
hopeless love

I want you guys to know how sweet you are! I love all of you! ♥ Cheesiness takes over me...

Enjoy :D

Btw, it's really weird to write Sungjae x Hyuk for me, because I love HyukBin and PenJae... but yeah... :)






When Hyuk and Sungjae were in the cinema, it was fifteen minutes later. They got some snacks and soda and already settled themself in the room where their movie is going to be played. It was a thriller and Hyuk despartely hoped that it wasn't as scary as that night with his friends.

He and Sungjae sat somewhere in the back, where they had the optimum sound. They could hear everything clearly, but they were only playing advertisements, so it actually didn't really care.

"Is she beautiful?" Sungjae suddenly asked.

Hyuk frowned and thought about who he could mean. "What?" he asked confused.

Sungjae turned his head to Hyuk. "Hya. Is she beautiful?" 

Oh... "Eh..." He would lie if he said that she was ugly. All thought he didn't want it to be true, but she was quite good-looking. "Yeah... She actually is. But I don't see her beauty. She's a disfigured demon. People don't see it, but I do. I can see how she really is. A ..."

Sungjae grimaced as he saw images of her in his head. They were ugly, but okay. He knew that Hyuk meant her inner self.  "Why don't you tell Hongbin that?" he asked.

Hyuk sighed. "Becaue I can't. Everybody believes that she is the sweet, pretty girl. If I say: 'Hey guys, that Hya... She's a ,' then people would hate me instead of her. And I have nothing to prove them wrong." 

"Mh," Sungjae sighed and nodded. "Can you tell me more about you and her?" he asked, but to see on Hyuk's face, it was a wrong question. "You don-" 

"No," Hyuk cut him off. "It's okay. Since you're my 'boyfriend' now, we need to know more about each other, right?" 

Sungjae smiled his heartwarming smile and looked at Hyuk with curious eyes, waiting for him to begin his story. 

Slightly lost in the other's eyes, Hyuk began to tell his history with Hya. "It was a few years ago. Hya and I had something... I loved her and thought she loved me, but then I caught her making out with another guy. Then she changed schools. Why? I have no idea... But then she came back after all those years and hating me?" Hyuk asked with a high tone while he questioned it. "So she figured out that I liked or loved Hongbin, what I still do. She seduced him and took him from me. Now they are dating and when I was in Hya's dorm I found a picture of us where we kissed each other... I just don't get it, Sungjae. I don't know why she hates me, why she went away, why she cheated on me, why she is back, why she had that picture..." Hyuk sighed deeply after finishing those words. "I just don't know..." 

Sungjae looked at Hyuk with pity eyes as if he felt Hyuk's pain. "You're strong, Hyuk. Remember that. Because if I was you, I would have already killed her," he joked to fade the depressing mood away. 

Hyuk smiled. "Thank you, I guess." 

"It's good to know that you are not a crazy murderer or something," Sungjae joked further.

"I'm not. belief me," Hyuk said and smiled wider. "But how do you know Ken or Leo?" 

"I know them from a club, like I lied to Hongbin about you. It is actually pretty funny how we met," Sungjae answered laughing.

Hyuk looked expectingly at him.

"Oh yes, I need to tell you how." Sungjae facepalmed himself jokingly and went on. "I was in club, a little drunk... You know how those things go. It sure was one of the nights were I was really, really drunk. I don't remember anything of it. Ken and Leo told me, mostly Ken. Eh... let's see... Oh." He turned his whole body to Hyuk before he continued. "So I was drunk and bumped into them while they did things couples do. They got mad and pushed me away so I felt on the ground, rolling around from laughter. Tears filling my eyes and it wasn't even funny because Ken and Leo, especially Leo, were really mad! As if it was their first make out session or something. I tried to apologize, but it came out like: 'I-I-I-I aaaaaaaam sssorry-y,' while I laughed and hiccupped the whole time." 

Hyuk laughed at how Sungjae tried to act drunk. It looked really funny and cute.

Sungjae also laughed and continued. "Yeah... I tried to lift myself at people who were dancing there, which wasn't a good idea... And before I knew it, the manager threw me out. How embarrassing!" He almost died from laughter while he told his story.

Hyuk aslo laughed, but less loud than Sungjae.

"Really embarrassing, right?" Sungjae asked as he pulled himself together again.

Hyuk nodded. "And how did you met Ken and Leo exactly?"

"Oh, after the manager threw me out, they came after me. Ken thought I looked fun, but Leo was less excited about me. But yeah, when is Leo really excited?" he asked sarcastically.

"When he's with Ken," Hyuk answered his sarcastic question with a smile.

Sungjae got the message. "Riiiight," he said grinning. "Anyway, he asked my number..." Sungjae cupped his hand around Hyuk ear as he wispered the rest of the sentence in his ear. "...Where Leo got really jealous about." He backed off again. "And since then we hang out." 

Hyuk could still hear Sungjae's close whisper voice as if he whispered over and over again into his ear. What was going on? He didn't fall for Sungjae, didn't he? No! of course not... Right? Oh god, this is getting complicated. "That's a very interessting story," Hyuk said with a smile and leaned on his palm. This Sungjae guy did something with him.

After a few minutes, people came in. Lots and lots of people. Hyuk died as two too fimiliar persons walked in and he sunk in his chair.

"What's wrong?" Sungjae asked concerned and looked around to see what could be so scary to hide yourself.

Hyuk looked with wide eyes at the two humans. "No. Why do they have to come here exactly tonight?" he asked himself and turned to Sunjae. "There." He nodded his head to the persons. "Hya and Hongbin." 

Sungjae narrowed his eyes. "All right," he said and grimaced to them before he putted his arm around Hyuk as if it was the most common thing to do. "Don't worry. Just don't focus on them," he advised and smiled to Hyuk.

Hyuk slowly nodded and swallowed because of the skinship they had. He had the feeling that he should cuddle against him, but then it would look like as if they were real boyfriends and it would be weird. But ok, he could try it.

Cautious he leaned more against Sungjae and when the other did nothing to push him away, he leaned closer and closer until his head laid on his shoulder, but still nothing that pushed him away. All right, so Sungjae let him where he was... All right.

It was really tempting to have someone where you could comfort youself. It let Hyuk forget Hya and Hongbin who were somewhere in the front, until is eyes gazed to them. And to his surprise one of them looked in their direction. Not Hongbin, but Hya did.

Hyuk stiffened, but stayed where he was. He didn't back off from Sungjae, all thought he knew that Hya was an huge homofobic and she looked disgusted, but also another emotion was visibal on her face. One that Hyuk couldn't place, but it was recognizable... It was... Ugh. He didn't know, but he knew that face.

"Relax," Sungjae caressed his back. "She only looks our way. Who cares?" 

"She hates this," Hyuk said and looked up at Sungjae, who looked down at him. "She's an homofobic..." 

"Really?" Sungjae asked and looked at Hya.

"But how did you know that was her?" Hyuk asked curious.

"Because she sits next to Hongbin... So I guess that has to be her, or he has other girlfriends?" Sungjae said smiling a bit.

Hyuk saw that Hya tapped Hongbin's shoulder and now both of them looked their way.

"Oh god," Hyuk murmered and tried to hide behind Sungjae's shoulder, who laughed at the other's embarrasment. "Please kill me," Hyuk whispered totally serious.

"I won't kill you. I mean, Hongbin looks jealous," Sungjae said and slightly grabbed Hyuk chin, forcing him to look at his crush and his ex. "See? But what I don't get is... Hya hates you, right?"

Hyuk nodded, heat building up on the place where Sungjae held his chin.

"Then why she looks jealous too?" Sungjae asked confused and looked at Hyuk.

Yes! That's the emotion Hyuk couldn't place! Hya's jealousy! But... what? "J-jealous?" He looked at Hya with a raisen eyebrow. "I have no idea." 

Sungjae smirked. "You think we make them both jealous?" He asked playful as a joke. 

But Hyuk didn't took it as a joke. What if Sungjae was right? What if Hya was jealous too? But... She hated him! She took his Binnie from him! She couldn't be jealous. She shouldn't be jealous. This... Oh jesus... What was going on? 

"What if you're right?" Hyuk asked and looked up at Sungjae.

Sungjae's smiling mouth turned into a horizontal line. "Did you mean that?" 

"Yes," Hyuk answered earnest and looked at Hya and Hongbin again, who turned their faces to the screen. "You saw it yourself. Why else would she look like that?" 

"I was joking... about what I said..." Sungjae informed him, but Hyuk looked to serious about his statement. "You really think she-" 

A loud sound from the intro of the movie intterupted them. Lights dimmed and the room became dark.

"You really think she's jealous?" Sungjae asked again but this time he finished his sentence.

Hyuk shuggered his shoulders and leaned more against Sungjae. "I don't know... In these times, I just don't know anything. Everything is so weird..."

Sungjae putted his head on Hyuk's. "Maybe we can finish this conversation later. Let's now focus on the movie." 

Hyuk blushed as he felt Sungjae's head leaning against his, but luckily it was dark so nobody could see it. And he couldn't see Hongbin and Hya anymore, which was great. 

The movie began to play, but could Hyuk keep his attention to it? Nope. Like always he focussed on everything, except on the thing that he should focus on. Like, he focussed on the people in front of him that where chatting, or the person that filmed the movie to put in on the internet for people to download it, or the giggly schoolgirls that he didn't see, or Sungjae who hold him thight. Also his mind kept asking him why Hya looked jealous and if it was really jealousy. Well, it looked like jealousy, but that didn't make sense. It just didn't make sense!

Hyuk sighed and floated away in his question world that he hated. Every day, every hour, every time.... There came new questions in his world. Why this, why that? How this, how that? What this, what that? It was horrible. But could he stop it? No, he couldn't. He hoped that somebody could answer his questions, he hoped that he himself could figure out things, which seemed hopeless. Everytime he tried something... It just failed. Hyuk failed. He was a failure. Well... He wasn't a failure, but he kept on telling himself that he was it.

He looked up from his thoughts as someone grabbed his hand and queezed it slightly. 

"Don't think about it," Sungjae whispered and Hyuk really had to do his best to hear him.

All right, don't think about it. Don't think about stuff that you can't answer, Hyuk thought and looked at the screen. Don't think about Hya, nor Hongbin. Just focus on the movie. Focus on what happens on the screen. Focus on-

"Hyuk," Sungjae called him whispering. "I mean it. It's annoying." 

All thought it was dark, Hyuk could see Sungjae's smiling face. "Okay," he whispered back, this time he just didn't think.

"Did you like the movie?" Sungjae asked as he and Hyuk stood outside.

Hyuk nodded. "I liked it and thank you. Thank you for doing this." 

Sungjae patted his head. "You're welcome," he said smiling. His smile faded away as he saw two people walking to them. "Oh, there come Hongbin and Hya," he warned.

Hyuk sighed heartbreaking.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Hya asked as the reached them along with Hongbin.

"Hya, lets go," Hongbin tried, but Hya stayed where she was, between Hyuk and Sungjae.

"You finally found someone just as gay as you?" Hya asked them, totally ignoring Hongbin.

"What do you want?" Sungjae asked curt.

"I want you to be carefull with Hyuk if you him. He has never done it before, so his is probably very tight. Don't tear it in two," she gibed and looked at Sungjae with hostile eyes.

"Hya!" Sungjae and Hongbin said at once, while Hyuk's mouth flew open in disbelief from what she just said.

"What? Just being advisory here," she said grinning abominable, before she walked away.

"Oh my god, Hyuk... I'm so sorry for what just happened," Hongbin tried to appologize but got pushed away by Sungjae.

"Don't you see he's in total shock?" Sungjae asked calmly.

"Yeah, yeah," Hongbin said annoyed. "I just..." Hongb began but looked at the ground.

"You just..?" Sungjae asked curious.

Hongbin sighed and looked at Sungjae again. "Sorry." And he walked after his girlfriend. 

"Hyuk?" Sungjae asked and putted his hand on his shoulder. "Everything all right?" 

"You... did you hear what she said?" Hyuk asked shocked as he still stared at the place where Hya stood just a minute ago. "Did you hear it?" 

"Yes. She-" 

"She is nuts!" Hyuk cut him off half yelling. "Kooky! Kooky witch! How could she say that!? Had she any idea about how it sounded!? I just.. Oh my god.. I can't belief it!"

"Calm down, she didn't mean it," Sungjae tried, but he was damn sure that she meant it.

"Didn't mean it? Didn't mean it!? She's ing weird! Why would she say such thing without meaning it!?" Hyuk yelled unbelieving.

"Ssss." Sungjae tried to calm him down. "Don't care about it." 

"But it hurt," Hyuk said tormented.

"Hey, it's okay. It's going to be okay. Forget about it," Sungjae said soft and forced Hyuk to walk along with him back to their dorm.

Hyuk nodded, but didn't think it was okay. It wasn't okay! You don't say things like that in public. And the worst thing was that Hongbin heard it too! Oh my god. Hyuk never felt so embarrassed and vulnerable as now. That ing . What the hell did she think she was doing?

Sungjae was right, he was damn right about Hya being jealous. But is was not fair! Hongbin had to be jealous! Not that that he hated and who hated him! That... ugh... What the hell! Or maybe she was just so disgusted that she had to say such an offensive thing like that.

Totally confused, Hyuk walked beside Sungjae, back to their dorm.




okay! Weirdness, I don't know why, but I feel totally weird now... *sigh* 

I have the feeling that I'm creating a love triangle here. :)

Ugh... This is so...So.... I forget what I was about to say..oops.

Well, till next time! And remember: COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE :D

luv yaaa!




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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect