
hopeless love

Yay, Chappie 2! what a nice day...

It's scary that people read this, I they're watching you 0_o

Thank you, those few subcribers! It surprised me that people want to subribe to this :) So, thanks!

Let's startttttt ♥





okay, just ask... Just ask. That's all what Hyuk could think while he walked towards his shared dorm with Hongbin. His heart pounded like crazy and it didn't matter how much he tried to relax, he just couldn't. He was about to ask his crush out, but.... ugh... He didn't even know how!

As Hyuk entered his dorm, he found out that Hongbin wasn't there.

what a relief! He thought. Now he has time to prepare.

He took of his coat and walked to the mirror. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed deeply. "Hey, Hongbin, would you like to eat with me? Like... You know...Friends?" Hyuk asked to himself in the mirror. "Hi, Binnie- NO...Don't call him Binnie, that suspisious...Erm...Hi, Hongbin, would you like to have a date with me?" Hyuk facepalmed himself. Don't call it a freaking date!  Ok, ok, one more time... "Hi, Hongbin-"

"Hey," Hongbin suddenly replied.

Hyuk widened his eyes in suprise and faced his roommate. "H-how long have you bin here?" Hyuk ask terrified.

"Just a second ago," Hongbin said and took of his coat. "Why?"

"N-no, nothing..." Hyuk tried to smile, which failed. He was just so nervous! 

"Everything okay, Hyuk? You look like you have to poo," Hongbin said laughing while he placed himself on the coutch.

Hyuk laughed nervous. "Well, actually..." Just ask! Wait... First I'll ask him why he was so moody! Great idea, Hyuk, great idea. "Eh...Hongbin?"


"Did..Did I do something wrong?" Hyuk placed himself next to his crush.

Hongbin looked at him with a risen eyebrow. "No, why?"

Hyuk looked at his feet. "Y-you were so moody..."

"Hyukkie~" Hongbin put an arm around Hyuk's shoulder. "You've never done something. I'm just moody because of school, not because of you~"

Hyuk blushed ten shades of red. This was to much skinship! You have no idea what you do with Hyuk, Hongbin, you have no idea...

"So, you're not mad?" Hyuk asked shy.

"No." Hongbin patted his head. "I've never been."

"So, If you're not mad...Would you like to go to a restaurant with me?" I ASKED IT, OMO! 

Hyuk expected a overflow of disgust, aversion, horror, abhorrence and abomination (I did not use google translater............... I did >.<). He was afraid of Hongbin's reaction and immediately regretted that he asked him. He looked at Hongbins face to see what he thought and, surprisingly, he saw Hongbin smile.

"If that's what makes you happy, that sure! I'm starving by the way." Hongbin got up from the coutch and walked to the coat rack. "I'll text 'Navi' and 'Keo' to ask if they wanne come with us." He put on his coat.

Hyuk froze. H-he said sey! OH. MY. GOD. He said yes! wait... "N-no! Just us two..." 

Hongbin laughed. "That sounds like a date."

Hyuk gulped.

"Are you comming or what?" Hongbin asked as he walked to the door.

"Wait, like, now? You would like to go on a d- I mean, you wanne go to the restaurant now?" Hyuk asked and cursed himself that he almost said date.

"Yeah..? We could wait until... I don't know, but I'm hungry right now." Hongbin said and tossed Hyuk's coat to him.

"N-no, so where are we going?" Hyuk asked as he put on his coat.

"Well... It was your idea, so you choose," Hongbin said smiling.

Let him stop, Hyuk thought.




"Wow," Hongbin said as they walked into a very chic restaurant. "You have the money for this?" 

"Yeah..." Hyuk mumbled and remembered that Ravi and N gave him some money. His friends are so desperate to bring them together. Like he thought earlier: morons.

"This place is beautiful!" Hongbin said amazed.

Hyuk walked them to a table that wasn't occupied and sat down.

Hongbin still looked around. "This place was just...Ohmy... Just so beautiful!"

They sat across each other, in silence. But, this time, it wasn't an awkward silence. It was peaceful and Hyuk stared at Hongbin, who still looked around so didn't notice. Hyuk inspected every inch of Hongbin's face, is overly handsome face.

Would there be day that that face was his? a day that he could touch it? could taste it? it... How would it taste? sweet, like candy? Mmmh, Hyuk like that idea. His one and only candy that he would love to eat. He also would love to toy with Hongbin's body. His perfect body... He would love to hear Hongbin scream his name as he did something to him. Something delicious... Mmmh, and Hyuk would love to pant Hongbin's name if he did something to him. Yes...Pleaseeee. and-

"What are you thinking about?" Hongbin suddenly asked.

Hyuk startled out of his naughty thoughts and discovered that he was still staring at Hongbin while biting his lower lip. . "Just something... magnificent." 

Hongbin leaned on his arms and leaned forward. "I would like to hear that 'magnificent' thing."

to close! Hyuk yelled in his head and leaned back. "Eh.." He blushed. No way that he is going to say what he thought. Hongbin would ran away, embarressed. "J- just the food here, it's magnificent..." ...and with food I mean you. And with magnificent I also mean you.

And then a waiteress came and they ordered food.

"It must be very magnificent if I had to beliefe your face when you stared at me," Hongbin said when she went away, still not realesing that subject.

"You have no idea," Hyuk said, while he looked away from Hongbin. 

He heard Hongbin slightly laugh and he got goosebumps. What if he suspected it? What if he knows? 

"Oh, and sorry once again for me being so moody. I just hate school," Hongbin apologized again.

"It's alright, although, I was scared. I thought you didn't like me anymore!" Hyuk pouted.

"Ofcourse not! I'll always like you. No matter what!" Hongbin said and placed his hand on Hyuk's.

Hyuk was shoked and wanted to pull his hand away, but happily rethought it. Hongbin was touching him, with his hand, but he was touching him! suddenly he heard what Hongbin said, he 'liked' him. No matter what. does that mean...NO, don't be stupid. He meant it just as friends! 

They looked at each other for a moment. It only lasted 2 secends, but for Hyuk it lasted, at least, 2 hours.

The waiteress came back, with the food, after a few minutes. "Here you go," she said as she placed the plates on the table.

"Thank you," Hongbin and Hyuk thanked.

Hongbin sniffed his food and made a 'mmmmmmmh' sound, which made Hyuk's body drown in a pool of desire. "If it tastes just as good as it smells than I would eat here more often. Oh, never mind. I don't have the money for that. Nah, then I'm going to steal it!" Hongbin said lauging.

Hyuk laughed along with him. It wasn't even funny, but he coulnd't help it. Hongbin just looks so cute when he laughs.

"HOLY ," Hongbin said with a mouth full of food. "This tastes god! Ohmyyyy~"

Hyuk also ate and agreed with him. "this sure tastes good!" 






"Okay, I ran out of words," Hyuk said laughing.

"Me too," Hongbin agreed and ate again.

And again, Hyuk stared at Hongbin, while he, himself, tried to eat. He kept staring at Hongbing's mouth. Food going in, got chewed and then swallowed. Why, Hyuk. Why do you get by the way Hongbin eats!?

Hyuk led his food to his mouth, but before it reached its destiny, it felt on the plate again. Hyuk didn't notice and kept staring at Hongbin with open mouth.

Hongbin waved his hand in front of Hyuk's face. "Earth to Hyukkie," he said and poked his nose while making a 'boop' sound.

Hyukkie. Hyukkie. Hyukkie... that word kept on repeating itself in Hyuk's head. and that poke. Oh my gosh...

"Man, are you feeling ill or something?" Hongbin asked laughing. "You keep on staring at me!"

"I- I did?" ofcourse you did you dork. 

"Where are you with you thoughts?" Hongbin asked, suddenly serious.

"In 'thought-land'," Hyuk replied joking. well, this is awkward.

Hongbin narrowed his eyes. "Suuuure~ You can tell me what's bothering you. I wont judge."

I just love you. I just do since we met. The very first time. All I want is kiss you, seduce you. But yeah, don't mind me... Just being hopelessly in love with a guy that just had to be you. Hyuk said sarcastically in his head.

"Is it still because I was moody?" Hongbin asked anxious.

"No..." Hyuk said, "not at all." Ugh, why couldn't he just shut his mouth!

"Not at all?" Hongbin said fake shocked and placed his hands on his heart. "Then what?"

"I..Eh...I have to pee!" Hyuk almost yelled and got up. "excuse me." 

Hongbin looked confused as Hyuk walked away. "Dafuq?"

I can't handle this! Hyuk thought and walked to the restroom and got in one of those little toilet rooms. As soon as he was in, he reached for his phone and called Ravi.

"Yes?" he heard and it was definitely not Ravi.

"N?" Hyuk asked

"Hyukkie! Where are you? You weren't at your dorm and...Wait...Oh my god...You're on your date with Hongbin now!?" N fangirled.

"How is it going!?" He heard Ravi yell in the background.

"Actually pretty good..." Hyuk said hesitantly.

"...but..?" N asked.

"But...I don't know! I just keep on having y thoughts and stare at Hongbin! It's so emberrassing! He caught me twice while I was staring..and..." Hyuk sighed.. "I- It's just so awkward.."

"Some one is in loovee~" Ravi sing songed.

"Shut up, Ravi," Hyuk said annoyed. "Please, help."

"What did you guys talk about?" N asked.

"How delicious the food is and that Hongbin was And then, before I ran away, we talked about my thoughts..." Hyuk explained.

"You told im you want to him!?" Ravi yelled excited.

"RAVI!" Both Hyuk and N yelled.

"No, he asked what I was thinking about... And I ran away. I'm so stupid!" Hyuk complained and leaned against the wall.

"Then go back," N suggested.

"Go back?" Hyuk asked. "And then?"

"Tell him you want to him," Ravi teased.

Hyuk heard N smack Ravi and Ravi whined.

"If you're not going to help me, I'm going to call Ken and Leo!" Hyuk threatened.

"Ash, I won't do that," N said.

"Why not?" Hyuk asked still annoyed.

"Because they are 'busy'," Ravi said with a laugh in his voice.

"Damn, Ravi, could you stop talking about ?" N asked annoyed.

"No~ Not as long as we-"

"Hello? I'm right here," Hyuk cut Ravi off before he cound end his sentence.

"Ravi is right about Leo and Ken, though," N said. "But that's not what we're talking about."

It sounded as if that sentince was meant for Ravi instead of Hyuk.

"Just go back and make the best of it... IhavetogonowRaviisdoingsomethingincredibleybye!" 

N stopped their conversation.

Hyuk sighed. His stupid, , friends.

But he couldn't blame them. He was pretty jealous. BUT, this definitely didn't help.

"Hyuk? Are you here?" He heard Hongbin ask.

"Y-yes, right here. Just let me finish," he said. 

"Hurry, before your food gets cold," Hongbin said and went away.

Hyuk walked out of his little room and looked in the mirror. Just make the best of it!  He cheered himself and walked back to the table they were sitting on.

Hongbin already finished his food. "Finally! I thought you were dying!" He joked.

Hyuk suddenly realised that Ravi and N had and Leo and Ken also... Well, Ravi said they were 'busy'.

"Wow," Hongbin said with wide eyes. "From where that face of disgust?"

"I talked to N and Ravi. They said Leo and Ken had and before the call ended N said something that sounded like he and Ravi also have , right now and I jsut imagined how it would look like." Oh, damn... Why did he said this? 

For a second Hongbin looked also disgust but after that he laughed. "Where is the little innocent Hyukkie that was here a few minutes ago?"

"What? I didn't think about it on purpose! Hell no! It just popped up..." 

Hyuk ate again while he saw Hongbin's eyes narrow.

"Wait..." Hongbin said and leaned his head on his hand. "you said you talked to N and Ravi. Were they there?"

Oh . "No... I called them," Hyuk said softly.

"Why?" Hongbin asked smiling.

"I wanted to know how they were doing," he lied.

"We're on a date and you worry about those two love-birds? awh, that's sweet," Hongbin said on a sweet tone.

Hyuk's eyes widened as he heard Hongbin say those words. Date... He really thought it is a date. "Yeah, I'm just sweet."

"You are~" 

Hyuk heart was about to explode. What was this? Did Hongbin like him in a 'friends' way or in a 'love' way? And since when is he so flirty?

After a half hour, they finnished and Hyuk payed.




"Thank you for this amazing night," Hongbin said as they sat on their coutch again. "The food was delicious!"

Hyuk laughed. "No problem." 

" we could do this more often. If you like..."

Holy crap. Hongbin looked so cute right now! "Sure! If that is what makes you happy." 

Hongbin laughed.  "Sounds familiar."

Hyuk winked at him. Wow, since when could he wink had him without thinking it over and over again? 

"Goodnight, Hyukkie~" Hongbin sing songed as he walked to his room.

"Night, Binnie," Hyuk said and he heart Hongbin snigger.





*Dances because finnished this chapter*


For a moment I thought I never had the chance to upload it today 'cause...Oh my... I kept writing and had a writers block nonstop! D: But I kept going.

And please please please comment! You guys are so quiet! :)

By the way...You see that subcribe butten there? Yeah, there? Click it and some magical stuff will happen! No, just kidding. But I'll appreciate it if you clicked it :3

And now, ladies and gentleman, I have to go. I'll update tomorrow if I have the chance and if not I'll upload a day after tomorrow!

Hope you liked it... yeah...

asdfghjkl, I just love Hyukbin! ♥ 


Oh, and sorry for the mistakes. Sometimes I write to fast and then I'll forget some words and some letters and...ugh... that's just how my brain works.

okokok, now really bye~






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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect