
hopeless love

Finally, finally, finally: HyukBin!! ♥ OMG, what have we waited long, what have we waited long, so why not putting a little HyukBin kiss in it... Shall we? Wahaha! :D

(BTW, sorry it's a little short)





When Hyuk woke up the next morning, he laid in his own comfortable bed, instead of that hard stone. He hadn't a shirt on, but the jeans he weared yesterday were still on the same place. He wondered who brought him here and when he flipped himself over, he got his answer.

Hongbin sat on the edge of his bed, gazing at him with a questioning look.

Hyuk was a little scared of that look. Hongbin was totally going to ask alot, but Hyuk was ready for it. He wanted to answer them all.

But instead of a rivir full of questions, Hongbin lowered himself and hugged Hyuk tight, who heated up by the sudden hug. 

"You scared me last night," Hongbin said against Hyuk shoulder, causing him to shiver.

Hyuk hugged Hongbin back, before the elder pulled away and looked at him with frightened eyes. "Why?" Hyuk asked.

"I couldn't find you and I saw Hya in tears... I thought she killed you or something," the other responded deadly serious.

Hyuk laughed softly at how silly that sounded.

"Sungjae and I looked for you and found you in the forest. What the hell did you do there?" Hongbin asked, still frightened about what he thought what happened.

"I..." Hyuk stammered but didn't really know what to say. Was this the time he was going to confess his love for Hongbin... Or was that to fast.

Hongbin blushed and looked away from Hyuk. "You don't have to say anything," he said smiling and turned his head back to the younger. "Sungjae has told me everything and I kind of heard to talk with Hya." 

Hyuk's eyes widened. So... Now he knew... Oh stupid Sungjae! why did you do that! But Hyuk actually wasn't mad about it. "I..." he stammered again and looked hopeless away.

"Is it true?" Hongbin asked, putting his hand on Hyuk leg a little to high and Hyuk almost gulped by the touch so close to his pride.

He blushed and sighed, letting his eyes find Hongbin's again. "Yes," he confessed. "But you have Hya and You are not gay and-" 

"Hyuk, stop," Hongbin cut him off. "I don't have Hya anymore."

Hyuk looked surprised at him. "B-but, you don't look sad about it..." he said. I mean, if someone breaks up with you than you have to be down, right? Well, not if you didn't really love that person... But Hongbin looked like he loved her...

Hongbin smiled slightly. "That's because my love faded away... I kind of...," he said hestitantly and blushed. "Started to feel something for you," he whispered.

YES! Hyuk didn't fail at making jealous! Or maybe it wasn't the jealous plan that made him love him... Maybe he was just attracted to Hyuk, because he was Hyuk... He didn't know. But what did it matter? He felt something for him!

"You do..?" Hyuk asked and he couldn't help but smile like crazy.

Hongbin nodded, also smiling. "And I don't have to worry about you and Sungjae, since you two weren't really in love," he teased and laughed at the other's shocked reaction.

, did Sungjae tell him everything or something? "Oh..." Hyuk said and laughed softly. "You know about that..." He felt really embarrassed right then. But it was embarrassing.

"I actually think it's kinda sweet," Hongbin acknowledged and blushed. "I mean, you do everything to get me loving you..." 

Hyuk blushed brighter and it got to hot underneath the blankets he laid under, but there was nothing to do about it. Hongbin just said that he thought it was sweet that Hyuk tried anything to get him. So Hyuk couldn't help it that his body started to heat up.

"It must have been horrible to see me with Hya," Hongbin went on and looked with pity in his eyes at the younger. 

Hyuk nodded slowly. He did not want to be remind of it... It was one of the worst times of his lives, so please, Hongin, let it behind.

And that's what Hongbin did. "But that plan of you and Sungjae-"

"It was actually Ken and Leo's plan," Hyuk corrected him, which he didn't know why.

Hongbin smiled. "You seriously did everything, didn't you?" he asked and lowered himself to hug him again.

With wide eyes Hyuk accepted the second hug. "Yes..." he said soft.

Hongbin sat straight again and looked into the other's eyes. "And it was all to get me," he concluded and blushed. "So... And now?" 

Like Hyuk knew the answer on that question? Yeah, what were they going to do now? Hongbin knew that Hyuk loved him, al thought he never said it to him, and Hyuk knew that Hongbin felt something back... But was that also love?

Hyuk doubted asking that, afraid of getting rejected. But he didn't really have another choice, had he? "Do you... like me...hate me... d-" 

"You got me jealous with Sungjae, does that mean I love you?" Hongbin cut him off asking.

Like Hyuk knew the answer on that too? How did he know if jealousy meant love? Well, of course it doesn't mean love, but if you see someone with someone and you get jealous about them together because you like one of them... Does that mean you love them? 

Hyuk shrugged his shoulders, still lying in his bed, and looked away.

"I mean, that I was jealous does mean something, right?" Hongbin asked, trying to look in the younger's eyes. 

Hyuk didn't know and still didn't look at the other.

Hongbin sighed and grabbed Hyuk's hand, succeeding in getting his attention back. "I don't know how to say this..." Hongbin atmitted, because... of course he knew if he did or did not love Hyuk... He just didn't know to tell him that. "After I hooked up with Hya, you started to act different... Like your heart was ripped out or something..."

True, Hyuk thought. It definitely feeled like that.

"You started to act detached," Hongbin went on. "And sulky... I didn't really know why, until I saw the look in your eyes when I told you about... You know... what Hya and I did together..." He told and blushed. "It was jealousy." 

So... He saw that? But didn't do anything about it... great, Hongbin. Very nice of you.

"I started to wonder why you could be jealous. I also got the answer on that when I got to know you hated Hya, so you had to be jealous because she had me..." Hongbin continued and looked out the window. "You wanted me..." he whispered before he looked back at Hyuk, who stared at him the whole time. "And then you started to act more vague... Oh... and then came Sungjae. Oh my gosh, fist I was like... I don't know... Okay with it. But then you... and him... I don't know! I kind of saw how handsome you actually are and how much you care about people. How you treated Sungjae... I was like... I need that. It was like I met you all over again." Hongbin voice trailed off after every word he spoke. Confessing like this wasn't what he hoped it would be. Hyuk only stared at him and that scared him. Did he say something wrong? 

Hyuk sighed and sat up, getting closer to Hongbin. "What are you trying to say?" he asked.

Hongbin smiled and blushed. "Isn't that obvious?" he questioned. "I do love you, Hyuk. All thought it took me a long time to finally realise that... I'm sorry."

Hyuk wanted to scream. He was so, so happy about what Hongbin said. He loved him back! Oh my god! But did that mean that... "...And now?" Hyuk asked. Did this mean that they were together?

"Now this," Hongbin replied and laid his hand on the other's cheek, forcing him closer before he pressed his own lips on his.

Holy , holy , holy ! Was all Hyuk could think. But he was right... Holy ! 

Without hesitating, he kissed him back with so much emotions that Hongbin almost couldn't handle it, but he stayed strong and pulled Hyuk closer.

Hongbin never expected that he would ever kiss his best friend or even a boy, nor did he know that he loved him so much... And, oh my god, he enjoyed it more than he would ever be able to say. Hyuk tasted like no other girl he had ever kissed tasted: manly but cute and lovable and sweet and just everything he needed. Why didn't he do this before?

Hyuk had the same feeling. Hongbin tasted just as sweet as he smelled and feeled and oh gosh... He couldn't explain it. He was so deep in thoughts that he almost shrieked as he felt that Hongbin his lower lip, asking for an entrance, which he gave without any kind of hestating and enjoyed the elders warm tongue in his mouth... which also scared him a little, but he didn't care and played along with the game the other wanted to play with his tongue.

If it was possible, Hongbin would have smiled. Hyuk let him kiss him so easely... He must have waited for this for a long time, Hongbin concluded, so why not give him what he wanted and what he wanted himself too?

But of course Hongbin won the game they played with their tongues, but it wasn't really a sloppy kiss. It was more like: Oh-my-god-I-love-you-so-much-love-me-back-kiss. And they liked it.

Hyuk pulled back, needing some air and followed the trail of saliva, that connected their lips, with his eyes and chuckled. He then looked at Hongbin, who also smiled.

"I guess that this had showed you that I actually love you too, Hyuk," Hongbin said and trailed his fingers down Hyuk's torso, looking hungry at it.

"I don't know what you have in mind, dirty boy, but lets not go so fast," Hyuk teased and grabbed Hongbin's hands to place it on the blanket, next to his body.

Hongin pouted. "Tsk, defending your ity?" he asked and put his hands on his sides.

Hyuk jumped out of his bed. "Oh I'm sorry," he said sarcastically, searching for his shirt. When he found it, he put it on. "It's not my fault that the guy I love felt for a that didn't love him at all," Hyuk said and laughed as he felt Hongbin back hugged him.

"Please," Hongbin begged, laying his head on the younger's shoulder. "I'm sorry." 

Hyuk chuckled and kissed Hongbin's cheek. "I already forgave you," he said and pried himself out of the other's hold and walked out the room, ready to make some breakfast and letting 'dirty minded' Hongbin behind in his room.

Seems like this hopeless love finally became like it was meant to be.




The end, the end, the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend!! pradabaedasgaraeginfaodvagfasdflj *dances because of finally HyukBin* (btw, Hongbin, you're such a player. break up with Hya and the next day hooking up with Hyuk).

So, guys, that was it for this story :)

Lol, jk, I promised a chapter, didn't I? So that's what you get! But it won't be uploaded tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or the day after that, or the day after that, or-

No, stop it. I don't know when I'll upload it... When I think it's good enough... Jep, I'm going to judge myself so bad D; Just because it'll be my first chapter ever.... EVER. Sorry, I'm just nervous >.< *crying*

It probably is going to be very, very embarrassing and bad... So don't expect much from it please! And it's just like I imagine Hongbin and Hyuk have (totally ert here)... You know... not rough and stuff (man, that sounds wrong) instead of that... It'll probably be fluffy..? (OMG, what am I saying?!) 

Thank you for all the support and comments and upvotes and views and I love you all so so sosososososo much! Wraaaaaaah :0 *Kisses everybody who reads this* *also bowing just because that's formal and I have a flexible back* *having really dirty and naughty thoughts about the next chapter*

Lets just say that I kinda freak out here, in the kitchen of the house I live in, while my little sister watches pewdiepie. Stromae - Formidable plays on the radio and I sing along with it since I can speak French (:3), While I am eating all kinds of fastfood and think about and only... btw, some people are so brave by making their first fanfic a rated M fanfic... And here am I, totally regretting my whole plan. I'm so afraid of failing... mehmehmeeeh

Kill me.

So... See you later! cheers on the next chapter! The last chapter!







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Chapter 23: I really loved it and at some parts I was (low-key rotting for team sungjae) also do not tell hongbin I said this!!!! This story just kept on making me laugh I loved it a lot sad that it is over tho. But I honestly loved this a lot can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Chapter 17: I am so happy that sungjae is playing his fake boyfriend I love them to together.
crimsonrosesxo #3
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
crimsonrosesxo #4
Chapter 23: What a great story aw !! For english not being your first language, you sure have a gift for writing and languages in general. This has been one of my fav writings, tysm !
Chapter 23: So cuTEE adfasdfdsfasd
Chapter 23: Awesome job! I loved reading this :D thank you for writing!
Chapter 23: rereading becus good stories are good:)
KJM_Hallyu #8
Chapter 6: Ugh ... Hya that . I just want to slap her for hurting my Hyukkie -_- my poor baby :'(
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 23: Great Story!!! I wished I found this earlier... I blushed so hard while reading this last chapter~~~
Kpopfanfan_elf #10
Chapter 23: Re-reading this cuz is perfect