chapter 19

hopeless love

At Hyuk's dorm. He and Sungjae stood outside it.

Hyuk smiled shy at Sungjae, who smiled back at him with his beautiful, heartwarming smile that Hyuk could get used to. It made him trust Sungjae, he was trustable. And he liked him, maybe some more that he hoped. But he knew that Sungjae never could feel something back, could he?

"I had a fun day," Sungjae said smiling and leaned against the wall, while he waited for a response

"Yeah, me too," Hyuk said back, still shy smiling at the other. He also leaned against the wall, thinking to look relaxed.

"So, you don't mind me being your fake boyfriend?" Sungjae asked joking.

Hyuk shook his head. "You're best fake boyfriend I can imagine," he complimented the other and looked shy at the ground.

"Even after what Hya said... Not that I'll do anything like that to you. I know you love Hongbin and you belong to him, but she didn't scare you or anything?" Sungjae asked concerned as his smile faded away a bit, but it never fully disappeared. 

Hyuk looked up at him. That was sweet to say. Sungjae cared about him, he could say that and it was super nice and Hyuk was just so happy on that moment. "No," he said honest. "At first I was like: 'what the hell?', but I trust you." 

Sungjae smiled again and for a moment they stared at each other. Hyuk thought that Sungjae was about to get closer to kiss him, but in fact Sungjae backed off.

"I should go," Sungjae said and turned around. "Good luck. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" He asked over his shoulder.

"Yes," Hyuk nodded. "See you tomorrow." 

Sungjae smiled wider and waved goodbye, Hyuk did the same before he entered his dorm.

Hyuk sunk into the coutch. Sungjae was a sweet, lovable guy. And he wondered why he just didn't give Hongbin up, but he got his answer as he saw Hongbin walk in. He couldn't give him up. He was... Hongbin. dimples in his cheeks when he smiles, Hongbin. Black haired, Hongbin. Sweet, brown eyes that he had to look at every day, Hongbin. His once sweet friend that he couldn't get, Hongbin. Seduced by a , Hongbin. Where he had a crush on since the day they met, Hongbin. The-

"Do you love him?" Hongbin cut off his thoughts and sat next to him with crossed arms.

Hyuk looked away from him. "I... you mean Sungjae?" He asked, but he knew that Hongbin did mean Sungjae, he was damn sure about it. 

"Yes, who else?" Hongbin asked.

Hyuk expected that sentence to sound curt, but instead of that, it sounded soft and whispery. Or did  he make him jealous? "I..." Hyuk couldn't say that he loved Sungjae, becaue he didn't. Well, he thought he didn't... He hoped he didn't. But he would lie if he said that he felt nothing for him. and if he said he didn't love him, then Hongbin would question him why he was his boyfriend, which he actually wasn't... What the hell should he answer.

"It looks like it," Hongbin answered his own question. "I don't know why I asked it actually. I mean, why would you date someone that you don't love?" 

Hyuk was surprised that Hongbin started to talk to himself in his presence and he didn't sound happy or anything. 

"I don't like him," Hongbin confessed and looked at Hyuk, who still looked away from him. "He's so self-assured and just... he speaks for you and it just really annoys me!" 

Hyuk sighed. "And I don't like Hya and get frustrated everytime I see her, but do I complain? No. So just shut your mouth and stop complaining about Sungjae. He's a sweet guy and I like him, okay?" Hyuk said calm.

But Hongbin wasn't so calm anymore. Hyuk acted vague and detached. He wondered what was going on. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked concerned and confused.

Hyuk was also confused, but answered him. "No, you didn't. " Hya did, he finished in is head. You're not he one who does things wrong, sure you do some things wrong, but it's Hya's fault you do that. Hya's the one being resentful...

"Then why are you like this?" Hongbin asked, but Hyuk didn't have an answer.

He shrugged his shoulders and finally looked at his crush, meeting his skeptical eyes. "I'm sorry," he appologized.

"For what?" Hongbin asked with raisen eyebrows.

"For me being vague and making you confused. I guess... that's what love does..." he mumbled and laid down, pulling his knees up so he didn't touch Hongbin.

He heard Hongbin sigh and he felt him pick up legs to lay them on his. Hyuk put up his head to look at Hongbin with wide eyes. What the did he do? Hongbin just laid Hyuk's legs on his own... why?

"Don't be detached, Hyuk. Or else I'm going to miss you," Hongbin said sweet and smiled.

Hyuk's breath hitched. Had Hongbin any idea about how that sounded? But Hyuk didn't care, because he felt warm about the fact that Hongbin could miss him and that he sort of let Hyuk lie on him. "I won't," Hyuk said smiling while he blushed a little before he closed his eyes.

"tired?" Hongbin asked.

"Yes," Hyuk yawned. But no wonder that he was tired. It was a long day. A long fun day, even thought what happened. It was a fun day.

Hyuk fell asleep with his head on the coutch, and he legs on Hongbin's lap. Hongbin laid his hands in the back of Hyuk's knees.

I love you Hongbin, Hyuk said in his head to him, before his fully floated away in his dream world, where those endless questions couldn't get into.




"How was it?" Ken asked curious the next day as he, Hyuk, Sungjae and Leo sat in Ken and Leo's dorm. 

"Really fun," Hyuk answered courageously and smiled at Sungjae.

"Yeah it was," Sungjae agreed, smiling back at Hyuk.

"Awh!" Ken half yelled. "You look like a real couple! But you said Hongbin and Hya were there too. Did they see you?"

Slightly annoyed by Ken's fanboying, Sungjae answered him. "Yes, they did. Hya said something unpleasant when we were outside and Hongbin was really confused or something." 

"Was Hongbin jealous?" Leo asked and Sungjae looked with wide eyes at him as if it was the first time he heard the other speak. "Don't look at me like you never heard my voice," Leo warned.

"I don't know if Hongbin was jealous..." Hyuk said and looked from Ken to Leo. "Hya looked like she was..."

Ken raised his eyebrows. "Hya?" he asked confused. "Why should she be jealous?" 

Hyuk shrugged. He still had no idea.

"And what are you going to do now?" Leo asked, and again earning a shock face from Sungjae but he ignored it.

"Playing our boyfriend game further, I guess," Hyuk said in despair. "That's the only thing we can do..."

"And hoping that it'll work," Sungjae cheered him up.

Hyuk nodded. If it just goes right once. That's all Hyuk wanted. He wanted that it just didn't fail for once. Only once. It could make a whole difference between him and Hongbin, between him and Hya, between Hongbin and Hya. Then this stupid, weird love triangle would end. But Hyuk needed patience, all thought he didn't had that. He wanted it to be done as quikly as it could, but it wouldn't go as fast as Hyuk hoped and it couldn't.

"Of course it'll work!" Ken said excited, still believing that his, actually Leo's, plan couldn't fail.

But what if it doesn't? Hyuk asked himself in his head. He knew he asked that question over and over again, but it came back everytime they spoke about this whole thing. He was just so afraid of failing again. And then losing everything. From his hope, till his broken heart. From his patience, till Hongbin. From his will to get to know the answers on all his questions, till his live. Just everyting.

"You don't trust it, don't you?" Sungjae asked as he and Hyuk walked down the building on their way to a cafe nearby, getting something drink. 

"I wish I could say that I do trust it... But Hya keeps on countering it. By the way, Hongbin said to me that he would miss me if I detach myself from him..." Hyuk mumbled whispering.

"He did?" Sungjae asked smiling. "That's great! Maybe he is jealous, because I'm too handsome," Sungjae laughed and putted his hand behind his head, standing like a model.

Hyuk also laughed. "Of course not silly," he said and slapped the other jokingly. "I'm too handsome." Now also Hyuk putted his hand behind his head, posing in the same position as Sungjae. 

Sungjae was glad that he could brighten Hyuk's mood up, with his random silly actions. "Sure," he said sarcastically sarcastic. "You're too handsome? Pffft. Do you belief it yourself?" 

Hyuk now slapped Sungjae with more force, making him back off laughing. "I can't belief you said that! I'm prettier than you!" 

"Yes, you are pretty, but I'm handsome," Sungjae , earning another slap. 

Hyuk pushed Sungjae out of the building with force, causing the other to almost tumble over his own feet. "I'm more handsome that you, that better?" Hyuk asked.

"No," Sungjae giggled. "Because you're not," he teased.

"Sungjae," Hyuk whined and leaned against him as they walked again. "You think I'm ugly?"

"No. You are pretty," Sungjae still laughed.

Hyuk pushed himself away from Sungjae. "You're so mean!" he whined and walked further with two meters between him and Sungjae.

"Hyuk, I'm-" 

"Don't you dare to come closer," Hyuk cut him off warning, but he didn't really mean it.

Sungjae played along by putting his arm in front of him while he accelerated his pace, coming closer to Hyuk. "Come here prety boy," he teased as Hyuk ran away, squealing. 

"No! Go away!" he yelled and luckily there was no one on the streets or else it would be really awkward.

Soon Hyuk discovered that Sungjae could ran much faster than him and he stopped, causing the other to almost bump into him.

"Whoa," Sungjae said as he tried to avoid Hyuk. "Why did you stop running?" he gasped, trying to get his breath back.

"Because you're much faster that me," Hyuk pouted, also breathless.

Sungjae laughed. "Lets get some drink, shall we?" 

"Great idea," Hyuk agreed grinning and they walked further. 

When Sungjae and Hyuk were in the cafe, they ordered some coffee. They were thirsty and it was cold outside, so why not coffee? And luckily there weren't much people. They both didn't feel like wanting to have much people around them.

They sat at a round table in front of each other. Hyuk leanded on the palms of his hands, looking around, while Sungjae sat relaxed on his chair, observing Hyuk.

Hyuk caught him staring. "Do I have something on my face?" Hyuk teased as Sungjae turned his head away, trying to act like he didn't look at him.

"No," Sungjae laughed and looked at him again. "Your face is flawless."

Hyuk blushed. "Don't be so cheesy!" he cried and tried to hit the other, but he backed off laughing. "So damn cheesy." 

Sungjae chuckled, but soon it changed into a groan. "They don't leave you alone, do they?" he asked and nodded in the direction of Hya and Hongbin. Hongbin dragged Hya along with him, forcing her to walk to Sungjae and Hyuk. "Wondering what they want," Sungjae said to Hyuk before Hongbin and Hya reached them.

Hyuk was also a little annoyed and Sungjae was right. They didn't leave him alone and yes, what did they want? 

"Hya, Hongbin," Sungjae greeted them with a fake smile. "What are you doing here on this cold weather day?"

Hongbin pushed Hya forward so that she almost fell on the table. "She wants to ask you something, Hyuk," he said curt and looked at him. 

Hya sighed and looked begging at Hongbin.

"Come on," Hongbin pushed her.

Hya sighed again while she looked at Hyuk's confused face. "I'm giving a party next friday. An autumn party. Do you..." she stopped talking and acted like she was going to die. "Want. To. Come. Too?" she forced herself to ask it. "It's from eight till I have no idea and it's in my parents house. Hongbin will give you the adress."

Hyuk raised an eyebrow. "Okay." 

"See, it was not that hard to-" 

"But only if Sungjae can come too," Hyuk cut Hongbin off. He was definitely not going alone to that party. Hya sure was planning something to do to Hyuk. Like kissing with Hongbin in front of him or something like that.

Hongbin looked annoyed at Sungjae and sighed before he looked back at Hyuk. "Why?" 

Hyuk crossed his arms and repeated what he said.

"See, Hongbinnie, you don't want Sungjae to come too. Lets just leave those gays alone now and forget what we asked," Hya whined.

"Fine," Hongbin said to Hyuk, totally ignoring Hya's whines to not do it. 

"Great!" Sungjae said happy. "See you next friday! can't wait!"

Hongbin snorted and gave Sungjae an irritated look. "I'm happy you're excited," he said dry and dragged Hya back to the exit.

Sungjae looked with raisen eyebrows at Hyuk, who looked really confused back. "What the was that?" 

Hyuk shrugged his shoulders. "I think they envited us to Hya's party?" 

The waitress came and gave them their warm coffee.

"Did you saw Hongbin's face when you asked if I could come too?" Sungjae asked laughing. "He is jea-lous!" he said frisky and parted the world jealous in two.

Hyuk nodded. "You think so?" he smirked. "But you saw Hya's face too?" 

"She is jea-lous too!" Sungjae exclaimed happy and laughing.

With a raisen eyebrow, Hyuk took a sip of his coffee. "You think so?" He asked hesitantly. So, Hongbin and  Hya were jealous? What the hell ...  That couldn't be. That just was impossible. Hya hated him! Hya ing hated him! "She can't" 

"But it's true," Sungjae noted. "Can she be jealous?" 

"No," Hyuk immediately responded, but was it truly no? I mean, maybe she regretted that she cheated on him years ago. Maybe that's why she's back. Maybe that's why she had that picture. Maybe that's why she wanted Hongbin. Not to turn his life into a miserable failure, but to make him jealous and making him want her back. Well she succeeded in the first thing, but the second one? No, he only hated her more than he already did. "Yes?" he asked, changing his mind.

"Sure, she can be jealous," Sungjae agreed with him. "But she was the one cheating on you, right?" 

Hyuk nodded. "That's why I don't get it," he said and drank his coffee. 

Sungjae, who already had a empty cup, sighed. "So you say: you love Hongbin, Hongbin loves Hya, Hya loves you?" 

As response, Hyuk nodded again.

"And I'm here for..?" Sungjae asked not finishing his question.

"Me," Hyuk finished for him. "For me and for ending this stupid love triangle." 

"But does Hongbin love you too?" Sungjae asked.

Hyuk shrugged his shoulders. "Sometimes he's close and stuff and you said that he looked jealous, so I guess he is... A little..." 

"Complitcated," Sungjae concluded.

Hyuk smiled. He didn't know why, because Sungjae was right. This was ing complicated! And Hyuk still wondered if this would end sometime. And that he could have his Binnie and a happy life. And that Hya just disapeared and never came back.

But for now he just smiled as if there was nothing to worry about.




Hello! I think I should write to an end and that's what I'm going to do. :) But that also means that we're getting closer to the chapter :O

Yeah, not much to say... 

Oh sorry for the chapter name >.< I couldn't think of a good name...

Till next time!!










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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect