8 or 9 chapters... But I don't know... I'm having new ideas non stop and... ugh.. I just don't know.

When I write, I listen music, sometimes music that downs me. So that's why some points in chapters are depressing... Or not and I'm just a bad writer :)

Till next timeee

Oh, and you guys are so bloodthirsty :o But full of amazing ideas... I'll probably use some :D

please subscribe. That makes my day just like the comments. Love it ♥


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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect